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This website publishes administrative rules on their effective dates, as designated by the adopting state agencies, colleges, and universities.

Chapter 3375-4 | County District Library Boundaries

Rule 3375-4-01 | Procedure for accepting and acting upon resolutions for establishment of county district libraries pursuant to division (E) of section 3375.01 of the Revised Code.

(A) The board of library trustees of a library desiring and eligible to form a county library district under sections 3375.20 to 3375.212 of the Revised Code shall transmit in writing to the state librarian as secretary of the state library board, a resolution requesting the formation of a county district library. Such resolution should include the names of the school districts to be included in the proposed county library district and the reasons for the proposed action. The requesting board shall furnish, on a form determined by the state librarian, the following information and documentation:

(1) Information as to the current boundaries of the library district requesting formation of a county district library;

(2) The reasons why a change is desirable including evidence that the change will ensure equitable access to library services for all residents of the area;

(3) The proposed new library boundaries;

(4) Resolutions from affected boards of library trustees expressing their agreement or disagreement with the change; and

(5) Any other pertinent information relating to circumstances and other parties that might be affected by a boundary change.

(B) Upon receipt of this resolution the state librarian shall review and study the proposal. The state librarian may request further information and may conduct whatever investigation of the facts deemed necessary to procure a full explanation of the proposed action, the boundaries of the proposed library district, and in the case of action proposed to be taken under section 3375.20 of the Revised Code, facts on the nature of approved service. The state librarian, upon completion of the study, shall transmit to the state library board a recommendation for approval, disapproval, or modification of the resolution. Upon action by the board, the state librarian shall notify the affected boards of library trustees of their right to a hearing on the matter by the manner outlined in Chapter 119. of the Revised Code.

(C) If the state library board issues an order approving the resolution, the state librarian shall certify such action to the board(s) of library trustees which initiated the resolution and the boards of library trustees of libraries adjacent to the proposed district, and in the case of action proposed to be taken under section 3375.20 of the Revised Code, this certificate shall confirm that the library has been giving approved library service and therefore is eligible under said section to become a county district library.

(D) Any board of library trustees which initiates a request for a county library district or any adjacent board of library trustees which is adversely affected by the order of the board issued pursuant to an adjudication hearing may appeal to the court of common pleas of Franklin county.

(E) Within thirty days after the state library board's determination, the state librarian shall certify such action to the boards of election, taxing authorities, the boards of trustees of libraries affected and other appropriate bodies set forth in division (J) of section 3375.01 of the Revised Code.

Last updated October 7, 2024 at 12:00 PM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 119, 3375.01
Amplifies: 3375.01
Five Year Review Date: 9/26/2029
Prior Effective Dates: 4/27/1976
Rule 3375-4-05 | Procedure for amending, defining and adjusting library boundaries upon application of the library districts, pursuant to division (F through I) of section 3375.01 of the Revised Code.

(A) One or more boards of library trustees may apply to amend, define, and adjust their boundaries by communicating in writing to the state librarian their desire that such action be taken. Upon consolidation of two or more school districts or upon the state library board's own initiative to eliminate areas of overlap the board may define, amend, and adjust the boundaries of overlapping library districts. The affected library boards shall furnish, on a form determined by the state librarian, the following information and documentation:

(1) Information as to the current boundaries of the library districts making the application;

(2) The reasons why a change is desirable including evidence that the change will ensure equitable access to library services for all residents of the area;

(3) The proposed new library boundaries;

(4) Resolutions from the affected boards of library trustees expressing their agreement or disagreement with the change; and

(5) Any other pertinent information relating to circumstances and other parties that might be affected by a boundary change.

(B) The state librarian shall review and study the proposal. The state librarian may request further information and may conduct whatever investigation of the facts deemed necessary to procure a full explanation of the desirability of a boundary change. The state librarian, upon completion of the study, shall transmit to the state library board a recommendation as to whether the application should be approved, disapproved or modified. Upon action by the state library board, the state librarian shall notify the affected boards of library trustees of their right to a hearing on the matter by the manner outlined in Chapter 119. of the Revised Code.

(C) Any board of library trustees for a library district adversely affected by any order of the board issued pursuant to an adjudication hearing may appeal to the court of common pleas of Franklin county.

(D) Within thirty days after the state library board's determination, the state librarian shall certify such action to the boards of election, taxing authorities, the boards of trustees of libraries affected and other appropriate bodies set forth in division (J) of section 3375.01 of the Revised Code.

Last updated October 7, 2024 at 12:00 PM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 119, 3375.01
Amplifies: 3375.01
Five Year Review Date: 9/26/2029
Prior Effective Dates: 1/30/1981