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This website publishes administrative rules on their effective dates, as designated by the adopting state agencies, colleges, and universities.

Chapter 4501-9 | Rural Mail Delivery Vehicles-Flashing Lights

Rule 4501-9-01 | Lighting requirements.

These requirements apply to rural mail delivery vehicles displaying flashing lights which are not owned or leased by the U.S. postal service but authorized by the U.S. postal service to be used for delivery of the U.S. mail by designated carriers using vehicles not originally designed for use as mail delivery vehicles.

Supplemental Information

Authorized By:
Five Year Review Date:
Rule 4501-9-02 | Lights required.

Motor vehicles used for rural mail delivery which display flashing lights, except those owned or leased by the United States postal service, shall comply with the following lighting specifications:

(A) The lighting assembly may consist of at least one and not more than three roof-mounted, flashing, rotating, oscillating light(s) or strobe-type light(s).

(B) Each light shall be amber in color when illuminated. Each light shall be of not less than twenty-one candle power, and shall be visible from a distance of at least five hundred feet to the front and rear of the motor vehicle. Side visibility is also permitted.

(C) All flashing lights required by this chapter are to be visible from the front and rear of the vehicle.

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: R.C. 4513.181
Amplifies: R.C. 4513.181
Five Year Review Date: 3/1/2025
Prior Effective Dates: 2/24/1956, 3/10/1980
Rule 4501-9-03 | Lights to flash.

If more than one light is used, the lights shall not flash alternately from one light to the other, thereby confusing motorists with respect to emergency lights, railroad crossing signals, etc.

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: R.C. 4513.181
Amplifies: R.C. 4513.181
Five Year Review Date: 3/1/2025
Prior Effective Dates: 2/24/1956, 1/20/1996
Rule 4501-9-04 | Installation.

The complete installation must be firmly attached to the vehicle and electrically controlled so that lights will be illuminated from the initial point of mail delivery and will be turned off immediately after completion of the mail route.

Supplemental Information

Authorized By:
Five Year Review Date:
Rule 4501-9-05 | When to use signal.

Any type of auxiliary signal, used under the provisions of this chapter shall not be in operation at any time except when in the actual performance of delivery of mail to rural route residents.

Supplemental Information

Authorized By:
Five Year Review Date:
Rule 4501-9-06 | Violations reported to postmaster.

Any violations of these standards may be reported to the U.S. postal service. The specifications for lighting set forth in this chapter are in addition to requirements for compliance with the traffic laws relative to the operation and licensing of a motor vehicle.

Supplemental Information

Authorized By:
Five Year Review Date: