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This website publishes administrative rules on their effective dates, as designated by the adopting state agencies, colleges, and universities.

Chapter 3361:20-17 | Collections

Rule 3361:20-17-01 | Collections: student billing policies.

(A) Students are billed for tuition and fees prior to the beginning of a term or upon registration for the term. Tuition and fees generally include the instructional, general, information technology and instructional equipment (ITIE) fees, residence life fees, student health insurance and other fees that may be approved. Certain non-tuition-related charges will also be included on a student's bill and be subject to the established due dates.

(B) Due dates are established each term for the payment in full of tuition and fees. A payment plan is available to students who are unable to pay in full by the due date. This plan offers payment options to students with each term's fees due and payable by the end of that term.

(C) Students are allowed to register for subsequent terms and to receive transcripts and diplomas only when they are in good financial standing as determined by university policy established by the bursar's office. Financial obligations are cleared through the finance division.

Last updated March 3, 2025 at 12:01 PM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 3361
Amplifies: 3361
Prior Effective Dates: 3/28/2001, 7/26/2017
Rule 3361:20-17-02 | Collections: credit and collections policies for accounts receivable.

(A) It shall be a general policy of the university of Cincinnati to ensure that all accounts receivable are maintained in a current status.

(B) The vice president for finance, in consultation with the appropriate vice presidents, shall have the authority to see that the necessary procedures are adopted to ensure that payments on account are made promptly and for the full amount due. Procedures to guarantee payment of such accounts shall include, but not be limited to: billings; collection letters; telephone contacts; use of collection agencies; referral to counsel for litigation; withholding transcripts, grades and diplomas; and denial of the ability to register for future terms.

(C) After all attempts at collection have failed and an account has been judged to be uncollectible, it shall be university policy to remove such accounts from active university records. Judgment regarding placing such accounts in a dormant status shall be the responsibility of the vice president for finance.

Last updated June 8, 2021 at 8:19 AM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 3361
Amplifies: 3361
Prior Effective Dates: 10/12/1978, 11/17/1995, 12/18/1997, 12/19/2000