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This website publishes administrative rules on their effective dates, as designated by the adopting state agencies, colleges, and universities.

Chapter 4901:5-7 | Gas and Natural Gas Forecast Reports

Rule 4901:5-7-01 | Definitions.

(A) Unless otherwise specified, all terms used in Chapter 4901:5-7 of the Administrative Code are the same as those found in the fourth edition "Glossary For The Gas Industry" published by the planning and analysis group of the "American Gas Association."

(B) "Energy-price relationships" means the calculated or observed effects on gas demand resulting from changes in the customer price of gas or other fuels. It consists of both energy conservation effects which reduce customer energy use directly and effects which cause customers to switch to or from utility-provided gas.

(C) "Forecast year," "year of the forecast," or "year zero" means the year in which the forecast is filed.

(D) "Energy conservation" means the effect upon gas demand resulting from customer adoption and use of measures, standards, equipment, or techniques designed, at least in part, to decrease gas consumption or to increase efficiency of gas use. Energy conservation may include the result of increases in price, but does not include price-induced fuel switching.

(E) "Self-help gas and other transported gas" means natural or synthetic gas owned by or acquired on behalf of an end-user or owned by another person which was developed independently or acquired from a third party, but which entails the use of one or more company or utility to transport the gas to the end-user.

(F) "Forecast period" means year zero through year ten.

(G) "Reporting period" means year minus five through year ten.

(H) "Service area" means the geographic area within Ohio in which the company renders service to wholesale and retail consumers of gas.

(I) "Fuel switching" means the substitution of one energy source for another in a particular end use or process, as a result of changing relative prices or technologies.

Last updated June 5, 2023 at 8:41 AM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: R.C. 4935.04, 4901.13
Amplifies: R.C. 4935.04
Five Year Review Date: 5/25/2028
Prior Effective Dates: 7/26/1978
Rule 4901:5-7-02 | Purpose and scope.

(A) This chapter specifies the reporting requirements for long-term forecast reports filed by gas distribution companies pursuant to Chapter 4901:5-1 of the Administrative Code.

(B) Unless otherwise directed by the commission, all reports shall be filed electronically using such forms as may be posted on the commission's web site. Such forms may be changed without further commission entry and each reporting person shall obtain the most current version of the forms prior to filing via the commission's website.

(C) The commission may, upon an application or a motion filed by a party, waive any requirement of this chapter, other than a requirement mandated by statute, for good cause shown.

Last updated June 5, 2023 at 8:41 AM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: R.C. 4935.04, 4901.13
Amplifies: R.C. 4935.04
Five Year Review Date: 5/25/2028
Prior Effective Dates: 11/24/1983, 2/16/2012, 8/31/2017
Rule 4901:5-7-03 | Gas and natural gas demand forecasts for gas distribution companies serving more than fifteen thousand customers.

(A) General guidelines. The following guidelines shall be used in the preparation of the demand forecast:

(1) The demand forecast must be based upon independent analysis by the reporting utility.

(2) The demand forecast may be based on those forecasting methods which yield the most useful results to the utility.

(3) Where the required data have not been calculated directly, relevant conversion factors shall be displayed.

(4) All gas volumes shall be reported at 14.73 psia.

(B) Special subject areas.

(1) The following matters shall specifically be addressed:

(a) A description of the extent to which the reporting utility coordinates its load forecasts with those of other systems such as affiliated systems in a holding company group, or other neighboring systems and, if the reporting utility is a combination utility, a description of the coordination of its gas load forecast with its electric load forecast.

(b) A description of the manner in which such forecasts are coordinated, and any problems experienced in efforts to coordinate load forecasts.

(c) A brief description of any computer modeling, demand forecasting, polls, surveys, or data-gathering activities used in preparation of the forecast.

(2) No later than six months prior to the required date of submission of the forecast, the commission shall supply reporting utilities:

(a) Copies of appropriate commission or other state documents or public statements that include the state energy policy for consideration in preparation of the forecast.

(b) Such current energy policy changes or deliberations which, due to their immediate significance, the commission determines to be relevant for specific identification in the forecast (including but not limited to new legislation, regulations, or adjudicatory findings). It is the commission's intent that such additional factors be limited to issues of current policy which may influence the forecast, but which otherwise may not have been specifically identified by the reporting utility. The reporting utility shall, to the extent possible, provide either a discussion of the impacts of such factors on the forecast or demonstrate how it has taken these factors into account in its forecast. The reporting utility need not adopt such factors as a part of its forecast.

(3) Energy efficiency, demand reduction, and demand response programs and policies of the reporting utility, which support energy conservation and load modification, shall be described along with an estimate of their impacts on energy and peak demand and supply resources.

(4) Energy-price relationships:

(a) To the extent possible, identify changes during the forecast period in energy demand and identify and describe how such changes are accounted for in the forecast.

(b) Describe the methodologies for determining such energy-price relationships, including justification for the methodologies employed.

(C) Forecast documentation. The purpose of the documentation section of the report is to permit a thorough review of the forecast methodology and test its validity. Each gas distribution company that undergoes a hearing process at the commission shall be prepared to file a forecast report that includes data used in all forecasts as well as a narrative description of the forecasting methodology. The commission shall request all information required to evaluate the forecast filing within thirty days of a hearing being scheduled in the forecasting case.

(D) Demand forecast forms. The demand presentation shall include the following elements presented on the indicated forms supplied by the commission. The forms provided on the commission's website are as follows:

(1) Form FG1-1: "Historical and Forecast Service Area Annual Gas Demand."

(2) Form FG1-2: "Historical and Forecast of Annual Gas Demand by Industrial Sector (MMCF/Year)."

(3) Form FG1-3: "Monthly Ohio Gas Sendout (MMCF)."

(4) Form FG1-4, Form FG1-4a, Form FG1-4b: "Range Demand Forecast."

(5) Form FG1-5: "Historic Peak and Forecast Design Day Requirements."

(6) Form FG1-6: "Supply and Disposition of Self-Help and Other Transported Volumes."

Last updated June 5, 2023 at 8:41 AM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: R.C. 4935.04, 4901.13
Amplifies: R.C. 4935.04
Five Year Review Date: 5/25/2028
Prior Effective Dates: 10/12/1979, 11/24/1983
Rule 4901:5-7-04 | Gas and natural gas supply forecasts for gas distribution companies serving more than fifteen thousand customers.

(A) General guidelines. The supply estimates used in these forecasts must be based upon the reporting utility's independent analysis of alternative sources of gas as well as its current sources. When data is based on material received from current or prospective suppliers, the reporting utility must show that it has made an independent review of such data and arrived at its own analysis of the probable future availability and price of gas from the source in question.

(B) Forecast documentation. The purpose of the documentation section of the report is to permit a thorough review of the forecast methodology and to test its validity. Each gas distribution company that undergoes a hearing process at the commission shall be prepared to file a forecast report that includes data used in all forecasts as well as a narrative description of the forecasting methodology. The commission shall request all information required to evaluate the forecast filing within thirty days of a hearing being scheduled in the forecasting case.

(C) Supply forecast forms. The demand presentation shall include the following elements presented on the indicated forms supplied by the commission. The forms provided on the commission's website are as follows:

(1) Form FG2-1: "Annual Gas Supply."

(2) Form FG2-2: "Gas Supply Prices."

(3) Form FG2-3: "Historical Peak and Forecasted Design Peak Day."

(4) Form FG2-4: "Existing and Proposed Storage Facilities (In-MMCF)."

(5) Form FG2-5: "Existing and Proposed Propane Facilities (In Gallons)."

(6) Form FG2-6: "Other Peaking Facilities."

Last updated June 5, 2023 at 8:41 AM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: R.C. 4935.04, 4901.13
Amplifies: R.C. 4935.04
Five Year Review Date: 5/25/2028
Prior Effective Dates: 10/12/1979, 11/20/1987, 3/24/1997
Rule 4901:5-7-05 | Resource forecasts and site inventories of transmission facilities for gas distribution companies serving more than fifteen thousand customers.

(A) General guidelines.

(1) The forecast shall include data on all existing and planned transmission lines and associated facilities, planned additions to, and replacement of, existing facilities, as defined by section 4906.01 of the Revised Code and rule 4906-1-02 of the Administrative Code, as well as any such gas lines leased or acquired.

(2) The reporting utility shall be prepared to provide the commission, on request, additional maps of transmission facilities.

(B) Specific requirements for gas distribution companies serving more than one hundred thousand customers.

(1) The existing transmission system.

(a) The reporting utility shall provide a brief narrative description of the existing gas transmission system which is detailed in form FG3-1.

(b) Each reporting utility shall provide maps of the gas transmission system within Ohio through which the reporting utility provides service as follows:

(i) A map showing the actual, physical routing of the transmission lines, pumping stations, city gates, storage facilities, system interconnections, geographic landmarks, major interstate and intrastate pipelines, major metropolitan areas, and major highways.

(ii) The map described in paragraph (B)(2)(a) of this rule, for commission use, on a 1:250,000 scale. The utilities may jointly provide one set of maps to meet this requirement. Participation in the commission's joint mapping project will meet this requirement.

(2) The planned transmission system. The transmission forecast shall include maps of the planned transmission system as follows:

(a) An overlay to each of the maps required in paragraph (B) of this rule showing the planned transmission lines and associated facilities as they will tie into the existing system; planned lines shall be shown and identified as such and keyed into form FG3-2 to provide as complete a picture of the system as is possible. Combined maps showing both existing and proposed facilities may be substituted for the overlays. Where planning horizons make it impractical to comply fully with the data requirements of this rule, as many data as are available shall be provided along with the estimated date on which additional data will be available.

(b) A copy of the above overlay, for commission use, on a scale of 1:250,000 participation in the commission's joint mapping project will meet this requirement.

(3) Transmission forecast forms. The reporting utility shall provide, on forms supplied by the commission:

(a) A summary of the characteristics of existing transmission lines as indicated in Form FG3-1, "Characteristics of Existing Transmission Lines."

(b) Specifications of planned transmission lines as indicated in form FG3-2, "Specifications of Planned Gas Transmission Lines."

(C) Specific requirements for gas distribution companies serving fifteen thousand to one hundred thousand customers.

(1) Existing transmission system.

(a) The reporting utility shall provide a brief narrative description of the existing gas transmission system which is detailed in form FG3-1.

(b) The reporting utility shall provide a summary of the characteristics of existing transmission lines as indicated in form FG3-1, "Characteristics of Existing Transmission Lines."

(c) Upon request, the reporting utility shall provide a map of its service area and other information as may be required by the commission.

(2) The planned transmission system. If applicable, the reporting utility shall submit a ten-year resource forecast of all gas transmission facilities to be constructed, leased, or acquired with location of such facilities indicated on the map referenced in paragraph (C)(1)(c) of this rule.

Last updated June 5, 2023 at 8:41 AM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: R.C. 4935.04, 4901.13
Amplifies: R.C. 4935.04
Five Year Review Date: 5/25/2028
Prior Effective Dates: 7/26/1978, 10/12/1979, 7/2/1984
Rule 4901:5-7-06 | Gas and natural gas information filing for gas distribution companies serving fewer than fifteen thousand customers.

(A) General.

(1) All gas volumes shall be reported at 14.73 psia.

(2) The names, addresses, and telephone numbers of the utility and responsible individuals shall be provided in the information filing.

(B) Forms. Each reporting utility shall submit one completed copy of form FG-S, "Small Gas Distribution Company Information Form."

Last updated July 17, 2023 at 12:13 PM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 4901.13, 4935.04(G)
Amplifies: 4935.04
Five Year Review Date: 5/25/2028