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This website publishes administrative rules on their effective dates, as designated by the adopting state agencies, colleges, and universities.

Chapter 3344-16 | Faculty Member Rank Achievement

Rule 3344-16-01 | Other faculty personnel policies.

The collective bargaining agreement between Cleveland state university and the American association of university professors, CSU chapter, currently in force no longer includes certain articles (or portions, thereof,) contained in previous agreements. Of these excluded texts, the following are now incorporated in Chapter 3344-16 of the Administrative Code and the current personnel policies and bylaws, and as such, remain as university policy until modified by appropriate procedures of faculty governance and/or the provost.

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 111.15
Amplifies: 3344
Rule 3344-16-02 | Classroom and related responsibilities.

(A) Examination and grades.

(1) Dates for final examinations are posted on the university registrar's website. All final examinations shall be administered during the period assigned by the university registrar and shall follow the approved time schedule as designated by the administration. In the event of a class without a final exam, a class session shall be held during the scheduled final exam period. Laboratory, thesis, internship, field work and independent study courses are excluded from this requirement. In classes where take-home finals are assigned, the take-home examination is due on the day and time of the regularly scheduled final.

(2) Faculty shall be required to submit grades at the end of a term. Faculty teaching one-hundred and two-hundred-level courses shall also make every reasonable effort to submit mid-term grades for freshmen enrolled in such courses. Final grades should be submitted within forty-eight hours of the end of the examination, but not later than the deadline established by the registrar's office.

(3) One copy of each syllabus shall be filed with the chair and supplied to the students at the start of classes. The syllabus shall contain grading and pedagogical guidelines as well as course content and assignments. A copy of the final exam should be given to the chair after the end of the term upon request. A faculty member shall preserve students' answers to final examinations for one semester unless returned to the student, except that examinations from the spring semester should be retained until the end of the fourth week of the ensuing fall semester.

(B) Class schedules and rooms.

(1) If a faculty member finds it necessary to change a scheduled time or classroom assignment, written approval of the chair or dean's designee is necessary before any change is announced to students in the class.

(2) Faculty have an obligation to meet their scheduled classes, throughout the scheduled time, unless an approved alternative learning experience has been assigned in the syllabus as part of the course requirement. On those occasions when faculty know ahead of time that it may be necessary for them to be absent from class because of attendance at a professional meeting or because of religious observance, faculty shall request written permission from the chair or dean's designee and work with the latter to make appropriate arrangements for covering missed classes.

(3) When a faculty member is forced by illness to cancel class, the faculty member shall, if possible, inform the students and the department chair of such cancellation at a reasonable period of time before the class is scheduled to meet.

(C) Student evaluation of instruction. The faculty senate shall have oversight for assessing the instruments used in each college for the student evaluation of instruction. The college evaluation form(s) may include additional questions addressing the normative attributes of particular courses, such as class size and method and level of instruction. Faculty members may add their own questions to the college form(s). Deans or their designees, in cooperation with departmental or college faculty, shall establish procedures for the distribution, collection, and tabulation of the instrument(s). The appropriate college evaluation form(s) shall be distributed and tabulated in each course for each faculty member. Evaluation results shall be returned to the faculty member and kept on file in the departmental and dean's offices.

(D) Office hours. Each faculty member shall maintain regular office hours, on a schedule approved by the chair or dean's designee, when they are available to students in their classes and their academic advisees without previous appointment. These office hours shall occur at optimum times for students and advisees; they shall be posted and listed on the syllabus. Faculty shall also make themselves available by appointment to accommodate students who cannot see them during regularly scheduled office hours.

(E) Faculty availability. All full-time members shall be available for service at the university throughout the academic year. Faculty shall be available for advising as needed on a rotating basis, coordinated by the department chairperson, during the week of the registration period before each semester. Faculty shall be charged sick time if they are unavailable for assigned service because of illness during that week.

(F) Commencement exercises. The administration and the CSU-AAUP recognize university commencement exercises as an important hallmark in students' lives. Whereas both the administration and CSU-AAUP encourage all faculty to attend commencement exercises, at least one-quarter of the faculty shall attend the December and May commencement exercises in full academic regalia.

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 111.15
Amplifies: 3344
Rule 3344-16-03 | Faculty professional development.

In addition to the professional responsibilities as described in rule 3344-16-02 of the Administrative Code, faculty are expected to continue their professional development. In order to assist in the process of faculty professional development within the context of the university's purpose and direction in the areas of teaching, research and service, the following procedures shall be employed:

(A) Faculty annual activities report.

(1) The faculty annual activities report ("FAAR") shall be due on or before April thirtieth of each year. The FAAR shall report on faculty activities and achievements for the preceding period May first to April thirtieth. Not later than September thirtieth of each year faculty shall meet with their department chairs to discuss their professional plans for the current academic year. The chair and faculty member shall discuss the areas of teaching, scholarship/creative activities, and professional service, indicating what the faculty member hopes to accomplish in each of these areas. The chair shall comment on those plans in terms of the career interests of the faculty member, the academic purpose and direction of the department, and the professional service interests of the university and community. The purpose of faculty/chair discussions is to develop a plan for faculty professional development that takes into consideration both individual professional development and the purpose and direction of the department, the college and the university. The chair may also suggest alternate or additional opportunities for professional growth, and suggest possible sources of support to assist faculty.

(2) The faculty member, based on the discussions with the chair, shall prepare a written statement describing their planned goals and objectives for the year. The faculty development plan statement shall be due on or before October fifteenth of each year. This statement shall be reviewed by the department chair and added to the faculty annual activities report (FAAR). The statement of goals and objectives may be revised or amended to reflect new directions in a faculty member's professional development. The revised or amended statement shall be reviewed by the department chair and added to the FAAR.

(3) Faculty members shall indicate on the FAAR the degree of progress toward achieving the goals and objectives articulated in the previous academic year's FAAR. For purposes of evaluating faculty, however, achievement shall be measured on the basis of tangible, objective evidence of progress towards stated goals, achievements that had not been anticipated at the time of the faculty member's statement of planned goals and objectives, and on the overall record of accomplishment for the year.

(4) The college FAAR forms may be amended by agreement between the administration and the university faculty affairs committee.

(B) Faculty development plan.

Faculty development plans may include, but need not be limited to:

(1) Teaching. New course development. Revising or sustaining instructional quality in existing courses. Development of methods for assessing courses and teaching effectiveness. Assumption of important curriculum responsibilities for department or college. Efforts to attract new students or to attract external funding for teaching innovation.

(2) Scholarship/creative activities. New initiatives in research or creative activity, as well as continuation of ongoing projects. Problem-solving activities linked to specific aspects of university's mission to local community. Efforts to attract external funding.

(3) Service. Assumption of responsibilities for a major task within the university or externally in professional or community organizations. Sustaining or increasing levels of involvement in faculty governance, and/or other service activities.

(C) The university will establish a program to encourage faculty in scholarly/creative activities and teaching innovation. In addition, the university will establish a clearinghouse function for circulating and sharing information on teaching effectiveness.

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 111.15
Amplifies: 3344
Rule 3344-16-04 | Off-campus teaching.

(A) Departments that offer courses for academic credit off-campus shall develop procedures to ensure that faculty teach these courses either as part of their regular workload or on a voluntary overload basis. A faculty member may, in consultation with the department chair or director, and dean be assigned an off-campus teaching assignment. If the off-campus assignment is part of a bargaining unit member's regular workload, then the assignment shall be governed by the workload provisions of the relevant collective bargaining agreement. All overload assignments shall be approved by the appropriate college dean.

(B) Faculty members shall be reimbursed for the use of their personal vehicles when the distance traveled to an alternative site of instruction is greater than their normal commute to the central campus. Reimbursement for mileage, parking fees and tolls shall be made in accordance with standard university policies governing travel. If inclement weather or other hazardous conditions prevail, then the faculty member shall also be reimbursed for hotel and meal expenses in accordance with standard university travel policy.

(C) Any course offered off-campus for academic credit shall be approved through the same procedures required for approval of on-campus offerings. All expenses for copying (i.e., syllabi, examinations, or other course materials) shall be borne by the department credited with the off-campus assignment. Examinations, submission of final grades and pedagogical guidelines such as content and assignments shall be governed by rule 3344-16-02 of the Administrative Code.

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 111.15
Amplifies: 3344
Rule 3344-16-05 | Faculty-student ratio.

(A) The ratio of full-time equivalent (FTE) students to full-time equivalent faculty (all teaching faculty, bargaining and nonbargaining) shall be maintained at a value not to exceed twenty to one across the university, with a limit not to exceed a ratio of twenty-five to one for any individual college.

(B) The administration and the CSU-AAUP recognize the need to maintain a strong complement of full-time tenure track faculty. Therefore, if either of the ratios specified in paragraph (A) of this rule is exceeded for two consecutive semesters (not including summer semester), representatives of the administration and the CSU-AAUP shall meet to develop a strategy to restore these ratios.

(C) The foregoing provisions of this article shall not apply if the university declares a financial exigency or if conditions warrant an academic reorganization.

(D) Before the end of the fourth week of the second term in each academic year, the administration shall calculate the ratio of full-time equivalent (FTE) students to full-time equivalent faculty (all teaching faculty, bargaining and non-bargaining) for each college and for the university as a whole for the previous academic year and shall publish the results to the campus community. In addition, the administration shall provide the CSU-AAUP with a separate copy of the results and how the ratios were calculated.

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 111.15
Amplifies: 3344
Rule 3344-16-06 | Holiday observances.

(A) The university recognizes the following holidays:

New Year's day

Martin Luther King day

Presidents' day

Memorial day

Independence day

Labor day

Columbus day

Veteran's day

Thanksgiving day

Christmas day

(B) The administration may establish alternate days of observance for the following holidays:

Martin Luther King day

President's day

Columbus day

Veteran's day

(C) On days which are designated by the university to be holidays, faculty members shall not be required to be on campus, or at an off-campus site, or to perform any other duties with respect to the university. Nevertheless, on days designated by the university to be holidays, faculty members shall have access to the campus and to their offices and research facilities.

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 111.15
Amplifies: 3344
Rule 3344-16-07 | Retirement.

(A) For full-time faculty members who retire with at least ten years of service, the university shall automatically continue to provide the following services: e-mail, internet access, library privileges, use of a Viking card, parking, and recreation. Those services shall be offered under the same terms and conditions as they are offered to regular faculty. Each year by April first, a notice shall be sent via e-mail to which the faculty member shall respond affirmatively for services to be continued for the next year. A second e-mail shall be sent notifying retired faculty of the imminent termination of these services in the event that no affirmative response is received. After this second notice, services shall be terminated if the faculty member fails to respond affirmatively.

(B) A full-time faculty member at Cleveland state university with at least ten years of service who retires under the regulations of the state teachers retirement system or under an approved alternative retirement plan (ARP) may elect at the faculty member's sole option to continue part-time employment at CSU for a period of three years following retirement.

(C) A faculty member who chooses this option will be assigned up to nine credit hours of teaching, or its equivalent in administrative service, in each of the three academic years (not including summer). Employment may consist of, per academic year:

(1) A maximum of nine semester credit hours of teaching;

(2) A maximum of the equivalent of nine semester credit hours of teaching performed as administrative service; or

(3) Any combination of teaching or administrative service to the equivalent of nine semester credit hours of teaching.

When choosing post-retirement part-time employment, the faculty member must specify at that time how many credit hours of work (teaching or its service equivalent) are being claimed. The extent to which the faculty member's post-retirement work will be composed of the teaching or service will depend upon CSU needs. The combination of administrative service and teaching may vary over the three-year period.

(D) Faculty who choose this option shall be compensated at the summer salary rate specified in the relevant section of the current collective bargaining agreement.

(E) Administrative service may be performed at the discretion of the provost and/or dean in consultation with the department chair or school director and with the concurrence of the retiring faculty member.

(F) The courses to be taught and/or the type of administrative service, and the semester(s) of employment service, shall be determined annually by the department chairperson or school director and the dean in consultation with the faculty member.

(G) A full-time faculty member at Cleveland state university with at least ten years of service who retires under the regulations of the state teachers retirement system or an approved alternative retirement plan (ARP) and who elects to continue part-time employment at CSU must cash out their sick leave at the time of retirement or forfeit their sick leave. Sick leave may not be used during the post-retirement employment period pursuant to this article.

(H) A faculty member may discontinue part-time post-retirement employment participation by appropriate and timely notification of the department chairperson or school director. The faculty member shall retain the option of increasing the teaching credit hours to remain within the limits as specified in paragraph (C) of this rule.

(I) Regulations, rules, and policies of the state teachers retirement system or approved (ARP) are beyond the scope of Cleveland state university's personnel policies and shall not, under any circumstances, be subject to the grievance provisions of those policies.

Last updated October 17, 2024 at 8:33 AM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 111.15
Amplifies: 3344
Rule 3344-16-08 | Emeriti faculty.

(A) Qualifications.

Emeritus and emerita status reflecting the rank achieved as a faculty member shall be conferred upon qualified retiring faculty members who request it. Appointment to an emeritus or emerita faculty rank shall be granted only to retiring faculty members who have achieved the rank of associate professor or professor, associate college lecturer or senior college lecturer, associate professor of practice or professor of practice, clinical associate professor or clinical professor, college of law clinical professor or college of law legal writing professor at Cleveland state university and have served Cleveland state university full-time for at least ten years.

(B) Privileges and responsibilities.

Emeritus or emerita faculty members may from time to time be requested to teach a course. They have the right to attend appropriate faculty meetings, whether these are committee, departmental, college, faculty senate, or university faculty meetings. They may serve on faculty committees but may not vote in faculty meetings. They should be provided with reasonable facilities and privileges, as recommended by departmental chairpersons, to the extent that university resources reasonably allow; final determination shall be made by the president. Their names shall be listed in the university bulletins and directory, and they shall receive any other benefits and privileges specified by the president.

(C) Rank.

Upon appointment to emeritus or emerita faculty status, a retiring associate professor or professor shall be designated associate professor emeritus/emerita or associate professor emeritus/emerita. A retiring associate college lecturer or senior college lecturer shall be designated associate college lecturer emeritus/emerita or senior college lecturer emeritus/emerita. A retiring, associate professor of practice or professor of practice shall be designated associate professor of practice emeritus/emerita or professor of practice emeritus/emerita. A retiring clinical associate professor or clinical professor shall be designated clinical associate professor emeritus/emerita or clinical professor emeritus/emerita. A retiring college of law clinical professor or college of law legal writing professor shall be designated college of law clinical professor emeritus/emerita or college of law legal writing professor emeritus/emerita.

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 111.15
Amplifies: 3344
Prior Effective Dates: 4/20/2014
Rule 3344-16-09 | Parking facilities.

(A) Faculty members who wish to use the university parking facilities may obtain a parking permit for a fee from the university. Faculty shall be subject to all parking rules and regulations.

(B) The amount of parking fee increases, if any, shall be uniformly applied to faculty, students, staff and administrators.

(C) Income from parking fees shall be used only to support parking facilities and operations, including maintenance and new construction.

(D) The CSU - AAUP and faculty senate shall be informed of any proposed changes in parking fees at least one semester in advance and the administration shall discuss any proposed changes in fees with the CSU - AAUP and faculty senate.

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 111.15
Amplifies: 3344
Rule 3344-16-10 | Travel expenses.

(A) Within budgetary limitations, CSU shall reimburse faculty for travel expenses incurred in:

(1) Attending professional conferences and meetings;

(2) Attending programs involving faculty development;

(3) Conducting research and other scholarly activities away from campus; and

(4) Conducting official university business.

(B) Application for travel funds shall be made as early as possible to the department chair or dean's designee, who may authorize such funds. A request for reimbursement shall be supported by original sales slips, invoices or receipts, and shall be submitted on the proper university form. Faculty shall comply with all university rules and regulations in regards to reimbursement. At the beginning of the academic year, each dean shall inform all college faculty of the amount of travel money available to each faculty member for the coming year, and shall describe how any additional travel money will be distributed, including procedures for applying for this additional money and the criteria that will be used in distributing these funds.

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 111.15
Amplifies: 3344
Rule 3344-16-11 | Library.

(A) Interlibrary loan of materials needed for teaching or scholarship/research requested through the CSU library shall be available free of cost to faculty members.

(B) All photocopying of materials from the library which are requested by a faculty member for use in teaching or research/scholarship shall be free of cost to the faculty member, subject to prior approval by the chair or dean's designee.

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 111.15
Amplifies: 3344
Rule 3344-16-12 | Recreation facilities.

(A) University rules and regulations, including applicable user fees.

(B) Income from recreation fees shall be used only to support recreation facilities and operations.

(C) The CSU - AAUP and faculty senate shall be informed of any proposed changes in recreation fees at least one semester in advance and the administration shall discuss any proposed changes in fees with the CSU - AAUP and faculty senate.

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 111.15
Amplifies: 3344
Rule 3344-16-13 | Provision and use of university postage.

The administration shall provide postage for faculty members to mail materials related to scholarly or instructional activities or university business. Faculty members shall not use university postage to mail materials of a personal nature.

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 111.15
Amplifies: 3344
Rule 3344-16-14 | University teaching council.

(A) The university teaching council shall consist of:

(1) Fifteen faculty members eligible under paragraph (B) of this rule, two from each of the seven academic colleges and one from the school of nursing. Eligible faculty members shall be nominated by the deans of their respective colleges and submitted to the provost by May first each year. The provost will approve the nominations and notify incoming council nominees by August fifteenth. The term of service for regular members is three years, from September first to August thirty-first.

(2) The director of the center for faculty excellence, serving as chairperson.

(3) One undergraduate and one graduate student representative.

(4) The director of general education as a non-voting member.

(5) Other non-voting members may include liaisons from eLearning, the university library or other relevant units involved in supporting teaching as deemed necessary by the chair of the council.

(B) Eligible faculty:

To be considered eligible for appointment to the university teaching council, nominees must be well-recognized, excellent teachers as indicated by department chair, peer and student recommendations, nationally recognized scholarly activity, or other appropriate indicators; be able and willing to attend meetings on a regular basis and actively participate in the deliberations and activities of the university teaching council.

(C) The university teaching council shall be charged with the following responsibilities:

(1) Teaching policies: review and advise university faculty affairs committee regarding all proposals for policies concerning teaching activities; review and advise the faculty, deans, and provost on all proposals for new programs designed to enhance teaching excellence and success.

(2) Internal funding programs: review and recommend changes to the provost on internal funding programs for supporting and developing teaching. The university teaching council will also be requested to participate in reviewing proposals for internal competitions and awards, ranking the proposals and forwarding recommendations for funding to the provost.

(3) Provost's teaching summit: plan and implement the annual provost's teaching summit.

(4) Bylaws of the university teaching council: The university teaching council shall develop bylaws and procedures.

(5) Committees: appointment and discharge of such committees as deemed appropriate. These committees may include members outside the university teaching council, including external to the university.

(6) Best practices: develop and communicate best practices pertaining to teaching for dissemination to the faculty through the center for faculty excellence.

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 111.15
Amplifies: 3344