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This website publishes administrative rules on their effective dates, as designated by the adopting state agencies, colleges, and universities.

Chapter 5101:11-7 | Compliance Monitoring

Rule 5101:11-7-01 | Compliance reviews.

(A) Every registered program is subject to compliance reviews provided by the council office or, by mutual agreement, the office of apprenticeship, on the following occasions:

(1) One year after initial registration;

(2) At the end of the first full training cycle;

(3) No less often than every five years thereafter;

(4) In the event of any indication of non-conformity with the program's standards and/or any requirement(s) under division 5101:11 of the Administrative Code; and

(5) At the request of the sponsor.

(B) Compliance reviews will assess program conformity with the requirements of the respective program standards and the rules under division 5101:11 of the Administrative Code; and will include site inspections, interviews, file reviews, and/or such other processes as deemed appropriate by the council office for the purpose.

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 4139.03
Amplifies: 4139.03, 4139.05
Five Year Review Date: 10/1/2025
Prior Effective Dates: 11/23/1998
Rule 5101:11-7-02 | Complaint process.

(A) Filing of complaints. A complaint alleging non-compliance with any rule under division 5101:11 of the Administrative Code, may be submitted to the council office by an apprentice or his/her authorized representative. To qualify for council office action, the complaint will need to meet the criteria stated in the public notice of complaint procedure, as described by paragraph (B) of this rule.

(B) Public notice of complaint procedures. Each sponsor is to provide written notice of the complaint procedures described in this rule. The notice is to be: provided along with any forms used in applications for apprenticeship; displayed in prominent, publicly available locations where all apprentices will see it; and in every feasible way made familiar to people involved or interested in the program. The notice is to contain the following specific wording:

"Your Right to File a Complaint. Registered Apprenticeship programs shall abide by all state rules in division 5101:11 of the Administrative Code. Under these rules and other legal codes, discrimination is prohibited against an apprenticeship applicant or apprentice based on Hispanic ethnicity, race, color, religion, national origin, sex (including pregnancy and gender identity), sexual orientation, age over forty years, genetic information, or disability. Registered program sponsors and employers shall ensure equal opportunity (EEO) with regard to all terms, conditions, and privileges associated with apprenticeship. If you think that you have been subjected to, or have observed, any violation of state apprenticeship rules, you may file a complaint with the apprenticeship council office of the Ohio department of job and family services, care of [INSERT THE NAME, OFFICE &/OR E-MAIL ADDRESS, AND PHONE NUMBER OF THE COUNCIL OFFICE EMPLOYEE WHO IS RESPONSIBLE FOR RECEIVING COMPLAINTS]. To qualify for council office review and response, the complaint is to meet the following criteria:"

(1) "The following deadlines apply:

(a) In matters concerning EEO, the complaint generally is to be filed with the council office no later than one hundred eighty days from the date of the latest alleged violation. The deadline may be extended by the council office for good cause shown. The designation of this time frame for filing is for the council office's administrative convenience and does not create a defense for the respondent against whom the complaint is lodged.

(b) In matters not concerning EEO, the complaint is to be submitted to the council office between one and sixty days after final completion of all complaint resolution and appeals procedures that are available under the program standards and, if applicable, a collective bargaining agreement."

(2) "The complaint may be submitted as a written, printed, or typed paper document; as the text of an e-message; or as an e-mail attachment. It is to include the following information:

(a) The complainant's name, and reliable contact information including as many of the following as possible: address, e-mail address, and telephone number;

(b) A statement of whether the complainant him/herself was affected by the violation, and if applicable, the count (one or higher) of any other person(s) thought to be affected;

(c) In what capacity such individual(s) would have been affected (e.g., as active apprentice(s), apprenticeship applicant(s), etc.)

(d) The name, business address, and telephone number of the program in which the violation allegedly occurred;

(e) A short description of the alleged violation(s), including as much of the following as possible: a concise account of each action perceived as violating a state rule; the date, time, and place at which it occurred; the name (if available) and role (e.g., program director, work manager, instructor, etc.) of anyone who committed the action; and why the complainant believes that it constituted a violation. A complaint concerning EEO will need to specify which factor(s) among the following, formed the alleged basis of discrimination: race, color, Hispanic ethnicity, religion, sex, sexual orientation, national origin, age over forty years, genetic information, or disability;"

(3) "The complaint document needs to bear the signature of the complainant or his/her authorized representative. If the document is filed by e-mail message or attachment, the signature is to be incorporated to the text of the complaint, for instance by means of screen shot, PDF, or other image medium."

(C) Complaint investigations. Upon receiving a complaint that conforms to the requirements of paragraph (B) of this rule and that suggests a violation under division 5101:11 of the Administrative Code, the council office will:

(1) Provide written notice to the complainant, acknowledging receipt of the document;

(2) Contact the complainant, if necessary, for information that clarifies the nature of the complaint and/or whether it warrants investigation;

(3) Conduct a thorough investigation to determine the accuracy of the complaint and whether the sponsor has violated any pertinent rule(s) under division 5101:11 of the Administrative Code.

(D) The identity of a complainant and of anyone assisting in a complaint investigation, will only be divulged outside of council office staff upon prior notification of and permission from the person in question, apart from such exception(s) as the office deems necessary to enforce the rules under division 5101:11 of the Administrative Code.

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 4139.03
Amplifies: 4139.03, 4139.05
Five Year Review Date: 10/1/2025
Prior Effective Dates: 10/13/1978, 3/22/2004
Rule 5101:11-7-03 | Compliance findings.

The provisions of this rule apply to programs that have been fully registered based on favorable results of a first-year or first-cycle compliance review, as described in rule 5101:11-3-01 of the Administrative Code.

(A) After completing a compliance review or complaint investigation, the council office will:

(1) Develop a complete case record that contains, but is not limited to, the following:

(a) The type of procedure involved (complaint investigation or compliance review); the date(s) when it occurred; and the program that was its subject;

(b) The location and nature of each task performed in the procedure;

(c) For each interview, if any, conducted in the course of the procedure: the date, time, and place (or electronic medium) of its occurrence; the name, address, and phone number of each person participating, and his/her role in the discussion; and a summary of the discussion, including questions posed and the resulting answers and statements;

(d) A copy of each pertinent document, including, where appropriate, any transcript and/or summary of information not obtained as a written record;

(e) A narrative report of the procedure, citing each item of evidence which relates to any alleged violation; and

(f) A conclusion, citing all supporting arguments and evidence, as to whether the sponsor is non-compliant with any rule(s) under division 5101:11 of the Administrative Code, and if so, which one(s) it violated and in what manner.

(2) Issue a written notice of compliance findings to the sponsor's authorized representative through registered or certified mail, with return receipt requested. A copy is to be provided at the same time to the complainant(s) involved, if any. The notice of compliance findings will include the following:

(a) Specification of what procedure led to its issuance (compliance review or complaint investigation), and when the procedure occurred;

(b) A compliance finding that concludes either:

(i) That there is no evidence of non-compliance sufficient to warrant de-registration proceedings, and that, absent new information bearing on the matter, the council office will take no further action regarding the case; or

(ii) That the sponsor is out of compliance with some provision(s) of division 5101:11 of the Administrative Code, to be specified in the notice along with a description of the particular manner in which the violation(s) occurred;

(c) Where there is a finding of non-compliance, either:

(i) A correction advisory allowing for voluntary remediation under paragraph (B) of this rule; or

(ii) An explanation of why voluntary remediation will not be offered, and a copy of any applicable preceding correction advisory;

(d) A description of the enforcement action(s) that will be undertaken because of non-compliance or, where applicable, if voluntary remediation is not achieved within the required timeframe.

(B) Voluntary remediation. With the exception noted in this paragraph, a chance for voluntary corrective action will be offered when a compliance review or complaint investigation finds that a fully registered program has one or more deficiency(ies) rendering it either not operational or not compliant with some specified requirement(s) of division 5101:11 of the Administrative Code. In that event: the council office will allow a period of its choosing, but not to exceed one year, for the sponsor to correct each cited deficiency with technical assistance from the council office; and the notice of compliance findings described in paragraph (A) of this rule, will incorporate a correction advisory which defines each required outcome, set criteria for how it will be achieved, and specify a deadline for doing so. The exception is that where the sponsor previously received such opportunity for the same kind(s) of deficiency and failed to achieve the required improvement, the offer need not be extended or repeated. At council office discretion, the correction advisory may state that pending full remediation, the program is to suspend registration of new apprentices and where applicable, acceptance of applicants into an enrollment pool. However, this suspension is mandatory in cases (including but not limited to certain EEO violations) where the council office finds that continued selection activities would impair the achievement of compliance.

(C) Implementing remedial action. When a sponsor receives a notice of compliance findings that offers the chance for corrective action, the sponsor will, within thirty business days of receipt or at an earlier date specified in the notice, submit a written compliance action plan to the council office.

(1) The plan is to include, but is not limited to, the following:

(a) Acknowledgement of each deficiency identified by the council office, and a commitment to correct it;

(b) Description of the precise corrective actions to be taken for each deficiency identified, consistent with the remedy(ies) prescribed by the council office; and

(c) A commitment to implement these actions by the respective deadline(s) as found in the correction advisory.

(2) If the compliance action plan is approved by the council office and carried out by the stated deadline(s), then upon its implementation the sponsor will be considered in compliance with the rule(s) cited in the notice of findings.

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 4139.03
Amplifies: 4139.03, 4139.05
Five Year Review Date: 10/1/2025