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This website publishes administrative rules on their effective dates, as designated by the adopting state agencies, colleges, and universities.

Chapter 5120:1-12 | Twelve-Hour Facilities

Rule 5120:1-12-01 | Reception and release.

Each twelve-hour jail facility, as defined in paragraph (A)(3) of rule 5120:1-7-02 of the Administrative Code, shall adhere to following standards regarding the reception and release of prisoners , implement policies and procedures, and produce documentation that evidences compliance with the following standards:

(A) (Important) All prisoners are legally committed to the jail.

(B) (Important) The arresting, transporting or committing officer is identified by name and department.

(C) (Important) A booking and identification record is made of every commitment that includes the following information:

(1) Time and date of commitment;

(2) Name and alias;

(3) Official charge or charges;

(4) Authority for commitment;

(5) Date of birth of prisoner;

(6) Sex of prisoner;

(7) Race of prisoner;

(8) Height and weight of prisoner;

(9) Marital status of prisoner;

(10) Home address and telephone number of prisoner;

(11) Spouse, next of kin, or person to notify in case of an emergency;

(12) Social security number;

(13) Identifying characteristics (scars, or marks.)

(D) (Important) Prisoners are identified by photograph and/or identification bracelet during reception.

(E) (Important) Arrested persons are provided access to telephones.

(F) (Essential) A preliminary health screening is completed by health-trained personnel on all prisoners upon reception and prior to being placed in general population.

(G) (Essential) Prisoners with signs of untreated injury are not be admitted prior to examination and/or treatment by qualified health care personnel.

(H) (Essential) Unconscious prisoners are not be admitted without the written approval of a physician.

(I) (Important) Prisoners are searched and all unauthorized items will be confiscated. Confiscated items shall be listed in an inventory by objective description and secured.

(1) Money or any form of money is confiscated, counted in the prisoner's presence and secured.

(2) The prisoner's signature is affixed to the completed inventory. If the signature can not be obtained, the inventory will be witnessed by another staff person.

(J) (Important) The jail will develop and implement policies and procedures governing strip searches and body cavity searches during reception in consultation with the county prosecutor, city attorney or law director consistent with section 2933.32 of the Revised Code.

(K) (Important) The jail will develop, implement, maintain, and update as necessary a set of generally applicable prisoner rules. A staff member or translator will assist the prisoner in understanding the prisoner rules if there is a literacy or language problem. The jail will maintain signed acknowledgments from each prisoner admitted that the rules were received by, and/or explained to them.

(L) (Important) During reception, male and female prisoners are not to be placed in the same cell or unsupervised areas together.

(M) (Important) Juveniles are not to be held in jails except under rare circumstances, if at all. Every effort will be made to ensure that juveniles are held in jails for the minimum amount of time necessary. Processing and reception of juvenile prisoners shall be consistent with sections 2151.311 and 2151.312 of the Revised Code. Further, juveniles will be accepted only under the following circumstances:

(1) Under court order;

(2) When all other alternative placements, including local juvenile detention center placement, have been considered and rejected; and

(3) After the jail provides the juvenile court with information regarding the conditions under which the youth will be held in the adult jail and the jail's ability to comply with the juvenile specific standards, including paragraph (A)(12) of rule 5120:1-9-01, paragraph (B)(4) of rule 5120:1-8-02, and paragraph (K) of rule 5120:1-8-04 of the Administrative Code.

(N) (Important) Prisoners identification and release documentation will be verified.

(O) (Important) Upon a prisoner's release to another agency, the jail will document the following information:

(1) The identity of the receiving officer and the agency;

(2) The time and date of the release;

(3) The authority for the release

(P) (Important) Upon a prisoner's release or transfer, the jail shall obtain a receipt for all property returned at the time of release or transfer from the prisoner, or the receiving officer, as appropriate.

Last updated May 14, 2024 at 8:45 AM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 5120.01, 5120.10
Amplifies: 5120.10
Five Year Review Date: 1/11/2029
Prior Effective Dates: 9/21/1998
Rule 5120:1-12-03 | Security.

(A) Each twelve-hour facility shall maintain the following minimum standards in regard to security of the facility.

(1) (Essential) An established security perimeter.

(2) (Essential) A secure booking and release area.

(3) (Essential) Temporary weapons storage lockers or other secure storage at each point of entrance to the jail's security perimeter.

(4) (Essential) If installed, closed circuit televisions that are operational and preclude the monitoring of shower, toilet and clothing exchange areas.

(5) (Essential) A two-way communications system between central control, staffed posts and prisoner occupied areas. Prisoners are able to initiate communication with staffed posts.

(6) (Essential) Equipment necessary to maintain utilities, communications, security and fire protection in an emergency. Documentation supports that such equipment is tested quarterly and repaired or replaced as needed.

(B) Each twelve-hour facility shall have written policies and procedures, and practices which evidence, that the following minimum standards are maintained.

(1) (Important) Procedures govern availability, control inventory, storage, and use of firearms, less than lethal devices, and related security devices and specify the level of authority required for their access and use. Chemical agents and electrical disablers are used only with the authorization of the jail administrator or designee. Access to storage areas is restricted to authorized persons and the storage space is located in an area separate and apart from prisoner housing or activity areas.

(2) (Important) All prisoners are searched whenever entering or leaving the jail's security perimeter.

(3) (Important) Procedures and practices governing strip and body cavity searches following reception are developed and implemented in consultation with the county prosecutor, city attorney or law director consistent with section 2933.32 of the Revised Code.

(4) (Essential) A plan to guide the jail's response to emergencies that all jail personnel are trained to implement and which includes procedures to be followed in situations that threaten jail security.

(5) (Essential) The maintenance by staff of a log to record routine information, emergency situations and unusual incidents.

(6) (Essential) An official count is conducted every shift to verify prisoners physical presence and identification. Jail staff conducting the count will record the count.

(7) (Essential) Personal observation checks of prisoners are conducted every sixty minutes. Observation checks are conducted at varying times and documented after completion by the staff person performing the check.

(8) (Essential) Prisoners in physical restraints are personally checked by staff every ten minutes. The report of the use of physical restraints will be reviewed and signed off by a non-involved supervisor or higher-ranking personnel. The use of physical restraints will be reviewed for policy compliance by the jail administrator or designee.

(9) In regard to the use of force:

(a) (Essential) Use of force is limited to instances of justifiable self-defense, prevention of self-inflicted harm, protection of others, prevention of riot, escape or other crime and controlling or subduing a prisoner who refuses to obey a staff command or order.

(b) (Essential) Use of force is limited to the amount of force necessary to control a given situation. In no event is physical force used as punishment.

(c) (Essential) An examination and/or treatment by qualified health care personnel will be provided to prisoners or staff involved in a use of force incident when there is obvious physical injury or there is a complaint of injury or request for medical attention.

(d) (Essential) Use of force incidents will be recorded and reviewed by the jail administrator or designee.

(10) Contraband is defined in rules available to prisoners. All prisoner accessible areas of the jail are inspected for contraband and physical security deficiencies.

(a) (Important) Prisoner housing areas are inspected once a week in a manner that ensures all areas are inspected each month.

(b) (Important) Prisoner accessible areas are inspected in a manner that ensures all areas are inspected each month.

(c) (Essential) A security inspection of the jail is conducted once a month.

(d) (Essential) The jail administrator or designee is notified of any discovered contraband or physical security deficiencies.

(e) (Essential) The appropriate disposition of contraband and the remediation of physical security deficiencies is documented.

(11) (Important) No prisoner is given control of or authority over any other prisoner, security function or service activity.

(12) (Important) In regard to a key control system:

(a) A key control center for storing working and/or daily issue keys that is inaccessible to unauthorized persons will be maintained.

(b) There is an accounting system for issuing and returning keys.

(c) There is a reporting system for documenting and repairing broken or malfunctioning keys or locks.

(d) A complete set of duplicate keys is maintained outside the jail's security perimeter inaccessible to unauthorized persons but accessible for jail needs.

(e) Prisoners are prohibited from handling jail security keys.

(f) Perimeter keys are prohibited from entering the jail's security perimeter except in an emergency.

(g) Emergency keys are marked or color-coded.

(h) The key control system includes provisions for access and authority to operate non-key operated locking devices (i.e., electrical controls, remote release levers.)

(13) (Important) Toxic, corrosive and flammable substances and tools are:

(a) Stored in a secure area;

(b) Used by prisoners only under direct staff supervision;

(c) Used only in accordance with manufacturer's instruction;

(d) Accessible only to authorized persons.

Last updated May 14, 2024 at 8:45 AM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 5120.01, 5120.10
Amplifies: 5120.10
Five Year Review Date: 1/11/2029
Prior Effective Dates: 1/1/1983
Rule 5120:1-12-04 | Holding.

Twelve-hour facilities shall provide prisoners with sufficient space. The facility shall maintain documentation regarding square footage and maximum occupancy figures for all housing and holding areas, and shall comply with the following minimum requirements:

(A) (Important) Holding cells: will provide sixty square feet for one to three occupants and twenty square feet for each additional occupant, up to a maximum of one hundred twenty square feet for six occupants.

(B) (Important) Seating will be provided for prisoners in holding areas, holding cells, dayrooms, and eating areas.

(C) Single cells/rooms and multiple occupancy cells/rooms will provide the following:

(1) (Important) Air circulation of fifteen cubic feet of outside or re-circulated filtered air per minute per occupant or as required by the local authority having jurisdiction. Documentation from a qualified source will be maintained by the facility.

(2) (Important) Temperature is mechanically raised or lowered to acceptable comfort levels.

(3) (Important) Sanitation facilities will include access to an operable flush toilet and lavatory with hot and cold potable water on a twenty-four hour a day basis without staff assistance.

(D) (Important) Male and female prisoners will be separated by sight, sound, and touch.

(E) (Important) Juvenile prisoners shall be separated by sight, sound, and touch from adult prisoners.

Last updated May 14, 2024 at 8:45 AM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 5120.01, 5120.10
Amplifies: 5120.10
Five Year Review Date: 1/11/2029
Prior Effective Dates: 9/21/1998
Rule 5120:1-12-05 | Sanitation and environmental conditions.

Each twelve-hour facility shall maintain the following minimum standards in regard to sanitation and environmental conditions of the facility:

(A) (Essential) All areas of a twelve-hour facility will be safe and sanitary, including the food service and laundry areas. Staff and prisoners will have specific housekeeping responsibilities, including but not limited to:

(1) Daily cleaning of toilets, urinals, sinks, and drinking facilities in areas occupied by prisoners:

(2) Weekly sanitation inspections:

(3) Regular maintenance and repairs.

(B) (Important) All grounds, walkways, driveways, and parking areas will be illuminated at night.

(C) (Essential) The facility will be inspected annually by local or state health authorities and a written report shall be provided. There will be a written plan to correct jail-related deficiencies.

(D) (Essential) The facility will be inspected once a month for insects, vermin, and rodents. Treatment will be provided as needed by a licensed exterminator. The jail will maintain documentation of the inspections and any necessary extermination treatments.

(E) (Important) The facility will maintain documentation that the interior lighting is at least fifteen foot-candles, measured thirty inches above the floor, in prisoner accessible areas and reducible to between two to four foot candles during sleeping hours.

(F) (Important) Supply and equipment storage areas will be clean and orderly.

(G) (Essential) The facility will be inspected annually by a certified local or state fire safety inspector applying the applicable jurisdictional and Ohio Fire Code. The jail will have a written plan to correct any jail-related deficiencies. The jail will maintain documentation of the inspections and any corrective measures taken.

(H) (Essential) the facility will have a written fire safety plan approved by local fire officials that is reviewed annually and updated as needed. The plan will include fire prevention, training and drills, fire response, and post-fire documentation and review. A current copy of the plan will be maintained at the local fire department.

(I) (Important) Training in jail fire safety will be conducted annually.

(J) (Essential) Fire drills will be conducted at intervals not to exceed 90 days, on each shift, so that fire drills are conducted annually.

(K) (Essential) Jail facility exists will be clear and evacuation routes will be posted or clearly marked throughout the facility.

Last updated June 17, 2024 at 8:51 AM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 5120.01, 5120.10
Amplifies: 5120.10
Five Year Review Date: 1/19/2029
Prior Effective Dates: 1/1/1983, 6/1/1991, 9/21/1998
Rule 5120:1-12-07 | Visitation.

Each twelve-hour facility shall abide by the following minimum standards for visitation:

(A) (Essential) Establish visitor security controls to prevent contraband from entering the jail.

(B) (Essential) Ensure prisoner access to legal counsel of record including telephone contact, written communication, and confidential visits.

Last updated May 14, 2024 at 8:45 AM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 5120.01, 5120.10
Amplifies: 5120.10
Five Year Review Date: 1/11/2029
Prior Effective Dates: 1/1/2003
Rule 5120:1-12-09 | Medical.

Each twelve-hour facility shall maintain the following minimum standards in regard to medical policies and procedures:

(A) (Essential) Medical policies and procedures will be specifically developed for the facility. A physician, licensed to practice medicine in Ohio, will document approval upon initial development and whenever revisions are made.

(B) (Essential) Health-trained personnel will perform a medical, dental and mental health screening on each prisoner upon arrival at the jail. Findings will be recorded on a form approved by the jail physician. The receiving screening includes at least the following:

(1) Inquiry into:

(a) Current illness and health problems;

(b) Dental problems;

(c) Mental health problems;

(d) Use of alcohol and drugs including types, amounts and frequency used, date or time of last use and history of any problems after ceasing use;

(e) Past and present treatment or hospitalization for mental disturbances or suicidal ideation;

(f) Possibility of pregnancy;

(g) Other health problems designated by the jail physician.

(2) Observation of:

(a) Behavior including state of consciousness, mental health status, appearance, conduct, tremors and sweating;

(b) Body deformities and ease of movement;

(c) Condition of skin, including trauma markings, bruises, lesions, jaundice, rashes, infestations and needle marks or other indications of drug abuse.

(C) (Essential) The jail will provide, or make provisions for, twenty-four hour emergency health care.

(D) (Essential) Prisoners will be treated by a personal physician in the jail at their own expense, upon approval by the jail physician, provided that current credentials of the personal physician are verified.

(E) (Essential) The jail will exercise proper management of pharmaceuticals and address the following:

(1) Procedures for medication receipt, storage, dispensing and administration or distribution;

(2) Dispensing of medicine in conformance with federal and state laws.

(F) (Essential) No prisoner will be denied health care.

(G) (Essential) Prisoners evidencing signs of mental illness or developmental disability will be referred immediately to qualified mental health personnel.

(H) (Essential) The jail will have a plan for identifying and responding to suicidal prisoners. The plan components will include:

(1) Identification - The receiving screening form contains observation and interview items related to the prisoner's potential suicide risk;

(2) Training - Staff members who work with prisoners are trained to recognize verbal and behavioral cues that indicate potential suicide. The plan includes initial and annual training;

(3) Assessment - The plan specifies a suicide risk assessment, and level system. Only a qualified mental health professional may remove prisoners from suicide risk status;

(4) Monitoring - The plan specifies the procedures for monitoring an prisoner who has been identified as potentially suicidal. A suicidal prisoner is checked at varied intervals not to exceed ten minutes. Regular documented supervision is maintained. prisoners are placed in a designated cell, all belongings removed, and other prevention precautions initiated as appropriate;

(5) Referral - The plan specifies the procedures for referring potentially suicidal prisoners and attempted suicides to a mental health care provider or facility;

(6) Communication - Procedures exist for ongoing written communication between health care and correctional personnel regarding the status of suicidal prisoners;

(7) Intervention - The plan addresses how to handle a suicide in progress, including first aid measures;

(8) Notification - The plan includes procedures for notifying the jail administrator, outside authorities, family members of completed or attempted suicides requiring medical hospitalization;

(9) Reporting - The plan includes procedures for documenting, monitoring, and reporting attempted or completed suicides. Completed suicides are reported to the division of parole and community services within thirty days of the incident;

(10) Review - The plan specifies procedures for medical and administrative review if a suicide or a serious suicide attempt, as defined by the suicide plan, occurs;

(11) Critical incident debriefing - The plan specifies the procedures for offering critical incident debriefing to affected staff and prisoners.

(I) (Essential) Emergency medical equipment and supplies, as determined by the jail physician, will be available at all times, inventoried monthly and replenished as needed.

(J) (Essential) There is a written infectious diseases control program implemented in the facility that collaborates with the local health department.

Last updated May 14, 2024 at 9:58 AM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 5120.01, 5120.10
Amplifies: 5120.10
Five Year Review Date: 1/11/2029
Prior Effective Dates: 1/20/1981, 1/1/1983, 1/1/2003
Rule 5120:1-12-10 | Food service.

Each twelve-hour facility shall comply with the following minimum food service standards:

(A) (Essential) prisoners will be served a minimum of three meals at regularly scheduled intervals.

(B) (Important) All prisoners held during an established mealtime are provided a meal.

(C) (Important) Prisoner diets are to be modified by the appropriate licensed individual to meet specific requirements related to medical conditions and to accommodate religious requirements.

Last updated May 14, 2024 at 9:58 AM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 5120.01, 5120.10
Amplifies: 5120.10
Five Year Review Date: 1/11/2029
Prior Effective Dates: 7/1/1994, 9/21/1998
Rule 5120:1-12-12 | Prisoner discipline.

Each twelve-hour facility shall maintain the following minimum standards regarding discipline:

(A) (Important) Prisoner rules will specify prohibited acts.

(B) (Important) Prisoner rules will specify the fundamental rights that cannot be suspended except in an emergency or other conditions beyond the control of the jail administrator.

(C) (Important) Jail disciplinary measures will not include corporal punishment, discipline administered by prisoners, or withholding food.

Last updated May 14, 2024 at 9:59 AM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 5120.01, 5120.10
Amplifies: 5120.10
Five Year Review Date: 1/11/2029
Prior Effective Dates: 1/2/1981, 6/1/1991, 9/21/1998, 1/1/2003
Rule 5120:1-12-16 | Grievance.

Each twelve-hour facility shall maintain the following minimum standards in regard to grievances:

(A) (Important) prisoner rules will include a grievance procedure that is available to prisoners and includes at least one level of appeal.

(B) (Important) Retaliation by staff for prisoner grievances is prohibited.

Last updated May 14, 2024 at 9:59 AM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 5120.01, 5120.10
Amplifies: 5120.10
Five Year Review Date: 1/11/2029
Prior Effective Dates: 1/1/1983, 6/1/1991
Rule 5120:1-12-17 | Staffing.

(Important) Each twelve-hour facility shall maintain the following minimum standards for staffing:

(A) (Essential) Have a designated jail administrator who is qualified by training or experience to supervise and control prisoners as outlined in a written job description.

(B) (Important) There is a written, implemented staffing plan that includes jail personnel assignments, days of the week and hours of the day that assignments are covered and any deviations from the plan with respect to weekends, holidays or other atypical situations. The staffing plan is reviewed at intervals not to exceed three hundred sixty-five days and revised as needed

(C) (Important) A written code of ethics is provided to jail employees.

Last updated August 13, 2024 at 12:31 PM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 5120.01, 5120.10
Amplifies: 5120.10
Five Year Review Date: 1/11/2029
Prior Effective Dates: 6/1/1991
Rule 5120:1-12-18 | Staff Training.

Each twelve-hour facility shall maintain the following minimum standards in regard to staff training:

(A) (Important) At least one employee per shift, and all others who have been assigned direct responsibility of custody and supervision of prisoners will receive training as follows:

(1) Training in the jail policies and procedures prior to or in conjunction with assignment to jail duties.

(2) During the first year of assignment receive sixteen hours of training including legal aspects of corrections, security concepts, emergencies, interpersonal communications, first aid/CPR, medical/mental health issues, suicide prevention, unarmed self-defense and "Minimum Standards for Jails in Ohio."

(3) Two hours of in-service training each subsequent year of employment addressing specific job assignments and/or jail related issues.

(B) (Important) The jail policies and procedures will be available to jail staff, reviewed annually and updated by the jail administrator as needed.

Last updated May 14, 2024 at 9:59 AM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 5120.01, 5120.10
Amplifies: 5120.10
Five Year Review Date: 1/11/2029
Prior Effective Dates: 7/1/1994