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This website publishes administrative rules on their effective dates, as designated by the adopting state agencies, colleges, and universities.

Chapter 3344-85 | Student Grievance Policy

Rule 3344-85-01 | Basic policy.

It is the policy of the university to provide students with an opportunity to seek redress of grievance, modifications of university policies, or amendments of university rules and regulations. No academic or disciplinary action shall result against any student who has filed a grievance in good faith in accordance with the procedures set forth in Chapter 3344-85 of the Administrative Code. In an effort to assist students in resolving their grievances, the university has established the following student grievance board and process.

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 111.15
Amplifies: 3344
Prior Effective Dates: 4/23/1981
Rule 3344-85-02 | Student grievance board.

Membership of the student grievance board shall be constituted as follows:

(A) Student government president or his or her designee.

(B) Student bar association president or the student bar association president's designee.

(C) An undergraduate student appointed by the student appointments board.

(D) Dean of student life ex officio, non-voting.

(E) Three faculty members to be appointed by the faculty senate steering committee to serve for two years.

(F) If a student grievance board member is a party to or could have a conflict of interest as a result of a compliant, that member shall not sit for that hearing. The remaining student grievance board members shall select an individual from the same category (student, faculty, or administrator) for that hearing.

(G) The board shall elect its chair from among its members.

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 111.15
Amplifies: 3344
Prior Effective Dates: 4/23/1981
Rule 3344-85-03 | Jurisdiction.

The jurisdiction of the student grievance board shall include but is not limited to the following matters:

(A) Any grievance or complaint alleging any policy, procedure, or practice that be prohibited by Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 and section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973;

(B) Any grievance or complaint regarding the university administration or administrative procedures, policies, or actions except:

(1) Any matter concerning the awarding of a grade or the evaluating of performance on an examination (see individual college procedures

(2) Student employee grievance (see financial aid manual);

(3) Academic misconduct (see academic misconduct policy);

(4) Appeals of decisions of the judicial board;

(5) Financial aid award decisions;

(6) Appeals relating to academic program requirements; and

(7) Grievances against individuals.

(C) Any grievance or complaint alleging illegal discrimination caused by any university policy, procedure or practice; or

(D) Any grievance or complaint alleging the deprivation of a right recognized in the Constitution or laws of the United States or the state of Ohio.

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 111.15
Amplifies: 3344
Prior Effective Dates: 4/23/1981
Rule 3344-85-04 | Procedure.

(A) Complaint. Any student may file with the office for institutional equity or the ombudsperson a written complaint which shall include a statement of the grievance, the particular university regulation, policy, rule, or action at issue, the harm alleged to have been suffered by the complaining party, and the relief sought.

(1) Discrimination grievance. Complaints alleging some kind of prohibited discrimination shall be filed with the office for institutional equity.

(2) Other grievances. All other grievances covered by this rule shall be filed with the university ombudsperson.

(B) Information resolution. Upon receipt of a written complaint, the university ombudsperson or the office of institutional equity will see that the grievance is discussed informally (in an attempt to solve it) with the student and all involved parties, and subsequently with the appropriate supervisor, or vice president, if necessary, within three weeks. The university ombudsperson or office for institutional equity may inform the student that the case seems to have little merit. This opinion will not be forwarded to the hearing panel if the student wishes to proceed.

(C) Hearing.

(1) In the event that the student's grievance is not resolved informally, the grievance will be forwarded by the university ombudsperson or the office for institutional equity, to the student grievance board through the office of the vice president of student life. Upon receipt of the grievance, that office shall forward it to the student grievance board within three working days. The student grievance board will hold a hearing within ten working days from the date of receipt of the complaint unless an involved party cannot be notified within the specified time frame (see paragraph (D)(3) of this rule) or unless all involved parties agree to an extension.

(2) If the grievance board determines that the substance of the grievance has been essentially dealt with in an earlier grievance, it may vote not to hold a hearing. It will then forward its decision to the president.

(D) Procedures. At their residence or by personal service, involved parties will be notified of the time and place for the hearing in writing. By means that require a return receipt or some other signed acknowledgement of the date and time of the addressee's having received it. Such notice must be received at least five working days before the date of the hearing.

(1) The student shall have the right to have a member of the university community as an advisor at the hearing.

(2) The hearing shall be closed to the public unless otherwise requested by one and agreed to by all involved parties. If, within three working days of receipt of notice of the hearing, an involved party does not inform the vice president of student life of his or her desire to have an open hearing, the right is deemed to have been waived.

(3) Request for postponement must be received by the vice president of student life within three working days prior to the hearing date.

(4) The student will have an opportunity to present his or her grievance to the board.

(5) The university and any faculty member, staff member, or administrator involved shall have an opportunity to respond to the student's grievance, if desired, and shall have the right to have a member of the university community as an advisor to the hearing.

(6) The student grievance board shall deliberate and make a recommendation in writing to the president of the university within five working days. The recommendation shall include the vote and may include minority opinions as well as the redress sought. Copies of the recommendation shall be sent to the office for institutional equity or ombudsperson, as appropriate, and to the concerned parties, and it shall be considered confidential.

(E) Final determinations.

(1) The president of the university shall give written notification of her or his decision to the concerned parties, the office of institutional equity or the ombudsperson, and the student grievance board within ten working days of receipt of the recommendation of the student grievance board.

(2) The president's decision shall terminate this process within the university.

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 111.15
Amplifies: 3344