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This website publishes administrative rules on their effective dates, as designated by the adopting state agencies, colleges, and universities.

Chapter 4757-13 | Licensing of Counselors

Rule 4757-13-01 | Education requirements for admission to the examination for licensed professional counselor.

The requirements for licensure as a licensed professional counselor are set forth in section 4757.23 of the Revised Code. All "Council for Accreditation of Counseling and Related Educational Programs" "CACREP" accredited clinical mental health programs, clinical rehabilitation counseling programs, or addiction counseling programs are deemed to be approved programs per division (B)(3)(c) of section 4757.23 of the Revised Code. "CACREP" accredited mental health program degrees conferred prior to January 1, 2018 are accepted as meeting the educational standards of this rule per division (B)(3)(b) of section 4757.23 of the Revised Code. Applicants from other accredited counseling programs shall meet the following standards per division (B)(3)(d) of section 4757.23 of the Revised Code.

(A) Pertaining to the educational requirements, a "graduate degree in counseling" means a degree that meets all of the following criteria:

(1) The degree and/or the official transcript of course work shall clearly indicate that the degree awarded is a degree in counseling. Graduate degrees in other human service areas such as psychology, social work and marriage and family therapy are not considered degrees in counseling.

(2) The program shall be clearly identified as a counseling program. Such a program shall specify in pertinent institutional catalogues and brochures its intent to educate and train professional counselors.

(3) The counseling program shall stand as a recognizable organizational entity within the institution and have a counseling faculty who identify with the counseling profession.

(4) The counseling program shall be an organized sequence of study that includes graduate coursework in the following areas of counselor education.

(a) Counseling theory: Includes a study of basic theories, principles of counseling and philosophical bases of the helping relationship;

(b) Counseling techniques: Includes individual counseling practices, methods, facilitative skills, and the application of these skills;

(c) Practicum: includes a supervised training experience, acceptable to the board, consisting of the provision of counseling to bona fide clients, and/or groups seeking services from counselors.

A practicum must conform to CACREP standards in place at the time the practicum is completed.

(d) Internship: Includes an on-the-job experience in professional counseling acceptable to the board.

(i) The internship must meet CACREP standards, however, at its discretion the committee may waive certain internship hours or approve alternative means of completing internship requirements, provided the counselor education program can attest to the competence of the applicant following completion of the internship.

(ii) First time applicants from non-CACREP accredited programs who are intending to use the internship experience to meet the educational requirements of the board shall document their internship experience on a form prescribed by the board. The form shall be completed by the supervisor or supervisors and shall document the student's competency in all areas designated on the form.

(e) Human growth and development: Includes studies that provide a broad understanding of the nature and needs of individuals at all developmental levels. Emphasis is placed on psychological, sociological, and physiological approaches, human behavior, (normal and abnormal), personality theory, and learning theory.

(f) Social and cultural foundations: Includes studies of change, ethnic groups, subcultures, changing roles of women, sexism, racism, ethnocentrism, urban and rural societies, population patterns, cultural mores, use of leisure time, and differing life patterns.

(g) Group dynamics, processing and counseling: includes the study of group dynamics, group processes, practices and methods of group counseling, supervised practice, supervised facilitative skills, and theory and types of groups.

(h) Life-style and career development: includes vocational-choice theory, relationship of career choice to life-style, sources of occupational and educational information, approaches to career decision-making processes, and career development exploration techniques.

(i) Appraisal of the individual through: testing includes the development of a framework for understanding the individual, methods of data-gathering and interpretation, case study approaches, individual and group psychological and educational testing and the study of individual differences with consideration of ethnic, cultural and gender factors.

(j) Research and evaluation: Includes statistics, research design, the development of research and demonstration proposals, as well as the development and evaluation of program objectives.

(k) Professional, legal, and ethical: includes the study of professional counseling organizations, codes of ethics, legal considerations, standards of preparation, certification and licensure including the Ohio licensure law, and the professional role identity of counselors.

(5) In addition, either as a part of the applicant's master's degree or after the award of the degree, graduate coursework shall include training in the following areas of instruction acceptable to the board:

(a) Evaluation of mental and emotional status: includes the use of assessment procedures in diagnosis and treatment planning. Focuses on the administering and interpreting individual and group standardized tests of mental ability, and personality and measurement.

(b) Diagnosis of mental and emotional disorders: includes the appropriate use of the current edition of the "Diagnostic and Statistical Manual for Mental Disorders," and an understanding of the "International Classification of Diseases." Focuses on conducting mental status examinations, and on the development and recognition of a framework for identifying symptomology, etiology and psychodynamics of mental and emotional disorders. Includes the study of clinical psychopathology, personality, and abnormal behavior, personality disorders, and psychopathological conditions specific to developmental phases throughout the life span, and their application to counseling practice.

(c) Methods of intervention and prevention of mental and emotional disorders: includes studies of the:

(i) Psychological and educational methods of intervention, such as client-centered, psychoanalytic, hypnotherapy, rational-emotive therapy, and reality therapy.

(ii) Culturally sensitive intervention techniques used with diverse populations such as minorities, children, substance abusers, gay and lesbian individuals and individuals who are physically or mentally challenged.

(iii) Intervention strategies used in different situations such as marriage and family problems, crisis situations, bereavement, sex therapy, rehabilitation, child abuse and multicultural counseling.

(d) Treatment of mental and emotional disorders: includes developing and implementing a treatment plan, reporting and assessing progress of treatment, appropriate referral procedures, formulation of timelines for treatment and knowing the effect on client behavior and the interaction of psychotropic medications and mood altering chemicals in the treatment of mental and emotional disorders.

(B) Applicants who are denied admission to the examination shall be afforded an opportunity for a hearing pursuant to Chapter 119. of the Revised Code.

(C) Program requirements for counseling programs are defined in rule 4757-13-07 of the Administrative Code. Applicants from approved programs shall be considered to have met the educational requirements of this rule.

Last updated March 21, 2022 at 8:34 AM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 4757.10, 4757.23
Amplifies: 4757.23
Five Year Review Date: 2/27/2023
Prior Effective Dates: 7/10/2000, 9/20/2002, 11/3/2014
Rule 4757-13-02 | Requirements for licensure as a professional counselor.

All applicants for licensure as a professional counselor shall:

(A) Meet the educational requirements as established in rule 4757-13-01 or 4757-13-06 of the Administrative Code.

(B) Successfully complete the licensure examination prescribed by the counselor professional standards committee. Applicants shall have passed the required examination within seven years of application date, unless they are currently licensed in an equivalent capacity in another state and passed the prescribed examination as part of the licensure requirements in that state.

(C) Have no disqualifying criminal convictions.

(D) Have met all of the initial application requirements established in rule 4757-1-04 of the Administrative Code.

Last updated December 27, 2023 at 8:20 AM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 4757.23, 4757.22, 4757.10
Amplifies: 4757.23, 4757.22
Five Year Review Date: 12/26/2028
Prior Effective Dates: 7/3/1997, 9/20/2007
Rule 4757-13-03 | Requirements for licensure as a licensed professional clinical counselor.

(A) In addition to meeting educational and other requirements as established in rules 4757-13-01 and 4757-13-02 of the Administrative Code, applicants for licensed professional clinical counselor shall meet the following experience and examination requirements as a licensed professional counselor:

(1) An applicant with a qualifying master's or other graduate degree which is not a doctorate in counseling shall have completed two years of post-licensed professional counselor supervised experience in clinical counseling, which includes the diagnosis and treatment of mental and emotional disorders.

(2) An applicant with a doctorate in counseling shall have completed two years of supervised experience in clinical counseling, which includes the diagnosis and treatment of mental and emotional disorders. At least one year and a minimum of fifteen hundred hours of supervised experience shall be completed after the award of the doctoral degree and as a licensed professional counselor and one year and a maximum of fifteen hundred hours of supervised experience may be completed as a part of a doctoral internship at a board approved counselor education program.

(3) An applicant licensed as a licensed professional counselor by this board prior to the requirement of sixty semester hours and the clinical coursework in paragraph (A)(5) of rule 4757-13-01 of the Administrative Code, shall use supervised experience as a professional counselor to meet this requirement

(4) A minimum of two years of supervised practice by the applicants shall be in a clinical setting, which shall have a primary focus on the diagnosis and treatment of mental and emotional disorders. Each year of supervised experience in clinical counseling required under section 4757.22 of the Revised Code and under this rule shall meet paragraphs (A)(4)(a), (A)(4)(b) and (B) of this rule unless the committee approves experience under paragraph (A)(4)(c) or (A)(4)(d) of this rule.

(a) At least fifteen hundred hours of work, by the applicant, of which a minimum of fifty per cent of the work consists of face-to-face client contact involving the delivery of clinical counseling services, which include the diagnosis and treatment of mental and emotional disorders. Not more than fifteen hundred hours of experience may be accrued in any twelve month period. If the supervised experience totaled less than the fifteen hundred hours, in a twelve month period credit will be granted for the fraction of a year's experience represented by the number of hours worked; and

(b) The experience was under the direct supervision of a licensed professional clinical counselor, psychologist, psychiatrist, independent social worker with a clinical area of competence, or other independently licensed mental health professional acceptable to the counselor professional standards committee. All supervision obtained in Ohio shall be provided by a licensed professional clinical counselor with supervision designation. Exceptions to this rule, due to hardship, shall be made in writing to the committee.

(c) Supervised counseling experience obtained out of state may count toward the supervised experience requirement. Applicants shall request this consideration in writing from the counselor professional standards committee. If licensed in another state with more than five years clinical experience, applicants shall apply under rule 4757-13-06 of the Administrative Code.

(d) Elementary or secondary schools and college or university academic advising, admissions, and placement centers are not clinical settings where diagnosis and treatment of mental and emotional disorders are routinely within the scope of practice. Applicants who believe that they are conducting diagnosis and treatment of mental and emotional disorders have the burden of proving to the counselor professional standards committee that their experience meets the requirements as defined in paragraphs (A)(4)(a) to (A)(4)(c) of this rule.

(B) An applicant for licensed professional clinical counselor shall pass a field evaluation prescribed by the board to evaluate the applicant's competence in diagnosing and treating mental and emotional disorders. The applicant shall further provide supervision evaluations within thirty days following the completion of the first fifteen hundred hours of supervised experience required under paragraph (A) of this rule, and again, at the completion of the full three thousand hours of supervised experience on forms provided by the board.

(1) The field evaluation shall contain documented evidence of the quality, scope and nature of the applicant's field experience and competence in diagnosis and treating mental and emotional disorders and be submitted on a form prescribed by the counselor professional standards committee.

(2) The field evaluation shall be completed by the applicant's supervising counselors.

(3) The supervision evaluations shall be completed by the supervising counselor for the applicant within thirty days of the accumulation of fifteen hundred and three thousand total hours of supervised experience.

(C) An applicant for licensed professional clinical counselor shall successfully complete the licensure examination prescribed by the counselor professional standards committee within two years of application. All Ohio professional counselors who were licensed as professional counselors by taking the single tier Texas-Ohio examination from January 1, 1999 to December 31, 2004 or Ohio professional counselor licensure examination from January 1, 2004 through February 28, 2006 are exempt from taking the prescribed examination for licensed professional clinical counselor. Applicants shall have passed the required examination within seven years of application date, unless they are currently licensed in an equivalent capacity in another state and passed the prescribed examination as part of the licensure requirements in that state;

(D) Applicants, who are denied licensure, shall be afforded an opportunity for a hearing pursuant to Chapter 119. of the Revised Code.

Last updated April 19, 2021 at 9:39 AM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 4757.10, 4757.22
Amplifies: 4757.22
Five Year Review Date: 2/27/2023
Prior Effective Dates: 7/3/1997, 3/5/2018
Rule 4757-13-04 | Licensure and education requirements for admission of applicants holding a doctoral degree in counselor education to the examination for professional counselor, who do not meet the education requirements in rule 4757-13-01 of the Administrative Code.

(A) The requirements for licensure as a professional counselor are generally set forth in sections 4757.22 and 4757.23 of the Revised Code. Applicants holding a doctoral degree in counselor education have completed considerable numbers of hours of coursework beyond the minimum requirements. Applicants shall be granted a licensed professional counselor license once they meet the requirements in paragraphs (B) and (C) of this rule. Applicants holding a license in another state shall apply under endorsement per rule 4757-13-06 of the Administrative Code.

(B) If an applicant holds a doctoral degree in counselor education, but is missing specific courses required in paragraph (A)(5) of rule 4757-13-01 of the Administrative Code, the board may offer them a consent agreement for professional counselor licensure with the following stipulations:

(1) The applicant shall have completed all core courses in paragraph (A)(4) of rule 4757-13-01 of the Administrative Code with emphasis on the internship including the diagnosis and treatment of mental and emotional disorders.

(2) The applicant shall document completion of all clinical courses in paragraph (A)(5) of rule 4757-13-01 of the Administrative Code before he or she is able to renew the professional counselor license. Should the coursework not be completed the professional counselor license may not be renewed until the course work is completed and documented by a transcript received at the board directly from the institution. The transcript courses shall be acceptable course(s) if they meet the requirements of paragraph (J)(1) of rule 4757-3-01 of the Administrative Code.

(3) The consent agreement shall clearly delineate the necessary coursework to meet the requirements of paragraph (A)(5) of rule 4757-13-01 of the Administrative Code.

(C) All applicants for licensure as a professional counselor under this rule shall:

(1) Meet the educational requirements as established in paragraph (B) or (C) of this rule; and

(2) Successfully complete the licensure examination prescribed by the counselor professional standards committee. Applicants for the professional counselor examination shall have passed the required examination in accordance with rule 4757-13-02 of the Administrative Code; and

(3) Meet the board's requirements for criminal convictions as established under section 9.79 of the Revised Code, and

(4) Have met all of the initial application requirements established in rule 4757-1-04 of the Administrative Code.

Last updated March 21, 2022 at 8:35 AM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 4757.10, 4757.23
Amplifies: 4757.23
Five Year Review Date: 7/3/2023
Prior Effective Dates: 9/3/2018
Rule 4757-13-05 | Professional counselor and professional clinical counselor examination policy.

(A) Applicants shall be approved prior to sitting for the examinations. When an applicant is approved they shall receive admission correspondence from the board. This correspondence shall be presented to the testing administrator for admission to the examination. The letter shall be in effect for up to twelve months. If the examination is not taken within the time frame applicants shall request another admission letter.

(B) Applicants who fail the examination shall be required to follow the re-take policy of the examination owner or administrator.

Last updated July 2, 2024 at 10:33 AM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 4757.15, 4757.22, 4757.23
Amplifies: 4757.15, 4757.22, 4757.23
Five Year Review Date: 7/1/2029
Prior Effective Dates: 9/3/2018
Rule 4757-13-06 | Endorsement of a professional counselor or professional clinical counselor license.

(A) An applicant requesting licensure as a professional counselor or professional clinical counselor via reciprocity shall submit to the board all of the following:

(1) A completed licensure application for the level of licensure for which the applicant is seeking licensure;

(2) The required fee established by the board under paragraph (B) of rule 4757-1-05 of the Administrative Code;

(3) Upon request of the board, if such information cannot be obtained by the board via an online license verification, an official statement, which indicates applicant is currently licensed, certified, registered, or otherwise authorized to practice as a professional counselor or professional clinical counselor in another jurisdiction;

(4) Upon request of the board, if such information cannot be obtained by the board via an online license verification, an official statement from any and all jurisdictions where the applicant is currently or has been previously licensed, certified, registered, or otherwise authorized to practice as a professional counselor or professional clinical counselor indicating whether the applicant is in good standing and whether disciplinary action has been taken or is pending against the applicant;

(5) Documentation the applicant has passed the examination required by the board for the level of licensure for which the applicant is applying;

(6) Criminal background checks indicating the applicant has committed no disqualifying offenses.

(7) Any additional documentation requested by the board that would assist the board in making a determination based on paragraphs (B)(1) to (B)(7) of this rule.

(B) The counselor professional standards committee may consider the following factors to determine whether to grant the applicant a license via reciprocity:

(1) Whether the applicant has passed a national examination or other exam acceptable to the board for level of licensure for which the applicant is applying;

(2) Whether the applicant's license is currently in good standing in another jurisdiction and whether applicant has been disciplined in another jurisdiction;

(3) The number of years the applicant has practiced as a professional counselor or professional clinical counselor in another jurisdiction.

Last updated December 27, 2023 at 8:20 AM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 4757.10
Amplifies: 4757.18
Five Year Review Date: 12/26/2028
Prior Effective Dates: 11/2/2008
Rule 4757-13-07 | Counselor program approval.

(A) Except as defined in paragraph (D) of rule 4757-13-07 of the Administrative Code, all Ohio programs are required to be accredited by the Ohio department of higher education and are required to be "Council for Accreditation of Counseling and Related Educational Programs" "CACREP" clinical mental health program, clinical rehabilitation counseling program, or addiction counseling program accredited by January 1, 2018; and if so accredited are deemed to be approved programs per division (B)(2) of section 4757.23 of the Revised Code.

(B) Programs that are "CACREP" accredited in mental health, clinical mental health, clinical rehabilitation counseling program, or addiction counseling program are deemed to have met the requirements and shall be verified by the "CACREP" website or copy of the approval letter from "CACREP" sent to the board by the program.

(C) Supervision of students shall meet the requirements established in "CACREP" accreditation standards for clinical mental health counseling programs, clinical rehabilitation counseling programs, or addiction counseling programs. Students registered as counselor trainees with the board shall further meet supervision requirements per rule 4757-17-01 of the Administrative Code.

(D) Ohio counselor education programs not yet accredited by CACREP may apply to the board for temporary approval to enroll students pending the award of CACREP accreditation.

(1) Programs may be approved for an initial two year period by the counselor professional standards committee of the board. At the discretion of the board, approval may be extended for up to two additional years if the program demonstrates progress in attaining accreditation as confirmed by the accrediting body.

(2) To be considered for temporary permission for its graduates to be considered eligible to sit for the licensed professional counselor examination, programs must submit the following to the board:

(a) Letter of introduction describing the proposed program and the proposed accreditation timeline, including when the first cohort of students will be enrolled;

(b) Letter of committment to obtain accreditation executed by the academic officer responsible for the division or department administering the counselor education program;

(c) Syllabi, course descriptions, and curricular information for all clinical mental health counseling courses;

(d) Proposed program administrative documents such program handbooks for students and faculty; and

(e) Curriculm vitae and/or resumes of all current or proposed program faculty. If not all faculty are currently employed by the program, include proposed job descriptions or an outline the expected qualifications as well as a plan for hiring qualified faculty.

(3) If a temporarily approved program fails to attain accreditation or withdrawals from the accreditation process, students enrolled as of the date of notification of failure to attain accreditation or the date on which the program voluntarily withdraws, will be eligible to apply for licensure provided the student meets all other licensure requirements in effect at the time of application for licensure.

(4) Programs that fail to attain accreditation are barred from seeking permission to enroll students under this rule for a period of five years.

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 4757.10, 4757.22, 4757.23
Amplifies: 4757.22
Five Year Review Date: 7/3/2023
Prior Effective Dates: 9/20/2002, 1/10/2008
Rule 4757-13-08 | Approval of applications for professional counselor licenses.

Applications for professional counselor licenses shall be approved per sections 4757.04, 4757.16, 4757.22 and 4757.23 of the Revised Code and this rule.

(A) Applications that meet the basic requirements as detailed below shall be approved upon receipt of all applicable parts.

(B) Applications for professional counselor license that meet the basic requirements for licensure in section 4757.23 of the Revised Code and rules 4757-1-04 and 4757-13-01 of the Administrative Code shall be approved if the following conditions are met:

(1) A complete application for professional counselor per rule 4757-1-04 of the Administrative Code is received with no questions requiring additional review by the counselor professional standards committee "CPSC" such as felony convictions, loss of license in another state, etc.

(2) Transcript(s) from an accredited educational institution of a master's or doctoral degree in professional counseling that meets paragraph (A) of rule 4757-13-01 of the Administrative Code.

(3) Proof of passing an examination acceptable to the CPSC for the purpose of determining ability to practice as a professional counselor.

(4) Documentation of internship experience on a form prescribed by the CPSC per paragraph (A)(4)(d) of rule 4757-13-01 of the Administrative Code.

(C) Voluntary applications by students for counselor trainee that meet the basic requirements for registration per section 4757.10 of the Revised Code and rules 4757-1-04 and 4757-13-09 of the Administrative Code shall be approved if the following conditions are met:

(1) A complete application for counselor trainee per rule 4757-1-04 of the Administrative Code is received with no questions requiring additional review by the CPSC such as felony convictions, loss of license in another state, etc.;

(2) Transcript(s) or class enrollment document is provided showing registration in a practicum or internship from an accredited educational institution of a master's or doctoral degree in counseling that meets the first paragraph of rule 4757-13-01 of the Administrative Code or paragraph (A) of rule 4757-13-01 of the Administrative Code; and

(3) Documentation of agreement to provide supervision from a professional clinical counselor with training supervision designation.

(D) Applications for professional clinical counselor license that meet the basic requirements for licensure in section 4757.22 of the Revised Code and rules 4757-1-04 and 4757-13-03 of the Administrative Code shall be approved if the following conditions are met:

(1) A complete application for professional clinical counselor per rule 4757-1-04 of the Administrative Code is received with no questions requiring additional review by the CPSC such as felony convictions, loss of license in another state, etc.

(2) Transcript(s) is provided directly from an accredited educational institution of a master's or doctoral degree in counseling that meets paragraph (A) of rule 4757-13-01 of the Administrative Code.

(3) Proof of completion of at least two years of post-licensure professional counselor experience as required in paragraph (A) of rule 4757-13-03 of the Administrative Code.

(4) Proof of passing examination acceptable to the CPSC for the purpose of determining ability to practice as a professional clinical counselor.

(5) Proof of passing a field evaluation per paragraph (B) of rule 4757-13-03 of the Administrative Code.

(E) Applications that meet the requirements of rule 4757-13-06 of the Administrative Code.

(F) Applications that meet the following conditions shall be prepared for the next CPSC meeting, if received at least ten days prior to the meeting. Additional documentation is required from applicants concerning the issues delineated in this paragraph to provide the information needed for the CPSC to complete its review and approval, unless authority to approve is specifically delegated by the board to staff.

(1) Applications that have answered questions such that a more detailed review by the CPSC is required such as felony convictions, loss of license in another state, etc.

(2) Applications with questionable qualifying degrees.

(3) Applications for which staff believe additional information is required for the CPSC's review.

Last updated December 27, 2023 at 8:21 AM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 4757.04, 4757.10, 4757.16, 4757.22, 4757.23
Amplifies: 4757.10, 4757.16, 4757.22, and 4757.23
Five Year Review Date: 12/26/2028
Prior Effective Dates: 9/1/2010
Rule 4757-13-09 | Counselor trainee registration.

(A) Counseling students enrolled in a practicum or internship in Ohio prior to receiving their counseling degree are eligible to register as a "counselor trainee" as authorized in section 4757.10 of the Revised Code and defined in paragraph (T) of rule 4757-3-01 of the Administrative Code. Students are not required by the board to have counselor trainee status to complete their practicum or internship requirements, including the provision of supervised counseling services, but may be required to obtain registration as a counselor trainee by the supervising agency as a condition of acceptance for practicum or internship. A student may also voluntarily choose to apply for registration as a counselor trainee. Applicants for counselor trainee status shall:

(1) Meet the board's requirements for criminal convictions as established under section 9.79 of the Revised Code;

(2) Provide criminal records checks per paragraph (E) of rule 4757-1-04 of the Administrative Code;

(3) Apply on a form specified by the board and comply with rule 4757-1-04 of the Administrative Code;

(4) Provide proof of enrollment in a master's or doctoral-level level practicum or internship course. A copy of the university's online enrollment document shall be acceptable; or a letter, email or facsimile from the professor, counseling office or registrar stating the applicant is enrolled;

(5) Provide proof of enrollment as specified in paragraph (A)(4) of this rule for their existing registration to be extended through the dates of that course. A separate application may be required for practicum and internship;

(6) Have the same scope of practice as a licensed professional counselor in rule 4757-15-01 of the Administrative Code, but require much closer supervision during the training process; and

(7) Shall be supervised by a licensed professional clinical counselor and in internships have duties that include the diagnosis and treatment of mental and emotional disorders. Supervision shall be per rule 4757-17-01 of the Administrative Code.

(B) Counselor trainee status is not a substitute for licensure and is only valid at the school approved field placement site(s) where the student is completing his or her field placement, and through the dates listed on the board's online license verification system.

(C) Trainee status shall be active only within the dates displayed on the online license verification system.

(D) Trainee status may be extended for up to no more than six months following the trainee's date of graduation.

(E) Ensuring the counselor trainee is properly registered and listed on the licensure web site is the responsibility of the counselor trainee, but shall be monitored by the work place supervisor or agency at time of placement and subsequent extensions of counselor trainee status.

Last updated March 21, 2022 at 8:35 AM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 4757.10
Amplifies: 4757.10, 4757.22, and 4757.23
Five Year Review Date: 3/21/2027
Prior Effective Dates: 11/3/2014
Rule 4757-13-10 | Requirement for a temporary counselor license.

(A) An applicant who wishes to obtain a temporary license shall submit a completed licensure application, as prescribed by the board.

(B) The temporary application shall be submitted with the required fee per paragraph (D) of rule 4757-1-05 of the Administrative Code.

(C) The application shall be reviewed by a staff member of the board, to determine whether the applicant appears to have the appropriate degrees and/or experience to meet the requirements for the actual license they seek.

(D) If staff determines that the applicant meets the requirements for the license for which they are applying, a temporary license will be issued to applicant. This temporary license will allow the applicant to work legally in Ohio during the period during which it is in effect.

(E) The applicant shall have passed the examination for the license which they seek prior to the issuance of the temporary license.

(F) A temporary license may be issued by the board for a period not to exceed ninety days to an otherwise qualified applicant who has completed the educational requirements for licensure but is awaiting the actual awarding of the degree. A temporary license may be renewed one time for a period not to exceed ninety days.

(1) That they have met all the academic requirements for the degree as confirmed by the academic program, and

(2) When the degree will be/was conferred.

(G) A temporary license is valid from the date of issuance until the earliest of one of the following:

(1) The date the applicant's license is issued under section 4757.22 or 4757.23 of the Revised Code;

(2) Ninety days after the temporary license has been issued;

(3) The date the applicant withdraws their application for licensure;

Last updated March 21, 2022 at 8:35 AM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 4757.10
Amplifies: 4757.23
Five Year Review Date: 3/21/2027