The following rule shall apply only to faculty members holding qualified title appointments and without regular faculty titles as defined in rule 3361:50-3-03 of the Administrative Code.
(A) Field service series appointments:
Individuals holding appointments whose primary responsibility does not involve regular classroom instruction and for whom other qualified faculty titles are inappropriate. Field service faculty often interact with agencies or communities outside the university or contribute in special ways to departmental excellence in education, research, or patient care. Field service faculty may also contribute to the teaching, scholarly, and service missions of the academic unit, expectations for which may be described in their letters of appointment and in their unit reappointment and promotion criteria.
(B) Clinical series appointments:
Individuals holding appointments whose primary responsibility is patient care, patient support, and/or teaching and program development in the clinical sciences. Clinical faculty may also contribute to clinical research, the scholarly and service missions of the university, administrative service, and other educational activities, expectations for which may be described in their letters of appointment and in their unit reappointment and promotion criteria.
(C) Research series appointments:
Individuals holding appointments whose primary responsibility is research, which typically includes the generation of external funding and publication in peer-reviewed publications. Research faculty may also contribute to the pedagogical and service missions of the university, expectations for which may be described in their letters of appointment and in their unit reappointment and promotion criteria.
(D) Affiliated series appointments:
Individuals holding appointments in academic departments and colleges whose professional assignment is conditional upon the existence of a signed affiliation agreement between the university and the affiliated faculty member's employer under which the employer is responsible for at least half the affiliated faculty member's compensation may hold regular faculty or academic titles preceded by the term "affiliated."
(E) Educator series appointments:
Individuals holding appointments whose primary responsibility is in the pedagogical mission of their unit. Educator series faculty may also contribute to the development, administration, and operation of instructional programs, to the scholarship of teaching and learning or of their academic discipline, and to the service missions of the university, expectations for which may be described in their letters of appointment and in their unit reappointment and promotion criteria.
(F) Practice series appointments:
Individuals holding appointments whose primary responsibility is specialized instruction based on their professional experience outside of the university. Practice series faculty may also contribute to the scholarly and service missions of the university, expectations for which may be described in their letters of appointment and in their unit reappointment and promotion criteria.
(G) Other qualified title appointments - adjunct, visiting, volunteer, lecturer or clinical:
Individuals who hold part-time or temporary appointments or who serve on a volunteer basis may hold regular faculty or academic titles preceded by "adjunct," "visiting," or "volunteer," or the title of lecturer. In the college of medicine, such individuals may also hold regular faculty titles above the rank of instructor with the insertion of, or preceded by, "clinical" (for example, associate clinical professor). The terms of these appointments may vary according to the needs of the university. Notice of reappointment/ nonreappointment is not required.
(H) Notice and terms of appointment, reappointment and nonreappointment shall be given to each individual in writing by the dean of the college or school concerned or by the appropriate vice president.
(I) Individuals holding qualified title appointments shall not be eligible for tenure.
Last updated June 6, 2021 at 7:18 AM
Supplemental Information
Amplifies: 3361
Prior Effective Dates: 2/8/1982, 3/30/1984