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This website publishes administrative rules on their effective dates, as designated by the adopting state agencies, colleges, and universities.

Chapter 4757-9 | Continuing Education

Rule 4757-9-01 | Continuing education requirements for renewal of a marriage and family therapist or independent marriage and family therapist license.

(A) Marriage and family therapists and independent marriage and family therapists require thirty hours of approved continuing professional education for licensure renewal in any combination of the following program areas listed in section 4757.30 of the Revised Code: research, professional ethics, marriage and family studies, marriage and family therapy, human development, appraisal of individuals and families, systems theory, and supervision.

(B) Three of the thirty hours shall be taken in the area of ethics continuing education.

(C) For those independent marriage and family therapists with supervision endorsement ("S"), three hours shall be in supervision, taken every two years. Only the american association for marriage and family therapy supervision refresher course or an equivalent course, as defined in paragraph (F)(3) of rule 4757-29-01 of the Administrative Code, may be used to meet this requirement.

Last updated December 27, 2023 at 8:18 AM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 4757.10
Amplifies: 4757.32, 4757.33
Five Year Review Date: 12/26/2028
Prior Effective Dates: 4/10/2004
Rule 4757-9-02 | Continuing education requirements for renewal of a licensed professional counselor or a licensed professional clinical counselor.

For licensed professional counselors and for licensed professional clinical counselors, the requirements for license renewal are thirty clock hours of approved continuing professional education in the following program areas of training and education listed in section 4757.22 of the Revised Code: human growth and development; counseling theory: counseling techniques; group dynamics, processing, and counseling; appraisal of individuals; research and evaluation; professional, legal and ethical responsibilities; social and cultural foundations; lifestyles and career development; clinical psychopathology, personality and abnormal behavior; evaluation of mental and emotional status; diagnosis of mental and emotional disorders; methods of intervention and prevention of mental and emotional disorders; treatment of mental and emotional disorders; supervision, and administration Administration subjects for continuing education are defined in paragraph (E)(1)(a)(iii) of rule 4757-17-01 of the Administrative Code.

(A) For those licensed professional counselors and licensed professional clinical counselors with supervision endorsement ("S"), three of the thirty clock hours shall be in supervision.

(B) For all renewals three of the thirty hours shall be taken in the area of ethics continuing education.

Last updated December 27, 2023 at 8:18 AM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 4757.10, 4757.33
Amplifies: 4757.33
Five Year Review Date: 12/26/2028
Rule 4757-9-03 | Continuing education requirement for renewal of a certificate of registration as a social work assistant or a license as a social worker or an independent social worker.

(A) Except as required by paragraph (B) of this rule, all persons who hold a license in social work as a condition of renewal of their license, shall complete thirty clock hours of continuing professional education in social work as defined in division (C) of section 4757.01 of the Revised Code. Content areas for continuing education may include: social work theory; social work methods; human development and behavior; social welfare and policy; social work values and ethics; social work research; social work supervision; social work administration; and/or social work with special populations.

(B) For all renewals three of the thirty hours shall be taken in the area of ethics continuing education.

(C) For those independent social workers a supervision endorsement ("S"), three of the thirty clock hours shall be in supervision.

Last updated December 27, 2023 at 8:19 AM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 4757.10, 4757.33
Amplifies: 4757.33
Five Year Review Date: 12/26/2028
Prior Effective Dates: 9/20/2007
Rule 4757-9-04 | Clock hours for continuing professional education.

A "clock hour" is sixty minutes spent in a program meeting the requirements for renewal of a license or certificate of registration issued by the board. Clock hours exclude refreshment breaks, receptions and other social gatherings, and meals that do not include an acceptable program.

(A) Continuing education credit shall only be issued for coursework that qualifies per rule 4757-9-06 of the Administrative Code. Fifteen clock hours shall be granted for one academic semester hour. Ten clock hours shall be granted for one academic quarter hour.

(B) Continuing education credit may only be issued for coursework that qualifies per rule 4757-9-06 of the Administrative Code. Up to ten clock hours may be granted for a journal article. Up to thirty clock hours may be granted for a book.

(C) Credit may be awarded to licensees for first time presentations of a continuing education program, an in-service training workshop, a seminar or a conference presentation at the rate of one and one-half hours for every hour of the actual, board approved, presentation, up to ten hours per renewal period.

(D) The number of clock hours granted for a program offered by an approved provider will be determined by the definition of clock hour in this rule.

(E) Effective January 1, 2015, distance learning courses, that are text based reading courses, shall meet the following requirements:

(1) Content of courses shall meet at least one of the following criteria:

(a) Based on published research in peer-reviewed journals or from academic publishing houses (e.g., Sage, Guilford, Springer) with citations to support the theories and treatments discussed; or

(b) Based on appropriate government published documents which includes, but is not limited to: the board's laws and rules: center for disease control, national institute for health: and substance abuse and mental health services administration; or

(c) Training that is practice-informed rather than research-informed, based on individual practice experience as long as the presenter clearly states that content is based on his or her experience and includes references to published research in peer-reviewed journals and/or from academic publishing houses (e.g., Sage, Guilford, Springer) and/or government documents with citations to support the theories and treatments discussed.

(d) Training that is designed to facilitate compliance with national accreditation standards (e.g., joint commission on the accreditation of healthcare organizations "JCAHO," commission on accreditation of rehabilitation facilities, "CARF," council on accreditation "COA," other appropriate accrediting bodies) and/or established agency policies and procedures relating to clinical care.

(2) Courses shall be updated at least every five years to reflect current research and treatment practices and/or newer government document sources. Sources from seminal works or works of historical importance to the profession are clearly still valid, but newer research may broaden and/or deepen the material.

(3) The board may have a random selection of courses audited by experienced licensed professionals, who are not board members, to review the content as to the referenced material and hours awarded for those programs.

(a) Results of those audits shall result in consultations with the individual or company as to changes in future offerings and how to treat existing offerings that do not meet the standards as noted in the reviews.

(b) If the audit reveals changes that should be made in course content or hours awarded, the provider shall be given a copy of the resulting audit;

(c) If the provider does not agree with the audit, a notice for hearing per Chapter 119. of the Revised Code shall be issued by the board;

(d) If the provider agrees with the audit results or the board prevails following a hearing, the provider shall be allowed to continue offering the course or courses until the end of the two-year cycle anticipated by the publisher, which shall be stated on the publisher's information page of their course documents; and

(e) Should the final results of an audit be presented to a provider that operates on a two-year publishing cycle that publisher shall make corrections on the next published continuing education documents. If the publisher is within a six months period prior to the beginning of a new two-year publishing cycle, for which the provider is approved to offer continuing education, the changes in course content or credit hours awarded will not be effective until the end of the next full two-year publishing cycle.

(F) Counselors, marriage and family therapists, and social workers may earn all hours of continuing professional education per renewal period in distance learning credit as defined in paragraph (A)(11) of rule 4757-9-06 of the Administrative Code.

(G) Counselors, social workers and marriage and family therapists may use up to twelve hours from the prior renewal period for their current renewal, only if they had an excess of hours over thirty hours from the immediate prior renewal. This practice is known as "banking" continuing education hours (CEUs). Registered social work assistants may bank up to six hours of excess continuing education from the immediate prior renewal.

(1) Hours earned as a professional counselor may not be banked to renew a professional clinical counselor license.

(2) Hours earned as a social work assistant may not be banked to renew a social worker license.

(3) Hours earned as a social worker may not be banked to renew an independent social worker license.

(4) Hours earned as a marriage and family therapist may not be banked to renew an independent marriage and family therapist license.

(H) All licensees and registrants shall complete continuing education renewal requirements prior to renewing as specified in: rule 4757-9-01 of the Administrative Code for marriage and family therapists; rule 4757-9-02 of the Administrative Code for professional counselors; and rule 4757-9-03 of the Administrative Code for social workers; unless granted a waiver under rule 4757-7-01 of the Administrative Code.

Last updated December 27, 2023 at 8:19 AM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 4757.10, 4757.33
Amplifies: 4757.33
Five Year Review Date: 12/26/2028
Prior Effective Dates: 9/20/2002, 9/20/2007, 7/3/2010, 6/1/2014
Rule 4757-9-05 | Approval of continuing professional education programs required for renewal of licenses and certificates of registration issued by the board.

The goals of the board's continuing professional education requirements are to assist licensees in maintaining and expanding professional competence and expertise, in becoming aware of new professional issues and developments; and in providing responsible, quality and competent service to clients and community. Continuing education to promote personal growth of the licensee or to develop general business skills, or to develop skills such as in CPR or first aid, shall not be accepted.

Continuing education credits may be obtained in several ways: attendance at programs offered by approved providers, approved programs, and publications as cited in paragraph (B) of rule 4757-9-06 of the Administrative Code and presentations as cited in paragraph (C) of rule 4757-9-06 of the Administrative Code. The board or its designee shall approve providers under the following guidelines:

Any individual or business providing continuing education courses for this board's licensees shall comply with federal law title III of the Americans with Disabilities Act "ADA." Continuing education programs shall be offered in locations and in a manner, which are accessible to persons with disabilities, or offer alternative accessible arrangements for such persons. Individuals or businesses who hold provider status or are approved to provide individual programs are required to provide auxiliary aides and services that are necessary to ensure equal access to the goods, services, facilities, privileges or accommodations that it offers unless an undue burden or a fundamental alteration would result.

(A) The following meanings shall apply to all continuing education rules promulgated by the counselor, social worker, and marriage and family therapy board.

"Provider Status" means an individual or entity granted approval to develop continuing education program offerings without prior approval from the board for each program offered. All continuing education offerings shall utilize the same provider authorization number assigned by the board. A licensed individual shall review each continuing education program as noted on the provider application or most recent renewal application on file with the board.

(B) Requirements for continuing education programs offered by approved providers :

(1) Academic courses offered in accredited education institutions by counseling, social work, and marriage and family therapy degree programs as defined in paragraphs (A) of rule 4757-13-01, (C)(1)(g) of rule 4757-19-01 and (A)(1) of rule 4757-25-01 of the Administrative Code, are automatically granted program approval. Transcripts and/or grade reports shall be used to document this training. If the licensee audits an approved course, a letter from the professor shall be required to verify actual number of hours of attendance, which shall be used to determine hours of continuing education credit granted.

Continuing education programs presented by academic departments or programs of counseling, social work, or marriage and family therapy are accepted by the board for continuing education credit regardless of the provider status of the department or program.

(2) Programs may be sponsored by departments of accredited educational institutions; national, regional, state, or local professional organizations or associations; public or private human service agencies or organizations; private consultants; or individuals. In order to obtain approved status from the board, a program shall meet the following requirements:

(a) The program shall be presented by competent individuals as documented by appropriate academic training and professionally recognized experience. Presenters should have an identifiable involvement with human services. In approving a particular presenter the board shall be guided by the following range of presenter qualifications.

(i) Persons licensed by the board, or those holding similar licenses in other states, with appropriate expertise in the content area may be accepted.

(ii) Related professionals with the ability to connect content to the professions licensed by the board counseling, social work or marriage and family therapy practice shall usually be accepted.

(iii) Expert presenters with no apparent link to professions licensed by the board, or related practice may or may not be acceptable based upon content to be presented and intended audience.

(iv) Presenters with no apparent professional qualifications nor link to the professions licensed by the board shall not be accepted.

(v) Presenters providing training in practice areas that would require licensure shall show evidence of current licensure in Ohio or another state.

(b) The program shall have a minimum duration of one clock hour.

(c) The program shall have goals and objectives which are responsive to the needs of licensees and attendees. Applications shall include agendas with content and time frames for each session of the program.

(d) The program shall be related to counseling, social work and/or marriage and family therapy content areas as listed in rules 4757-9-01, 4757-9-02 and 4757-9-03 of the Administrative Code.

Peer reviewed journals shall meet the following criteria: (i) have an independent editorial board, (ii) be sponsored by a national professional society for counseling, social work, marriage and family therapy, art therapy, music therapy, psychology or psychiatry, and (iii) have paid subscribers. Articles appearing in publications dealing with the specific program topic area shall not constitute validation.

(e) The program shall be disseminated via appropriate instructional methods, such as lecture, group discussion, video, film, computer or other electronic means, written materials, or interactive teleconferencing.

(f) The program shall include an evaluation component directly related to its stated goals and objectives.

(g) The program shall be offered in a place and manner which is accessible to persons who are physically challenged.

(h) The program approval request shall be submitted for review, in a format designated by the board, at least sixty days prior to the scheduled program date. Program approval requests received on or after the date of the program shall be denied.

(i) The program's promotional information shall state that program approval has either been applied for or has been granted, and to which license(s) renewal requirements the program shall apply.

(j) The sponsor of the program shall provide program participants certificates of completion on paper or electronically, which contain the information in paragraphs (B)(2)(k)(i) to (B)(2)(k)(vi) of the Administrative Code.

(i) The title and date(s) of the program and the board's program approval number;

(ii) The name of the sponsoring agency or organization;

(iii) The name of the participant, which may be legibly handwritten, and the number of clock hours of continuing professional education earned by the participant;

(iv) The signature of the instructor or the official representative of the sponsoring organization;

(v) The hours of ethics, distance learning and/or supervision included in the program, if any; and

(vi) A blank space on the certificate of completion in which the participant may place their registration or license number.

(k) The sponsor shall ensure that the program conforms to the planned hours of attendance, attendance certificates are given to attendees after the end of the program and that any late arrivals or early departees are given certificates accurately reflecting their actual times of attendance.

(l) The sponsor shall maintain records of program content, presenter qualifications and individual participation, and individual evaluation forms for five years and make such records available, if the board requests them;

(C) Guidelines for provider approval:

(1) Continuing education providers authorized to provide continuing education as defined in paragraphs (F) and (G) of this rule and paragraph (F) of rule 4757-9-06 of the Administrative Code are ineligible to apply for provider approval as described in this rule.

(2) Approved provider status for newly approved providers shall be granted for up to a to four year period and is subject to renewal for up to a four year year period if the provider meets the requirements of this rule. At its discretion, the board may establish an initial approval period or renewal period of less than four years based on the experience and performance of the provider.

(3) Providers may use their own approval numbers for presentations by this board's staff members, for example ethics or licensing presentations.

(4) The board may refuse to renew the approved status of any provider who fails to comply with the requirements of this rule. Approved provider status may be withdrawn for cause.

(5) Programs offered by a provider while that provider does not have approved status shall not be accepted by the board toward fulfillment of license renewal requirements unless program approval for such programs was obtained as set forth in this rule.

(6) The board may grant provider status, which may include but are not limited to: degree programs, national regional, state, or local professional organizations, public or private human service agencies, private consultants or individuals. The applicant for approved provider status shall meet the following requirements:

(a) Make application for approval status in a format required by the board at least two months prior to the date of the first scheduled program offering. A list of proposed programs and program goals shall be included with the application.

(b) Apply for renewal of approved provider status two months prior to the expiration date;

(c) Provide or arrange for appropriate educational facilities and instructional aids and offer programs and facilities that are accessible to persons who are handicapped.

(d) Have program presenters who have the professionally recognized skills to conduct the programs being offered in accordance with paragraph (A) of this rule;

(e) Conduct programs that satisfy one or more of the program areas in the professions licensed by the board as defined in rules 4757-9-01, 4757-9-02 and 4757-9-03 of the Administrative Code and/or as defined in division (A), (C) or (H) of section 4757.01 of the Revised Code;

(f) Include an evaluation component in all programs offered;

(g) Maintains records of program content, presenter qualifications and individual participation, and individual evaluation forms for five years and make such records available, if the board requests them;

(h) The provider shall give program participants certificates of completion on paper or electronically, which contain the information in paragraphs (C)(6)(i)(i) to (C)(6)(i)(vi) of the Administrative Code.

(i) Name of the provider and the approved provider number;

(ii) The name of the participant, which may be legibly handwritten, and provide a blank space on the certificate of completion in which the participant may place his or her registration or license number;

(iii) The title and date(s) of the program;

(iv) The hours of ethics, distance learning and/or supervision included in the program if any;

(v) The signature of the instructor or the official representative of the sponsoring organization; and

(vi) The number of clock hours of continuing professional education earned by the participant.

(i) Indicate, on any promotional literature disseminated, the provider number issued by the board and the license(s) renewal requirements to which the program(s) shall apply.

(j) Each program shall have review and or input by a licensee of the board.

(k) The provider shall ensure that the program conforms to the planned hours of attendance, attendance certificates are given to attendees after the end of the program and that any late arrivals or early departees are given certificates accurately reflecting their actual times of attendance.

(l) Providers may purchase and/or contract for the provision of continuing education programs that are not co-sponsored provided the provider retains control of the contracted or purchased program.

(m) Applicants shall use the form prescribed by the board for approval of the continuing education provider status. Applicants shall pay a fee set in rule 4757-1-05 of the Administrative Code for each provider application submitted or renewed. Initial provider status is valid for a period to be established by the board upon status approval.

(D) Guidelines for continuing education program advertising: All advertising by approved continuing education providers shall clearly indicate the target audience of any program being advertised. A provider or sponsor offering continuing education programs shall include:

(1) Approved for counselors and/or social workers and/or marriage and family therapists each listed as appropriate;

(2) If ethics or supervision, then include: Approved for number of hours of ethics and/or number of hours of supervision each listed as appropriate; and approved for counselors and/or social workers and/or marriage and family therapists each listed as appropriate.

(E) The board has the right to have a board employee attend unannounced any approved continuing education program offered under this rule. The staff member or board member attending the program may not claim continuing education credit for the course without paying the requisite fee, if any.

(F) Association approval status:

(1) National associations or associations of state regulatory boards composed of licensed members or stakeholders of the counseling, social work, or marriage and family therapy professions that provide or approve continuing education for use in multiple jurisdictions, or Ohio-based associations representing the professions licensed by the board may apply to the board for association approval status.

(a) National associations may apply to approve continuing education programs, providers, or providers and programs.

(b) Ohio-based associations may apply to approve programs only.

(c) Association approval status is approved by the board upon recommendation of the appropriate professional standards committee.

(d) Initial association provider approval status will be valid for one year from the date of approval.

(e) After the expiration of the initial one year approval, the board, at its discretion, may award association approval status for up to three years.

(f) Association approval status may be restricted for cause or revoked for cause. In such instances when the board intends to restrict or revoke an approval status, the association will be provided an initial ninety-day period, which may be extended at the board's discretion for a one time sixty day period, in which to respond. During the response period the association may continue to approve programs or providers. All restrictions, non-renewals and revocations must be approved by the board upon a recommendation of the appropriate professional standards committee. Associations subject to a restricted approval status, non-renewal, or revocation may reapply to the board for full approval status after one year.

(g) Associations applying for association approval status must do so on a form provided by the board and pay any fees assessed by the board for continuing education approvals as defined in rule 4757-1-05 of the Administrative Code.

(h) The association must agree to approve programs and providers in accordance with rules 4757-9-01, 4757-9-02, and 4757-9-03 of the Administrative Code.

(2) Annually the association must report to the board the number of programs and providers approved; the number of programs and providers denied and a reason for the denial; apprise the board of any relevant issues related to the approval of programs or providers.

(3) Continuing education provided by associations with association approval status will be accepted to meet continuing education renewal requirements without further action by the board.

(G) Programs sponsored by or offered by the following agencies of the state of Ohio or state of Ohio constitutional offices shall be considered approved for continuing education credit provided the subject matter of the training is relevant to the professions licensed by the board : chemical dependency professionals board, state medical board of Ohio, , department of developmental disabilities, bureau of workers compensation, department of education, department of health, department of job and family services, department of mental health and addiction services, board of nursing, state board of psychology, depart of rehabilitation and corrections, department of public safety, department of youth services, attorney general of Ohio, and supreme court of Ohio.

(1) By a vote of the board state agencies or constitutional offices not listed in paragraph (G) of this rule may be approved to provided continuing education programs.

(2) The board may restrict licensees from claiming continuing education credits for programs provided by any agency listed in paragraph (G) of this rule or approved under paragraph (G)(1) of this rule if the board determines a program or programs offered by such an agency do not provide continuing education appropriate to the scopes of practice defined in agency 4757 of the Administrative Code.

(3) Certificates for programs offered may include the following statement to denote acceptance by the board: "Accepted for continued education credit by the Ohio CSWMFT Board under rule 4757-9-05 of the Administrative Code."

(H) Post program discontinued: approval:

(1) Effective with the effective date of this rule, the board will discontinue review of continuing education programs for post program approval. Programs previously eligible for post program approval, as described in paragraph (H)(3) of this rule, will be submited via the board's chosen system for continuing education program without pre or post review by the board. Such programs are subject to audit and may be rejected for license renewal if the program is determined not to be qualified continuing education.

(2) Programs taken in person in the state of Ohio that are not preapproved by the board or offered by an approved provider, cannot be submitted as continuing education.

(3) , The licensee shall provide the following in a manner required by the board:

(a) If a book, a copy of the front matter indicating the title, author, and year of publication. Self-published books do not qualify for continuing education credit.

(b) If a journal article, the first page(s) of the article that includes the article title, abstract, and name of the journal.

(c) If a presentation of an of in-service training workshops, seminars and/or conference presentations, a copy of the presenation or training agenda; or

(d) If an in-person, out of state conference or training:

(i) Documentation that the program presenter(s) met the requirements of paragraph (B)(2)(a) of this rule; and

(ii) A copy of the program brochure and other documentation to demonstrate that the program met the requirements of paragraphs (B)(2)(b) to (B)(2)(f) of this rule; and

(iii) A certificate of completion, transcripts, grade card, or signed statement from the presenter to demonstrate the licensee's attendance at the program or course.

Last updated December 27, 2023 at 8:19 AM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 4757.33
Amplifies: 4757.31, 4757.33
Five Year Review Date: 12/26/2028
Prior Effective Dates: 4/10/2004, 4/1/2011, 6/1/2014
Rule 4757-9-06 | Sources of continuing professional education.

(A) Sources of continuing professional education shall be formally organized learning experiences with education as their explicit principal intent and which are oriented toward the enhancement of counselor, social worker, and marriage and family therapy practice. The following are examples of appropriate formats for such learning experiences:

(1) "Institute" means a formal offering, usually in a series of meetings, for instruction and information in a particular area of counselor, social worker and/or marriage and family practice;

(2) "Seminar" means a small group of counselors, social workers, or marriage and family therapists who meet under expert leadership or resource persons. Participants prepare reports on some aspect of a problem, which is discussed and analyzed;

(3) "Conference" means sessions of one or more days duration designed to serve a varying number of persons to hear different points of view on a central theme;

(4) "Staff development" means an educational program planned by an agency to assist its employees in becoming increasingly knowledgeable and competent in fulfilling role expectations within that agency. Although often used interchangeably with in service education, staff development frequently includes out-of-agency educational activities;

(5) "Symposium" means two or more specialists presenting information on a particular subject. A moderator introduces the subject and each speaker then summarizes and presides during a question and answer period;

(6) "Workshop" means a program designed to bring together individuals with a common interest and background to solve similar problems and to gain new knowledge, skills, and attitudes;

(7) "Course" means a series of learning experiences with a specific content and offered for credit, non-credit, or audit by a regionally accredited educational institution;

(8) "Teleconference" means the transmission of video information where there is an on-site moderator to lead a post-conference discussion and question and answer session.

(9) "Distance learning" means a formal education process, in which instruction occurs when the students and instructor(s) are not located in the same place. Distance learning adds technology to the online learning environment by a variety of means. For the purposes of agency 4757 of the Administrative Code, the term distance learning refers to all non-traditional methods of presentation except video-conferencing.

(10) "Video conferencing" means conducting a conference between two or more participants at different sites using computer networks to transmit audio and video data.

(B) A continuing education program approved for one license type may be considered approved for all license types.

(C) The board may grant continuing professional education credit to licensees who author journal articles or books on subjects related to professions licensed by the board, and which meet the following requirements:

(1) Journal articles shall be published in refereed journals.

(2) Chapters authored by licensees in books acceptable under this rule shall be treated as journal articles. Credit will not be awarded for any books or articles read that are not part of a program offered by an approved provider.

(3) Reprints or republications of previously published materials either in name or substantive content are not acceptable as continuing professional education.

(4) Continuing professional education for publications having joint authorship shall be divided equally among the authors.

(5) Licensees wishing to use a journal article or book shall submit for continuing education credit as required in rule 4757-9-05 of the Administrative Code.

(D) The board may grant continuing education credit to individuals who conduct presentations on subjects related to counseling, social work, or marriage and family therapy. Credit may be granted for first time preparation and presentation of an in-service training workshop, a seminar or a conference presentation which is related to the enhancement of licensee , , or knowledge. Licensees wishing to use a presentation shall submit for continuing education credits as required in rule 4757-9-05 of the Administrative Code.

(E) The board may grant continuing education credit to licensees who teach a college course, of a semester or quarter duration, directly related to their license type. Credit at the rate of one and one-half hours for every hour of the course, up to ten hours per renewal period, may be granted for the first time preparation and presentation of the course.

(F) The board may grant continuing education credit for approved home study programs when the distance learning program's sponsor can demonstrate that:

(1) The program meets all of the requirements established in rule 4757-9-05 of the Administrative Code .

(2) The program sponsors shall have adequate security in place to assure that the individual who receives credit for the course is the individual who completed the program.

(3) The program sponsor shall include post tests of at least five questions per hour of continuing education for home-study courses.

(G) The board may grant continuing education credit for appropriate college courses from regionally accredited educational institutions that are documented by passing grades; audited courses require documentation by official or unofficial transcript.

(1) Appropriate college courses are those that are at the level of the license for which CEUs are sought. Graduate level licensees shall generally be approved for graduate level courses directly related to their license type. Bachelor level licensees shall generally be approved for bachelor or graduate level courses directly related to their license type. Associate level registrants shall generally be approved for associate, bachelor or graduate level courses directly related to their license type. College courses taken at a lower level than qualifying degree may be submitted for continuing education credit per rule 4757-9-05 of the Administrative Code; applicants shall delineate how that course work is relevant to their practice.

(2) Appropriate courses are ones not previously taken unless updated due to passage of five years or more.

(3) Licensees wishing to use a college course for continuing education hours shall submit a request for continuing education credit as required in rule 4757-9-05 of the Administrative Code.

(H) The board may grant continuing education credit for programs approved by licensure boards in other states. A licensee may submit for continuing education only those programs approved by a board that issues the same types of licenses as this board.

(I) The board may grant continuing education credit for programs offered by or approved by national associations representing the professional practice interests of persons licensed by the board.

(J) Volunteer service:

In accordance with division (B) of section 4745.04 of the Revised Code, licensed professional clinical counselors, independent marriage and family therapists, and licensed independent social workers may claim up to six hours of volunteer service toward the thirty hour continuing education requirement. To qualify under this rule, volunteer services shall:

(1) Be provided at a free clinic or other non-profit organization that offers health care services based on eligibility screenings identifying the client as an "indigent and uninsured person" as that term is defined in section 2305.234 of the Revised Code;

(2) Not be credited for license holders in a paid position at the organization at which the services are rendered;

(3) Be counseling, social work, or marriage and therapy services provided in compliance with the professional conduct requirements specified agency 4757 of the Administrative Code;

(4) Be credited as one hour of CE for each sixty minutes spent providing services as a volunteer, not to exceed six hours of the total biennial CE requirement;

(5) Not count toward the requirement to complete three hours of continuing education in ethics continuing education.

Last updated December 27, 2023 at 8:19 AM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 4757.33
Amplifies: 4757.33
Five Year Review Date: 12/26/2028
Prior Effective Dates: 7/3/1997, 4/10/2004, 9/20/2007, 7/1/2016
Rule 4757-9-07 | Documentation of continuing professional education required for renewal of a license or certificate of registration.

Each licensee or registrant shall provide, in a manner prescribed by the board, evidence that the licensee or registrant has satisfied the continuing professional education requirements for renewal of a license or certificate of registration.

(A) Courses taken for credit at accredited educational institutions shall be verified by transcripts. Completion of non-credit and audited courses shall be verified by transcripts.

(B) All other continuing professional education shall be documented by a copy of certificates of completion furnished by the provider, or by upload by the provider of completion information to an online system required by the board for reporting completed continuing education. Such certificates or uploaded submissions shall contain the information required by paragraph (B)(5)(i) of rule 4757-9-05 of the Administrative Code. In addition, the licensee or registrant shall record his/her license or certificate number in the appropriate place on the certificate of completion.

(C) Copies of publications presented for continuing professional education shall be furnished to the board. In the case of journal articles, a copy of the journal's page showing the names of its editorial review board shall be included to document that the journal is referred.

(D) Licensees and registrants may not attend the same program twice within a two-year renewal period. If a program has multiple parts, the title of the program shall specify part numbers or letters for a multi-part series of programs, e.g. "Title" part 1, "Title" part 2, etc. Licensees may attend and count/include eligible continuing education hours earned through programs that are required annually by national accreditation, state certification(s) and/or adherence to evidence based practice models, programs, and curriculums during the two year renewal cycle.

Last updated December 27, 2023 at 8:19 AM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 4757.33
Amplifies: 4757.33
Five Year Review Date: 12/26/2028
Prior Effective Dates: 9/20/2002, 3/5/2018