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This website publishes administrative rules on their effective dates, as designated by the adopting state agencies, colleges, and universities.

Chapter 3357:15-12 | Presidential Assistance

Rule 3357:15-12-01 | office of the president.

Office of the president. The president is the executive officer of the institution through whom the board of trustees carries out its program and exercises its control.

(A) Term of office. The president shall be appointed for a term as approved by the board. The term of office shall begin on the first day of July and end on the last day of June.

(B) Relationship with board of trustees.

(1) The president shall attend all board meetings unless excused by the board.

(2) The president shall be the official channel of communication between the college community and the trustees.

(3) The president shall be the official channel of communication between the Ohio board of regents and the trustees.

(4) The president shall keep the board of trustees informed concerning higher education practices and shall make recommendations to the board of trustees which will lead to continuation of the progress of the college.

(C) Duties of the president.

(1) The president shall be responsible for the implementation of policies approved by the board of trustees.

(2) The president shall recommend the appointment and termination of service of all college personnel.

(3) The president shall be responsible for the conduct and operation of the college and for the administration and supervision of its departments.

(4) The president shall be responsible for the safety, proper care, and use of all college property.

(5) The president may delegate authority and responsibility for directing a special operating area of the college to other employees of the college, but he/she shall have the final responsibility.

(6) The president shall designate two staff members of the college who, in addition to himself/herself, shall be authorized to endorse all checks for monies paid out of college-controlled funds.

(7) The president shall be responsible for the preparation of an annual budget.

(8) The president shall be responsible for preparation of an annual report setting forth the financial condition of the college.

(9) The president shall, on advice and counsel of the chair of the board, be responsible for developing an agenda for board meetings.

(10) The president shall act as secretary to the board of trustees.

(11) The president shall keep the official minutes of the board in a safe place and shall make them available during regular business hours to any citizen requesting access to them.

(12) The president shall have emergency authority to perform such duties as the board may require, and, in the absence of specific rules and advice of the board, he/she shall assume any authority or perform any duty which any particular situation, unforeseen and suddenly arising, may demand, subject to later consideration by the board.

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 3357
Amplifies: 3357
Rule 3357:15-12-02 | Administrative divisions.

The administrative organization of Stark state college is designed to assist the president in carrying out the responsibilities of the managerial function. The administrative structure of the college consists of four divisions: academic affairs, business, finance, and information technology, enrollment management, and marketing, advancement and partnerships. The human resources department publishes college organizational charts to provide the details within each administrative division.

Last updated September 26, 2022 at 9:26 AM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 3357.09
Amplifies: 3357.09
Prior Effective Dates: 10/5/2009
Rule 3357:15-12-03 | President's executive council.

The president's executive council functions as the implementing and executing body of the college and consists of the president, provost and chief academic officer; chief financial officer/vice president for business; vice president for enrollment management; vice president of marketing, advancement, and partnerships, and executive director of the Stark state college foundation; and the vice president of human resources. The president's executive council meets upon the call of the president.

Last updated September 26, 2022 at 9:26 AM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 3357.09
Amplifies: 3357.09
Rule 3357:15-12-04 | president's cabinet.

The president's cabinet functions as the chief planning and recommending agency of the college and provides a forum to discuss and resolve issues of concern to the entire college community. Composition and details of the operating procedures of the president's cabinet may be found in rule 3357:15-15-03 of the Administrative Code (internal communications).

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 3357
Amplifies: 3357
Rule 3357:15-12-05 | Chain of command.

In the absence of the president, administrators at the college will assume executive authority according to the chain of command: provost and chief academic officer; vice president for business and finance; and vice president for enrollment management, student services and administration.

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 3357:15
Amplifies: 3357:15