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This website publishes administrative rules on their effective dates, as designated by the adopting state agencies, colleges, and universities.

Chapter 3344-90 | Campus Visitors

Rule 3344-90-01 | University space.

(A) Purpose

The purpose of the policy on space is to establish guidelines for the university community on use, assignment, and reassignment of all space including buildings, grounds, and facilities.

(B) Authority

(1) All university space at Cleveland state university is the property of the state of Ohio and is subject to all applicable state laws, regulations and rules. Ultimate authority for the allocation and use of space on campus rests with the president, who may review any actual or proposed allocation. The office of the provost routinely delegates allocation and control of all space. The provost shall appoint a university space advisory committee to provide advice on issues related to academic space assignments. All campus buildings, facilities, and space, including those currently allocated to non-academic units, support the university's academic mission and are subject to these provisions.

(2) All requests for new space or reassignment of existing academic space shall be reviewed by the office of the provost. The university space advisory committee shall periodically review space allocation and/or reassignment decisions made throughout the year. The committee may propose new procedures and guidelines to manage the assignment of space as needed in order to ensure efficient and equitable use of the university's facilities and space resources.

(C) University space advisory committee

(1) The university space advisory committee shall consist of representatives from academic sectors of the university including:

(a) Provost

(b) Associate vice president, budget and performance management

(c) Vice provost, academic planning, committee chair

(d) Associate vice president, administration and operations

(e) Vice president, research

(f) Two academic deans

(g) Vice president, for student affairs

(h) Three faculty members (nominated by faculty senate)

(i) Chair, faculty senate committee on academic space

(j) One representative, registrar's office

(k) One representative, division of university advancement

(l) One student representative (nominated by SGA)

(m) One representative, university research council (URC)

(n) One representative, university architect (ex officio)

(2) Members shall serve the following terms: All administrative appointees shall be permanent members; deans and/or chairs, faculty, and staff appointees shall serve two-year terms, while students shall serve a one-year term. The provost may make temporary appointments and/or appoint additional representatives as deemed appropriate.

(3) The university space advisory committee shall give careful consideration to institutional priorities, needs, and other relevant factors and make policy and/or procedural recommendations to the provost. The committee's recommendations shall be advisory, with the understanding that the provost has ultimate authority on whether to accept and/or act on any recommendations.

(4) The university space advisory committee's responsibilities include:

(a) Analyzing current and future space requirements for all programs and units requesting space (re)allocation.

(b) Providing the provost and president with recommendations for procurement, programmatic space assignment, and space repurposing.

(c) Serving as formal agent of record for all space assignments.

(d) Developing and disseminating appropriate processes and procedures for making requests for space use and reassignment.

(5) Space priorities and principles

(a) Acknowledge that space is a limited resource that should be considered an integral component in program or unit planning similar to resource issues of budget, personnel, and equipment;

(b) Recognize the special space and facility support needs of each unit;

(c) Promote stewardship and accountability for space assigned to the unit;

(d) Make space decisions that are consistent with the university's master plan, strategic priorities, and/or other planning documents;

(e) Manage space with the understanding that all units on campus are part of the university and do not have independent claim on space or facilities, regardless of current assignments and uses;

(f) Program space analysis for current or new (re)allocation shall involve input from the university architect's office as the record keeper of all space utilization across campus, in compliance with state-mandated categories.

(g) Program space analysis for current or new (re)allocation shall be coordinated with all affected parties and shall address logistics, availability, infrastructure, cost, programmatic needs, efficiency, and effectiveness;

(h) All affected parties should have input into space management requests/decisions;

(i) All space use is subject to annual efficient evaluation with a possible outcome of a different use being prescribed; and

(j) Some units and/or individuals may be subjected to a space-lease-productivity model if deemed appropriate or necessary by circumstances.

Last updated May 26, 2021 at 1:15 PM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 111.15
Amplifies: 3344
Prior Effective Dates: 7/7/2014
Rule 3344-90-02 | Use of space for non-academic purposes.

University space not required for academic purposes, may be used in a manner that does not compete with local commercial facilities and which provides for reimbursement to the university for all direct costs of the use, as well as any other appropriate fees. The president, or his designee, shall approve facilities use procedures that describe how facilities are requested, reserved and approved for non-academic purposes, including by non-CSU community members.

Last updated May 26, 2021 at 1:29 PM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 111.15
Amplifies: 3344
Prior Effective Dates: 12/24/1981
Rule 3344-90-03 | Policy regarding "persona non grata" status for campus visitors.

(A) Definitions

For the purposes of this rule:

(1) "Persona non grata" means the status assigned to a visitor after a hearing determining that the visitor has exhibited behavior which is detrimental to the university community. Visitors who have been designated as persona non grata are not permitted to be present in any university locations.


(a) "Visitor" means any person who is neither a student, as defined in the student code of conduct, nor an employee of the university.

(b) It is intended that this policy provide a means for regulating the behavior of all persons, except students and university employees, who are present on university property and who are not subject to the jurisdiction of the student conduct code or disciplinary processes applicable to employees. Where doubt exists as to a person's status as a student, the individual may be charged under this policy and later referred to the office of judicial affairs if the person is determined to be a student.

(3) "Behavior detrimental to the university community" includes, but is not limited to, actions by a visitor which result in offenses against persons or property, disruption of university processes or programs, violation of a legitimate order given by a university official, a continuing pattern of violations of university rules and regulations, falsification of documents submitted to the university, or misrepresentation of oneself to a university office or official.

(4) "University official" means an employee of the university acting within the scope of employment.

(5) "Hearing officer" means the assistant vice president of facilities and safety, or other university officials designated to serve as hearing officers by the vice president for business and finance or the assistant vice president of facilities and safety.

(6) "Preponderance of the evidence" is the standard of proof used to determine whether persona non grata status should be assigned to a visitor. To meet the preponderance of the evidence standard, the evidence presented must establish for a reasonable person that it is more likely than not that the conduct occurred.

(B) This policy shall not be construed to limit the authority of university officials to take action as may be warranted by the circumstances.

(C) Only hearing officers have the authority to make a determination as to persona non grata status pursuant to this rule.

(D) Procedure

(1) The process to designate a visitor as persona non grata may be initiated by the president, the provost or a vice president. To do so, the president, the provost or a vice president shall make a request in writing to the assistant vice president of facilities and safety, providing information regarding the visitor and a description of the conduct believed to require persona non grata status. The president, provost or vice president may also designate a university official to present the case for persona non grata status at the hearing.

(2) Upon receipt of the request to designate a visitor as persona non grata, the assistant vice president of facilities and safety or designee shall schedule a hearing to determine whether persona non grata status should be assigned to the visitor, and shall prepare a hearing notice to be served on the visitor. All hearing notices must be reviewed by university legal counsel before they are sent or delivered.

(3) The hearing notice shall contain specific information regarding the hearing, including a description of the behavior for which persona non grata status is being considered. It may be served in person, by email or through U.S. mail.

(4) The hearing notice shall also inform the visitor that, except for attending the hearing at the specified time and location, the visitor may not be present in any university location pending the outcome of the hearing.

(5) All hearings shall be held in private. The accused may be accompanied by another individual who may serve in an advisory capacity but who may not participate directly in the hearing.

(6) At the hearing, the university official designated to present the case for persona non grata status has the burden of proof to show that the visitor has engaged in conduct detrimental to the university community. Both parties may present witnesses and exhibits. If the accused chooses not to be present or participate, the process may nonetheless proceed.

(7) Based on a preponderance of the evidence presented at the hearing, the hearing officer shall determine whether the alleged behavior occurred and is detrimental to the university community. If so, the hearing officer may take into consideration any mitigating or aggravating circumstances to determine whether the visitor should be placed on persona non grata status.

(8) The hearing officer shall issue a decision in writing within five working days of the hearing. The decision shall specify the length of time that persona non grata status shall last, and provide information as to how the visitor may appeal the decision, as set forth in paragraph (E) of this rule. If the designation of persona non grata status is indefinite, the decision shall provide information as to when and how the visitor may petition for removal of persona non grata status, as set forth in paragraph (F) of this rule.

(E) Appeal

(1) The visitor may appeal the hearing officer's decision by submitting a written request for review to the vice president for business and finance within ten working days after the hearing officer's decision is issued. The written request shall set forth the grounds for appeal.

(2) Grounds for appeal shall be limited to:

(a) Procedural error that resulted in material harm or prejudice to the visitor; or

(b) A hearing outcome that was grossly disproportionate to the nature of the behavior determined to be detrimental to the university community.

(3) The vice president for business and finance or designee shall review the record of the hearing and make a determination on the appeal within ten working days of receipt of the request for review. The persona non grata status shall remain in effect pending the decision on the review. The decision shall be final.

(F) Removal of persona non grata status

(1) If a visitor is placed on persona non grata status for a definite period of time, the persona non grata status shall automatically expire at the end of that period.

(2) If a visitor is placed on persona non grata status for a period of more than two years or for an indefinite period of time, the visitor may request removal of the persona non grata status after a period of two years from the date of the hearing officer's decision or, if the decision was appealed, the date of the vice president for business and finance's decision on appeal.

(3) To request removal of the persona non grata status, a visitor must submit a request in writing to the president, describing the reasons that the visitor requests to be allowed on campus.

(4) The president or designee shall review the record of the persona non grata designation and the request for its removal. On the basis of this review, the president or designee shall determine whether the persona non grata status should be removed, should remain in place as originally decided, or should remain in place for a period of time that is less than it was originally decided.

(5) The president's or designee's determination shall be communicated in writing to the visitor requesting removal of the persona non grata status. The president's or designee's decision is final.

Last updated January 31, 2022 at 12:23 PM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 111.15
Amplifies: 3344