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This website publishes administrative rules on their effective dates, as designated by the adopting state agencies, colleges, and universities.

Chapter 4729:1-2 | Licensing of Pharmacists

Rule 4729:1-2-01 | Criteria for licensure by examination.

(A) Pursuant to sections 4729.07 and 4729.13 of the Revised Code, pharmacist licensure by examination shall consist of:

(1) The "North American Pharmacist Licensure Examination" (NAPLEX) administered by the national association of boards of pharmacy (NABP); and

(2) A jurisprudence examination which shall be one of the following as determined by the board:

(a) The "Multistate Pharmacy Jurisprudence Examination" (MPJE) administered by the national association of boards of pharmacy (NABP); or

(b) A jurisprudence examination administered by NABP and approved by the board.

(B) Unless otherwise approved by the board, the minimum passing score on each examination shall be determined by NABP.

(1) Any candidate who fails to receive a passing score on the NAPLEX examination shall make application and remit the fee established by the state board of pharmacy for re-examination.

(2) Any candidate who fails to receive a passing score on the jurisprudence examination shall make application and remit the fee established by the state board of pharmacy for re-examination.

(C) A candidate may use the NABP process to transfer the candidate's NAPLEX score to Ohio only after the candidate has met all of the requirements set by the board for examination and licensure in Ohio.

(D) Pursuant to section 4729.08 of the Revised Code, graduates of unapproved schools or colleges of pharmacy located outside the United States who are using an approved examination to establish equivalency of their education shall:

(1) Obtain a passing score, as determined by NABP, on the "Foreign Pharmacy Graduate Equivalency Examination (FPGEE)"; and

(2) Show oral proficiency in English by successful completion of the "Test of English as a Foreign Language, Internet-based test" (TOEFL iBT) pursuant to rule 4729:1-2-04 of the Administrative Code.

(E) Any examination candidate who fails to take both of the required examinations pursuant to paragraph (A) of this rule within twelve months from the date the board receives the application materials shall submit a new application for the required examination or examinations and remit the fee established by the board, as the original application shall be deemed abandoned.

(F) The record of the passing score for an examination candidate who takes both of the required examinations pursuant to paragraph (A) of this rule, but successfully only completes one examination will:

(1) Be maintained up to three years if no more than twelve months has elapsed between attempts to successfully complete the remaining examination.

(2) Not be maintained if more than twelve months has elapsed between attempts to successfully complete the remaining examination. It will then be necessary for the examination candidate to repeat both examinations for Ohio licensure.

(G) Any candidate who has requested to transfer their NAPLEX score to Ohio must successfully complete the jurisprudence examination within twelve months from the date the candidate completed the NAPLEX examination or the score transfer will be denied.

(H) Pursuant to section 4729.071 of the Revised Code, a candidate must submit electronic or ink fingerprint impressions for a criminal records check prior to receiving approval to take the required examinations. An examination candidate must submit fingerprint impressions no later than sixty days after the date the board receives the application materials. After sixty days, a candidate must submit a new application, the required fee, and fingerprint impressions, as the original application shall be deemed abandoned.

(I) Candidates shall be limited to a total of five attempts to pass the NAPLEX and the jurisprudence examination. The board may grant one additional attempt to pass the NAPLEX and the jurisprudence examination in the event of extraordinary circumstances. A candidate that exceeds the limits set forth in this paragraph is no longer eligible to obtain licensure as a pharmacist by examination pursuant to this rule.

(J) Pursuant to section 4729.16 of the Revised Code, a limited or restricted license may be issued to an applicant upon the determination of the board.

Last updated January 15, 2025 at 7:58 AM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 4729.26, 4776.03
Amplifies: 4729.07, 4729.071, 4729.08, 4729.13, 4776.01, 4776.02, 4776.04
Five Year Review Date: 3/4/2029
Prior Effective Dates: 2/15/1982
Rule 4729:1-2-02 | Criteria for licensure by reciprocity.

(A) An applicant seeking licensure as a pharmacist by reciprocity shall comply with all the following:

(1) Be at least eighteen years of age.

(2) Obtain a degree in pharmacy from a school of pharmacy approved by the state board of pharmacy.

(3) Have met the applicable practical experience requirements by either:

(a) Successfully graduating after December 31, 2006 with a doctor of pharmacy degree (Pharm.D.) from a school of pharmacy approved by the state board of pharmacy; or

(b) Obtaining a total of at least one thousand seven hundred and forty hours of documented supervised practical experience in Ohio or any other state or jurisdiction in which the credentials are at least the equivalent of those required by this state at the time the experience was obtained. If the reciprocating state or jurisdiction requires less than the required hours, the board may grant internship credit for practice as a pharmacist.

(4) Hold an active license or registration to practice pharmacy, which is in good standing, in a state or jurisdiction in which the credentials are at least the equivalent of those required by this state. Certification of these credentials shall be conducted by the national association of boards of pharmacy (NABP).

(B) An applicant who has met the requirements of the state or jurisdiction with which the applicant holds a certificate of good standing pursuant to a "Foreign Pharmacy Graduate Examination Commission (FPGEC)" certificate shall be required to establish proficiency in spoken English by providing evidence of the successful completion of the "Test of English as a Foreign Language, Internet-based test" (TOEFL iBT) pursuant to rule 4729:1-2-04 of the Administrative Code.

(C) Except as provided in rule 4729:1-2-09 of the Administrative Code, candidates who qualify for licensure by reciprocity shall successfully complete a course developed by the board or approved by the board, that includes a scored evaluation component, on Ohio law and rules governing the practice of pharmacy.

(1) Candidates who do not successfully complete this course within six months following the submission of a completed application shall file a new application and required fee for licensure by reciprocity, as the original application shall be deemed abandoned.

(2) The board may require an applicant to complete the jurisprudence examination as defined in rule 4729:1-2-01 of the Administrative Code in lieu of completing the course if the applicant has never obtained a passing score on a jurisprudence examination for any state or jurisdiction.

(3) Paragraph (C)(2) of this rule does not apply to applicant who either:

(a) Received initial licensure prior to January 1, 2018; or

(b) Successfully passed a board approved state jurisprudence examination.

(D) Pursuant to section 4729.071 of the Revised Code, a candidate must submit electronic or ink fingerprint impressions for a criminal records check prior to receiving an initial license to practice as a pharmacist. A reciprocity candidate must submit fingerprint impressions no later than six months after the date the board receives the application materials. After six months, a candidate must submit a new application, the required fee, and fingerprint impressions.

(E) Pursuant to division (B)(2) of section 4796.03 of the Revised Code, the board hereby waives the requirements set forth in division (B)(1) of section 4796.03 of the Revised Code.

(F) Pursuant to division (F)(3) of section 4796.03 of the Revised Code, the required fee for reciprocity shall be three hundred thirty-seven dollars and fifty cents and any transaction fee as required by section 125.18 of the Revised Code.

(G) Pursuant to section 4729.16 of the Revised Code, a limited or restricted license may be issued to an applicant upon the determination of the board.

Last updated January 15, 2025 at 7:58 AM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 4729.26, 4776.03, 9.79
Amplifies: 4729.071, 4729.09, 4776.01, 4776.02, 4776.04
Five Year Review Date: 3/4/2029
Prior Effective Dates: 9/1/1985, 4/25/2022
Rule 4729:1-2-03 | Examination application for licensure as a pharmacist.

(A) Each person seeking to apply to take the examinations for licensure as a pharmacist shall submit the required application materials and fees to the national association of boards of pharmacy (NABP) and the following to the state board of pharmacy:

(1) A completed application form as provided by the board;

(2) Required fee, including any transaction fee as required by section 125.18 of the Revised Code; and

(3) Either of the following:

(a) A certificate of education completed and certified by an approved school of pharmacy documenting the successful graduation of the applicant with a doctor of pharmacy degree obtained after December 31, 2006; or

(b) The required hours of supervised practical experience pursuant to rule 4729:2-2-05 of the Administrative Code, and either:

(i) A certificate of education completed and certified by an approved school of pharmacy documenting the successful graduation of the applicant; or

(ii) Certification provided by the national association of boards of pharmacy documenting the applicant has established educational equivalency by obtaining a "Foreign Pharmacy Graduate Examination Commission" (FPGEC) certificate and evidence of successful completion of the "Test of English as a Foreign Language, Internet-based test (TOEFL iBT)" pursuant to rule 4729:1-2-04 of the Administrative Code.

(4) Any other information or documentation as determined by the board.

(B) The state board of pharmacy may make an applicant eligible to take the required examinations as soon as the board receives all the items set forth in paragraph (A) of this rule and the results of a criminal records check pursuant to section 4729.071 of the Revised Code.

(C) The state board of pharmacy may deny admission to the licensure examination.

Last updated March 4, 2024 at 8:39 AM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 4729.26
Amplifies: 4729.07, 4729.08
Five Year Review Date: 3/4/2029
Prior Effective Dates: 10/27/2011
Rule 4729:1-2-04 | Successful completion of the Test of English as a Foreign Language, Internet-based Test.

Successful completion of the "Test of English as a Foreign Language, Internet-based test" (TOEFL iBT) shall be the following minimum scores or higher:

(A) Writing: twenty-four;

(B) Speaking: twenty-six;

(C) Listening: twenty-one; and

(D) Reading: twenty-two.

Last updated January 3, 2024 at 12:17 PM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 4729.26
Amplifies: 4729.08
Five Year Review Date: 9/18/2028
Prior Effective Dates: 1/1/2006
Rule 4729:1-2-05 | Criminal records check for pharmacists.

(A) Pursuant to section 4729.071 of the Revised Code, an applicant seeking an initial license as a pharmacist by examination or reciprocity must first submit fingerprint impressions to the Ohio bureau of criminal identification and investigation (BCI&I) for a criminal records check.

(B) Pursuant to section 4776.02 of the Revised Code, the criminal records check performed by BCI&I shall consist of both a BCI&I criminal records check and a federal bureau of investigation (FBI) criminal records check. BCI&I shall send the results of the BCI&I and FBI criminal records checks directly to the state board of pharmacy.

(C) The state board of pharmacy requires that the criminal records check:

(1) Be based on electronic fingerprint impressions that are submitted directly to BCI&I from a WebCheck provider agency or ink impressions. The state board of pharmacy may accept the results of a criminal records check based on ink impressions only in the following circumstances:

(a) Readable electronic fingerprint impressions cannot be obtained or are rejected by either BCI&I or FBI;

(b) The applicant is from out-of-state;

(c) The applicant's home address is seventy-five miles or more from the nearest WebCheck location.

(2) Results will only be considered valid if the fingerprint impressions were obtained within one year of the date the application is received by the board.

Last updated January 3, 2024 at 12:17 PM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 4776.03, 4729.26
Amplifies: 4729.071, 4776.04, 4776.02, 4776.01
Five Year Review Date: 9/18/2028
Rule 4729:1-2-06 | Pharmacist change of name, address or employment.

(A) A pharmacist, who has a legal change of name, shall notify the board of pharmacy, in a manner determined by the board, within thirty days from the effective date of such change. Such notification of a name change shall be accompanied by one of the following:

(1) A notarized affidavit;

(2) A certified copy of a court record;

(3) A certified copy of a marriage certificate;

(4) A government-issued identification card which reflects the pharmacist's name change; or

(5) Any other documentation as approved by the board.

(B) Requests for a duplicate wall certificate shall be issued in the new name of the pharmacist and shall be accompanied by the required fee. The pharmacist shall promptly destroy the wall certificate that no longer reflects their legal name.

(C) Upon receipt of the required documents and fee pursuant to paragraphs (A) and (B) of this rule, the board will forward the duplicate wall certificate issued in the pharmacist's new name.

(D) A pharmacist who changes their mailing or email address shall notify the board of pharmacy, in a manner determined by the board, of the new address within thirty days after the effective date of such change.

(E) A pharmacist who changes their place of employment shall notify the board of pharmacy, in a manner determined by the board, of the address of the principal place where they practice, including pharmacist placement services, within thirty days after they have commenced such practice.

(F) The board shall only issue a duplicate wall certificate to a pharmacist who has lost, misplaced, or damaged their original wall certificate. A pharmacist seeking a duplicate wall certificate in accordance with this paragraph shall submit a request for a duplicate wall certificate in manner determined by the board and shall pay the required fee of twenty-two dollars and fifty cents.

Last updated March 4, 2024 at 8:40 AM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 4729.26
Amplifies: 4729.12
Five Year Review Date: 3/4/2029
Prior Effective Dates: 7/1/1994, 3/1/2017, 3/1/2018
Rule 4729:1-2-07 | Pharmacist licensure and renewal.

(A) Except as provided in paragraph (B) of this rule, a pharmacist license issued by the state board of pharmacy in accordance with Chapter 4729. of the Revised Code entitles the individual to whom it is issued to practice as a pharmacist until the next renewal date.

(B) An initial pharmacist license issued by the state board of pharmacy on or after the first of May of every odd-numbered year in accordance with Chapter 4729. of the Revised Code entitles the individual to whom it is issued to practice as a pharmacist until the renewal date immediately following the next required renewal date.

(C) A pharmacist license shall be renewed on the fifteenth day of September of every odd-numbered year.

(D) An individual who fails to renew their license by the fifteenth day of September of every odd-numbered year shall not engage in the practice of pharmacy until a valid license is issued by the board.

(E) In accordance with section 4729.15 of the Revised Code, the renewal fee shall be two hundred fifty dollars and any transaction fee as required by section 125.18 of the Revised Code.

(F) In accordance with section 4729.15 of the Revised Code, a pharmacist renewing a license that expired less than three years shall pay the renewal fee plus a penalty of thirty-seven dollars and fifty cents.

(G) In accordance with section 4729.13 of the Revised Code, a pharmacist who fails to renew a license within three years may reinstate the license by:

(1) Successfully completing the required examinations pursuant to rule 4729:1-2-01 of the Administrative Code; or

(2) Meeting the criteria for licensure by reciprocity pursuant to rule 4729:1-2-02 of the Administrative Code.

(H) A pharmacist applying for reinstatement pursuant to paragraph (G) shall submit the following to the state board of pharmacy:

(1) A completed application form as provided by the board;

(2) Required fee, including any transaction fee as required by section 125.18 of the Revised Code;

(3) Criminal records check as required by rule 4729:1-2-05 of the Administrative Code; and

(4) The applicable registration or license transfer applications as determined by the national association of boards of pharmacy (NABP).

Last updated March 4, 2024 at 8:40 AM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 4729.26, 4729.12
Amplifies: 4729.08, 4729.09
Five Year Review Date: 3/4/2029
Prior Effective Dates: 3/1/2018
Rule 4729:1-2-08 | Veteran and military family provisions related to pharmacist licensure.

(A) Renewal of an expired license.

(1) In accordance with section 5903.10 of the Revised Code, a holder of an expired license shall be granted a renewal of the license by the state board of pharmacy at the usual cost without penalty and without re-examination if not otherwise disqualified because of mental or physical disability and if either of the following applies:

(a) The license was not renewed because of the holder's service in the armed forces.

(b) The license was not renewed because the holder's spouse served in the armed forces of the United States or a reserve component of the armed forces and the service resulted in the holder's absence from this state.

(2) A pharmacist shall submit proper documentation certifying the active duty service and length of active duty service. Documentation required to obtain a renewal pursuant to paragraph (A)(1) of this rule will be published on the state board of pharmacy's website:

(B) The state board of pharmacy may implement fee waivers for licensure. If implemented, fee waivers will be published on the state board of pharmacy's web site:

(C) Substantially equivalent education.

In accordance with section 5903.03 of the Revised Code, there are no military programs of training or military primary specialties which are substantially equivalent to the education requirements for licensure as a pharmacist.

Last updated January 3, 2024 at 12:17 PM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 4729.26, 5903.04
Amplifies: 4729.12, 4729.13, 4729.15
Five Year Review Date: 9/18/2028
Rule 4729:1-2-09 | Expedited pharmacist licensure for members of the military and spouses who are licensed in another jurisdiction.

(A) As used in this rule:

(1) "Military duty" has the same meaning as in section 4743.041 of the Revised Code.

(2) "In good standing" means an applicant to which both the following apply:

(a) Has not been denied a license, registration or certificate by any public agency or licensing agency; and

(b) Does not have a license, registration or certificate limited, suspended, or revoked by any public agency or licensing agency.

(B) To meet the requirements set forth in section 4743.041 of the Revised Code, the state board of pharmacy shall issue an expedited license to a pharmacist applicant if the individual or the individual's spouse is on military duty in this state and the applicant complies with all the following:

(1) The individual holds a valid license or other authorization to practice as a pharmacist issued by any other state or jurisdiction. Certification of these credentials shall be filed on forms provided by the national association of boards of pharmacy (NABP) or similar forms recognized and approved by the board.

(2) The individual shall be in good standing in the state or jurisdiction of licensure.

(3) The individual presents adequate proof to the board, in accordance with paragraph (G) of this rule, that the individual or the individual's spouse is on military duty in this state.

(4) The individual complies with sections 4776.01 to 4776.04 of the Revised Code. An applicant shall submit fingerprint impressions for a criminal records check in accordance with rule 4729:1-2-05 of the Administrative Code.

(C) The board shall, within twenty-four hours after receiving the report under division (A) of section 4776.04 of the Revised Code, notify an individual applying for an expedited license in accordance with this rule that the board has received the results of a criminal records check.

(D) The board shall issue an expedited pharmacist license under this rule, provided that the applicant meets the requirements of this rule, within fourteen days of having received the results of a criminal records check. The board shall not be required to issue an expedited license if any of the following apply:

(1) The applicant fails to meet the application requirements set forth in this rule or section 4743.041 of the Revised Code.

(2) The applicant is under investigation by the licensing agency of any other state or jurisdiction.

(3) The applicant is in violation of any provision section 4729.16 of the Revised Code or rules adopted thereunder.

(E) Notwithstanding any other provision of the Revised Code or Administrative Code, the board shall waive or refund all fees associated with the issuance of an initial expedited license issued under this rule. Additional fee waivers or refunds shall be granted in accordance with other provisions of the Revised Code, Administrative Code, and board resolution.

(F) All licenses issued pursuant to this rule shall comply with the licensure renewal requirements set forth in Chapter 4729:1-2 of the Administrative Code.

(G) Pursuant to section 5903.04 of the Revised Code:

(1) A pharmacist shall submit proper documentation necessary to determine if the applicant is a service member or veteran, or the spouse or surviving spouse of a service member or veteran. Documentation requirements shall be published on the state board of pharmacy's website:

(2) The board's executive director or the director's designee shall design a process to record, track, and monitor applications that have been received from a service member, veteran, or the spouse or surviving spouse of a service member or veteran.

(3) The board's executive director or the director's designee shall design a process to prioritize and expedite certification or licensing for each applicant who is a service member, veteran, or the spouse or a surviving spouse of a service member or veteran.

Last updated November 15, 2021 at 8:39 AM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 4729.26, 4743.04, 4743.041, 5903.04
Amplifies: 4729.12, 4729.15
Five Year Review Date: 11/15/2026
Rule 4729:1-2-10 | Emeritus pharmacists.

(A) As used in this rule:

(1) "Emeritus pharmacist" means an individual who meets all the following:

(a) Is currently or has been licensed to practice pharmacy in this state for at least ten years;

(b) Is retired from the practice of pharmacy;

(c) Is in good standing;

(d) Is at least sixty years old; and

(e) Has applied for an emeritus designation in accordance with this rule.

(2) "In good standing" means a pharmacist to which all the following apply at the time of application:

(a) Does not have a board order restricting the privilege of supervising interns;

(b) Has not been denied a license, registration or certificate by any public agency or licensing agency;

(c) Does not have a license, registration or certificate limited, suspended, or revoked by any public agency or licensing agency.

(B) Any person that meets the requirements in paragraph (A)(1) of this rule may apply to the board for emeritus designation.

(C) To apply for emeritus designation, a pharmacist shall submit a form containing information as required by the board and in a manner determined by the board.

(D) There shall be no fee associated with applying for or maintaining an emeritus designation.

(E) The emeritus designation is not a license to engage in the practice of pharmacy.

(1) Emeritus pharmacists shall not engage in the practice of pharmacy.

(2) Upon issuance of an emeritus designation, a license authorizing the person to practice pharmacy shall be considered void and may only be renewed or reinstated in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 4729. of the Revised Code and this chapter of the Administrative Code.

(F) The continuing education requirements of Chapter 4729:1-5 of the Administrative Code are not applicable to an emeritus pharmacist.

(G) An emeritus pharmacist shall not be subject to the licensure renewal requirements or renewal fees pursuant to this chapter.

(H) The board may refuse to issue or may revoke an emeritus designation for acts or conduct that are in violation of any provision of Chapters 4729., 3719., 3796., 3715., and 2925. of the Revised Code or Chapter 4729:1-4 of the Administrative Code. The decision to refuse to issue or revoke an emeritus designation is not subject to hearing rights or appeal under Chapter 119. of the Revised Code.

Last updated November 8, 2021 at 8:17 AM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 4729.26, 4729.15
Amplifies: 4729.12
Five Year Review Date: 11/8/2026