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This website publishes administrative rules on their effective dates, as designated by the adopting state agencies, colleges, and universities.

Chapter 4761-9 | Continuing Education

Rule 4761-9-01 | Definition of respiratory care continuing education.

(A) "Respiratory care continuing education" (hereafter referred to as RCCE), as required under section 4761.06 of the Revised Code, means post-licensure learning experiences which are approved by the state medical board of Ohio (hereafter referred to as the board) and which enhance or build upon the licensees current knowledge or educational background as it pertains to the practice of respiratory care, as set forth in section 4761.01 of the Revised Code.

(B) For the purposes of this chapter, the following definitions shall apply:

(1) "Post-licensure" means the period following the granting of a license under section 4761.04 of the Revised Code or a limited permit issued under division (B) of section 4761.05 of the Revised Code.

(2) "Learning experiences" means activities or programs which allow respiratory care providers to obtain or enhance skills, knowledge, or behavior needed to provide respiratory care.

(3) "Approved by the state medical board of Ohio" means that the RCCE program or activity qualifies for official recognition by the board in accordance with one of the approval mechanisms set forth in rules 4761-9-04 and 4761-9-05 of the Administrative Code.

(4) "Licensee" means the holder of a license issued under section 4761.04 of the Revised Code or a limited permit issued under division (B)(1)(b) of section 4761.05 of the Revised Code.

(5) "Contact hour" means fifty or sixty minutes of planned classroom, clinical, or provider-directed independent study.

(a) Calculation of contact hours from credit hours earned in an academic institution shall be done using the following formula:

(i) Quarter system: one credit hour = ten contact hours;

(ii) Trimester system: one credit hour = twelve contact hours;

(iii) Semester system: one credit hour = fifteen contact hours.

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 4761.03
Amplifies: 4761.03 , 4761.06
Five Year Review Date: 2/28/2024
Prior Effective Dates: 3/10/1990, 1/1/1994
Rule 4761-9-02 | General RCCE requirements and reporting mechanism.

(A) Licensees and limited permit holders shall verify the successful attainment of RCCE from sources approved by the board as set forth in rule 4761-9-05 of the Administrative Code.

(B) RCCE contact hours shall be obtained during the term of collection as set forth in paragraphs (C)(1) and (C)(2) of this rule. RCCE contact hours shall be earned prior to the license or limited permit expiration date for the renewal period. RCCE contact hours earned during the term of collection in excess of required contact hours cannot be applied towards a subsequent renewal period, unless the RCCE contact hours are earned after the filing date of a completed renewal application that is filed prior to the end of the renewal cycle for the specific authorization type held. A renewal application will be deemed complete when the renewal application form is filled out in its entirety, all continuing education required has been reported and is valid and the full renewal fee has been submitted.

(C) Continuing education earned for license or limited permit renewal must minimally include the following content requirements:

(1) An applicant for license renewal shall complete twenty contact hours of relevant RCCE every two years, beginning with the license renewal date and ending on the license expiration date established under paragraph (D) of rule 4761-7-01 of the Administrative Code, unless a waiver is granted under paragraph (G) of this rule. RCCE earned for license renewal must include the following content requirement:

(a) One contact hour of RCCE on Ohio respiratory care law or professional ethics as set forth in rule 4761-9-04 of the Administrative Code; and

(b) At least fifteen of the required contact hours must include content relating to the provision of clinical respiratory care as defined under section 4761.01 of the Revised Code; and

(c) The remaining four contact hours may include indirectly related content, including, but not limited to, activities relevant to specialized aspects of respiratory care, such as education, supervision, management, health care cost containment, cost management, health quality standards, disease prevention, health promotion, or abuse reporting.

(2) An applicant for renewal of a limited permit issued under paragraph (A)(1)(c) of rule 4761-6-01 of the Administrative Code, shall complete ten contact hours of relevant RCCE every year, beginning with the limited permit renewal date and ending on the limited permit expiration date established under paragraph (E) of rule 4761-7-01 of the Administrative Code, unless a waiver is granted under paragraph (G)(2) of this rule. RCCE earned for license renewal must include the following content requirement:

(a) One contact hour of RCCE on Ohio respiratory care law or professional ethics as set forth in rule 4761-9-04 of the Administrative Code; and

(b) At least seven of the required contact hours must include content relating to the provision of clinical respiratory care as defined under section 4761.01 of the Revised Code; and

(c) The remaining two contact hours may include indirectly related content, including, but not limited to activities relevant to specialized aspects of respiratory care, such as education, supervision, management, health care cost containment, cost management, health quality standards, disease prevention, health promotion, or abuse reporting.

(D) In lieu of completing RCCE contact hours required under paragraphs (C)(1)(b), (C)(1)(c), (C)(2)(b) and (C)(2)(c) of this rule, applicants may submit proof of successfully passing any written professional examination administered by the national board for respiratory care, inc. (NBRC), including the written registry examination for advanced respiratory therapists, the recredentialing examination for certified respiratory therapists, the written examination for certified pulmonary function technologists, the written examination for registered pulmonary function technologists, or the written examination for perinatal/pediatric respiratory care. The registered polysomnographic technologist examination administered by the board of registered polysomnographic technologists (BRPT) and the certified asthma educator examination administered by the national asthma certification board (NACB) are also accepted written examinations.

(E) It shall be the responsibility of the licensee to maintain and keep all records to serve as documentation for any audit which may be conducted in accordance with rule 4761-9-07 of the Administrative Code pertaining to the completion of RCCE requirements; including, but not limited to certificates of completion, transcripts, letters of attendance, or attendance registers. Records shall be maintained for a period of one year after the end of a registration. Legible copies shall be sent to the board only in response to an audit.

(F) Waiver of RCCE requirements.

(1) A first time license holder in the state of Ohio who has been licensed for more than six months, but less than one year from the license expiration date must complete at least one half of the RCCE requirements listed in paragraph (C)(1) of this rule, including one contact hour on Ohio respiratory care law or professional ethics. First time license holders who have held a license for less than six months from the biennial license expiration date will not be required to complete the RCCE requirements for the current term of collection, but will have to complete the RCCE requirements for the following biennial renewal period.

(2) For purposes of obtaining a RCCE waiver, the applicant or licensee shall have the burden of establishing that the illness or absence affected the reasonable opportunity to participate in RCCE activities. No more than two hours will be subtracted from the RCCE requirement for each month which is approved for reduction of hours. Application for RCCE waiver shall be completed by the applicant or licensee and submitted to the board at least sixty days prior to the end of the RCCE period. Applicants shall not sign and submit the renewal application prior to receiving approval from the board of the waiver request.

(3) The board shall not waive the total RCCE requirement for any RCCE period.

(4) The board shall not grant a RCCE waiver for consecutive RCCE periods.

(5) Applicants shall be eligible to apply for RCCE waiver only if the applicant's illness or absence from the United States lasted a minimum of six consecutive months and occurred in its entirety within a single RCCE period.

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 4761.03(B)
Amplifies: 4761.03(B), 4761.06
Five Year Review Date: 12/31/2025
Prior Effective Dates: 1/1/1994, 5/2/1996, 7/1/2008
Rule 4761-9-03 | Activities which do not meet the Ohio RCCE requirements.

(A) Activities which do not meet the Ohio RCCE requirement shall include but not be limited to:

(1) Basic life support (hereafter referred to as BLS) and cardiopulmonary resuscitation (hereafter referred to as CPR) provider courses;

(2) Repetition of any educational activity with identical objectives and content within the same reporting period;

(3) Employer specific orientation or inservice programs which do not significantly enhance the practice of respiratory care or related technologies;

(4) Self-directed independent study such as reading of texts or journal articles which have not been approved by any of the mechanisms listed under rule 4761-9-05 of the Administrative Code.

(5) Participation in clinical practice or research that is not part of an approved RCCE activity;

(6) Personal development activities not taken for the purpose of meeting RCCE requirements;

(7) Professional meetings and conventions except for those portions designated as approved RCCE activities;

(8) Community service and volunteer practice;

(9) Membership in a professional organization;

(10) RCCE contact hours ordered by the board, above and beyond the prescribed contact hours, as set forth under rule 4761-9-03 of the Administrative Code.

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 4761.03
Amplifies: 4761.03, 4761.06
Five Year Review Date: 2/28/2024
Prior Effective Dates: 10/26/2009
Rule 4761-9-04 | Ohio respiratory care law and professional ethics course criteria.

(A) An acceptable course in Ohio respiratory care law or professional ethics shall meet the following criteria and be taught by an individual with the appropriate qualifications and experience.

(1) The course shall be at least one contact hour in length; and

(2) The course content shall include one of the following:

(a) Standards of respiratory care practice and ethical conduct; or

(b) Acts that constitute violations of the respiratory care practice law under section 4761.09 of the Revised Code; or

(c) Obligations to report alleged violations of Chapter 4761. of the Revised Code or rules adopted thereunder; or

(d) Medical ethics.

(B) To be state medical board of Ohio approved RCCE for the one contact hour in respiratory care law or professional ethics required in rule 4761-9-02 of the Administrative Code, a course that meets the requirements of paragraph (A) of this rule shall also be approved by American association for respiratory care (A.A.R.C.), the American medical association (A.M.A.), the American nurses association (A.N.A.), the Ohio association of physician assistants (O.A.P.A.), the Ohio society for respiratory care (O.S.R.C.), the Ohio state medical association (O.S.M.A.), the Ohio nurses association (O.N.A.), the Ohio thoracic society (O.T.S.), the American college of chest physicians (A.C.C.P.), the American heart association (A.H.A.), the American lung association (A.L.A.), the Ohio lung association (O.L.A.), or the American association of critical care nurses (A.A.C.C.N.).

(C) The board may also, in its discretion, offer a respiratory care law or professional ethics course to meet the one contact hour respiratory care or professional ethics requirement in rule 4761-9-02 of the Administrative Code.

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 4761.03
Amplifies: 4761.03, 4761.06
Five Year Review Date: 11/30/2025
Prior Effective Dates: 3/26/2001, 2/28/2019
Rule 4761-9-05 | Approved sources of RCCE.

(A) Applicants for renewal shall successfully complete the required number of RCCE contact hours according to rule 4761-9-02 of the Administrative Code. RCCE earned from any combination of the following sources may be applicable towards meeting RCCE requirements:

(1) Relevant college credit awarded by an academic institution accredited by its regional accrediting association. This is limited to respiratory care related classes.

(2) RCCE contact hours awarded by respiratory care educational programs approved by the board in accordance with rule 4761-4-01 of the Administrative Code.

(3) The successful completion of advanced life support programs and/or instructors for life support programs will qualify to meet the RCCE requirement. Those meeting this requirement are, but may not be limited to advanced cardiac life support (ACLS), pediatric advanced life support (PALS), neonatal resuscitation program (NRP), and advanced trauma life support (ATLS). The number of contact hours for each program must be assigned by the educational provider. Licensees will be responsible for acquiring documentation supporting completion of the program, the date of completion, and the number of contact hours earned.

(4) Recertification for ACLS, PALS, NRP, or ATLS. The number of contact hours for each program must be assigned by the educational provider. Licensees will be responsible for acquiring documentation supporting completion of the program, the date of completion, and the number of contact hours earned.

(5) All or portions of a continuing education activity relevant to the practice of respiratory care which meet the requirements of paragraph (A) of rule 4761-9-01 of the Administrative Code and which have been approved by a professional organization or association awarding continuing education contact hours, including, but not limited to the American association for respiratory care (A.A.R.C.), the American medical association (A.M.A.), the American nurses association (A.N.A.), the Ohio association of physician assistants (O.A.P.A.), the Ohio society for respiratory care (O.S.R.C.), the Ohio state medical association (O.S.M.A.), the Ohio nurses association (O.N.A.), the Ohio thoracic society (O.T.S.), the American college of chest physicians (A.C.C.P.), the American heart association (A.H.A.), the American lung association (A.L.A.), the Ohio lung association (O.L.A.), and the American association of critical care nurses (A.A.C.C.N.).

(6) Relevant education and training provided by a branch of the U.S. military for active duty military service members.

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 4761.03
Amplifies: 4761.03 , 4761.06
Five Year Review Date: 2/28/2024
Prior Effective Dates: 5/19/1997
Rule 4761-9-07 | Auditing for compliance with RCCE requirements.

(A) To monitor compliance with the RCCE requirements, audits may be conducted retrospectively on random samples of licensees and permit holders, or in response to complaints received by the board.

(B) Audits may be required at any time within the year following the renewal of a license or limited permit.

(C) The audit procedure shall be as follows:

(1) Licensees shall receive a notice of audit which includes the term of RCCE collection under consideration and instructions for compliance with the audit;

(2) Audited licensees or limited permit holders shall be required to submit evidence of completions of the required contact hours;

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 4761.03
Amplifies: 4761.03 , 4761.06
Five Year Review Date: 9/30/2025
Prior Effective Dates: 7/11/2003