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This website publishes administrative rules on their effective dates, as designated by the adopting state agencies, colleges, and universities.

Chapter 4757-3 | Definitions; Titles

Rule 4757-3-01 | Definitions.

The following meanings shall apply to all rules promulgated by the counselor, social worker, and marriage and family therapy board, unless in a specific paragraph under one of the counselor, social worker, and marriage and family therapist board rules, the word or term is explicitly defined or used in different manner.

(A) The terms "practice of professional counseling," "clinical counseling principles, methods, or procedures," "social work," "accredited educational institution," and "mental and emotional disorders" shall for the purposes of board rules have the same meanings as set forth in section 4757.01 of the Revised Code.

(B) The terms "renewal," "renewed," "license," and "licensee" shall for the purposes of board rules have the same meanings as set forth in section 4757.01 of the Revised Code.

(C) "Agency" means an organization, which has a clearly defined mission statement with goals and objectives that include the provision of counseling, social work, and/or marriage and family therapy services, and which is recognized by a unit of government or others authorized to legitimize its functions. In addition, it shall have clearly defined lines of authority, a formal decision-making process, and differentiated staff roles with written job descriptions. Agency settings include private non-profit organizations, public organizations, and others approved by the board, that are engaged in the practice of social work, counseling, and/or marriage and family therapy. Settings in which social work, counseling, and/or marriage and family therapy is practiced as a private practitioner, as a member of a partnership, or as a member of a group practice are not included.

(D) "Applicant" means an individual who has:

(1) Filed with the executive director of the board a completed application for licensure as a licensed professional clinical counselor, licensed professional counselor, independent marriage and family therapist, marriage and family therapist, independent social worker, social worker, or for registration of title as a social work assistant, or for registration as a trainee, on forms prescribed by the board; and

(2) Paid the appropriate fee, if applicable.

(E) "Application" means an online application or a written application, in a form prescribed by the board, filed with the executive director of the board, wherein the applicant has provided all the information required for processing the licensure application.

(F) "Art therapy" means the practice of professional art therapy as defined in division (K) of section 4757.01 of the Revised Code for a fee, salary, or other consideration.

(G) "Board" means the counselor, social worker, and marriage and family therapist board. When the board is cited that may be the full board or one of the appropriate professional standards committees.

(H) "Board office" means the business office of the counselor, social worker, and marriage and family therapist board.

(I) "Book" means a non-fiction, non-self published work of scholarship published in a bound or electronic format.

(J) "Civil service employee" means an individual employed by the state, the counties, cities, city health districts, general health districts, and city school districts thereof, as defined in division (A) of section 124.01 the Revised Code.

(K) "Counseling" means the practice of professional counseling as defined in division (A) of section 4757.01 of the Revised Code for a fee salary, or other consideration.

(L) "Coursework" means a college or university course at an accredited educational institution in which the applicant was enrolled for credit.

(1) "Graduate coursework" means any coursework taken for a grade that meets the requirements of a post-baccalaureate degree and in which the applicant was enrolled after receiving their baccalaureate degree.

(2) "Undergraduate coursework" means any coursework taken for a grade which is recognized by the granting institution as undergraduate coursework in which the applicant received a passing grade.

(M) "Employee," "employed," "employment," and "experience" all refer to work for a fee or salary, not including practicum and/or internship experiences taken as part of an educational program, which falls within the scope of practice of the license for which the applicant is applying.

(N) "Ethics continuing education" means a continuing education program that covers ethical requirements (including cultural competency) as defined in Chapter 4757-5 and Chapter 4757-6 of the Administrative Code.

(O) "Inactive-Escrow" means a non-practice license status whereby by the license may at some point in the future be reinstated as active.

(P) "License fee" means the fee(s) established by the board for the processing of applications and/or the issuance of licenses as specified in rule 4757-1-05 of the Administrative Code.

(Q) "Master's degree in social work" means a degree granted from an educational institution accredited by the council on social work education or an educational institution in candidacy for accreditation by the council.

(R) "Music therapy" means the practice of professional music therapy or providing music therapy services as defined in division (M) of section 4757.01 of the Revised Code for a fee, salary, or other consideration.

(S) "Private practice" and "private practitioner" mean an individual who independently, in partnership, or in corporation practices counseling, social work, or marriage and family therapy as defined in section 4757.01 of the Revised Code and sets up his/her own condition of exchange with those clients, and identifies himself/herself in any manner as a counselor, social worker, or marriage and family therapist in offering such services. Licensed professional counselors and marriage and family therapists shall do so under supervision as required by sections 4757.21 and 4757.30 of the Revised Code. Social workers may not engage in private practice per division (C) of section 4757.26 of the Revised Code.

(T) "Scope of practice" means the services, methods, and techniques, in which and the areas for which, an individual is licensed or registered under Chapter 4757. of the Revised Code and under agency 4757 of the Administrative Code (agency 4757 of the Administrative Code is reserved for the counselor, social worker and marriage and family therapist board).

(U) "Social work" means the application of specialized knowledge of human development and behavior and social, economic, and cultural systems in directly assisting individuals, families, and groups to improve or restore their capacity for social functioning, including counseling, the use of psychosocial interventions, and social psychotherapy for a fee, salary, or other consideration.

(1) "Psychosocial interventions" means the application of social work that involves individual, dyadic, family, or group interventions that utilize treatment modalities such as a family systems therapy, client centered advocacy, environmental modifications, community organization and/or organizational change. These modalities are implemented in crisis, short-term, and long-term therapeutic interventions directed at reducing, increasing, enhancing, maintaining, or changing target behaviors, areas of functioning, or environmental structures or processes.

(2) "Counseling", within the practice of social work, means a method used by social workers to assist individuals, couples, families, and groups in learning how to solve problems and make decisions about personal, health, social, educational, vocational, financial, and other interpersonal concerns.

(3) "Social psychotherapy" means the application of social work toward the goal of enhancement and maintenance of psychosocial functioning of individuals, families, and small groups. It includes interventions directed to interpersonal interactions, intra-psychic dynamics, and life-support and management issues. It also includes the professional application of social work theory and methods to the treatment and prevention of psychosocial dysfunction, disability, or impairment, including mental and emotional disorders. Social psychotherapy consists of assessment; diagnosis; treatment, including psychotherapy and counseling; consultation; and evaluation.

(4) "Social services" means those activities which improve and maintain an individual's functioning in institutions, at home, or in the community and which do not require the specialized knowledge of social work, counseling, psychosocial interventions, or social psychotherapy. For individuals performing only social services licensure is not required pursuant to Chapter 4757. of the Revised Code.

(5) "Social Functioning" means living up to the expectations that are made of an individual by that person's own self, by the immediate social environment, and by society at large. These expectations, or functions, include meeting one's own basic needs and the needs of one's dependents and making positive contributions to society. Human needs include physical aspects (food, shelter, safety, health care, and protection), personal fulfillment (education, recreation, values, aesthetics, religion, and accomplishment), emotional needs (a sense of belonging, mutual caring, and companionship), and an adequate self-concept (self-confidence, self-esteem, and identity).

(V) For the purpose of the counselor, social worker, and marriage and family therapist board rules and the licenses granted under them, the board adopts the following titles and meanings:

(1) "Licensed Professional Counselor" means a counselor licensed by the board to practice professional counseling as defined in division (A) of section 4757.01 of the Revised Code.

(2) "Licensed Professional Clinical Counselor" means a counselor licensed by the board to practice professional counseling and the unsupervised diagnosis and treatment of mental and emotional disorders and conditions as defined in division (A) of section 4757.01 of the Revised Code.

(3) "Independent Social Worker" means a social worker licensed by the board to practice social work as defined in division (C) of section 4757.01 of the Revised Code.

(4) "Social Worker" means a social worker licensed by the board to practice social work as defined in division (C) of section 4757.01 of the Revised Code.

(5) "Registered Social Work Assistant" means an individual issued a certificate of registration by the board in accordance with division (C) of section 4757.29 of the Revised Code.

(6) "Independent Marriage and Family Therapist" means a marriage and family therapist licensed by the board to practice marriage and family therapy as defined in division (G) of section 4757.01 of the Revised Code.

(7) "Marriage and Family Therapist" means a marriage and family therapist licensed by the board to practice marriage and family therapy as defined in division (G) of section 4757.01 of the Revised Code.

(8) "Licensed Professional Art Therapist" means an art therpist licensed by the board to practice art therapy as defined in division (J) of section 4757.01 of the Revised Code.

(9) "Licensed Professional Music Therapist" mean a music therapist licensed by the board to practice music therapy as defined in division (L) of section 4757.01 of the Revised Code.

(10) "Licensed Professional Counselor with training supervision designation" means a counselor who has been licensed by the board to practice professional counseling as defined in division (A) of section 4757.01 of the Revised Code and been awarded a training supervision designation per paragraph (E) of rule 4757-17-01 of the Administrative Code.

(11) "Licensed Professional Clinical Counselor with training supervision designation" means a counselor licensed by the board to practice professional counseling and the unsupervised diagnosis and treatment of mental and emotional disorders and conditions as defined in division (A) of section 4757.01 of the Revised Code and been awarded a training supervision designation per paragraph (E) of rule 4757-17-01 of the Administrative Code.

(12) "Independent Social Worker with training supervision designation" means a social worker licensed by the board to practice social work as defined in division (C) of section 4757.01 of the Revised Code and been awarded a training supervision designation per paragraph (D) of rule 4757-23-01 of the Administrative Code.

(13) "Independent Marriage and Family Therapist with training supervision designation" means an independent marriage and family therapist licensed by the board to practice marriage and family therapy as defined in division (H) of section 4757.01 of the Revised Code and been awarded training supervision designation per paragraph (F) of rule 4757-29-01 of the Administrative Code.

(W) "Counseling experience" means the applicant's primary employment responsibility was in counseling, supervision of a counseling program, or direct involvement in the administration or policy division of a counseling program.

(X) "Counselor trainee" means an individual who is a graduate student seeking voluntary registration per section 4757.10 of the Revised Code and has filed a training agreement with the board per rule 4757-13-09 of the Administrative Code and who is currently enrolled in either a practicum or internship in a counselor education program as defined in paragraph (A)(4) of rule 4757-13-01 of the Administrative Code.

(Y) "Doctoral internship" means a doctoral internship which is taken in a counselor education program which is approved by the counselor professional standards committee or at a counselor education program which meets the criteria of a committee approved program.

(Z) "Impaired or impairment" means the presence of the disorder of alcoholism, substance abuse, mental illness or other debilitating conditions.

(AA) "Impaired treatment program" means a plan of care and rehabilitation services provided by organizations or persons authorized by the board to provide such services.

(BB) "Impairment program" means a program for the prevention, detection, intervention, rehabilitation, and monitoring of impaired counselors, social workers or marriage and family therapists.

(CC) "Practice of marriage and family therapy" means the practice of marriage and family therapy as defined in division (H) of section 4757.01 of the Revised Code, for a fee, salary or other consideration.

(DD) "Client" as used in agency 4757 of the Administrative Code, means a patient or consumer of services or that person's legal guardian, or any other receiver of mental health services.

(EE) "Social worker trainee" means an individual who is a graduate student seeking voluntary registration per section 4757.10 of the Revised Code and rule 4757-19-05 of the Administrative Code and is currently enrolled in a master's level practicum, internship or field work course in a social work education program accredited by the "Council on Social Work Education" (CSWE) or an educational institution in candidacy for accreditation by the council.

(FF) "Independent Contractor" means an individual who meets the internal revenue service (IRS) definition as an independent contractor in (IRS) publication 15-A, which can be found at

(GG) "Peer Supervision" means the joint or mutual discussion of issues in supervision by supervising counselors for the purpose of improving the quality of supervision.

(HH) "First-hand knowledge" means the direct knowledge of a supervisee's work through audio tape and/or video tape and/or live supervision.

(II) "Teletherapy" means counseling, social work or marriage and family therapy in any form offered, rendered, or supported by electronic or digitally-assisted approaches, to include when the counselor, social worker or marriage and family therapist and the client are not located in the same place during delivery of services or when electronic systems or digitally-assisted systems are used to support in-person face to face therapy.

(JJ) "Marriage and Family Therapist trainee" means an individual who is a graduate student seeking voluntary registration per section 4757.10 of the Revised Code, and has filed a training agreement with the board per rule 4757-25-08 of the Administrative Code and is currently enrolled in either a practicum or internship in a marriage and family therapy education program as defined in paragraph (A) of rule 4757-25-01 of the Administrative Code.

(KK) "Late completion of continuing education" for counselor, social worker, or marriage and family therapy licensure renewal required under section 4757.33 of the Revised Code and by rules 4757-9-01, 4757-9-02 and 4757-9-03 of the Administrative Code means an active licensee renewed their license or registration without completing the requisite continuing education hours, which they swore or affirmed in their renewal application that they had obtained.

(LL) "Accredited" or "Appropriately Accredited" means an institution accredited or holding pre-accredited status at the college level by an accreditation agency recognized by the U.S. secretary of education; or an institution accredited at the college level by an accrediting agency recognized by the council for higher education accreditation "CHEA."

Last updated July 2, 2024 at 10:23 AM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 4757.10
Amplifies: 4757.10, 4757.30, 4757.29, 4757.28, 4757.27, 4757.23, 4757.22
Five Year Review Date: 7/1/2029
Prior Effective Dates: 11/8/2007, 3/5/2018
Rule 4757-3-02 | Abbreviations and titles.

(A) Counselors, social workers, and marriage and family therapists licensed or registered by the board shall use the following abbreviations to designate their titles as defined in paragraph (V) of rule 4757-3-01 of the Administrative Code:

(1) "LPAT" means a "Licensed Professional Art Therapist";

(2) "LPMT" means a "Licensed Professional Music Therapist";

(3) "LPCC" means a "Licensed Professional Clinical Counselor";

(4) "LPCC-S" means a "Licensed Professional Clinical Counselor with training supervision designation";

(5) "LISW means an "Independent Social Worker";

(6) "LISW-S" means an "Independent Social Worker with training supervision designation";

(7) "LPC" means a "Licensed Professional Counselor";

(8) "LPC-S" means a "Licensed Professional Counselor with training supervision designation";

(9) "LSW" or means a "Social Worker";

(10) "SWA" means a "Registered Social Work Assistant";

(11) "CT" means a "Registered Counselor Trainee";

(12) "IMFT" means an "Independent Marriage and Family Therapist";

(13) "MFT" means a "Marriage and Family Therapist";

(14) "SWT" means a registered "Social Worker Trainee".

(15) LPC-TEMP" means a "Licensed Professional Counselor" with a temporary license.

(16) "LSW-TEMP" or means a "Social Worker" with a temporary license.

(17) "MFT-TEMP" means a "Marriage and Family Therapist" with a temporary license.

(18) "IMFT-S" means an "Independent Marriage and Family Therapist" with training supervision designation.

(19) "MFTT" means a registered "Marriage and Family Therapist Trainee."

(B) "Marriage and Family Therapists" may not use the title "Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist" or the abbreviation "LMFT."

(C) Licensees shall indicate after their name on official documents the appropriate abbreviations of the current active license, or licenses, issued to them by this board.

(D) No person licensed by this board shall use after their name the title of abbreviation for any license, certification, or registration that they do not hold at the time of the use of said title or abbreviation.

(E) A person whose license has been suspended or revoked by the board or its professional standards committee shall not use with their name the abbreviation or title of that license while it is under suspension or revocation, nor shall any person whose license has expired use its abbreviation or title.

(F) The use of any abbreviation or title contained in this rule by persons unlicensed by this board shall be considered a violation of divisions (A) to (C) of section 4757.02 of the Revised Code.

Last updated July 2, 2024 at 10:23 AM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 4757.10
Amplifies: 4757.01 , 4757.10 , 4757.22 , 4757.23 , 4757.27 , 4757.28 , 4757.29 , 4757.30
Five Year Review Date: 4/17/2026
Prior Effective Dates: 9/20/2002, 4/10/2004, 3/4/2010, 7/1/2016, 4/19/2021