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This website publishes administrative rules on their effective dates, as designated by the adopting state agencies, colleges, and universities.

Chapter 5101:11-8 | Response to Non-Compliance

Rule 5101:11-8-01 | Response to findings of non-compliance.

Upon expiration of the time allowed for corrective action in response to a complaint or compliance review finding, or upon issuance of a notice of findings where such allowance is not made, the following steps need to be taken:

(A) Internal records. The council office will provide each member of the apprenticeship council, with a copy of: the relevant case record; the notice of compliance findings described in paragraph (A) of rule 5101:11-7-03 of the Administrative Code; and the notice of enforcement proceedings described in paragraph (B) of this rule.

(B) Notice to affected parties. The council office will issue a written notice of enforcement proceedings to the sponsor by registered or certified mail, return receipt requested. A copy of the pertinent notice of compliance findings will be enclosed. These materials will also be provided at the same time to the complainant(s) involved, if any, by such means as the council office deems appropriate. The notice of enforcement proceedings are to state the following:

(1) That the notice is sent pursuant to this rule;

(2) That the sponsor was informed of the rule violation(s) described in the enclosed notice of compliance findings, and that the sponsor has failed to effect remediation in the time allowed;

(3) That within fifteen days of receipt of this notice, the sponsor may request a hearing pursuant to rule 5101:11-8-02 of the Administrative Code, in order to challenge the accuracy of the stated findings; and

(4) That due to the stated violation(s) and failure of remedy, if the request for a hearing is not made or if a hearing occurs that fails to disprove the findings, the council office will make a determination with respect to de-registration, in accordance with paragraphs (C) to (E) of this rule.

(C) Enforcement action. The following steps need to be taken pursuant to any notice of enforcement proceedings:

(1) The council office will receive a recommendation of enforcement, pursuant to the process described in paragraph (C)(2) of this rule. The recommendation is to include:

(a) Citation of the respective notice of enforcement proceedings;

(b) A copy of all relevant documentation obtained by the recommending party subsequent to the notice, including where applicable a hearing record; and

(c) For each rule alleged to have been violated, a recommendation for one and only one of the enforcement options listed in paragraph (C)(3) of this rule.

(2) With the exception described in this paragraph, the council will make the recommendation of enforcement on the basis of the record before it. The exception is that in cases involving non-compliance with equal employment opportunity (EEO) rules, the recommendation will be made on the same basis by the chairperson or, if he/she encounters an impediment or a conflict of interest in doing so, then by his/her designee. In the event that the chairperson appoints a designee, the latter is to be another council member. If a hearing occurs pursuant to rule 5101:11-8-02 of the Administrative Code, then the record on which the recommendation is based, will include the findings and recommendations of the hearing officer.

(3) After reviewing the recommendation of enforcement, and with due consideration of its contents, the council office will issue a written, dated determination of enforcement that will state one and only one of the following conclusions, along with supporting arguments:

(a) That the program is de-registered effective on the date of issuance;

(b) That there are not sufficient grounds for de-registration, and barring new information to the contrary, the program will remain registered; or

(c) That the sponsor may be allowed a reasonable additional period to correct the designated deficiency(s), such period to be specified as part of the determination; and that the program will be automatically de-registered at the end of that period, unless the council office determines with certainty, based entirely on evidence that the sponsor presents at that time, that the program has fully remedied the cited deficiency(s).

(D) Additional response to EEO violation. If a notice of compliance findings reports that a sponsor is not in compliance with EEO requirements, the council office at its discretion may, in addition to voluntary remediation and/or enforcement action, refer the matter to one or more of the following agencies, for action based on their respective legal mandates:

(1) The equal employment opportunity commission (EEOC);

(2) The United States attorney general;

(3) The department of labor office of federal contract compliance (OFCCP); and/or

(4) In cases where the sponsor is a state agency, the Ohio department of administrative services equal opportunity division.

(E) Intimidating or retaliatory acts.

(1) The state of Ohio prohibits any intimidation, threat, coercion, or retaliation by or with the approval of any sponsor or its employer(s) against any person:

(a) For the purpose of interfering with any right or privilege secured by Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 or by federal executive order 11246 (,

(b) Or because he or she has:

(i) Made a complaint under any provision of division 5101:11 of the Administrative Code; or

(ii) Testified, assisted, furnished information to, or participated in any manner in a compliance review, investigation, proceeding, or hearing under division 5101:11 of the Administrative Code; or

(iii) Opposed a practice prohibited by division 5101:11 of the Administrative Code or any other federal or state equal opportunity law.

(2) Any such act by a sponsor or employer will be considered noncompliance with rules under division 5101:11 of the Administrative Code, and will be addressed as prescribed under Chapter 5101:11-8 of the Administrative Code for any other case of noncompliance.

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 4139.03
Amplifies: 4139.03, 4139.05
Five Year Review Date: 10/1/2025
Prior Effective Dates: 6/20/1979, 8/7/2014
Rule 5101:11-8-02 | Hearings.

(A) Within ten days of receiving a request for a hearing under rule 5101:11-8-01 of the Administrative Code, the council office, with the exception noted in this paragraph, will appoint a hearing officer. The exception is that in cases involving equal employment opportunity (EEO) non-compliance, the appointment is to be made in the same period by the chairperson or if he/she encounters an impediment or a conflict of interest in doing so, then by his/her designee. If the chairperson appoints a designee, the latter is to be another council member.

(B) The hearing officer will promptly schedule the hearing, pursuant to consultation with the sponsor involved, as to a mutually convenient place, date, and time. The proceeding is to occur within thirty days of this consultation. If the sponsor's authorized representative can neither attend a hearing within that period, nor assign a responsible spokesperson to do so, then the hearing will proceed without sponsor representation.

(C) Immediately on scheduling this event, the officer will provide to the sponsor a hearing notice, as well as a copy of the relevant notice of enforcement proceedings. These materials are to be transmitted by registered mail, return receipt requested. The hearing notice will state the following:

(1) The date, time and place of the hearing;

(2) That the hearing has been scheduled pursuant to this rule and the sponsor's request, and will be in reference to issues raised in the enclosed notice of enforcement proceedings;

(D) The hearing officer will plan, regulate, and preside over the course of the hearing, which to the extent feasible will be informally conducted. Every party will have the right to counsel, and a fair opportunity to present his/her case, including such cross-examination as may be appropriate in the circumstances. The sponsor, whether represented or not in this proceeding, may submit any written information in advance that it considers relevant.

(E) The hearing officer will develop findings and a recommended decision, on the basis of the record of the hearing and any record(s) available to the parties at the time of the hearing, and will present these within thirty calendar days of the conclusion of the hearing to the council office administrator.

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 4139.03
Amplifies: 4139.03, 4139.05
Five Year Review Date: 10/1/2025
Rule 5101:11-8-03 | Reinstatement of program registration.

(A) Upon request to the council office, a sponsor may reverse a voluntary de-registration within six months of its effective date, provided that on that date the council office had no current grounds to initiate involuntary de-registration proceedings.

(B) Within one year of cancellation for non-compliance with equal employment opportunity (EEO) rules, a program's registration may be reinstated, contingent on council office approval and receipt from the sponsor of adequate evidence that the program conforms to those rules.

(C) Within one year of de-registration for inactivity as defined under paragraph (C)(2) of rule 5101:11-3-02 of the Administrative Code, the council office may grant reinstatement, if it determines that the program in question:

(1) Has an acceptable set of current standards; and

(2) Is prepared to immediately enroll one or more apprentice(s).

(D) Except for the situations described in paragraphs (B) and (C) of this rule, a program de-registered for non-compliance with rules under division 5101:11 of the Administrative Code, will not obtain reinstatement any earlier than one year after issuance of the de-registration order.

(E) If a program loses its registration for any reason and does not obtain reinstatement within the ensuing year, it will not subsequently do so unless the council office determines with certainty that the program complies with all rules in division 5101:11 of the Administrative Code, based entirely on such evidence as the sponsor may present. At the council office's discretion, such program may be required to undergo procedures for new registration as described in rules 5101:11-3-01 and 5101:11-3-02 of the Administrative Code.

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 4139.03
Amplifies: 4139.03, 4139.05
Five Year Review Date: 10/1/2025
Prior Effective Dates: 10/8/1971, 3/22/2004