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This website publishes administrative rules on their effective dates, as designated by the adopting state agencies, colleges, and universities.

Chapter 5120:1-3 | Adult Parole Authority Licensed Facilities

Rule 5120:1-3-01 | Contracting and payment reimbursement for offenders placed in halfway houses.

(A) General policy

The department of rehabilitation and correction ("department"), through the division of parole and community services ("division"), may enter into the contracts for the housing of specific classes of eligible offenders through licensed public and private facilities (hereinafter "licensed facility" or "facilities").

(1) Such licensed facilities shall comply with all relevant standards of the federal, state and local building, fire, health and safety authorities, including but not limited to sections 109.23 to 109.33 of the Revised Code.

(2) Any licensed facility contracting with the division is required to maintain accurate financial records in a manner consistent with generally accepted accounting principles and procedures that are available upon reasonable notice for inspection and audit by representatives of the division and that disclose the amounts of all income received by the licensed facility and the sources thereof, and the amounts and purposes of all expenditures of the licensed facility. Additionally, each licensed facility contracting with the division will provide the division with copies of a complete annual audit report of its financial activities prepared by a reputable certified public accountant licensed by the state of Ohio and any other financial data as requested by the division.

(B) Purpose and applicability

This rule sets forth standards for determining the allowable costs of licensed facilities contracting with the division of parole and community services. The standards are for the purpose of cost determination and are not intended to identify the circumstances or indicate the extent of state participation in the financing of any one program. No provision for profit or other increment above the cost is intended.

(C) Basic criteria for allowable costs be under an agency program :

(1) Be necessary and reasonable for proper and efficient administration of the agency program and be allowable thereto under these rules.

(2) Be authorized or permissible under state or local laws or regulations.

(3) Conform to any limitations or exclusions set forth in these rules, federal or state laws, or other governing limitations as to types or amounts of cost items.

(4) Be accorded consistent treatment through application of generally accepted accounting principles appropriate to the circumstances.

(D) Allowable costs

(1) Accounting. The cost of establishing and maintaining accounting and other information systems required for the management of agency programs is allowable.

(2) Advertising. Advertising media include newspapers, magazines, radio and television programs, direct mail, trade papers and the like when used solely for:

(a) Recruitment of personnel required for the agency program.

(b) Solicitation of bids for the procurement of goods and services required.

(c) Other purposes specifically provided for in the agency contract.

(d) Cost of solicitation mailing for the purpose of raising funds.

(3) Audit service. The cost of audits necessary for the administration and management of functions related to agency programs is allowable.

(4) Bonding. Costs of premiums on bonds covering employees who handle agency funds are allowable.

(5) Communications. Costs incurred for telephone calls or services, internet services, telegraph and postage are allowable.

(6) Compensation for personal services.

(a) General. Compensation for personal services includes all remuneration, paid currently or accrued, for services rendered during the period of performance under the agency contract.

(b) Payroll and distribution of time. Amounts charged to agency programs for personal services, regardless of whether treated as direct or indirect cost, will be based on payrolls documented and approved in accordance with generally accepted practice of the state or local agency.

(7) Depreciation

(a) Agencies may be compensated for the use of buildings, capital improvements and equipment through depreciations. The computation of depreciation will be based on acquisition cost. Where actual cost records have not been maintained, a reasonable estimate of the original acquisition cost may be used in the computation. In addition, the computation will exclude the cost of land. Depreciation on idle facilities is not allowable.

(b) Agencies are responsible for maintaining adequate property records and any generally accepted method of computing depreciation may be used. However, the method of computing depreciation will be consistently applied for any specific asset or class of assets.

(c) No depreciation may be allowed on any assets that would be considered as fully depreciated.

(8) Employee fringe benefits. Cost identified under paragraphs (D)(8)(a) and (D)(8)(b) of this rule are allowable to the extent that total compensation for employees is reasonable as stated in paragraph (D)(6) of this rule.

(a) Employee benefits in the form of regular compensation paid to employees during periods of authorized absences from the job, such as for annual leave, sick leave, court leave, military leave and the like if they are provided pursuant to an approved leave system and the cost thereof is equitably allocated to all related activities.

(b) Employee benefits in the form of employer's contribution of expenses for social security, employee's life and health insurance plans, unemployment insurance coverage, worker's compensation insurance, pension plans, severance pay and the like, provided such benefits are granted under approved plans.

(9) Legal expenses. The cost of legal expenses required in the administration of agency programs is allowable.

(10) Maintenance and repair. Costs incurred for necessary maintenance, repair, or upkeep of property which neither add to the permanent value of the property nor appreciably prolong its intended life, but keep it in an efficient operating condition are allowable.

(11) Materials and supplies. The cost of materials and supplies necessary to carry out the agency program is allowable.

(12) Organizational memberships, subscriptions and professional activities.

(a) Memberships. The cost of memberships of the licensed facility in civic, business, technical and professional organizations is allowable provided that:

(i) The benefit from the membership is related to the agency program;

(ii) The expenditure is for agency membership:

(iii) The cost of the membership is reasonably related to the value of the services or benefits received; and

(iv) The expenditure is not for membership in an organization, which devotes a substantial part of its activities to influencing legislation.

(b) Reference material. The cost of books, subscriptions to civic, business, professional and technical periodicals is allowable when related to the agency program.

(c) Meetings and conferences. Cost are allowable when the primary purpose of the meeting is the dissemination of technical information relating to the agency program.

(13) Payroll preparation. The cost of preparing payrolls and maintaining necessary related wage records is allowable.

(14) Printing and reproductions. Costs for printing and reproduction services necessary for agency administration, including but not limited to forms, reports, manuals and informational literature are allowable.

(15) Taxes. Taxes which the agency is legally required to pay are allowable.

(16) Training and education. The cost of in-service training customarily provided for employee development which directly or indirectly benefit agency programs and offenders is allowable.

(17) Transportation. Costs incurred for freight, cartage, express, postage and other transportation costs relating either to goods purchased, delivered, or moved from one location to another is allowable.

(18) Travel. Travel costs are allowable for expenses or transportation, lodging, subsistence and related items incurred by employees who are in travel status on official business incident to the agency program.

(19) Accreditation cost. Accreditation cost is allowable in the year and for the amount vouchered. Accreditation costs are only allowable on a three-year basis.

(20) Costs incurred to satisfy minimum standards of the Prison Rape Elimination Act (PREA), 42 United States Code Chapter 147, effective September 4, 2003.

(E) Costs allowable with approval of the Ohio department of rehabilitation and correction. Under this paragraph, "approval" means written approval received from the division of parole and community services prior to incurring any of the following costs:

(1) Building space and related facilities. The cost of space in privately or publicly owned buildings used for the benefit of the agency program is allowable subject to the conditions set forth below. The total cost of space, whether in a privately or publicly owned building, will not exceed the rental cost of comparable space and facilities in a privately owned building in the same locality.

(a) Rental cost. The rental cost of space in a privately owned building is allowable when specifically approved.

(b) Maintenance and operation. The costs of utilities, insurance, security, janitorial services, elevator service, upkeep of grounds, normal repairs and alteration and the like; are allowable to the extent they are not otherwise included in rental or other charges for space when specifically approved.

(c) Occupancy of space under rental purchase or a lease with option to purchase agreement. The cost of space procured under such arrangement is allowable when specifically approved.

(2) Insurance and indemnification.

(a) Contributions to a reserve for a self-insurance program approved by the department of rehabilitation and correction are allowable to the extent that the type of coverage, extent of coverage, and the rates and premiums would have been purchased to cover the risks.

(b) Actual losses which could have been covered by permissible insurance (through an approved self-insurance program or otherwise) are unallowable. However, costs incurred because of losses not covered under nominal deductible insurance coverage provided in keeping with sound management practice, and minor by insurance, such as losses not covered spoilage, breakage, and disappearance of small hand tools which occur in the ordinary course of business are allowable.

(3) Professional services. Cost of professional services rendered by individuals or organizations not a part of the licensed facility is allowable provided such costs are reasonable. All such costs are subject to approval by the division of parole and community services.

(4) Interest. Reasonable interest on borrowing, however represented, is allowable when specifically approved.

(F) Unallowable costs.

(1) Bad debts. Any losses arising from uncollectable accounts and other claims and related costs, are unallowable.

(2) Contingencies. Contributions to a contingency reserve or any similar provision for unforeseen events are unallowable.

(3) Contributions and donations are unallowable.

(4) Entertainment. Costs of amusements, social activities, and incidental costs relating thereto, such as for meals, beverages, lodging, rental transportation, and gratuities, are unallowable when they are directly for the benefit of employees of the agency.

(5) Fines and penalties. Costs resulting from violations of federal, state, or local laws or regulations, are unallowable.

(6) Expansion and development. Reserves for future expansion and development are unallowable.

(7) Rearrangement and alteration. Costs incurred for rearrangement and alteration of facilities that materially increase the value or useful life of the facilities are unallowable.

(8) Acquisition cost of all depreciable assets are unallowable.

(9) Costs for managing federal grants are unallowable.

(10) Mortgage payments which accrue to the principal are unallowable.

(11) All costs related to the administration and provision of services to other than eligible offenders are unallowable.

(12) If a licensed facility receives subsidy funds under section 5149.30 to 5149.37 of the Revised Code, the costs related to those funds are unallowable.

(13) The licensed facility's cost for residential services shall be reduced by the amount of the subsidies received under sections 5149.30 to 5149.37 of the Revised Code if such subsidies are used to offset residential costs.

(14) Individual membership dues are unallowable as provided in section 9.65 of the Revised Code.

(15) Legal expenses arising from the initiation, prosecution or appeal of any civil action filed against the state of Ohio, the department or any of its employees are unallowable.

(16) Compensation paid by the licensed facility to members of its board of directors or other governing body are unallowable.

(G) Compensation for services

The department will compensate the halfway house or licensed facility for the performance of services as set forth in the contract and applicable contract exhibits. In determining future compensation adjustments, the halfway house or licensed facility will submit an annual report of all allowable costs/expenses that will be considered by the bureau of community sanctions.

(H) Contracts

(1) The division of parole and community services may enter into written contracts with licensed facilities to provide services to eligible offenders. Such contracts will provide for the method of payment by the department to the licensed facility.

(2) The execution of a written contract between the division of parole and community services and a licensed facility stating specifically the obligations of each party is a condition precedent to any obligation upon the department to make any payment to the licensed facility for any services rendered to an eligible offender by the licensed facility.

(3) As a condition precedent to the execution of any contract pursuant to paragraph (H)(1) of this rule the board of trustees or other governing body of each licensed facility will submit to the division of parole and community services a document designating the person who is empowered to enter into contracts on behalf of such licensed facility, and by whose signature such board of trustees or other governing body agrees to be bound.

(4) Contract negotiation materials for state financial assistance to establish, maintain, and operate a licensed facility will be submitted to the division of parole and community services. These materials will contain proposed budget expenditures for the total cost of operating the licensed facility for one year. Licensed facilities agree to operate the program as outlined in the submitted contract negotiation materials.

(I) Payment procedure

Based on the report submitted each month by the licensed facility, the department will pay the approved services per the contract terms.

(J) General requirements

(1) The licensed facility will require each offender to execute a document giving the employees of the licensed facility and the adult parole authority permission to dispose of the offender's property in the event of death or arrest or otherwise specifying what the licensed facility or the adult parole authority should do with the property in such event.

(2) The document executed under paragraph (J)(1) of this rule will authorize the licensed facility and the adult parole authority to dispose of an offender's property in any manner that the facility and authority consider appropriate if the offender absconds supervision for longer than fourteen consecutive calendar days.

Last updated July 1, 2024 at 4:30 PM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 2967.26, 2967.14, 5120.01
Amplifies: 2967.14, 2967.26
Five Year Review Date: 1/17/2029
Prior Effective Dates: 9/4/1984, 7/1/1996, 12/15/2010, 3/28/2011
Rule 5120:1-3-02 | Licensing requirements for a halfway house or community residential center as a licensed facility.

(A) The division of parole and community services is charged with the inspection, supervision and licensing of halfway houses or other licensed facilities.

(B) The division of parole and community services conducts annual on-site inspections of halfway houses or other licensed facilities under contract with the division for the purpose of conducting an audit or site inspection of the facility. Such audits or site inspection are scheduled in advance with written notice to the person in charge of the halfway house or other licensed facility.

(C) During the inspection, auditors employed by the division of parole and community services shall have full access to all areas of a halfway house or other licensed facility and to all records, including electronically stored record or data, relating to the operation of the facility, including offender files.

(D) The auditors employed by the division of parole and community services ascertain compliance with performance based and/or program specific standards.

(1) Within forty-five calendar days after an audit or a site inspection, the division of parole and community services will prepare a written report of the results that describes and include a summary of any findings of noncompliance. The report will be sent to the person in charge of the halfway house or other licensed facility.

(2) In addition to the appeal rights granted under section 119.12 of the Revised Code, the division of parole and community services will allow licensed halfway house and community residential center managers to administratively appeal adverse decisions regarding licensure of the halfway house or other licensed facility. The appeal procedure is as follows:

(a) The licensed facility will be provided with a written report detailing the particulars of such failures or deficiencies

(b) The licensed facility has the right to an administrative appeal during the forty-five calendar day period following receipt of the written report, at which time evidence can be submitted to rebut, clarify, or correct particulars detailed in the written report.

(c) The division of parole and community services requires the licensed facility to correct these deficiencies within forty-five calendar days from notification or to submit an acceptable plan and timetable to remedy these areas.

(3) An appeal of an adverse decision pursuant to paragraph (D)(2) of this rule does not affect the authority of the division of parole and community services to terminate a contract with a facility at any time pursuant to the terms of the contract.

(4) The scope of the administrative appeal authorized under paragraph (D)(2) of this rule is limited to reviewing an adverse decision on licensure and does not include challenging a decision by the division of parole and community services to terminate a contract with a licensed facility pursuant to the contract's terms or any other purpose.

(E) For halfway houses and other facilities to be licensed, they must comply with the performance-based and program specific standards as required by the Administrative Code or have plans to remedy deficiencies as approved by the division of parole and community services.

(F) The public or private entity operating a licensed facility will be a legal entity or a part of a legal entity according to the provisions of Chapter 1702. of the Revised Code. The agency will maintain a copy of the following items:

(1) Articles of incorporation or constitution;

(2) By-laws;

(3) Federal tax identification number;

(4) Federal tax exemption number;

(5) A current list of the board of directors, their occupations, and their addresses.

Last updated July 1, 2024 at 4:31 PM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 2967.26, 2967.14, 5120.01
Amplifies: 2967.14, 2967.26
Five Year Review Date: 1/17/2029
Prior Effective Dates: 12/15/2010
Rule 5120:1-3-03 | Inspection process.

(A) For facilities currently licensed, the agency director shall be notified when the program review and site visit will be conducted. Such notification shall be made no less than thirty days prior to the license's expiration date.

(B) For new facilities, notification shall be made after a preliminary self-reporting form has been received and evaluated.

(C) Once at the licensed facility, the team conducting the program review or site visit shall meet with the center director to explain the criteria that will be used in the program review or site visit, the reason(s) for the program review or site visit and any other relevant matter.

(D) The division of parole and community services may conduct unannounced site visits any time after formal licensing has been granted. Should the division of parole and community services conduct unannounced site visits, the notification requirement in paragraph (A) of this rule does not apply.

(E) The agency director shall make himself/herself available in the event the program review or site visit team has any questions or needs additional information.

(F) In order for a halfway house, community residential center, or community transitional housing program to be eligible for licensure and state assistance, the agency must have operated a facility for at least one year prior to making application for a license.

Last updated April 8, 2021 at 12:26 PM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 5120.01, 2967.14, 2967.26
Amplifies: 2967.14, 2967.26
Five Year Review Date: 1/15/2026
Prior Effective Dates: 4/1/1982
Rule 5120:1-3-05 | Glossary of terms.

As used in rules 5120:1-3-01 to 5120:1-3-18 of the Administrative Code, the following terms have the following meanings:

(A) "Agency director": A person designated by the board of trustees or other governing body of the licensed facility as the principal executive officer of a community correctional center or other licensed facility.

(B) "Agency program": Those activities and operations of the licensed facility that are necessary to carry out the purpose of the licensed facility.

(C) "Appointing authority": The deputy director of the division of parole and community services.

(D) "Audit report": A report prepared by a certified public accountant of an agency's fiscal activities, including, but not limited to, costs, income, and expenditures.

(E) "Licensed": The formal acknowledgment by the division of parole and community services that a halfway house, community residential center, or similar facility operates a licensed facility.

(F) "Licensing agency": The division of parole and community services vested with statutory and administrative authority to establish standards for halfway houses and other community residential centers and to determine whether an applicant halfway house meets those standards and therefore qualifies as a licensed facility.

(G) "Costs": As determined on a cash, accrual, or other basis as meeting the test of generally accepted accounting principles by the division of parole and community services, the amount paid for the operation of the licensed facility.

(H) "Documentation": The formal, official records of transactions and events for the purpose of verification and public accountability.

(I) "Eligible offender": Adult felony offenders actively supervised by the adult parole authority, supervised by common pleas court probation staff, required by a court to seek treatment in lieu of conviction and actively supervised by a common pleas court probation department, or offenders released from a department of rehabilitation and correction penal institution. Eligible offenders do not include federal offenders, municipal offenders, or offenders supervised or released by the Ohio department of youth services.

(J) "Facility": The actual physical setting in which a program or agency functions.

(K) "Governing authority": That entity within an agency that has responsibility and authority to set policies and procedures.

(L) "Audit or site inspection team": Individuals employed by the division of parole and community services and/or other private or governmental entity personnel who have a contract agreement with the licensed facility. The audit or site inspection team shall be comprised of bureau of community sanction staff and/or other individuals, as approved by the assistant chief of community residential services.

(M) "Institution": Any penal institution operated directly by the department of rehabilitation and correction or by a public or private agency in contract with the department of rehabilitation and correction that is used for the custody, care, or treatment of criminal offenders.

(N) "Manday": Each twenty-four hour period an eligible offender is in a licensed facility.

(O) "Offender": Any individual under the supervision of the adult parole authority, under the supervision of a common pleas court, or incarcerated in a department of rehabilitation and correction institution.

(P) "Licensed facility": Includes, but is not limited to, halfway houses, community residential centers, and similar facilities that have been licensed by the division of parole and community services to house eligible offenders.

(Q) "Program director": The person responsible for the day-to-day operations of a licensed facility.

(R) "Supervising authority": The entity designated to provide supervision to offenders.

(S) "Unusual incident": Any event having internal or external ramifications or news media interest of sufficient seriousness to warrant immediate attention. Such incidents include, but are not limited to, fires, assaults, property loss or damage, and events of an apparently criminal nature.

(T) "Adult parole authority (APA)": That section of the division of parole and community services that includes field services, the parole board, and interstate compact.

(U) "Bureau of community sanctions": That bureau in the division of parole and community services that includes oversight and funding of community-based correctional facilities, community corrections act programs, halfway house programs, and other community residential centers.

(V) "Division of parole and community services (DPCS)": That division of the department of rehabilitation and correction that includes the adult parole authority, the bureau of community sanctions, the parole board, and the office of victim services.

(W) "Halfway house": A facility licensed by the department of rehabilitation and correction under section 2967.14 of the Revised Code as a suitable facility for the care and treatment of adult offenders.

Last updated March 24, 2023 at 11:23 AM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 5120.01, 2967.14, 2967.26
Amplifies: 2967.14, 2967.26
Five Year Review Date: 1/15/2026
Prior Effective Dates: 12/20/1996
Rule 5120:1-3-06 | Halfway house licensing standards.

(A) The department of rehabilitation and correction licenses halfway houses funded through the bureau of community sanctions that comply with performance-based and program specific standards for halfway houses funded as determined by the bureau of community sanctions. In accordance with applicable department policy, compliance will be determined by the bureau through an annual or bi-annual program review with site visits in the intervening years intended to monitor program progress toward compliance with program recommendations. Unannounced site visits may be conducted.

(B) In addition to establishing minimum operating expectations, bureau of community sanctions performance-based standards serve as a guide to the programs to implement effective evidence-based community corrective practices.

Last updated July 1, 2024 at 4:32 PM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 2967.26, 2967.14, 5120.01
Amplifies: 2967.14, 2967.26
Five Year Review Date: 1/17/2029
Prior Effective Dates: 7/1/2002
Rule 5120:1-3-07 | Independent housing licensing standards.

The department of rehabilitation and correction will establish program specific standards for licensed facilities funded through the bureau of community sanctions. In accordance with applicable department policy, compliance will be determined by the bureau through an annual or bi-annual program review with site visits in the intervening years intended to monitor program progress toward compliance with program view recommendations. Unannounced site visits may be conducted at any time.

Last updated July 1, 2024 at 4:32 PM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 2967.26, 2967.14, 5120.01
Amplifies: 2967.14, 2967.26
Five Year Review Date: 1/17/2029
Prior Effective Dates: 7/1/2002
Rule 5120:1-3-08 | Halfway house community control admission standards.

(A) As used in this rule:

(1) "Community control offender" means an offender sentenced directly to a halfway house under a community control sanction or placed in a halfway house as an additional sanction imposed by the court upon the offender after the offender violates a condition of community control.

(2) "Ohio risk assessment system" means the single validated risk assessment tool identified in rule 5120-13-01 of the Administrative Code.

(3) "Community control revocation" means an entry journalized by a juvenile court, municipal court, county court, county municipal court, or court of common pleas in response to an offender's violation of a condition of community control and through which the court imposes a longer time under the same sanction, imposes a more restrictive sanction, or imposes a period of incarceration in response to the violation.

(B) This rule, including, but not limited to, the admission criteria identified in paragraphs (C)(1) to (C)(2) of this rule, applies only with respect to community control offenders. This rule does not apply to offenders in halfway houses as part of the department of rehabilitation and correction's transitional control program, community-based substance use disorder treatment program, or as a condition of supervision imposed by the department as part of an offender's parole or post-release control.

(C) Subject to paragraphs (D) and (E) of this rule, a halfway house that receives funding from the department of rehabilitation and correction shall be used as a residential community sanction only for those community control offenders who satisfy one or more of the following admission criteria:

(1) The offender's risk level, as assessed using the Ohio risk assessment system, is high or moderate;

(2) The most serious offense for which the offender was sentenced is a felony of the first degree or a felony of the second degree;

(D) The contract entered into between the department of rehabilitation and correction and the halfway house may identify an acceptable percentage of community control offenders placed in the halfway house during each quarter of the contract period that do not satisfy any of the admission criteria specified in paragraphs (C)(1) to (C)(4) of this rule. This percentage shall be hereinafter referred to as the "halfway house deviation cap." The halfway house deviation cap identified in any contract shall not exceed twenty per cent of the total number of community control offenders admitted to the halfway house during each quarter of the contract period. In establishing the halfway house deviation cap, the department shall consider the availability of outpatient criminogenic programming in the jurisdiction or jurisdictions served by the facility. The contract shall specify the amount by which the funding provided by the department to the halfway house will be reduced in accordance with paragraph (D) of this rule if the halfway house deviation cap is exceeded as described in that paragraph.

The commitment of the following community control offenders to a halfway house shall not count against the halfway house deviation cap:

(1) Offenders receiving non-residential services provided by the halfway house, which are funded in whole or in part by the department. Each contract shall identify the specific non-residential services that do not count against the halfway house deviation cap under this paragraph.

(2) Offenders committed to a halfway house as a condition of judicial release under section 2929.20 or 2967.19 of the Revised Code.

(3) Female offenders whose initial or overridden risk level is low-moderate, as assessed using the Ohio risk assessment system, and who are committed to the facility for programming that is directed at specific, targeted populations. Such low-moderate female offenders include, but are not limited to, those convicted of domestic violence, sexually oriented offenses, failure to pay child support, or those who have a substance-related addictive disorder diagnosis from a licensed clinical professional within the past twelve months, or a current criminal conviction or probation violation involving the use or possession of opiates, alcohol, or other drugs.

(E) At the conclusion of every third month in the contract period, the department shall measure compliance with any halfway house deviation cap established in the contract. In measuring that compliance, the department shall determine the percentage of the total number of offenders committed to the halfway house during the preceding three months who do not satisfy any of the admission criteria specified in paragraph (C) of this rule nor fall within one of the categories of offender excluded from the halfway house deviation cap under paragraphs (D)(1) to (D)(3) of this rule. If that percentage exceeds the halfway house deviation cap in two consecutive quarters, the department shall promptly inform the facility that two more consecutive quarters of exceeding the halfway house deviation cap will result in a reduction in the funding provided to the halfway house. In the event that the halfway house thereafter exceeds the halfway house deviation cap for two more consecutive quarters, funding shall be reduced as prescribed in the contract.

Last updated January 15, 2025 at 3:28 PM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 5120.01, 2967.14
Amplifies: 2967.14
Five Year Review Date: 1/15/2025
Rule 5120:1-3-18 | Application process for program planner of halfway house construction projects.

(A) This rule establishes the minimum eligibility requirements and procedures for a "halfway house organization" as defined in section 5120.102 of the Revised Code, to apply for program planning funds for a halfway house facility as defined in section 5120.102 of the Revised Code, constructed by the department of rehabilitation and correction, in accordance with sections 5120.102 to 5120.105 of the Revised Code.

(B) If such funds are available, the department will engage in the competitive selection process for program planning of halfway house facility construction projects by eligible halfway house organizations. Program planner applicants will be required to respond in accordance with instruction and timelines described in the competitive selection process.

(C) The division of parole and community services shall review and recommend approval of competitively selected applicants to the department director based on, but not limited to, the following selection criteria:

(1) The program planner applicant has a site and/or owns a building that is under consideration with the department as a result of the halfway house organization responding to the department's request for proposals to site and build a halfway house facility in accordance with rule 5120-5-12 of the Administrative Code;

(2) Applicant has experience planning, building, operating and managing a halfway house facility;

(3) Applicant has the ability to develop programs and implement services which respond to the department's location priorities and target population;

(4) Applicant has knowledge and or experience working with community leadership within the sites designated by the department.

(5) Number of personnel and amount of time that will be devoted to the project; and

(6) The ability to operate once construction is completed based on, but not limited to, the following criteria:

(a) Organization's financial stability;

(b) Experience operating a facility;

(c) Number of days required to activate the program upon completion of the construction; and

(d) The cost of operation within the contract period.

The division's recommendation shall be within the available capital funding.

(D) If the applicant is approved, the director, through the division of parole and community services, may enter into a program planning contract with a halfway house organization which will establish terms and procedures for the planning of a halfway house facility.

Last updated March 24, 2023 at 11:23 AM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By:
Five Year Review Date: