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This website publishes administrative rules on their effective dates, as designated by the adopting state agencies, colleges, and universities.

Chapter 4736-12 | Annual Renewal of Registration

Rule 4736-12-01 | Requirements for certificate of registration renewal.

(A) Registrants shall apply annually for certificate of registration renewal.

(1) Renewals shall be mailed to registrants no later than thirty days prior to the annual expiration date of a registrant's current certificate of registration.

(2) A registration expires by operation of law at the end of the specified one year period, after which reinstatement, in accordance with rule 4736-7-03 of the Administrative Code is required. Registrants may not practice environmental health once a certificate of registration expires until it is reinstated by the board.

(3) The following items are required to reinstate a registration during the first thirty days following the expiration of a certificate of registration:

(a) The fee prescribed in section 4736.12 of the Revised Code, including the late fee as provided in division (A)(6) of that section;

(b) Proof of at least eighteen hours of board approved continuing education in the twelve months prior to the expiration date of the certificate of registration; and

(c) Completed renewal application.

(4) To reinstate a certificate of registration that had been expired for more than thirty days refer to rule 4736-7-03 of the Administrative Code.




(B) Each application for renewal shall be accompanied by the fee prescribed in section 4736.12 of the Revised Code and evidence that the registrant meets the continuing education requirements as set forth by the board.

(C) The board, with the approval of the controlling board, may establish fees in excess of the amount prescribed in section 4736.12 of the Revised Code, provided that such fees do not exceed the amount prescribed in section 4736.12 of the Revised Code by more than fifty per cent.

(D) During the first year of registration, registrants may claim approved continuing education hours earned from the date the certificate of registration was granted by the board until the certificate expiration date when applying for renewal of their certificate of registration.

(E) Except for the first annual renewal, registrants shall complete the continuing education requirements specified by the board within the twelve months immediately preceding the expiration date of the certificate of registration.

(F) Sanitarian in training renewals are limited to four one year periods following the expiration of the original certificate of registration, except as provided in sections 4736.10 and 4736.15 of the Revised Code.

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 4736.03
Amplifies: 4736.12
Five Year Review Date: 5/15/2019
Prior Effective Dates: 11/5/1990, 7/1/1996, 10/1/1999
Rule 4736-12-02 | Fees.

Fees charged by the board are specified in section 4736.12 of the Revised Code. All fees collected by the board are nonrefundable and nontransferable.

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 4736.03
Amplifies: 4736.12
Five Year Review Date: 5/15/2019
Prior Effective Dates: 6/15/2006