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This website publishes administrative rules on their effective dates, as designated by the adopting state agencies, colleges, and universities.

Chapter 4783-4 | Requirements for Certification; Crimminal Records Check

Rule 4783-4-01 | Requirements for certification as a certified Ohio behavior analyst.

The requirements for certification as a certified Ohio behavior analyst, which are generally set forth under division (A) of section 4783.04 of the Revised Code, include that the applicant shall conduct one's professional activities in accordance with accepted professional and ethical standards. In addition, the applicant shall demonstrate current certification as a board certified behavior analyst by the "Behavior Analyst Certification Board" or its successor organization, or shall meet the reciprocity requirements set forth in paragraphs (A) and (B) of rule 4783-4-02 of the Administrative Code, or demonstrate completion of equivalent requirements and passage of a psychometrically valid examination administered by a nationally accredited credentialing organization. With regard to such requirements, the board hereby further prescribes that the applicant shall evidence compliance with division (A) of section 4783.04 of the Revised Code, by demonstrating that the following requirements have been met:

(A) Written verification is received from the "Behavior Analyst Certification Board" or its successor organization that the person holds a current, valid certificate as a board certified behavior analyst or approval by the board that the applicant has demonstrated completion of equivalent requirements and passage of a psychometrically valid examination administered by a nationally accredited credentialing organization.

In order for an applicant to demonstrate completion of requirements equivalent to holding a board certified behavior analyst certificate the individual shall comply with the following indicia of equivalence:

(1) Evidence on a grade transcript bearing official seal of an earned master's or doctoral degree conferred in behavior analysis or other natural science, education, psychology, counseling, social work, human services, or a field related to behavior analysis as judged by the board, from:

(a) A nationally or regionally accredited university in the United States;

(b) A Canadian institution of higher education that is a member of the "Association of Universities and Colleges of Canada" or the "Association of Canadian Community Colleges"; or

(c) An institution of higher education located outside the United States or Canada that, at the time the applicant was enrolled and at the time the applicant graduated, maintained a standard of training equivalent to the standards of training of those institutions accredited in the United States. In addition, the academic transcript underlying the relevant degree shall be translated into English (as applicable) and shall be evaluated by a member organization of the national association of credential evaluation service (NACES). The degree shall be judged by a NACES member organization to be equivalent to a minimum of a master's degree in behavior analysis or other natural science, education, psychology, counseling, social work, human services, or a field related to behavior analysis as judged by the board from a regionally accredited academic institution in the U.S. Candidates can find information about seeking professional credential reviews at and at the board's website The applicant shall be responsible for all fees associated with said credential review and any required translation deemed necessary by the board to conduct a review of the degree.

(d) The coursework shall include a minimum of two hundred seventy classroom hours as follows, either on the master's degree of doctoral degree transcript, or on academic transcripts reflecting coursework completed subsequent to the award of the degree:

(i) Forty-five hours in ethical and professional conduct taught in one or more freestanding courses devoted to ethical and professional conduct based on the behavior analyst certification board's professional disciplinary and ethical standards and guidelines for responsible conduct for behavior analysts;

(ii) Forty-five hours in concepts and principles of behavior analysis, based on the behavior analyst certification board's foundational knowledge list;

(iii) Research methods in behavior analysis based on the behavior analyst certification board's fourth edition task list, including twenty-five hours in measurement (including data analysis) and twenty hours in experimental design;

(iv) Applied behavior analysis based on the behavior analyst certification board's fourth edition task list, including: forty-five hours in fundamental elements of behavior change and specific behavior change procedures; thirty hours in identification of the problem and assessment; ten hours in intervention and behavior change considerations; ten hours in behavior change systems; ten hours in implementation management and Supervision; and, thirty discretionary hours related to applied behavior analysis.

(2) Evidence of a passing score on a psychometrically valid written examination in the subject area of applied behavior analysis administered by a nationally accredited credentialing organization, recognition of which shall be made by the board on a case-by-case basis.

(3) Completion of a minimum of fifteen hundred hours of relevant supervised experience in applied behavior analysis satisfactory to the board.

(B) Not less than three letters of reference from individuals substantially familiar with the applicant's professional conduct, competencies, and personal character as required in paragraph (B)(5) of rule 4783-1-01 of the Administrative Code.

(C) Compliance with board processes designed to expose the applicant to and measure understanding of the laws and rules governing the practice of applied behavior analysis in Ohio as evidenced by:

(1) Receipt in the board office of a signed statement that the applicant has received and studied Chapter 4783. of the Revised Code, agency 4783 of the Administrative Code, and copies of any state and/or federal laws governing the practice and legal responsibilities of certified Ohio behavior analysts;

(2) Attendance at a jurisprudence workshop of no longer than four hours prepared and presented by the board;

(3) Earning a passing score on a post-workshop written examination covering the material presented in the workshop. Information about the workshop and passing score cut-offs shall be available on the board's website.

Last updated January 2, 2024 at 8:25 AM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 4783.03
Amplifies: 4783.04
Five Year Review Date: 9/18/2028
Rule 4783-4-02 | Exceptions to requiring verification of certification by the behavior analyst certification board; reciprocity.

Pursuant to division (C) of section 4783.04 of the Revised Code and upon application by an applied behavior analyst licensed or certified by the licensing department of another state, a territory, or the District of Columbia, who wishes to practice in this state, the state board of psychology shall issue a certificate to practice applied behavior analysis without requiring written verification from the "Behavior Analyst Certification Board" provided he/she also:

(A) Demonstrates compliance with the requirements in paragraph (B)(2) of rule 4783-1-01 of the Administrative Code and compliance with paragraph (C) of rule 4783-4-01 of the Administrative Code and pays the required fee.

(B) Makes available to the board primary source verification of active licensure or certification as an applied behavior analyst by the appropriate licensing department of another state, a territory, or the District of Columbia for at least one year preceding the the date of submission of the application and has been actively engaged in the practice of applied behavior analysis for at least one of the five years immediately preceding the submission of the application.

Last updated January 2, 2024 at 8:25 AM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 4783.03
Amplifies: 4783.04
Five Year Review Date: 9/18/2028
Rule 4783-4-03 | Criminal records check.

(A) In addition to the requirements established in rules 4783-9-01 and 4783-9-02 of the Administrative Code, all applicants for initial certification as a certified Ohio behavior analyst shall submit to a criminal records check completed by the bureau of criminal identification and investigation in accordance with section 4783.04 of the Revised Code.

(B) The board shall not grant a certificate to an applicant for an initial certificate to practice applied behavior analysis unless the applicant completes a criminal background check and the board, in its discretion, decides that the results do not make the applicant ineligible for a certificate.

(C) The applicant requesting a criminal records check shall submit with a request to the bureau of criminal identification and investigation: a completed copy of a form prescribed under division (C)(1) of section 109.572 of the Revised Code; a set of fingerprint impressions obtained as described in division (C)(2) of section 109.572 of the Revised Code; the applicant's name and address; the board's name and address; and, a request that the superintendent of the bureau of criminal identification and investigation obtain from the federal bureau of investigation any information it has pertaining to the applicant.

(D) The board shall only accept results of a criminal records check submitted to the board directly from the bureau of criminal identification and investigation.

(E) The applicant shall bear all costs associated with the criminal records check as determined by the bureau of criminal identification and investigation, the federal bureau of investigation, and by any agency with authority to charge a fee for fingerprint impressions.

Last updated December 6, 2023 at 12:16 PM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 4783.03
Amplifies: 4783.04
Five Year Review Date: 11/1/2028
Prior Effective Dates: 1/23/2014 (Emer.)
Rule 4783-4-04 | Temporary licensure for members of the military and spouses.

(A) "Military duty" has the same meanings as in section 4743.041 of the Revised Code.

(B) The board shall include questions on all applications for initial licensure inquiring as to whether the applicant is an active military duty service member or the spouse of an active military duty service member.

(C) Pursuant to division (D) of section 4743.041 of the Revised Code, the state board of psychology shall issue a temporary certified Ohio behavior analyst license if the individual demonstrates to the satisfaction of the board all of the following:

(1) The individual provides adequate proof to the board that the individual or the individual's spouse has been deployed to military duty in Ohio;

(2) The individual holds a valid license to practice applied behavior analysis the behavior analyst licensing agency of another United States jurisdiction;

(3) The individual is in good standing in all states and jurisdictions of licensure; and,

(4) The individual complies with the criminal records check requirements of rule 4783-4-03 of the Administrative Code.

(D) To document, track, prioritize, and expedite the issuance of licenses under this rule, the board shall process the application in the following manner:

(1) Route the application to the board staff member responsible for monitoring and tracking applications received under this rule;

(2) Communicate with the applicant regarding the status of the application, including what information is needed to complete the application;

(3) Prioritize the application for approval even if it was received later than applications requiring general processing.

(4) Notwithstanding any other provision of the Revised Code, the board shall waive all fees associated with the application for a temporary license under this rule.

(E) An applicant for a temporary license must certify that, to the best of the applicant's knowledge, the applicant is not under investigation by the licensing agency of another state.

(F) The board shall notify the applicant that the board has received the results of a criminal records check within twenty-four hours after receiving the results. If the board finds that the individual is under investigation by the licensing agency of any other state or jurisdiction, the board may postpone issuing the license until the investigation is complete and the licensing agency of the other state confirms that the individual is in good standing.

(G) If an applicant for a temporary license fails to complete the application process within six months of the initial application submission, the board may notify the applicant in writing of its intention to consider the application as abandoned. If no response is received by the board within thirty days, the board shall consider the application as abandoned and no further processing shall be undertaken.

(H) The board shall issue a temporary license within fourteen days of having received the results of the criminal record checks, provided that the application is otherwise complete and the applicant is not under investigation by the licensing agency of another state.

(I) A license issued in accordance with this rule shall be considered a license issued under the laws regulating the practice of applied behavior analysis.

(J) A temporary license issued under this rule shall be valid for a maximum of six years and is not eligible for renewal.

(K) The board may issue a regular license upon request of the applicant, in lieu of issuing a temporary license, provided that the applicant meets the requirements of this rule, and provided that the regular license is issued by the deadline specified in paragraph (G) of this rule. A regular license is not valid for six years and is subject to biennial renewal requirements pursuant to rule 4783-1-03 of the Administrative Code.

(L) A holder of a temporary license may apply for licensure under Chapter 4783. of the Revised Code at any time before or after the expiration of a temporary license. A holder or previous holder of a temporary license must meet all requirements for licensure under Chapter 4783. of the Revised Code and all rules adopted thereunder.

(M) The board shall, in accordance with Chapter 119. of the Revised Code, deny an individual's application for a temporary license or revoke an individual's temporary license issued under this section if any of the following circumstances occur:

(1) The individual's license issued by another state expires or is revoked or suspended, or the individual is not in good standing;

(2) With respect to an individual who was eligible for a temporary license under this section as the spouse of an individual on military duty, six months have elapsed since the divorce, dissolution, or annulment of the marriage;

(3) The individual is disqualified from obtaining a license because of a conviction, judicial finding of guilt, or plea of guilty to a disqualifying criminal offense specified on the list the board makes available pursuant to division (C) of section 9.78 of the Revised Code.

(N) An individual with a temporary license or a regular license issued under this rule may practice applied behavior analysis in this state only within the scope of practice that is permitted under Ohio law and that does not exceed the individual's education, training, and experience.

Last updated December 6, 2023 at 12:16 PM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 4783.03, 4743.041
Amplifies: 4743.041
Five Year Review Date: 11/1/2028