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This website publishes administrative rules on their effective dates, as designated by the adopting state agencies, colleges, and universities.

Chapter 4501:2-1 | Motor Vehicle Inspection

Rule 4501:2-1-01 | Requirements for inspection stations operated by political subdivisions.

All political subdivisions engaging in motor vehicle inspection shall have proper tools, equipment and trained personnel competent to inspect:

All types of brakes, including an adequate brake testing area unless mechanical testing devices are used, all lights and turn signals, steering mechanism, horns and warning devices, windshield and all window glass, mirrors, exhaust system, windshield wipers, tires and/or any other equipment as required by this chapter of the Administrative Code.

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: R.C. 4513.02
Amplifies: R.C. 4513.02
Five Year Review Date: 3/25/2022
Prior Effective Dates: 6/18/2006
Rule 4501:2-1-02 | Equipment to be inspected.

(A) All political subdivisions engaging in motor vehicle inspection shall inspect and test each motor vehicle to determine if it is unsafe, if it is not equipped as required by law, and if its equipment is not in proper adjustment or repair, or in violation of the equipment provisions of this chapter of the Administrative Code or Chapter 4513. of the Revised Code.

(B) Such inspection shall be made with respect to the brakes, lights, turn signals, steering, horns and warning devices, glass, mirrors, exhaust system, windshield wipers, tires and such other items of equipment as designated by the superintendent of the Ohio state highway patrol by rules or regulations adopted pursuant to sections 119.01 to 119.13 of the Revised Code. All inspections shall be conducted in accordance with this chapter of the Administrative Code.

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: R.C. 4513.02
Amplifies: R.C. 4513.02
Five Year Review Date: 3/25/2022
Prior Effective Dates: 1/15/1968, 6/18/2006
Rule 4501:2-1-03 | Retention of records by political subdivisions.

All political subdivisions of this state engaging in motor vehicle inspection shall maintain records in a form specified by the superintendent of the Ohio state highway patrol which will include the following: class of vehicle, date of inspection, make of vehicle, model year, license plate number displayed on the vehicle, defects by category, identification of inspector and mileage or odometer reading on the vehicle. A copy of such records shall be forwarded to the superintendent of the Ohio state highway patrol, as required by the superintendent.

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: R.C. 4513.02
Amplifies: R.C. 4513.02
Five Year Review Date: 3/25/2022
Prior Effective Dates: 1/15/1968
Rule 4501:2-1-04 | Issuance of safety sticker - type sticker.

(A) All political subdivisions of this state engaging in motor vehicle inspection, upon determining that a vehicle complies with the requirements of Chapter 4513. of the Revised Code and the rules of this chapter shall affix a safety sticker to the windshield of said vehicle.

(B) The safety sticker shall be affixed in compliance with section 4513.24 of the Revised Code. Said safety sticker shall meet the following specifications:

(1) Shall be of such type to prevent it from being removed from the windshield of the vehicle without being destroyed.

(2) Shall be of a size not exceeding two and three-quarter inches by two and three-quarter inches.

(3) Shall include the following information: Calendar year, month inspection made, a numerical serial number and identification of issuing inspection station.

(4) In lieu of producing its own inspection decal that meets the requirements of paragraphs (B)(1) to (B)(3 ) of this rule, an official motor vehicle inspection station authorized to conduct official motor vehicle inspections by the Ohio state highway patrol may use the motor vehicle inspection decal issued to the inspection station by the Ohio state highway patrol.

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: R.C. 4513.02
Amplifies: R.C. 4513.02
Five Year Review Date: 3/25/2022
Rule 4501:2-1-05 | Motor vehicle equipment standards for steering.

Motor vehicles shall be inspected to determine if:

(A) Steering assembly operates normally.

(B) There is not more than the following movement (play) in steering wheel:

Power steering-two inches

Manual steering-three inches

(C) Sector shaft is secure.

(D) There is no binding or excessive lash in the steering assembly.

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: R.C. 4513.02
Amplifies: R.C. 4513.02
Five Year Review Date: 3/25/2022
Prior Effective Dates: 1/15/1968
Rule 4501:2-1-06 | Motor vehicle equipment standards for tires.

All tires shall have a minimum of one sixteenth of one inch depth of tread on the road surface. All tires shall be free of major bumps or bulges, breaks, thrown tread or any condition which would constitute an unsafe condition.

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: R.C. 4513.02
Amplifies: R.C. 4513.02
Five Year Review Date: 3/25/2022
Rule 4501:2-1-07 | Motor vehicle equipment standards for wheels & rims.

Wheel rims shall not be badly bent or twisted. Wheel bolts, nuts, studs, or lugs shall not be loose, missing or damaged.

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: R.C. 4513.02
Amplifies: R.C. 4513.02
Five Year Review Date: 3/25/2022
Prior Effective Dates: 1/15/1968
Rule 4501:2-1-08 | Motor vehicle equipment standards for brakes.

(A) Definitions:

(1) "Service brake" means the primary brake for retarding, stopping and controlling a vehicle.

(2) "Emergency brake" means a brake system independent in application from the service brake used for stopping or holding a vehicle in an emergency or while parked.

(3) "Pedal reserve" means the amount of total pedal travel left in reserve when the pedal is depressed to the "brake applied" position.

(B) Brakes will be inspected to determine if:

(1) There is sufficient brake pedal. Hydraulic brake system shall be tested with vehicle in a stopped position. Driver should be able to maintain brake pedal height under moderate foot force (forty to sixty pounds) for one minute.

(2) There is sufficient brake pedal reserve. With a vehicle in stopped position and the brake pedal depressed under moderate foot force (forty to sixty pounds for nonpowered systems and fifteen to twenty pounds in power assisted systems) there shall be a minimum of approximately one-third of the total available pedal travel (manufacturers specification) remaining on nonpower assisted systems. On power assisted systems, checking with motor running, there shall be one-fifth or more of the total available pedal travel remaining when pedal is depressed under moderate foot force.

(3) The service brake shall stop the vehicle in the distance required by law. Visual inspection shall be made for leakage of brake cylinders on all wheels. The test may be made using a mechanical testing device approved by the Superintendent of the Ohio State Highway Patrol, or on a level, dry, smooth, hard surface, free of loose material, oil or grease, using the service brake only to stop the vehicle.

Vehicles having brakes on all wheels shall come to a stop in thirty feet or less from a speed of twenty miles per hour. Vehicles not having brakes on all wheels shall come to a stop in forty feet or less from a speed of twenty miles per hour.

(4) The emergency brake shall hold the vehicle on any grade on which it is operated, under all conditions of loading, on a surface free from snow, ice or loose material and shall be adequate to stop the vehicle in event the service brake should fail.

The emergency brake shall hold the vehicle in stopped position when less than two-thirds of the actuator stroke is used. A test shall be made by setting the emergency brake and then attempting to move the vehicle in forward gear at an idle.

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: R.C. 4513.02
Amplifies: R.C. 4513.02
Five Year Review Date: 3/25/2022
Prior Effective Dates: 1/15/1968
Rule 4501:2-1-09 | Motor vehicle equipment standards for lighting.

(A) Headlights - Every motor vehicle, other than a motorcycle, shall be equipped with at least two headlights with at least one near each side of the front of the motor vehicle. Said lights shall be in working order. Every motorcycle shall be equipped with at least one and not more than two headlights, in working order. All headlights shall conform to the standards set forth under section 4513.14 of the Revised Code. Every motor vehicle having multiple beam road lighting equipment shall be equipped with a beam indicator required in division (A)(2) of section 4513.15 of the Revised Code in working order.

(B) Focus and aim of headlights - The focus and aim of every headlight shall comply with the requirements of section 4513.19 of the Revised Code.

(C) Color of lights - No vehicle shall be equipped with a light of any color other than white or amber mounted on the front nor shall any vehicle be equipped with a light of any color other than red mounted on the rear, with the exception of turn signals, warning lamps and backup lamps, thereof: except those operating under special permits pursuant to section 4513.34 of the Revised Code; public safety vehicles, emergency vehicles, disabled vehicles, school buses, traffic line stripers, snow plows, rural mail delivery vehicles, funeral escort vehicles, and similar equipment operated by the department of transportation, or local authorities, or vehicles or machinery permitted by section 4513.11 of the Revised Code.

(D) Tail lights - Every motor vehicle shall have at least one tail light mounted on the rear, in working order as required in section 4513.05 of the Revised Code.

(E) License illumination light - Every motor vehicle shall be equipped with a white light in working order placed in such a manner as to illuminate the rear registration plate as required in section 4513.05 of the Revised Code.

(F) Red reflectors - Every motor vehicle other than a commercial tractor, to which a trailer or semi-trailer is attached, shall carry at the rear, either as a part of the tail lamps or separately, two red reflectors meeting the requirements of section 4513.06 of the Revised Code.

(G) Every motor vehicle, other than a motorcycle, shall be equipped with at least two stop lights red in color with at least one near each side of the rear of the motor vehicle. Every motorcycle shall be equipped with at least one stop light.

(H) Clearance lights, marker lights, stop lights and reflectors on commercial vehicles - All buses, trucks, commercial tractors, trailers, semi-trailer and pole trailers shall be equipped with clearance lights, marker lights, stop lights, and reflectors as required in section 4513.07 of the Revised Code. Said equipment shall be in working order.

(I) Unauthorized lights - No motor vehicle shall be equipped with lights prohibited in sections 4513.12, 4513.13 and 4513.17 of the Revised Code.

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 4513.02
Amplifies: 4513.02
Five Year Review Date: 3/25/2022
Prior Effective Dates: 6/18/2006
Rule 4501:2-1-10 | Motor vehicle equipment standards for turn signals.

(A) Except as provided in paragraph (C) of this rule, motor vehicles manufactured or assembled on or after January 1, 1954, shall be equipped with an electrical or mechanical directional signal device capable of clearly indicating an intention to turn either to the right or to the left and which shall be visible from both the front and rear. Said signals shall be in working order.

(B) Turn signal lamps shall be visible at a distance of not less than three hundred feet in normal sunlight.

(C) Motorcycles manufactured after January 1, 1968, shall be equipped with turn signals.

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: R.C. 4513.02
Amplifies: R.C. 4513.02
Five Year Review Date: 3/25/2022
Rule 4501:2-1-11 | Motor vehicle equipment standards for glass.

Every motor vehicle shall be equipped with safety glass as required in Section 4513.26 of the Revised Code: Such glass shall be free of discoloration or diffusion, cracks and unauthorized obstructions as set forth in Section 4513.24 of the Revised Code.

Supplemental Information

Authorized By:
Five Year Review Date:
Prior Effective Dates: 1/5/1968
Rule 4501:2-1-12 | Motor vehicle equipment standards for seat belts.

Every motor vehicle shall be equipped with seat belt assemblies as required in section 4513.262 of the Revised Code.

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: R.C. 4513.02
Amplifies: R.C. 4513.02
Five Year Review Date: 3/25/2022
Prior Effective Dates: 1/15/1968
Rule 4501:2-1-13 | Motor vehicle equipment standards for license plates.

Every motor vehicle shall display in plain view on the front and rear of the motor vehicle the distinctive number and registration mark, including any county identification sticker and any validation sticker issued under sections 4503.19 and 4503.191 (4503.19.1) of the Revised Code, furnished by the director of public safety, except that a manufacturer of motor vehicles or dealer therein, the holder of an in-transit permit, and the owner or operator of a motorcycle, motorized bicycle, manufactured home, mobile home, trailer, or semi-trailer shall display on the rear only. A motor vehicle that is issued two license plates shall display the validation sticker only on the rear license plate, except that a commercial tractor that does not receive an apportioned license plate under the international registration plan shall display the validation sticker on the front of the commercial tractor. An apportioned vehicle receiving an apportioned license plate under the international registration plan shall display the license plate only on the front of a commercial tractor and on the rear of all other vehicles. All license plates shall be securely fastened so as not to swing, and shall not be covered by any material that obstructs their visibility. (Section 4503.21 of the Revised Code).

Every vehicle with a temporary license placard or windshield sticker shall display the temporary license placard in plain view from the rear of the vehicle either in the rear window or on an external rear surface of the motor vehicle, or display the windshield sticker in plain view on the rear window of the motor vehicle. No temporary license placard or windshield sticker shall be covered by any material that obstructs its visibility.

Supplemental Information

Authorized By:
Five Year Review Date:
Prior Effective Dates: 1/15/1968
Rule 4501:2-1-14 | Motor vehicle equipment standards for exhaust system.

(A) Every motor vehicle with an internal combustion engine shall at all times be equipped with an exhaust system which is in good working order and in constant operation. No vehicle shall be equipped with a muffler cutout, bypass or similar device. No vehicle shall be equipped with a device which would produce excessive smoke or gas, or permit any other chemical to flow into or upon the exhaust pipe or muffler of such vehicle, or be equipped in any other way as to produce or emit smoke or dangerous or annoying gases from any portion of such vehicle, other than the ordinary gases emitted by the exhaust of an internal combustion engine under normal operation.

(B) No motor vehicle including motorcycles shall be equipped with an exhaust system which would produce any excessive, and/or unusual noise.

(C) All motorcycles shall be equipped with mufflers having baffle plates as required by law.

(D) Every motor vehicle shall at all times be equipped with a standard muffler for said type of vehicle or one that meets all of the above requirements.

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: R.C. 4513.02
Amplifies: R.C. 4513.02
Five Year Review Date: 3/25/2022
Prior Effective Dates: 1/15/1968
Rule 4501:2-1-15 | Motor vehicle equipment standards for rear view mirror.

Every motor vehicle, including every motorcycle, shall be equipped with a mirror so located as to reflect to the operator a view of the highway to the rear of such vehicle. The operator shall have a clear unobstructed view to the rear of the vehicle by mirror.

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: R.C. 4513.02
Amplifies: R.C. 4513.02
Five Year Review Date: 3/25/2022
Prior Effective Dates: 1/15/1968
Rule 4501:2-1-16 | Motor vehicle equipment standards for windshield wipers.

Every motor vehicle shall be equipped with a device for cleaning rain, snow, or other moisture from the windshield, which device shall be maintained in good working order and so constructed as to be controlled or operated by the operator of the vehicle.

Every motor vehicle manufactured after January 1, 1968 that has a windshield as required by section 4513.24 of the Revised Code shall be equipped with a windshield washer maintained in operable condition at all times that is capable of cleaning the windshield in such a fashion as to leave the driver a clear view.

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: R.C. 4513.02
Amplifies: R.C. 4513.02
Five Year Review Date: 3/25/2022
Rule 4501:2-1-17 | Motor vehicle equipment standards for horn and warning devices.

[Comment: Information regarding the availability and effective date of the materials incorporated by reference in this rule, can be found in rule 4501:2-1-22 of the Administrative Code.]

(A) Every motor vehicle shall be equipped with a horn which is in good working order and capable of emitting sound audible, under normal conditions, for a distance of not less than two hundred feet. No motor vehicle, except a public safety vehicle or an emergency vehicle, shall be equipped with any siren, whistle or bell.

(B) Every public safety vehicle or emergency vehicle shall be equipped with a siren, whistle, or bell, capable of emitting sound audible under normal conditions for a distance of not less than five hundred feet and of a type approved by the director of public safety. (Vehicles in-service prior to December 1, 2007)

(C) Effective December 1, 2007, the type of siren approved by the director of public safety shall meet "Society of Automotive Engineers" (SAE) Standard J 1849. For any public safety vehicle or emergency vehicle placed into service on or after December 1, 2007 with a siren, the siren shall meet SAE Standard J 1849.

(D) The horn as required in section 4513.21 of the Revised Code shall be clearly identifiable as a motor vehicle horn. The device for operating the horn shall be properly marked meeting Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standard (FMVSS) 571.101 of the Code of Federal Regulations (C.F.R.) cited as 49 C.F.R. 571.101 regarding controls, telltales, and indicators and shall be located so it may be easily controlled by the driver.

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: R.C. 4513.02
Amplifies: R.C. 4513.02
Five Year Review Date: 3/25/2022
Rule 4501:2-1-18 | Motor vehicle equipment standards for warning devices on disabled vehicles.

Every motor truck, bus, commercial tractor, trailer, semi-trailer or pole trailer shall be equipped with the warning devices, maintained in good working order, as required in section 4513.28 of the Revised Code.

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: R.C. 4513.02
Amplifies: R.C. 4513.02
Five Year Review Date: 3/25/2022
Rule 4501:2-1-19 | Parts of vehicle body creating dangerous condition.

No motor vehicle shall be equipped with or permitted to have protruding objects or broken sharp edges of body or vehicle parts, which would be dangerous to any person coming in contact with same.

Supplemental Information

Authorized By:
Five Year Review Date:
Rule 4501:2-1-20 | Fuel system.

For every motor vehicle manufactured on or after January 1, 1968, if manufactured with a certified motor vehicle pollution control device, the device shall be correctly installed and in good working order at all times.

Every motor vehicle shall have all parts of the fuel system securely fastened.

Fuel systems shall allow for no fuel leakage.

A fuel tank filler cap shall be installed.

All fuel hoses, lines, tanks or tubes shall not be in contact with moving components or extreme heat areas.

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: R.C. 4513.02
Amplifies: R.C. 4513.02
Five Year Review Date: 3/25/2022
Rule 4501:2-1-21 | Acceptance of vehicle inspected in another state.

The superintendent of the Ohio state highway patrol may authorize the acceptance in this state, of a certificate of inspection and approval, issued in another state, having an inspection law similar to section 4513.02 of the Revised Code.

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 4513.02
Amplifies: 4513.02
Five Year Review Date: 3/25/2022
Rule 4501:2-1-22 | Referenced materials.

Following are the effective dates and contact sites for materials incorporated by reference in Chapter 4501:2-1 of the Administrative Code:

(A) SAE Standard J 1849, revised April 2008: "Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE), 400 Commonwealth Drive, Warrendale, PA 15096, telephone: 724-776-4841, web address:"

(B) FMVSS 571.101, revised October 2014: "Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards (FMVSS), Department of Transportation, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (DOT-NHTSA), 400 7th Street SW, Washington D.C. 20590, Government Publishing Website:"

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 4513.02
Amplifies: 4513.02
Five Year Review Date: 3/25/2022
Prior Effective Dates: 6/23/2011