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This website publishes administrative rules on their effective dates, as designated by the adopting state agencies, colleges, and universities.

Chapter 4753-3 | Licensing

Rule 4753-3-01 | Application for license.

(A) All applications for licensure shall be submitted to the board at its principal office on the appropriate forms prescribed by the board. The submitted application shall be typewritten or printed in ink.

(1) Submission of the application shall certify that all statements are true and complete.

(2) A photograph of the applicant shall appear in the space provided upon the hardcopy application form. It shall be an unretouched, passport size photograph taken within six months of the date of application, and the face shall be portrayed not less than three-fourths inch in width. Applicants submitting electronically shall submit a photograph to the board's principal office.

(3) All applications must be accompanied by a non-refundable fee which is to be paid at the time the application is filed with the board.

(4) All applications, evidence, statements and documents shall be retained by the board.

(5) The board may refuse to review any application that is not complete seven calendar days before the first and fifteenth of each month.

(B) In the event that an application does not establish that the applicant qualifies for licensure, the applicant shall be notified in the manner outlined in Chapter 119. of the Revised Code.

Copies of all correspondence from the board to an applicant as outlined in Chapter 119. of the Revised Code may be sent to the applicant's professional experience supervisor or employer, where applicable.

(C) The Ohio speech and hearing professionals board is empowered to grant or deny licensure only according to the requirements of Chapter 4753. of the Revised Code. The board has no authority to waive requirements except as stipulated in the law itself. All applicants, licensees, professional experience supervisors and others concerned with licensure shall be held responsible for knowing and understanding Chapter 4753. of the Revised Code and agency 4753 of the Administrative Code.

(1) Only complete applications shall be presented to the board for approval. A complete application shall include all information requested on the form, the licensure fee, and all materials required for verification that the applicant meets all licensure requirements.

(2) If an application is incomplete sixty days after receipt, the applicant will be sent a letter by regular, first-class mail informing her/him of the specific material needed to complete the application.

(3) If the application remains incomplete thirty days after the first-class letter was sent, the applicant will be sent a notice, by certified mail, return receipt requested, informing her/him of the following:

(a) That the application is incomplete and cannot be processed;

(b) That specific material must be received by the board in order for the application to be complete;

(c) That the incomplete application will be held open for only thirty days from the date of the notice, which deadline date shall be specified;

(d) That if the application remains incomplete at the close of business on the deadline date, the application will be deemed to be abandoned and no further review of the application will occur; and

(e) That copies of all correspondence from the board to the applicant concerning the incomplete application will be sent to the applicant's professional experience supervisor and/or employer where applicable.

(4) Deeming an application as abandoned shall not be considered to be an adjudication as defined in section 119.01 of the Revised Code and shall not be reported as disciplinary action.

(a) The abandoned application procedure shall be used only for ministerial acts related to missing application materials where no investigation, judgment, or deliberation is involved.

(b) Once an application is abandoned, the applicant may submit a new application, including all materials and the nonrefundable licensure fee. However, if the new application is incomplete, the board will commence the administrative actions required to deny the application as incomplete, pursuant to Chapter 119. of the Revised Code.

(D) The following criteria shall apply to applicants seeking licensure by waiver, pursuant to section 4753.08 of the Revised Code:

(1) A violation of an order of the board, Chapter 4753. of the Revised Code, or agency 4753. of the Administrative Code shall be grounds for denial of an application for licensure by waiver.

(2) When an applicant seeks licensure by waiver based upon proof of current certification or licensure in good standing in another state, a complete application requires that the board receive all of the following from the licensing state:

(a) Verification of licensure in that state;

(b) A copy of that state's licensure law effective at the time the applicant was licensed;

(c) A letter providing the license number of the applicant, expiration date, current status of the license, and whether or not the applicant has had any disciplinary action taken by that state's licensing agency.

(3) When an applicant seeks licensure by waiver based upon a current certificate of clinical competence in speech-language pathology or audiology that is in good standing and received from the "American Speech-Language-Hearing Association" or certification of the "American Board of Audiology" in the area in which licensure is sought, the following criteria apply:

(a) Verification of certification shall be submitted to the board by the "American Speech-Language-Hearing Association" or "American Board of Audiology."

(b) Applicants who received the certification based upon professional experience in Ohio in violation of Ohio law and rules shall not be licensed by waiver.

(E) The board shall review the application of an applicant whose professional education was received in another country and who qualified as an independent practitioner of speech-language pathology or audiology under the standards of another country in order to determine whether or not the applicant's professional preparation was equivalent to that required under section 4753.06 of the Revised Code.

(1) The board may deem all or part of the applicant's education, clinical experience, or professional experience as equivalent to that required for Ohio licensure if the board is satisfied that the applicant received equivalent professional preparation.

(2) The applicant must have taken and passed the national examination, administered by the educational testing service, in the area in which licensure is sought, pursuant to rule 4753-3-06 of the Administrative Code.

Last updated January 3, 2024 at 12:18 PM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 4744.28, 4753.05
Amplifies: 4753.02
Five Year Review Date: 9/20/2028
Prior Effective Dates: 2/16/1980, 5/5/1986
Rule 4753-3-02 | Certificate of license; display; duplicate license certificate.

Each applicant who is approved for a license shall receive a license certificate for office display. All licensees shall display their certificate in a conspicuous place where the licensee practices as required by section 4753.07 of the Revised Code. A copy of the certificate shall be made available to approved licensees.

Last updated December 7, 2021 at 8:14 AM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 4753.05
Amplifies: 4753.02
Five Year Review Date: 12/7/2026
Prior Effective Dates: 2/9/1993
Rule 4753-3-03 | Notice of change of address.

All applicants and licensees shall notify the board through their user account in eLicense Ohio of any change of name, place of business or mailing address within thirty days of said change.

Last updated August 7, 2023 at 8:28 AM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 4744.28, 4753.05
Amplifies: 4753.05(B)
Five Year Review Date: 12/7/2026
Prior Effective Dates: 11/16/1992 (Emer.), 2/9/1993
Rule 4753-3-04 | Educational requirements for licensure.

(A) To be eligible for licensure, an applicant must demonstrate that the following course work requirements are met:

(1) He/she obtained a broad general education, which may include study from among the areas of human psychology, sociology, psychological and physical development, the physical sciences, especially those that pertain to acoustic and biological phenomena, and human anatomy and physiology, including neuroanatomy and neurophysiology.

(2) For licensure as an audiologist applicants shall have obtained at least a doctor of audiology degree before or after January 1, 2006 or the equivalent from an audiology program accredited by an organization recognized by the "United States Department of Education" or at least a masters degree in audiology or equivalent if all requirements under division (F) of section 4753.06 of the Revised Code were met prior to January 1, 2006.

(a) The educational requirements shall be deemed met when the applicant is certified by the "American Speech-Language-Hearing Association" and/or the "American Board of Audiology."

(b) Academic credit for a doctor of audiology or equivalent shall include course work accumulated in the completion of a well integrated course of study dealing with the normal aspects of human hearing, balance, and related development and clinical evaluation, audiologic diagnosis and treatment of disorders of human hearing, balance, and related development.

(c) Applicants applying based on equivalency shall:

(i) Hold a post-baccalaureate doctoral degree with a major emphasis in audiology consisting of a minimum of three years of didactic coursework consisting of a total of one hundred twenty semester hours or equivalent quarter hours in the normal aspects of human hearing and balance, related development, clinical evaluation, audiologic diagnosis and treatment of disorders of human hearing, balance and related development.

(ii) Have completed a minimum of three hundred fifty clock hours of clinical experience prior to the fourth year of training supervised by an audiologist meeting the requirements of clinical supervisor stated in paragraph (D)(1) of rule 4753-3-07 of the Administrative Code.

(iii) Have successfully completed a minimum of two thousand clock hours of supervised clinical extern experience sufficient in depth and breadth to achieve the knowledge and skills outcome in the fourth year of academic training supervised by preceptor meeting the requirements stated in paragraph (D)(1) of rule 4753-3-07 of the Administrative Code.

(iv) The course of study shall include content on ethical practice standards.

(v) Pass examination(s) approved by the board.

(d) Applicants applying based on at least a master's degree in audiology obtained prior to January 1, 2006 shall meet the requirements of paragraph (A)(3) of rule 4753-3-04 and rules 4753-3-05, 4753-3-06 and 4753-3-07 of the Administrative Code as stated on October 1, 2005.

(3) He/she obtained at least a master's degree in the area in which licensure is sought or the equivalent as determined by the board from a college or university accredited by one of the following regional or national accrediting organizations or their successor organizations:

(a) "Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools- Commission on Higher Education"

(b) "New England Association of Schools and Colleges"

(c) "North Central Association of Colleges and Schools"

(d) "Northwest Association of Schools and Colleges"

(e) "Southern Association of Colleges and Schools"

(f) "Western Association of Schools and Colleges - Accrediting Commission for Senior Colleges"

The best source for determining whether the college or university is accredited by one of the above organizations or successors is the college or university itself.

(4) The academic credit upon which the master's degree or higher was awarded must include course work accumulated in the completion of a well-integrated course of study, as follows:

(a) A total of seventy-five semester hours or one hundred twelve and one-half quarter hours were accumulated.

(b) The course work consisted of at least the minimum number of hours in all areas listed below:

(i) Twenty-seven semester hours in basic science course work. Of the twenty-seven semester hours, six semester hours must be in biological/physical sciences and mathematics and six semester hours must be in behavioral or social sciences;

(ii) Fifteen semester hours in basic human communication processes, including all of the following: the anatomic and physiologic bases, the physical and psychophysical bases, and the linguistic and psycholinguistic aspects;

(iii) Thirty-six semester hours in professional course work. Of the thirty-six semester hours, thirty of the semester hours must be in courses for which graduate credit was received and comply with the requirements below that are applicable to the area in which licensure is sought:

(a) For speech-language pathology: thirty semester hours shall be in speech-language pathology, with at least six semester hours in language disorders; six semester hours shall be in audiology, with three semester hours in hearing disorders and hearing evaluation and three semester hours in habilitative/rehabilitative procedures.

(b) For audiology: thirty semester hours shall be in audiology, with at least six semester hours in hearing disorders and hearing evaluation and at least six semester hours in habilitative/rehabilitative procedures; six semester hours shall be in speech-language pathology, not associated with hearing impairment, with three semester hours in speech disorders and three semester hours in language disorders.

(c) For both speech-language pathology and audiology, course of study shall include content on ethical practice standards.

(B) Verification of education shall be the official transcript submitted to the board by the university or college.

(1) No credit may be allowed for courses listed on the application unless satisfactory completion of the course is verified by an official transcript.

(2) Satisfactory completion is defined as the applicant's having received academic credit in semester hours, quarter hours, or other unit or credit with a passing grade as defined by the college or university.

(3) Where the course work is reported in quarter hours, the following formula will be used: one semester hour equals one and one half quarter hours.

(4) The applicant is solely responsible for authorizing the college or university to send an official transcript to the board.

(5) The board may require additional verification of course work content.

(C) Course work listed on a college or university transcript shall be evaluated under the following standards:

(1) A specific course may be split and credited to no more than two categories. If a course is split, a description of the course taken from the university catalog must be submitted. At least one semester hour of the course must address the area in which partial credit is requested.

(2) Up to six semester hours for a thesis or dissertation may be accepted in the basic human communications processes or the professional course work categories.

(a) An abstract of the thesis/dissertation content must be submitted with the application.

(b) Academic credit that is associated with thesis or dissertation and for which graduate credit was received may apply in the professional area, but may not be counted as meeting any of the minimum requirements.

(c) "Minimum requirements" means six semester credit hours in speech disorders, six semester credit hours in language disorders, three semester credit hours in hearing disorders and hearing evaluations, three semester credit hours in habilitative/rehabilitative procedures, and twenty-one graduate semester credit hours in the area of licensure.

(d) Credit earned for research methodology courses, such as research methods, introduction to graduate study, etc., may be counted toward the thirty semester credit hours of course work at the graduate level but may not be used toward any of the minimum requirements.

(D) Course work requirements for licensure shall be deemed to be met when the applicant was awarded a master's degree or higher in the area in which licensure is sought from a college or university program accredited by a regional or national specialized accrediting organization in speech-language pathology and/or audiology recognized by the "United States Department of Education" and the "Council for Higher Education Accreditation," One Dupont Circle Northwest, Suite 510 Washington, D.C. 20036-1135, or its predecessors or successors, at the time the master's degree was awarded.

(E) Course work requirements for licensure shall be deemed to be met when the applicant holds a current certificate in audiology in good standing received from the "American Board of Audiology" when both of the following criteria are met:

(1) Verification of certification is received from the "American Board of Audiology."

(2) The student clinical and professional experience completed for certification, if performed in Ohio, were done in conformance with Ohio law and rules.

(F) Pursuant to division (C) of section 4753.08 of the Revised Code, educational requirements for licensure shall be waived for an applicant who presents proof of a current certificate of clinical competence in the area in which licensure is sought that is in good standing and received from the "American Speech-Language-Hearing Association" when both of the following criteria are met:

(1) Verification of certification is received from the "American Speech-Language-Hearing Association."

(2) The student clinical and professional experience completed for certification, if performed in Ohio, were done in conformance with Ohio law and rules.

(G) In order to expedite the licensure of graduates prior to the preparation of final transcripts, the board shall consider on an individual basis any application for which the university provides a letter from the registrar, graduate officer or speech-language pathology and/or audiology department chairperson, under signature and official letterhead, containing all of the following:

(1) A statement that the final transcript is not available;

(2) A statement that the applicant has met all requirements for a master's degree or higher;

(3) A statement that the applicant has met all requirements for clinical practica;

(4) A statement of the area in which the master's degree or higher was earned;

(5) A statement that the university's program awarding the degree in speech-language pathology or audiology is fully accredited and adheres to the guidelines set forth by the American speech-language hearing association;

(6) The applicant is solely responsible for authorizing the college or university to send an official transcript to the board within ninety days of licensure or when it is available.

(H) If the person seeks licensure as an audiologist under division (F)(1)(b) of section 4753.06 of the Revised Code, the person must meet the requirements of division (B) of section 4753.06 of the Revised Code regarding a master's degree in audiology as that division existed on December 31, 2005. The requirements for licensure under section 4753.06 of the Revised Code that existed on December 31, 2005, are as follows:

(1) He has obtained a broad general education to serve as a background for his specialized academic training and preparatory professional experience. Such background may include study from among the areas of human psychology, sociology, psychological and physical development, the physical sciences, especially those that pertain to acoustic and biological phenomena, and human anatomy and physiology, including neuroanatomy and neurophysiology.

(2) He submits to the board an official transcript demonstrating that he has at least a master's degree in the area in which licensure is sought or the equivalent as determined by the board. His academic credit must include course work accumulated in the completion of a well-integrated course of study approved by the board and delineated by rule dealing with the normal aspects of human communication, development and disorders thereof, and clinical techniques for the evaluation and the improvement or eradication of such disorders. The course work must have been completed at colleges or universities accredited by regional or national accrediting organizations recognized by the board.

(3) He submits to the board evidence of the completion of appropriate, supervised clinical experience in the professional area, speech-language pathology or audiology, for which licensure is requested, dealing with a variety of communication disorders. The appropriateness of the experience shall be determined under rules of the board. This experience shall have been obtained in an accredited college or university, in a cooperating program of an accredited college or university, or in another program approved by the board.

(4) He presents to the board written evidence that he has obtained professional experience. The professional experience shall be appropriately supervised as determined by board rule. The amount of professional experience shall be determined by board rule and shall be bona fide clinical work that has been accomplished in the major professional area, speech-language pathology or audiology, in which licensure is sought. This experience shall not begin until the requirements of paragraphs (B) and (C) of this rule have been completed unless approved by the board. Before beginning the supervised professional experience pursuant to this rule, any applicant for licensure to practice speech-language pathology or audiology shall meet the requirements for a conditional license pursuant to section 4753.071 of the Revised Code.

(5) He submits to the board evidence that he has passed the examination for licensure to practice speech-language pathology or audiology pursuant to division (B) of section 4753.05 of the Revised Code.

(I) A person applying for licensure as an audiologist under division (F)(1)(b) of section 4753.06 of the Revised Code shall complete the application prescribed by the board. Applications shall be:

(1) Typewritten or printed in ink or submitted electronically via the Ohio e-license system;

(2) Signed by the applicant or electronically signed if applying electronically via the Ohio e-license system;

(3) Accompanied by the fee prescribed by rule 4753-5-01 of the Administrative Code;

(4) Accompanied by such evidence, statements, or documents as specified on the form; and

(5) Contain proof that the applicant completed the requisite amount of continuing education as follows:

(a) Applicants currently practicing as an audiologist in good standing with another state shall submit proof of completing a minimum of twenty contact hours of continuing education in the previous two years preceding the date licensure is sought with the board.

(b) Applicants who have not been engaged in the practice of audiology with another state for less than twelve months shall submit proof of completing a minimum of ten contact hours of continuing education in the previous year preceding the date licensure is sought with the board.

(c) Applicants who have not been engaged in the practice of audiology with another state for twelve to twenty-four months shall submit proof of completing a minimum of twenty contact hours of continuing education in the previous two years preceding the date licensure is sought with the board.

(d) Applicants who have not been engaged in the practice of audiology with another state for twenty-five months to forty-eight months shall submit proof of completing a minimum of forty contact hours of continuing education in the previous four years preceding the date licensure is sought with the board.

(e) Applicants who have not been engaged in the practice of audiology with another state for forty-nine months to sixty months shall submit proof of completing a minimum of fifty contact hours of continuing education in the previous five years preceding the date licensure is sought with the board.

(f) Applicants who have not engaged in the practice of audiology for more than five years prior to the date the individual applies to the board for licensure may be subject to additional requirements outlined by the board and could include assigned hours of continuing education on specific topics. The board shall require additional continuing education and other activities, which may include, but are not limited to:

(i) Competency based performance appraisals.

(ii) Mentorship.

(iii) Additional continuing education, which may include topics covering:

(a) Anatomy and physiology of the speech and hearing mechanisms.

(b) Hearing disorders.

(c) Diagnostics.

(d) Electrophysiology including auditory and vestibular measures.

(e) Specialty assessment such as APD and AR.

(f) Pediatrics.

(g) Geriatrics.

(h) Treatment including such topics as hearing aid theory, hearing aid assessment, hearing aid fitting, hearing aid technologies, product training, cochlear implants, vestibular rehab, aural rehabilitation and counseling.

(i) Ethics, HIPAA and record keeping.

(iv) Extended course work.

(v) Professional development plan.

Last updated December 7, 2021 at 8:14 AM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 4753.05
Amplifies: 4753.06
Five Year Review Date: 12/7/2026
Prior Effective Dates: 5/1/2010
Rule 4753-3-05 | Student clinical experience requirements for applicants in audiology applying for licensure with at least a master's degree or equivalent obtained prior to January 1, 2006 and for speech-language pathologists.

(A) Definitions

(1) For purposes of division (C) of section 4753.06 of the Revised Code, supervised clinical experience of a student or intern means those clock hours of clinical experience obtained in direct contact with persons served through a college or university accredited by a regional or national accrediting organization recognized by the board, in a cooperating program of said college or university, or in anther program approved by the board.

(2) "Clock hour" means a time increment of sixty minutes.

(3) "Evaluation" means screening, assessment and diagnosis of hearing disorders and language and speech disorders (articulation, fluency, voice and dysphagia) occurring before initiation of a treatment program.

(a) Clock hours devoted to counseling associated with the evaluation/diagnostic process may be counted.

(b) Clock hours spent in formal reevaluation may be applied to this category.

(c) Periodic assessments during treatment may not be considered as evaluation but may be applied to the treatment category.

(d) The majority of the evaluation hours in each category must be in areas other than screening activities.

(4) "Treatment for language and speech disorders" (articulation, fluency, voice, and dysphagia) means clinical management, including direct and indirect services, progress in monitoring activities, and counseling. Clock hours devoted to counseling associated with the treatment process may be counted in this category.

(5) "Treatment for hearing disorders" means clinical management and counseling, including auditory training, speech-reading, and speech and language services for those with hearing impairment.

(6) "Direct supervision" means that the supervisor provides guidance and direction to the student based upon on site observation of the student while in the same room or through an observation window or observation by video simulcast or closed-circuit television.

(7) "Indirect supervision" means that the supervisor providing guidance and direction to the student is on site during the majority of the student clinical experience.

(B) To meet requirements for licensure, the student clinical experience must meet the current accreditation standards of the "American Speech-Language-Hearing Association" or the "American Board of Audiology." Applicants who have received their graduate degree from a college or university not accredited by the "American Speech-Language-Hearing Association" or the "American Board of Audiology" must meet all of the following criteria:

(1) The documentation establishes that the applicant obtained four hundred hours of supervised clinical practicum, of which twenty-five clock hours shall be clinical observation and three hundred seventy-five clock hours shall be clinical practicum. Three hundred twenty-five of the four hundred clock hours shall be at the graduate level in the area in which licensure is sought.

(2) The documentation establishes that the following minimum requirements are met in the applicable area:

(a) In the area of speech-language pathology:

(i) Twenty clock hours shall be in each of the following eight categories: evaluation of speech disorders in children; evaluation of speech disorders in adults; evaluation of language disorders in children; evaluation of language disorders in adults; treatment of speech disorders in children; treatment of speech disorders in adults; treatment of language disorders in children; and treatment of language disorders in adults;

(ii) Twenty clock hours shall be in audiology and may include evaluation/screening and/or habilitation/rehabilitation;

(iii) Fifty clock hours shall be in each of three types of clinical settings.

(b) In the area of audiology:

(i) At least fifty clock hours shall be in each of three types of clinical settings. The student must have experience in the evaluation and treatment of children and adults and with a variety of types and severity of disorders of hearing, speech, and language, and with the selection and use of amplification and assistive devices;

(ii) At least eighty clock hours shall be in each of the following categories, with a minimum of ten hours in each category: selection and use of amplification and assistive devices for children, and selection and use of amplification and assistive devices for adults;

(iii) At least twenty clock hours shall be in the treatment of hearing disorders in children and adults;

(iv) Twenty clock hours shall be in speech-language pathology unrelated to hearing impairment and may include evaluation/screening and/or treatment.

(3) The documentation establishes that the supervision of the experience was in compliance with all of the supervision criteria set forth in paragraph (C) of this rule.

(C) Student clinical experience supervision

(1) The documentation establishes that the student clinical experience supervision was a combination of direct and indirect supervision, as follows:

(a) At least ninety-five clock hours shall be directly supervised.

(b) Two hundred eighty clock hours shall be at least indirectly supervised.

(2) Supervisor observation of student clinical experience clock hours took place on site or by closed-circuit television. It is recommended that evaluation of student performance include activities such as conferences, audio and video recordings, written evaluations, rating instruments, and inspection of lesson plans and written reports.

(a) The supervisor must directly observe at least twenty-five percent of the student's contact time with each person served.

(b) The supervisor must directly observe at least fifty percent of the student's time in each diagnostic evaluation, including screening and identification.

(D) Verification of student clinical experience shall be submitted directly from the college or university on forms prescribed by the board.

(1) The verification must bear the signature of the department head or applicant's clinical supervisor. The board may at its discretion require additional verification of student clinical experience.

(2) It is the applicant's responsibility to ensure that the college or university is authorized to send student clinical experience records.

(E) The student clinical experience requirements set forth in paragraphs (B) and (C) of this rule shall be deemed to be met when the applicant presents proof that he/she was awarded a master's degree or higher in the area in which licensure is sought from a college or university program in speech-language pathology and/or audiology accredited by a regional or national specialized accrediting organization in speech-language pathology or audiology recognized by the "United States Department of Education" and "Council for Higher Education Accreditation," One Dupont Circle Northwest, Suite 50, Washington, D.C. 20036-1135, or its predecessors or successors, at the time the master's degree was awarded.

(F) The student clinical experience requirements set forth in paragraphs (B) and (C) of this rule shall be deemed to be met when the applicant holds current certification in audiology that is in good standing and received from the "American Board of Audiology" and both of the following criteria are met:

(1) Verification of certification is received from the "American Board of Audiology."

(2) The student clinical experience and professional experience upon which certification was granted, if completed in Ohio, were done in conformance with Ohio law and rules.

(G) The student clinical experience requirements sets forth in paragraphs (B) and (C) of this rule shall be deemed to be met when the applicant holds a current certificate of clinical competence in the area in which licensure is sought that is in good standing and received from the "American Speech-Language-Hearing Association" and both of the following criteria are met:

(1) Verification of certification is received from the "American Speech-Language-Hearing Association."

(2) The student clinical experience and professional experience upon which certification was granted, if completed in Ohio, were done in conformance with Ohio law and rules.

(H) Academic credit for student clinical experience may not be used to satisfy specific course work minimum requirements. A maximum of six semester clock hours for student clinical experience may be applied to the thirty-six semester clock hours of professional course work.

(I) Students shall not receive reimbursement or compensation for services provided during the student clinical experience, unless the board finds that extraordinary circumstances render reimbursement or compensation appropriate.

(J) Student clinical experience must have been under the supervision of a person who meets one of the following criteria:

(1) Student clinical experience obtained in the state of Ohio shall have been under the supervision of a person who during the entire student clinical experience was licensed under Chapter 4753. of the Revised Code in the area in which the applicant seeks licensure.

(2) Student clinical experience obtained outside of Ohio shall have been under the supervision of a person who during the entire student clinical experience was licensed in the area in which the applicant seeks licensure in the state in which the student clinical experience was performed.

(3) Student clinical experience obtained in a state that does not have licensure shall have been under the supervision of a person who during the entire student clinical experience was certified by the "American Speech-Language-Hearing Association" or the "American Board of Audiology," in the area in which the applicant seeks licensure.

Last updated January 2, 2024 at 8:48 AM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 4753.05
Amplifies: 4753.06
Five Year Review Date: 12/7/2026
Prior Effective Dates: 2/9/1993, 4/24/2006
Rule 4753-3-06 | Examination requirements.

An applicant shall have satisfied the examination requirements of the board if he/she has achieved a passing score on the "National Examination in Speech Pathology" or the "National Examination in Audiology" or "The Praxis Series II Test in Speech-Language Pathology" or "The Praxis Series II Test in Audiology" administered by the "Educational Testing Service" of Princeton, New Jersey, in the area in which licensure is sought or any other such practical and oral or written examinations as the board shall determine as necessary. Verification of the test score shall be submitted to the board by the "Educational Testing Service." Scores which cannot be reported by the "Educational Testing Service" may be submitted by another source with the approval of the board. It is the applicant's responsibility to ensure that the "Educational Testing Service" is authorized to report the test score.

Last updated December 7, 2021 at 8:14 AM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 4753.05(A)
Amplifies: 4753.05(B)
Five Year Review Date: 12/7/2026
Prior Effective Dates: 11/16/1992 (Emer.), 7/24/2000
Rule 4753-3-07 | Professional experience requirements for licensure of applicants for audiology applying for licensure with at least a master's degree or equivalent obtained prior to January 1, 2006 and for speech-language pathology.

(A) The purpose of the professional experience is to provide the opportunity for successful transition in status from student to independent professional by:

(1) Developing commitment to quality speech, language, and hearing services;

(2) Integrating and applying knowledge and skills gained in academic training;

(3) Refining clinical skills;

(4) Evaluating the conditional licensee's own professional skills; and

(5) Developing a commitment to continuing education and professional growth.

(B) Conditional license for professional experience

(1) The purpose of a conditional license is to permit an individual to practice speech-language pathology or audiology while completing the supervised professional experience as required by division (D) of section 4753.06 of the Revised Code.

(2) A person performing speech-language pathology or audiology services in pursuit of the required supervised professional experience, as prescribed in section 4753.06 of the Revised Code, and as described in this rule must hold conditional licensure as prescribed in section 4753.071 of the Revised Code.

(3) A person holding a conditional license is authorized to practice speech-language pathology or audiology while working under an approved professional experience plan and the supervision of a person fully licensed by the board in the area in which licensure is sought and in accordance with Chapter 4753. of the Revised Code.

(a) An applicant shall not practice speech-language pathology or audiology until the conditional license has been granted.

(b) When an applicant starts employment prior to receiving the conditional license, responsibilities shall be limited to orientation, observation, and review of paperwork.

(c) The holder of a conditional license shall not provide clinical supervision for student clinical experience, professional experience, or any other intern, aide or practitioner.

(4) Requirements for conditional licensure

(a) A conditional license shall be granted only to individuals who have made application for licensure pursuant to section 4753.06 of the Revised Code.

(b) No person shall be eligible for a conditional license unless he/she has met the following requirements of section 4753.06 of the Revised Code except for the supervised professional experience:

(i) Educational requirements;

(ii) Clinical experience requirements;

(iii) Received an examination score of one hundred sixty-two or above on the "Praxis Speech-Language Pathology: 5331" test or a score of one hundred sixty-two or above on the "Praxis Audiology: 5343" test or a score of one hundred seventy or above on the "Praxis Audiology: 5342" test administered by the "Educational Testing Service" of Princeton, New Jersey;

(iv) Submitted an application for conditional license to the board including a plan for the content of the supervised professional experience on a form prescribed by the board;

(v) Obtained appropriate signatures; and

(vi) Paid to the board the appropriate application and licensure fees.

(5) Expiration of the conditional license

(a) The length of the professional experience is determined by the professional experience year plan.

(b) The professional experience year report and supervision log must be submitted to the board within thirty days of completion of the professional experience.

(c) When the supervised professional experience has been successfully completed prior to the expiration of the conditional license:

(i) Applicant may continue to work under the conditional license and according to the plan.

(ii) The "Supervised Professional Experience Report" and "Supervision Contacts Log" shall be received within at least five business days of the next executive director review. The executive director will review licensees for approval on the first and fifteenth of each month. If the first or the fifteenth is a day the office is not open for business because of a holiday or weekend, the review will occur on the next day the office is open for business.

(d) When the supervised professional experience is not completed and the applicant applies for a second conditional license prior to the expiration of the conditional license the applicant may continue to work according to the approved plan.

(e) When the supervised professional experience is not completed and the applicant has not applied for a second conditional license prior to the expiration of the conditional license:

(i) The applicant shall discontinue providing services.

(ii) The applicant shall apply for a second conditional license.

(iii) When the second conditional license is granted the applicant may resume working according to the approved plan.

(6) Second conditional license.

(a) Upon expiration of a conditional license, the board may in its discretion grant a second conditional license for good cause shown and fix the term of the second conditional license for eighteen months.

(b) The board shall determine whether good cause for a second conditional license has been shown by evaluation of both of the following factors:

(i) The progress made toward completing the "Supervised Professional Experience", including the applicant's efforts to obtain employment, if applicable, and

(ii) The length of time needed to complete the supervised professional experience.

(c) A second conditional license shall be granted only to individuals who have filed an application and paid the appropriate fee.

(C) Requirements for professional experience

(1) Definition of professional experience

(a) Pursuant to section 4753.06 of the Revised Code, hours of professional experience are defined as those hours of contact with persons served, consultations, record keeping, clinical conferences, in-service training, or any other relevant duties in a paid professional setting in which bona fide clinical work has been accomplished in the major professional area, speech-language pathology or audiology, in which licensure is being sought.

(b) Full time experience consists of a minimum of thirty hours of professional experience per week, for a minimum of thirty-six weeks. Part time experience consists of a minimum of fifteen hours of professional experience per week for a minimum of seventy-two weeks.

(c) Time spent in academic teaching, research or management that does not deal directly with treatment programs of person(s) served will not be counted a professional experience for licensure.

(2) Work settings for professional experience

(a) Professional experience for licensure may be obtained in a variety of diverse employment settings providing services for persons with speech, language, and hearing disorders.

(b) An employment setting shall be appropriate for the professional experience of the particular program or program component is designed to evaluate, habilitate or rehabilitate the communicative functioning of persons with speech, language, hearing, and vestibular disorders.

(c) Evaluation and treatment programs including, but not limited to, schools, clinics, hospitals, community agencies, home health care, nursing homes, and private practice are appropriate professional experience settings.

(d) Programs which provide primarily screening services shall not be accepted.

(3) Professional experience performed in Ohio

(a) Professional experience accomplished in the state of Ohio shall be acceptable for licensure only when done under the supervision of an individual, who during the professional experience, was licensed by the speech and hearing professionals board in the area in which licensure is sought and shall have twenty-four months of full time clinical experience as a licensed speech-language pathologist or audiologist or the equivalent of qualifications set forth in paragraph (D) of this rule.

(b) Applicants for Ohio licensure who received the "American Speech and Hearing Association" certificate of clinical competence or licensure in another state based upon professional experience accomplished in Ohio, in violation of Ohio law and rules, shall not be licensed by waiver.

(c) Professional experience accomplished in the state of Ohio prior to September 1, 1979 shall be acceptable for licensure only when done under the supervision of a person who during the experience met the academic, clinical practicum, experience, and examination requirements as described in rule 4753-3-04 of the Administrative Code, or the equivalent as determined by the board; or who during the professional experience was licensed in any state in the professional area in which licensure is sought; or who during the professional experience was certified by the "American Speech and Hearing Association" in the professional area in which licensure is sought.

(4) Professional experience performed outside of Ohio

Professional experience, when completed outside the state of Ohio, shall be acceptable for licensure only when done under the supervision of a person who during the professional experience, was licensed in the state in the professional area in which licensure is sought; or in states without licensure who during the professional experience was certified by the "American Board of Audiology" or the "American Speech and Hearing Association" in the professional area in which licensure is sought.

(5) Requirements for the professional experience shall be deemed to be met when the applicant is certified by the "American Board of Audiology" except when the professional experience obtained in Ohio was in violation of Ohio laws and rules. This does not limit or prohibit licensure by waiver based on certification by "The American Speech and Hearing Association" as listed in paragraph (C)(3)(b) of this rule.

(6) The supervised professional experience requirements are deemed to be met when an applicant has graduated from a four year post graduate doctor of audiology program from a college or university accredited as set forth in rule 4753-3-04 of the Administrative Code and the university chairperson provides a letter to the board attesting that the following requirements have been met;

(a) The fourth year of the program is predominately a clinical externship.

(b) Prior to beginning the fourth year externship the applicant shall have met the following requirements of section 4753.06 of the Revised Code except for the supervised professional experience:

(i) Educational requirements.

(ii) Clinical experience requirements.

(iii) Received a passing score on the "Praxis Series II Test in Audiology" administered by the "Educational Testing Service" of Princeton, New Jersey.

(c) The fourth year externship shall:

(i) Meet the supervision requirements of rule 4753-3-07 of the Administrative Code,

(ii) Full time experience consists of a minimum of thirty hours of professional experience per week, for a minimum of thirty-six weeks. Part time experience consists of a minimum of fifteen hours of professional experience, for a minimum of seventy-two weeks.

(D) Supervisor qualifications and responsibilities

(1) In order to supervise professional experience, a supervisor shall:

(a) Hold a current Ohio license in the same area as the conditional license applicant or licensee.

(b) Have twenty-four months of full time clinical experience as a licensed speech-language pathologist or audiologist or the equivalent within the last sixty months under a valid license or certification by the "American Board of Audiology" or the "American-Speech and Hearing Association."

(2) The supervisor shall agree to supervise the practice of speech-language pathology or audiology experience of the applicant according to a plan approved by the board.

(3) The supervisor of professional experience shall complete the supervisor's portion of the "Supervised Professional Experience Plan," "Supervised Professional Experience Report," and "Supervision Contacts Log" as required by this rule.

(4) The supervisor shall retain copies of all professional experience supervision documents.

(5) No supervisor of persons completing professional experience may concurrently supervise more than four supervisees unless approved by the board.

(6) The board, for purposes of licensure, recognizes only professional experience that has met the supervision requirements of this rule.

(E) Professional experience plan

(1) Pursuant to section 4753.071 of the Revised Code, an applicant for a conditional license shall include a plan for professional experience.

(2) Granting of the conditional license shall be based upon approval of the plan for professional experience.

(3) A completed plan shall be submitted on a form prescribed by the board.

(4) The board may approve a plan indicating that an applicant is seeking employment.

(a) Time spent seeking employment shall not be credited toward professional experience requirements for licensure.

(b) Upon employment, a new plan shall be submitted within thirty days.

(c) A new plan shall be submitted for changes in employment and supervision within thirty days of a change. When a plan is not submitted within thirty days, it will be considered late and the experience shall be adjusted to extend the plan by the number of days the plan was late.

(d) An amended plan shall be submitted for changes in supervision or in the start or end date of an approved plan within thirty calendar days of the change.

(e) Failure to submit the plan or amended plan or failure to practice according to the plan shall be considered practice without a license and, therefore, cause for suspension, probation, or revocation of the conditional license according to Chapter 119. of the Revised Code.

(F) Supervision of professional experience

(1) Professional experience shall entail the direct involvement of the supervisor in any and all ways, which may include telepractice that will permit the supervisor to monitor, improve, provide feedback, and evaluate the applicant's performance in professional employment.

(2) When onsite supervision occurs via telepractice applications, supervision shall occur using real time, synchronous, encrypted videoconferencing and shall meet the supervision requirements as specified in this rule.

(3) Asynchronous, recorded therapy sessions submitted for later review shall not meet the requirements for onsite supervision but may suffice as "Other Supervisory Activity" as outlined in the supervision log.

(4) Mentoring paradigm

(a) The supervisor's role throughout the professional experience year shall be viewed as that of a mentor. This mentoring paradigm shall include a schedule of regular monthly communication around mutually developed goals including professional, educational and personal objectives.

(b) Mentoring activities shall include, but are not limited to:

(i) Orienting the conditional licensee to employment site and professional job responsibilities;

(ii) Providing support to the conditional licensee;

(iii) Being available to answer questions; and

(iv) Providing feedback/evaluation to the conditional licensee and about clinical competencies.

(5) Supervision requirements

(a) Supervision of the professional experience shall include:

(i) Eighteen on-site conferences with the conditional licensee and the supervisor of the professional experience with at least six of the on-site conferences during each third of the professional experience.

(ii) A monthly evaluation conference which may be in conjunction with one of the on-site conferences.

(b) Supervisory activities may include, but are not limited to:

(i) Conferring with the applicant concerning clinical treatment strategies;

(ii) Monitoring changes in communication behaviors of person(s) served;

(iii) Evaluating the applicant's clinical records, including: diagnostic reports, treatment records, correspondence, plans of treatment; and summaries of clinical conferences.

(iv) Monitoring the applicant's participation in case conferences;

(v) Evaluating the applicant's performance by professional colleagues and employers;

(vi) Evaluating the applicant's work by person(s) served and their parents; and

(vii) Monitoring the applicant's contributions to professional meetings and publications, as well as participation in professional growth opportunities.

(6) Conferences

(a) The supervisor shall share and discuss their evaluation with the conditional licensee in a monthly supervision conference.

(b) The supervision conference shall include:

(i) Providing detailed feedback to the conditional licensee regarding their clinical performance; and

(ii) Summarizing for the conditional licensee a list of clinical strengths and goals on the "Supervision Contacts Log."

(c) On completion of the professional experience, a conference shall be held to provide the conditional licensee the opportunity to read and discuss with the supervisor the final "Supervised Professional Experience Report."

(d) When the conditional licensee has not made satisfactory progress, the supervisor shall counsel the applicant verbally and document on the "Supervision Contacts Log."

(G) Supervised professional experience report and supervision contacts log

(1) Upon completion of the professional experience year or when there is a change in the professional experience year plan, the conditional licensee shall submit a "Supervised Professional Experience Report" and a "Supervision Contacts Log" of the supervisory contacts that occurred during the experience to the board within thirty calendar days.

(2) After submission of the "Supervised Professional Experience Report" and "Supervision Contacts Log," the conditional licensee shall abide by the requirements for conditional licensure until full licensure is granted.

(3) Completion of professional experience

(a) The "Supervised Professional Experience Report" and "Supervision Contacts Log" are due within thirty days of completion of the professional experience.

(b) The "Supervised Professional Experience Report" and "Supervision Contacts Log" shall be submitted on forms prescribed by the board.

(c) If no report and log are submitted, the conditional licensee's application remains open until expiration of the conditional license.

(d) If the conditional licensee discontinues pursuit of Ohio licensure, written notice by either the supervisor or the conditional licensee may be submitted in lieu of the report and log.

(e) Unsuccessful completion of the professional experience shall result in extending the supervised professional experience or repeating the entire supervised professional experience.

(4) Partial completion of professional experience

(a) Interim completion of professional experience means supervised professional experience that is completed prior to meeting requirements as set forth in paragraph (C)(1)(b) of this rule.

(b) The "Supervised Professional Experience Report" and "Supervision Contacts Log" are due within thirty days of completion of the partial professional experience.

(c) If no "Supervised Professional Experience Report" and "Supervision Contacts Log" are submitted, the conditional licensee's application remains open until expiration of the conditional license.

(d) If the conditional licensee discontinues pursuit of Ohio licensure, written notice by either the supervisor or the conditional licensee may be submitted in lieu of the report and log.

(5) Non-approval of the supervised professional experience.

(a) When the supervisor does not approve the professional experience, the supervisor shall:

(i) Indicate the disapproval on the "Supervision Contacts Log" and sign the "Supervised Professional Experience Report."

(ii) Submit the "Supervision Contacts Log" and the "Supervised Professional Experience Report."

(b) The applicant may request that the board accept this experience toward the requirements for licensure by submitting a letter of explanation ad supporting documentation.

(c) The board may share this information with the applicant and supervisor.

(d) The board shall review the "Supervised Professional Experience Report," documentation, and the "Supervision Contacts Log" to determine if approval of the supervised professional experience shall be granted.

(e) When the board rejects the experience, the applicant shall be offered the opportunity for a hearing according to Chapter 119. of the Revised Code.

(H) Reimbursement for services

A person holding a conditional license may perform services for which reimbursement will be sought under the medicare program established under Title XVIII of the "Social Security Act" but all requests for reimbursement for such services shall be submitted by the person who supervises the person performing the services.

Last updated December 7, 2021 at 8:14 AM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 4753.05(A)
Amplifies: 4753.06(D), 4753.071, 4753.09
Five Year Review Date: 12/7/2026
Prior Effective Dates: 5/5/1986, 11/16/1992 (Emer.), 7/16/1999, 6/26/2003, 12/1/2011
Rule 4753-3-08 | Denial, suspension or revocation of license.

The board may reprimand, place on probation, deny, suspend, revoke, or refuse to issue or renew the license of an applicant or a licensee for violation or any provision of Chapter 4753. of the Revised Code and agency-level 4753 of the Administrative Code or any lawful order or rule of the board, and for unprofessional conduct, including but not limited to the following:

(A) Fraud, deception, or misrepresentation in obtaining or attempting to obtain a license or renewal of a license;

(B) Fraud, deception, or misrepresentation of a license;

(C) Altering a license;

(D) Aiding or abetting unlicensed practice;

(E) Committing fraud, deception, or misrepresentation in the practice of speech-language pathology or audiology including but not limited to:

(1) Making or filing a false report or record in the practice of speech-language pathology or audiology;

(2) Submitting a false statement to collect a fee; or

(3) Obtaining a fee through fraud, deception, or misrepresentation or accepting commissions or rebates or other forms of remuneration for referring persons to others.

(F) Using or prompting or causing the use of any misleading. deceiving, improbable, or untruthful advertising matter, promotional literature, testimonial, guarantee, warranty, label, brand, insignia, or any other representation;

(G) Falsely representing the use or availability of services or advice of a physician;

(H) Misrepresenting the applicant, licensee, or holder by using the word "doctor" or any similar word, abbreviation, or symbol if the use is not accurate or if the degree was not obtained from a regionally or nationally accredited institution recognized by the board;

(I) Committing any act of gross misconduct, dishonorable, immoral, or unprofessional conduct while engaging in the practice of speech-language pathology or audiology;

(J) Engaging in illegal, incompetent or habitually negligent practice;

(K) Providing professional services while:

(1) Mentally incompetent;

(2) Under the influence of alcohol; or

(3) Using any narcotic or controlled dangerous substance or other drug that may impair decision making or quality of care.

(L) Providing services or promoting the sale of devices, appliances, or products to a person who cannot reasonably be expected to benefit from such services, devices, appliances, or products in accordance with results utilizing appropriate assessment procedures and instruments;

(M) Violating any provision of this law, any lawful order given, or rule or regulation adopted by the board.

(N) Being convicted of or pleading guilty or nolo contendere to a felony or to a crime involving moral turpitude, whether or not any appeal or other proceeding is pending to have the conviction or plea set aside; or

(O) Being disciplined by a licensing or disciplinary authority of this or any other state or country or convicted or disciplined by a court of this or any other state or country for an act that would be grounds for disciplinary action under this rule.

(P) Performing any professional practice duties without proper training.

Last updated January 3, 2024 at 12:19 PM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: RC 4753.05
Amplifies: RC 4753.10
Five Year Review Date: 9/20/2028
Rule 4753-3-09 | Reinstatement of license.

In evaluating an application for reinstatement of a license previously revoked or suspended, or reconsideration of denial of license, the board shall consider the following:

(A) The nature and severity of the acts which resulted in denial, revocation or suspension of license;

(B) The time elapsed since the commission of the acts;

(C) Possible additional violations occurring after the denial, revocation or suspension;

(D) Compliance with previous orders of the board; and,

(E) Evidence of rehabilitation which the applicant may submit to the board.

(F) Applicants who have not engaged in the practice of speech-language pathology or audiology for more than five years prior to the date the individual applies to the board for reinstatement may be subject to additional requirements outlined by the board and could include assigned hours of continuing education on specific topics. The board shall require additional continuing education and other activities, which may include, but are not limited to:

(1) Competency based performance appraisals;

(2) Mentorship;

(3) Additional continuing education, which may include, but is not limited to topics covering:

(a) Anatomy and physiology of the speech and hearing mechanisms.

(b) Hearing disorders.

(c) Diagnostics.

(d) Electrophysiology including auditory and vestibular measures.

(e) Specialty assessment such as APD and AR.

(f) Pediatrics.

(g) Geriatrics.

(h) Treatment including such topics as hearing aid theory, hearing aid assessment, hearing aid fitting, hearing aid technologies, product training, cochlear implants, vestibular rehab, aural rehabilitation and counseling.

(i) Ethics, HIPPA and record keeping.

(4) Extended coursework; and

(5) Professional development plan.

Last updated December 7, 2021 at 8:14 AM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 4753.05
Amplifies: 4753.09
Five Year Review Date: 12/7/2026
Prior Effective Dates: 4/22/1976
Rule 4753-3-10 | Exempt practice; renewal.

(A) All persons who are duly licensed by this board shall be considered to be actively practicing the profession of speech-language pathology or audiology, regardless of work setting. Persons who are exempted from licensure, pursuant to section 4753.12 of the Revised Code, are not required to be licensed by this board. However, if such persons voluntarily choose to be licensed by this board, such license shall be controlled by the rules of this board.

All persons licensed by this board, including those licensed by waiver pursuant to division (D) of section 4753.08 of the Revised Code, shall meet all requirements for license renewal in accordance with agency 4753 of the Administrative Code.

(B) Failure to biennially renew a license shall cause such licensure to expire as of the second December thirty-first of the biennium such failure occurred. Pursuant to section 4753.09 of the Revised Code, the board may renew the license of a person who applies to renew the license within one year after such expiration. If the application for renewal is made after one year, the person shall apply for licensure as provided in section 4753.06 or division (B) or (C) of section 4753.08 of the Revised Code. Any practice after expiration of the license is a violation of section 4753.02 of the Revised Code and shall be reported to the employer of the applicant when applicable.

(C) License renewal:

(1) Not less than thirty days prior to the deadline for licensure renewal all licensees shall be notified by the board office of the requirement to renew the license and submit the necessary fee and renewal application attesting to completion of continuing education hours within the two year renewal period.

(2) All licensees shall submit to the board a renewal application attesting to completion of the required continuing education hours within the two year renewal period.

(3) All legal requirements must be fulfilled before the license is renewed. Those requirements are the completion of the required hours of continuing education, attesting that the licensee has completed all required hours of continuing education by the end of the renewal period, completion of the application, and payment of all fees, including any late fees incurred.

(4) Licensees who submit the renewal application, attesting to continuing education or fee after the deadline shall be assigned a late fee.

(5) Continuing education hours submitted for late renewal shall not be used again for the next renewal.

(6) Upon completion of the requirements for renewal of the license, all licensees shall receive the renewal certificate.

(D) Late renewal

Failure to complete legal requirements for renewal after December thirty-first of the renewal year shall result in the expiration of the license after that date. Renewal applications must be postmarked or electronically registered no later than December thirty-first of the renewal year. A renewal application received after December thirty-first of the renewal year shall be a late renewal and incur the late fee specified in rule 4753-5-01 of the Administrative Code.

(E) Expired license:

(1) A speech-language pathologist or audiologist may apply for renewal of an expired license if the license has been expired for one year or less. The board shall issue the license if the speech-language pathologist or audiologist:

(a) Submits to the board a completed application;

(b) Submits to the board an attestation of completing continuing education hours required for the two-year period immediately preceding the year of the application for renewal; and

(c) Pays to the board the renewal and late fees set by the board.

(2) The board shall not renew the license of a speech-language pathologist or audiologist who fails to apply for renewal of the license within one year after the license expires. A speech-language pathologist or audiologist whose license has been expired for more than one year may become licensed if he/she:

(a) Presents proof of a current certificate of clinical competence in speech-language pathology or audiology that is in good standing and received from the "American Speech-Language-Hearing Association" in the area in which licensure is sought and/or proof of a current certificate in audiology from the "American Board of Audiology" stating "Board Certified in Audiology"; or

(b) Presents proof of current certification or licensure in good standing in the area in which licensure is sought in a state that has standards at least equal to the standards for licensure that are in effect in this state at the time the applicant applies for the license; or

(c) Submits to the board documentation of completion of continuing education hours required of a licensee during the period prior to expiration of the license and for each renewal period of expiration, or forty hours within the two years prior to the application or as approved by the board; and

(d) Pays to the board the application fee set by the board.

(F) Applicants who have not engaged in the practice of speech-language pathology or audiology for more than five years prior to the date the individual applies to the board for relicensure may be subject to additional requirements outlined by the board and could include assigned hours of continuing education on specific topics. The board shall require additional continuing education and other activities, which may include, but are not limited to:

(1) Competency based performance appraisals;

(2) Mentorship;

(3) Additional continuing education, which may include, but is not limited to, topics covering:

(a) Anatomy and physiology of the speech and hearing mechanisms.

(b) Hearing disorders.

(c) Diagnostics.

(d) Electrophysiology including auditory and vestibular measures.

(e) Specialty assessment such as APD and AR.

(f) Pediatrics.

(g) Geriatrics.

(h) Treatment including such topics as hearing aid theory, hearing aid assessment, hearing aid fitting, hearing aid technologies, product training, cochlear implants, vestibular rehab, aural rehabilitation and counseling.

(i) Ethics, HIPAA, and record keeping.

(4) Extended coursework; and

(5) Professional development plan.

Last updated March 25, 2022 at 8:33 AM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 4744.28, 4753.05
Amplifies: 4753.02, 4753.09, 4753.11, 4753.12
Five Year Review Date: 3/25/2027
Prior Effective Dates: 7/16/1999, 5/1/2010, 12/12/2016
Rule 4753-3-11 | Inactive status of license; restoration.

(A) A person licensed as a speech-language pathologist or audiologist may, at the time of biennial renewal, apply for inactive status of his/her license. The application for inactive status shall be accompanied by the fee prescribed by rule 4753-5-01 of the Administrative Code and by a signed statement that the licensee will not engage in the active practice of speech-language pathology or audiology, as defined by divisions (C) and (G) of section 4753.01 of the Revised Code, while the license is inactive.

(B) A person whose license is inactive may request a return to active status at any time by submitting a restoration application to the board. Applications shall be:

(1) Typewritten or printed in ink or submitted electronically via the Ohio e-license system;

(2) Signed by the applicant or electronically signed if applying electronically via the Ohio e-license system;

(3) Accompanied by the fee prescribed by rule 4753-5-01 of the Administrative Code;

(4) Accompanied by such evidence, statements, or documents as specified on the form; and

(5) Contain proof that the applicant completed at least twenty contact hours of continuing education in accordance with rule 4753-4-01 of the Administrative Code within the two year period immediately preceding the application for restoration. Contact hours used to meet the requirements of this paragraph shall not be used to renew the restored license.

(a) A license in inactive status for less than twelve months shall be restored to active status when the licensee demonstrates proof he or she completed an additional ten contact hours of continuing education during the time the license was in inactive status.

(b) A license in inactive status for twelve months to twenty-four months shall be restored to active status when the licensee demonstrates proof he or she completed an additional twenty contact hours of continuing education during the time the license was in inactive status.

(c) A license in inactive status for twenty-five months to forty-eight months shall be restored to active status when the licensee demonstrates proof he or she completed an additional forty contact hours of continuing education during the time the license was in inactive status.

(d) A license in inactive status for forty-nine months to sixty months shall be restored to active status when the licensee demonstrates proof he or she completed an additional fifty contact hours of continuing education during the time the license was in inactive status.

(e) The additional continuing education hours obtained during the time the license was in inactive status to restore an inactive license under this section may count toward the licensee's continuing education requirement for the first renewal of the restored license if they were obtained during the two calendar years immediately prior to the next renewal date following restoration.

(C) In addition to the requirements contained in paragraphs (B) and (C) of this rule, applicants for restoration of an inactive license who have not engaged in the practice of speech-language pathology or audiology for more than five years prior to the date the individual applies to the board for restoration may be subject to additional requirements outlined by the board. The board may consider, but is not limited to, the following additional requirements:

(1) Competency based performance appraisals;

(2) Mentorship;

(3) Additional continuing education;

(4) Extended coursework; and

(5) Professional development plan.

(D) For the purposes of filing an electronic application via the "StateplaceOhio" e-license system, the board shall supply the applicant with a "UserID" and password. The use of the "UserID" and password provided by the board is solely the responsibility of the individual to whom it is issued and shall be limited to filing an electronic application for license restoration. The "UserID" and password shall constitute the legally recognized signature for the purposes of this rule and may not be transferred, distributed, or shared with any other person.

Last updated January 3, 2024 at 12:19 PM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 4753.05(A)
Amplifies: 4753.091
Five Year Review Date: 9/20/2028
Prior Effective Dates: 10/11/2010
Rule 4753-3-12 | Summary suspension for human trafficking conviction.

(A) Upon receipt of notification from a prosecutor under the provisions of section 4776.20 of the Revised Code, the speech and hearing professionals board shall take appropriate action to immediately suspend the licensee's license without a prior hearing.

(B) The board shall issue a written order of suspension by certified mail or in person in accordance with section 119.07 of the Revised Code. The order is not subject to suspension by the court during pendency of any appeal filed under section 119.12 of the Revised Code. If the person subject to the suspension requests an adjudication by the board, the date set for the adjudication shall be within fifteen business days, but not earlier than seven business days, after the request, unless otherwise agreed to by both the board and the person subject to the suspension.

(C) Any summary suspension imposed under this section shall remain in effect, unless reversed on appeal, until a final adjudication order issued by the board pursuant to Chapter 119. of the Revised Code becomes effective. The board shall issue its final adjunctive order within sixty days after completion of its adjudication. A failure to issue the order within sixty days shall result in dissolution of the summary suspension order but shall not invalidate any subsequent, final adjudicative order.

Last updated October 7, 2024 at 12:53 PM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 4744.28, 4753.05
Amplifies: 4753.10, 4753.16, 4776.20
Five Year Review Date: 9/25/2029