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This website publishes administrative rules on their effective dates, as designated by the adopting state agencies, colleges, and universities.

Chapter 3773-6 | Tough Person Contests

Rule 3773-6-01 | Qualification of participants for tough person contest.

(A) All contestants must be eighteen years of age and shall have photo identification.

(B) All contestants names must be submitted to the Ohio athletic commission office seventy-two hours prior to the event.

(C) Contestants shall not have any previous professional experience in boxing, mixed martial arts, kickboxing or any other unarmed combat sport.

(D) Contestant shall not have accumulated a total of six or more wins in amateur boxing; tough person; mixed martial arts or any other unarmed combat sport in any jurisdiction within the last five years.

(E) Contestant may not have won the championship in any military service, golden gloves, elimination tournament or any other unarmed combat sport.

(F) Contestants must sign a waiver form acknowledging items (C, D, E and F) prior to participating.

(G) All contestants shall be matched within their weight classification as approved by the commission.

Lightweight100 to 130 lbs
Middleweight131 to 160 lbs
Light Heavyweight161 to 185 lbs
Heavyweight186 to 215 lbs
Super Heavyweight216 and above

(H) Weigh-in procedures:

(1) All contestants must weigh-in and compete throughout the tournament in the weight class where they originally make weight.

(2) Contestants may weigh-in the day prior to the start of the tournament.

(3) Contestant who do not chose to weigh-in the day prior must compete in the weight class where their weight is first recorded.

(4) If the tournament is scheduled for more than three consecutive days contestant must weigh in again after the third day, before competing again in the same event.

(5) Contestants may not lose more than three pounds in one hour after weighing in the first time. This includes any second day weigh-in. Contestants may check their weight as many times as needed within this one hour period.

(I) All contestants that are thirty-five years old or older must comply with all the above regulations, all physical requirements and may only participate against opponents that are also thirty-five years or older. This will be classified as the senior division.

(J) All participants shall be licensed according to the Ohio athletic commission license procedures. There shall be only two licensed seconds per contestant. Seconds will be selected by promoters and approved by the commission. Only a commissioner executive director or inspector who shall attend the contests may approve or deny an application for a license of any participant.

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 3773.34
Amplifies: 3773.34; 3773.32
Five Year Review Date: 11/18/2022
Prior Effective Dates: 9/11/2011
Rule 3773-6-02 | Qualification for participants for super tough person contest.

(A) All contestants must be eighteen years of age and shall have photo identification.

(B) Contestants who are former champions, runner-ups or do not qualify to participate in tough person contest.

(C) All contestants names must be submitted to the Ohio athletic commission office seventy-two hours prior to the event.

(D) Contestants may not be a current or previous licensed professional in boxing, mixed martial arts, kickboxing or any other unarmed contact sport, and must sign a waiver form attesting to this.

(E) All contestants shall be matched within their weight classification as approved by the commission.

Lightweight100 to 130 lbs
Middleweight131 to 160 lbs
Light Heavyweight161 to 185 lbs
Heavyweight186 to 215 lbs
Super Heavyweight216 and above

(F) Weigh-in procedures:

(1) All contestants must weigh-in and compete throughout the tournament in the weight class where they originally make weight.

(2) Contestants may weigh-in the day prior to the start of the tournament.

(3) Contestant who do not chose to weigh-in the day prior must compete in the weight class where their weight is first recorded.

(4) If the tournament is scheduled for more than three consecutive days contestant must weigh in again after the third day, before competing again in the same event.

(5) Contestants may not lose more than three pounds in one hour after weighing in the first time. This includes any second day weigh-in. Contestants may check their weight as many times as needed within this one hour period.

(G) All participants shall be licensed according to the Ohio athletic commission license procedures. There shall be only two licensed seconds per contestant. Seconds will be elected by promoters and approved by the commission. Only a commissioner executive director or inspector who shall attend the contests may approve or deny an application for a license of any participant.

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 3773.34
Amplifies: 3773.34; 3773.32
Five Year Review Date: 11/18/2022
Rule 3773-6-03 | Promoter.

(A) Shall submit the names; addresses; date of birth; and last four digits of their social security number of all contestants seventy-two hours prior to the start of the event.

(B) Shall pay a minimal fee to fight fax for information to see if any contestants have any professional boxing experience.

(C) Shall set up tournament brackets which must be approved by the commission.

(D) Shall provide security and at least one commissioned police officer for the event.

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 3773.34
Amplifies: 3773.34; 3773.32
Five Year Review Date: 11/18/2022
Rule 3773-6-04 | Officials - qualifications of officials.

(A) All ring officials shall be under the direct supervision of the Ohio athletic commission. Officials must be selected and approved by the commission.

(B) The officials for every contest shall consist of at least one referee, three judges, one timekeeper, and one licensed physician. All of the foregoing officials shall be experienced and licensed by the commission.

(C) The chief official of all contests shall be the inspector who shall have general supervision over the contest.

(D) The supervising inspector may disqualify a participant for any wrongful acts and make a written report to the commission.

(E) The commission may assign assistant inspectors to monitor each dressing room. The assistant inspector shall report any wrongdoing in the dressing rooms or other areas to the supervising inspector.

(F) The referee shall take a position within the ring prior to the start of every contest.

(G) The referee shall wear rubber gloves.

(H) No person, other than the referee and the physician shall enter the ring during the progress of a round.

(I) One licensed physician will be in attendance at ringside. Under no circumstances shall a contest be held or begin without the licensed physician being present at ringside. The referee shall, before starting a contest, ascertain the identity and location of said physician.

(J) Judges shall be in position during all bouts, and have the final word on making any and all decisions on scoring.

(K) Officials shall be compensated for each day they are required to attend a contest. They shall be compensated for mileage and housing when applicable and approved by the commission or executive director.

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 3773.34
Amplifies: 3773.32
Five Year Review Date: 8/21/2022
Rule 3773-6-05 | Safety and health.

(A) Prior to participating in the contest, all contestants must pass a physical examination given by a licensed medical doctor or doctor of osteopathic medicine, in accordance with the form prescribed by the commission. Failure to take and successfully pass the physical examination shall disqualify any potential contestant.

(B) All contestants must be examined by the ringside physician after each bout they compete in. Failure to do so will result in immediate suspension from the event and a suspension not to exceed six months.

(C) Any participant(s) age thirty-five and over must show proof of a brain cat scan with contrast or MRI examination taken within the past twelve months, submitted to the Ohio athletic commission office a minimum of seventy-two hours prior to the date of the event. .

(D) All contestants shall be weighed at a time designated by the commission.

(E) There shall be an ambulance and EMT personnel at the premises prior to the start of the event.

(F) If the contest is two calendar days in length, a second physical examination shall be given to the remaining contestants.

(G) Sixteen ounce gloves, with the thumb attached, will be used.

(H) It is mandatory for all contestants to wear a USA boxing approved headgear.

(I) All male contestants shall wear an approved groin protector or the full kidney-groin protector; all female contestants shall wear an approved breast protector. The promoter shall be obligated to provide all protective devices described in this rule.

(J) All contestants are required to wear a mouthpiece during competition. The round cannot begin without the mouthpiece. If the mouthpiece is dislodged during competition, the referee will call time and have the mouthpiece replaced at the first opportune moment, without interfering with the immediate action. The referee may deduct points if it is judged the mouthpiece is being purposely spit out

(K) Each bout will consist of three sixty second rounds with a sixty second rest period between rounds.

(L) A contestant may not participate in more than two bouts in one evening.

(M) A contestant may not participate in more than four scheduled bouts in a thirty day period.

(N) A contestant who has been disqualified because of eligibility may not participate further in any division of competition and shall be suspended immediately for not more than six months. The previous opponent may be re-instated if they lost by a decision.

(O) For all bouts, the contestants shall not be made aware of whom they will fight until the announcer calls them to the ring.

(P) Contestants shall not consume any type of alcohol or drugs. If the referee or any other commission officials detects alcohol on a contestant or second(s) breath, the official shall report to the supervising inspector. The contestant or second(s) shall be disqualified and suspended immediately for not more than six months.

(Q) All contestants are subject to the drug testing. Failure to submit to a drug test will result in an immediate suspension of twelve months or failing a drug test will result in contestant being disqualified and placed last in the order of finish and suspended for not more than six months.

(R) A contestant who loses on a decision may not participate for seven days.

(S) A contestant who is TKO'd shall be immediately suspended for sixty days.

(T) A contestant who is KO'd shall be immediately suspended for one hundred twenty days.

(U) The commission may limit the frequency in which contestant may participate in local events.

(V) All suspensions and rest periods will start the day following the contestant's last day of participation in the event. All suspensions must be appealed in writing to the commission office within fifteen days of notification of suspension.

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 3773.34
Amplifies: 3773.32
Five Year Review Date: 10/19/2022
Prior Effective Dates: 10/24/1997, 1/19/2006
Rule 3773-6-06 | Procedures and methods for termination of bouts.

(A) At the referee's discretion or upon the recommendation of the ringside physician, the referee shall discontinue the contest if a contestant is unable to continue and the decision shall be awarded to the opponent.

(B) If a contestant is knocked down three times in any one round, the contest shall be stopped at that point and the decision awarded to the opponent.

(C) A standing eight count will be in effect.

(D) When a boxer has been knocked down by a legitimate punch, he shall be required to take a mandatory count of eight whether or not they have regained their feet. The other contestant shall retire to the farthest neutral corner and remain there until the count is completed. Should the opponent fail to remain in the neutral corner, the referee shall cease counting until the opponent has returned to the neutral corner and the referee shall pick up the count from where they left off.

(E) If a contestant is unable or refuses to continue when the bell sounds to begin the next round, a technical knockout (TKO) decision shall be awarded to the opponent in the round started by the bell.

(F) A contestant who is down and rises before the count of ten is reached and goes down immediately without being struck, the referee shall resume the count where it was left off.

(G) If the contestant taking the count is still down when the referee calls the count of ten, the referee shall wave both arms to indicate that the contestant has been knocked out. The referee's count is the official count.

(H) Contestant who has been knocked or fallen through the ropes and over the edge of the ring platform during a contest cannot be assisted back into the ring. The referee shall start the count immediately and if the contestant does not re-enter the ring within twenty seconds, the referee shall stop the contest and the decision shall be awarded to the opponent.

(I) A contestant who goes down without being struck and stays down shall be disqualified.

(J) The bell cannot save a contestant in any round including the last round.

(K) During the rest period between rounds, a contestant or second may request the referee to summon the physician or the referee may summon the physician for the purpose of ascertaining the physical condition of the contestant. In the event the physician determines the contestant should not continue, the referee shall stop the contest and the decision shall be awarded to the opponent.

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 3773.34
Amplifies: 3773.32
Five Year Review Date: 8/21/2022
Rule 3773-6-07 | Scoring.

(A) In the event of a knockout, the contestant who has scored the knockout shall be declared the winner.

(B) The ten point must system shall be used. The winner of each round must be awarded ten points, the loser of the round nine points.

(C) Penalty points awarded by the referee for fouls will be deducted from a contestants score at the end of the round. If the deduction of points for the commission of a foul results in the bout ending in a draw, the contestant who committed the foul will be declared the loser and eliminated from the tournament.

(D) At the conclusion of each contest, the judges shall total the points for each contestant and indicate the winner by writing his/her name on the card. The judges' decision will be final. If the event is two calendar days in length, there will be no draw on the second day. In the event of a draw, the referee will have the final decision.

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 3773.34
Amplifies: 3773.32
Five Year Review Date: 10/19/2022
Prior Effective Dates: 10/24/1997
Rule 3773-6-08 | Fouls and penalties.

(A) A referee may disqualify a contestant, or award a round to his opponent, if any of the following major fouls are committed:

(1) Hitting an opponent who is down or attempting to get up on his feet;

(2) Using a knee against an opponent;

(3) Purposely going down without being hit;

(4) Failing to heed a referee's warning concerning any fouls.

(5) Dangerous or unsportsmanlike conduct in the ring;

(6) Low blow(s).

(B) A referee may warn a contestant, or award a round to his opponent, if any of the following minor fouls are committed:

(1) Holding an opponent;

(2) Hitting with the inside or butt of the hand, wrist or elbow;

(3) Back-hand punches;

(4) Blows below the belt;

(5) Hitting an opponent with an open glove;

(6) Wrestling at the ropes;

(7) Deliberately punching at that part of the body over the kidneys;

(8) Hitting on the break.

(C) A contest shall not be terminated by an accidental low blow. If a contestant receives an accidental low blow, the referee shall stop the contest and shall ask the fouled contestant if they are able to continue; or at the referee's discretion may give the fouled contestant up to five minutes for recovery. If the fouled contestant does not accept to continue the contest after the time period for recovery is over, the contestant will lose by abandonment.

(D) The referee may disqualify a contestant if the contestant continues to intentionally foul disregarding the referee's warning and after deducting points at least three times for the same foul.

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 3773.34
Amplifies: 3773.32
Five Year Review Date: 8/21/2022
Prior Effective Dates: 6/12/1997 (Emer.), 10/24/1997
Rule 3773-6-09 | Conduct when contestants enter the ring.

(A) No contestant or promoter may display any type of entrance theme that includes music, video, or any type of physical display that contains any profanity or any derogatory ethnic remarks. Anyone violating this rule may be suspended for up to six months.

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 3773.34
Amplifies: 3773.34
Five Year Review Date: 8/21/2022