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This website publishes administrative rules on their effective dates, as designated by the adopting state agencies, colleges, and universities.

Chapter 4901:1-32 | Determination of Allowable Capacity and Commodity Costs

Rule 4901:1-32-01 | Definitions.

As used in this chapter:

(A) "Commission" means the public utilities commission of Ohio.

(B) "Natural gas company" means a natural gas company, as defined in section 4905.03 of the Revised Code, that is a public utility as defined in section 4905.02 of the Revised Code and excludes a retail natural gas supplier.

Last updated August 1, 2024 at 9:51 AM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 4929.10, 4929.25
Amplifies: 4929.25
Five Year Review Date: 7/5/2029
Prior Effective Dates: 7/4/2002
Rule 4901:1-32-02 | Purpose and Scope.

(A) The rules in this chapter apply to the recovery or modification of recovery of capacity and commodity costs, and costs incidental to those costs, and recovery of decertification costs.

(B) The commission may, upon an application or a motion filed by a party, waive any requirement of this chapter, other than a requirement mandated by statute, for good cause shown.

Last updated August 1, 2024 at 9:51 AM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 4929.10, 4929.25
Amplifies: 4929.25
Five Year Review Date: 7/5/2029
Rule 4901:1-32-03 | Filing and contents of requests for recovery of capacity and commodity costs.

(A) If a natural gas company seeks to recover, or modify the amount of recovery of, pursuant to section 4929.25 of the Revised Code, capacity and commodity costs, and costs incidental thereto, entered into on behalf of customers that take commodity sales service from other than the natural gas company, it must file an application for such. Such application shall be filed with the commission in the form of an application for approval of a migration cost recovery rider (XX-XX-GA-MCR).

(B) In addition to a fully-documented analysis and justification for the proposed migration cost recovery rider, the migration cost recovery rider application should provide the following information:

(1) Customer migration rates (both with and without percentage of income payment plan customers) for the most recent five years of the competitive retail natural gas service program and the associated volumes.

(2) Customer migration due to governmental aggregation (both with and without percentage of income payment plan customers) for the most recent five years of the competitive retail natural gas service program and the associated volumes.

(3) Description of existing capacity and commodity contracts including:

(a) Vendor/service provider and description of service being provided.

(b) Quantities - daily, seasonal, and annual.

(c) Term/applicable period.

(d) Rates/prices (including any reservation fees, minimum takes, and demand charges).

(e) Termination/buyout/buydown opportunities and costs.

(f) Any ratchet provisions in the contracts.

(4) Contract cost mitigation opportunities (e.g., capacity release, off-system sales).

(C) A complete set of work papers must be filed with a migration cost recovery rider application. Work papers must include, but are not limited to, any and all supporting work papers prepared by the natural gas company for the application and a narrative or other support of assumptions made of working paper schedule amounts. Work papers shall be marked, organized, and indexed according to the schedules to which they relate and must identify the witness that will sponsor them. Data contained in the work papers shall be footnoted so as to identify any source document used.

(D) All schedules, testimonies, and work papers included in a migration cost recovery rider application must be available in spreadsheet, word processing, or electronic form.

(E) A migration cost recovery rider application must include a complete set of testimony of company personnel or other expert witnesses. This testimony shall be in question-and-answer format and shall be in support of the natural gas company's proposed migration cost recovery recommendations. This testimony shall fully and completely address and support all schedules and significant issues identified by the company.

(F) Concurrent with the filing of an application for migration cost recovery, the natural gas company shall provide notice of the proposed filing upon each party in its most recent gas cost recovery and base rate cases. At a minimum, that notice shall state that an electronic or paper copy of the migration cost recovery rider application, supporting workpapers and testimony is available from the natural gas company (with instructions as to how to obtain an electronic or paper copy), available for inspection at the natural gas company's main office, available for inspection at the commission offices, and available at any other sites at which the natural gas company will maintain a copy of the application, workpapers and testimony. If the natural gas company has a website, information as to how to request an electronic or paper copy shall be included therein.

Last updated August 1, 2024 at 9:51 AM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 4929.10, 4929.25
Amplifies: 4929.25
Five Year Review Date: 7/5/2029
Prior Effective Dates: 7/4/2002
Rule 4901:1-32-04 | Filing and contents of requests for recovery of decertification costs.

(A) Pursuant to section 4929.20 of the Revised Code, if a natural gas company seeks to recover, or modify the amount of recovery of incremental costs incurred by the company in connection with the commission's continuation, suspension, rescission, or conditional rescission of a particular retail natural gas supplier's or governmental aggregator's certification, it shall submit an application for such. Such application shall be filed with the commission in the form of an application for approval of an incremental decertification cost recovery rider (XX-XX-GA-DCR).

(B) In addition to a fully-documented analysis and justification for the proposed decertification cost recovery rider, the decertification cost recovery rider application should provide the following information:

(1) A reference to the commission order that resulted in the continuation, suspension, rescission, or conditional rescission of the retail natural gas supplier's or governmental aggregator's certification.

(2) A description of the source of the incremental costs incurred by the natural gas company, including costs incurred both prior to and subsequent to the commission order.

(3) A description of any efforts to mitigate the impact of the retail natural gas supplier's or governmental aggregator's decertification.

(C) A complete set of work papers must be filed with a decertification cost recovery rider application. Work papers must include, but are not limited to, any and all supporting work papers prepared by the natural gas company for the application and a narrative or other support of assumptions made of working paper schedule amounts. Work papers shall be marked, organized, and indexed according to the schedules to which they relate and must identify the witness who will sponsor them. Data contained in the work papers shall be footnoted so as to identify any source document used.

(D) All schedules and work papers included in a decertification cost recovery rider application must be available in spreadsheet, word processing, or electronic form.

Last updated August 1, 2024 at 9:51 AM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 4929.10, 4929.20
Amplifies: 4929.10, 4929.20(C)(2)
Five Year Review Date: 7/5/2029
Prior Effective Dates: 4/13/2007