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This website publishes administrative rules on their effective dates, as designated by the adopting state agencies, colleges, and universities.

Chapter 3335-8 | Adoption and Procedure of Courses and Curricula

Rule 3335-8-01 | Courses and curricula; definition.

(A) A course is the unit of instruction or research through which the educational program of the university is offered to its students.

(B) A curriculum is a program of courses leading to a certificate, a degree, or to entry into a professional college, school or a professional division of a college or a school.

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 3335
Amplifies: 3335.08
Rule 3335-8-02 | Courses and curricula; establishment, alteration or abolition.

(A) All proposals for the establishment, alteration and abolition of courses and curricula must be submitted to the council on academic affairs. Such proposals shall follow the procedure outlined in rule 3335-5-48.1 of the Administrative Code and shall be subject to review by the president and the board of trustees.

(B) If any change in courses or curricula requires an addition to the teaching staff, it shall not be authorized until approved in writing by the executive vice president and provost.

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 3335
Amplifies: 3335.08
Prior Effective Dates: 3/13/1978
Rule 3335-8-03 | Procedure.

Proposals for establishing new courses or curricula for alterations in existing courses or curricula shall originate in the departments or schools and, in the case of departments, shall be subject to acceptance, revision, or rejection by the college or school of which those departments are a part. Proposals of departments, if approved by the college, and those of schools shall be submitted to the council on academic affairs. The council on academic affairs shall refer all courses involving graduate credit to the curriculum committee of the graduate school, which shall subsequently notify the council on academic affairs of the action taken in respect to acceptance of such proposed courses for credit toward graduate degrees. The council on academic affairs shall then take final action on the proposals in accordance with rule 3335-8-02 of the Administrative Code, keeping in mind the entire program of the department, the school, the college, and the university.

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 3335
Amplifies: 3335.08
Rule 3335-8-04 | Adoption of approved courses.

In determining credit for the degrees for which they are individually responsible, the several colleges, schools, and the graduate school shall have full authority to accept or to reject courses approved pursuant to rule 3335-8-03 of the Administrative Code. In the event that a college, school, or the graduate school determines to accept a course so approved, that course shall carry those conditions and credits which have been prescribed by the council on academic affairs.

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 3335
Amplifies: 3335.08
Prior Effective Dates: 3/13/1978
Rule 3335-8-05 | University classification and course numbering system.

(A) Courses numbered 1000-1099 are undergraduate non-credit courses for orientation, remedial, or other non college-level experiences. These courses are in addition to a program's graduation requirements.

(B) Courses numbered 1100-1999 are introductory level courses providing undergraduate credit, but shall not be counted on a major or field of specialization in any department. Courses at this level are beginning courses, required or elective courses that may be prerequisite to other courses.

(C) Courses numbered 2000-2999 are intermediate level courses providing undergraduate credit and may be counted for a major or field of specialization.

(D) Courses numbered 3000-3999 are upper-level courses providing undergraduate credit that may be counted toward a major or field of specialization.

(E) Courses numbered 4000-4999 are advanced level undergraduate courses providing undergraduate credit that may be counted on a major or field of specialization. Graduate students may enroll in and receive graduate credit for 4000-level courses outside their own graduate program.

(F) Courses numbered 5000-5999 are dual-level courses regularly offered for both graduate credit and undergraduate credit providing advanced level courses for undergraduate credit that may be counted toward a major or field of specialization or are foundational coursework and research for graduate and professional credit.

(G) Courses numbered 6000-6999 are foundational level graduate and professional courses and research providing graduate or professional crediCourses numbered 7000-7999 are intermediate level graduate and professional degree courses and research providing graduate or professional credit.

(H) Courses numbered 7000-7999 are intermediate level graduate and professional degree courses and research providing graduate or professional credit.

(I) Courses numbered 8000-8999 are advanced level graduate and professional degree courses and research providing graduate or professional credit.

(J) Courses for which graduate credit is anticipated must be taught by a member of the faculty approved by the graduate committee of the unit offering the course. Seven thousand and above level courses must be taught by members of the graduate faculty.

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 3335
Amplifies: 3335.08
Prior Effective Dates: 11/28/1983
Rule 3335-8-07 | General education.

All undergraduate students must complete a program of general education coursework enabling them to acquire and develop a breadth of knowledge, skills, and perspectives that cross disciplinary boundaries and extend to areas outside of majors, minors and other specialized study programs. The specific structure and requirements for general education shall be defined by the faculty in accordance with faculty rule 3335-5-27 of the Administrative Code.

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 3335
Amplifies: 3335.08
Prior Effective Dates: 3/15/2011
Rule 3335-8-10 | Academic publications.

All official bulletins of the university shall be published from the copy furnished by the council on academic affairs; but mere editorial changes, as defined by the council on academic affairs, may be made in such copy by the appropriate designated individual in the office of academic affairs after receiving the approval of the department or school concerned.

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 3335
Amplifies: 3335.08
Prior Effective Dates: 3/13/1978
Rule 3335-8-11 | Precedence of scheduled hours.

Regularly scheduled class appointments shall have precedence over any special examinations or exercises not provided for on the calendar or by faculty action.

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 3335
Amplifies: 3335.08
Prior Effective Dates: 3/13/1978
Rule 3335-8-12 | Interval between classes.

The interval between the close of one class period and the beginning of the next shall be fifteen minutes.

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 3335
Amplifies: 3335.08
Prior Effective Dates: 3/13/1978
Rule 3335-8-13 | Class rosters.

Instructors shall make their class rosters solely from the rosters issued by the office of the university registrar, except that each department or school is authorized to change the hour assignment of a student for courses offered in more than one section. The department or school shall notify the office of the university registrar of all such changes.

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 3335
Amplifies: 3335.08
Prior Effective Dates: 5/11/1984
Rule 3335-8-14 | Approval of student schedules.

The deans or secretaries of the several colleges and schools, or designees, shall approve the schedules of classes of students in their colleges and schools but the assignment to hours and all changes in such assignment shall be made by the office of the university registrar.

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 3335
Amplifies: 3335.08
Prior Effective Dates: 5/11/1984
Rule 3335-8-15 | Changes of schedules.

(A) No instructor shall change the hour or place of meeting of any class to which a student has been assigned except with the approval of the office of the university registrar

(B) Instructors who deviate from regular university schedules by holding special sessions or examinations must have received approval from their department chair, regional campus dean and director or college dean to hold such special sessions or examinations. Such instructors shall accommodate students who may have conflicts because of required attendance in regularly scheduled classes. This rule does not apply to policies for the scheduling of final examinations which are provided in rule 3335-8-20 of the Administrative Code.

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 3335
Amplifies: 3335.08
Rule 3335-8-16 | Cancellation of courses.

(A) The chair of a department or director of an instructional unit, in consultation with the dean of the college and with timely notification, may cancel any course that has not enrolled sufficient numbers of students to warrant its offering. That number of students should usually be less than fifteen, but courses enrolling fewer than fifteen may be offered if sufficient resources and programmatic justifications exist. When such a course is cancelled, the dean or director shall notify the office of the university registrar who shall promptly inform all enrolled students and insert notice of its cancellation in the master schedule.

(B) The university registrar will monitor the frequency of course offerings, identify those that have not been offered for three consecutive years, and inform the dean of the appropriate college. The dean and the chair or director of the relevant instructional unit will decide whether to remove that course from the course bulletin prior to the next academic year.

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 3335
Amplifies: 3335.08
Prior Effective Dates: 3/13/1978, 7/26/2004
Rule 3335-8-19 | Student assessment.

(A) Each course as defined in rule 3335-8-01 of the Administrative Code will have a syllabus to be provided to each student at the start of the term explaining how the student's performance will be assessed.

(B) By the close of each course as defined in rule 3335-8-01 of the Administrative Code, the student's performance relative to the stated course objectives will be assessed, the method of assessment to be determined by the instructor or supervisor of the course.

(C) Written in-class examinations given at the end of the term that are comprehensive in nature should be given only during the final exam period and administered pursuant to rule 3335-8-20 of the Administrative Code. Written in-class examinations allowed during the last week of classes shall not exceed the scale, scope, duration and percent of grade of other examinations given in that class during the term, nor exceed thirty per cent of the final course grade unless approved by the unit head. All examinations, papers and projects set for the last week of classes in a semester must be clearly assigned and scheduled in the instructor's syllabus. In a course where a final examination is the only written examination given during the term, that examination may not be given during the last week of classes, and must be scheduled during the final examination period and administered pursuant to rule 3335-8-20 of the Administrative Code.

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 3335
Amplifies: 3335.08
Prior Effective Dates: 7/26/2004
Rule 3335-8-20 | Schedules for final examinations.

(A) Examinations administered during the final exam period for classes taught on the regional campuses and for classes whose enrollment is exclusively of students registered in the colleges of dentistry, law, medicine, optometry, pharmacy, and veterinary medicine will be scheduled by the offices of the regional campuses and of the colleges respectively. All examination schedules prepared outside the office of the university registrar shall, before publication, be cleared with the office of the university registrar which shall have the power to resolve all conflicts.

(B) All other examinations administered during the final exam period shall be centrally scheduled by the office of the university registrar. The official examination schedules shall be strictly adhered to by all instructors. Any deviation must first be approved by the appropriate university official (department chair, regional campus dean and director, or college dean) in consultation with the office of the university registrar, which shall have the power to resolve all conflicts. Final grades for graduating students must be submitted electronically to the office of the university registrar by the deadlines established by that office.

(C) In performing its scheduling function the office of the university registrar shall limit individual examinations to two-hour duration and the total examination period to no more than five days.

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 3335
Amplifies: 3335.08
Prior Effective Dates: 3/1/2004, 8/28/2006
Rule 3335-8-21 | Marks.

The official marks of the university are as follows: "A," "A-," "B+," "B," "B-," "C+," "C," "C-," "D+," "D," "E," "EM," "EN," "NEN," "I," "K," "P," "PA," "PE," "NP," "R," "S," "U," "W." These marks shall have the following meaning:

(A) "A," "A-"

The instructor judged the student to have satisfied the stated objectives of the course in an excellent manner. The student's performance was judged to be in this range of high quality based upon a comparison with other students in the course, and/or with students who have taken the course previously, and/or the instructor's personal expectations relative to the stated objectives of the course, based on the instructor's experience and expertise.

(B) "B+," "B," "B-"

The instructor judged the student to have satisfied the stated objectives of the course in an above-average manner. The student's performance was judged to be in this range of above-average quality based upon a comparison with other students in the course, and/or with students who have taken the course previously, and/or the instructor's personal expectations relative to the stated objectives of the course, based on the instructor's experience and expertise.

(C) "C+," "C," "C-"

The instructor judged the student to have satisfied the stated objectives of the course in an average manner. The student's performance was judged to be in this range of average quality based upon a comparison with other students in the course, and/or students who have taken the course previously, and/or the instructor's personal expectations relative to the stated objectives of the course, based on the instructor's experience and expertise.

(D) "D+," "D"

The instructor judged the student to have satisfied the stated objectives of the course in a low but acceptable manner. The student's performance was judged to be in this range of below average but acceptable quality based upon a comparison with other students in the course, and/or with students who have taken the course previously, and/or the instructor's personal expectations relative to the stated objectives of the course, based on the instructor's experience and expertise.

(E) "E"

The instructor judged the student not to have satisfied the stated objectives of the course. Credit for a course in which the mark "E" has been received can be obtained only by repeating and passing the course in class (see rules 3335-8-23 to 3335-8-28 of the Administrative Code).

(F) "EM" - examination

(1) This mark indicates credit given to students registered in the university on the basis of examinations taken prior to or after admission to the university. The level of achievement which must be demonstrated by the student on these examinations in order to receive "EM" credit (except advanced placement credits) shall be determined by the department or school in which the course is offered for credit, in accord with the criteria for the award of letter grades. This credit shall be assigned only upon the authorization of the chair of the department or the director of the school and with the approval of the authorized representative of the dean or director of the student's enrollment unit.

(2) Examination credit shall not be given to a student for a course in which the student has received a mark at this university or for which the student has transfer credit from some other college or university. No credit points are allowed for courses in which a mark of "EM" is given.

(G) "I" - incomplete, "IX" - extension of incomplete

(1) An "I" indicates that the student has completed a major portion of the work in the course in a satisfactory manner, but for reasons judged by the instructor to be legitimate, a portion of the course requirements remains to be completed.

(2) The mark "I" shall be reported to the office of the university registrar together with the mark which the university registrar is authorized to enter on the student's official record unless a different mark is reported to the office of the university registrar in the manner and within the time described in this rule.

(3) The student must complete the work so that the instructor of the course may report the final mark at the earliest possible time, but not later than noon of the sixth Saturday of the semester, or session, following that in which the "I" was received. For legitimate reason the instructor may establish a deadline for the completion of the work which is within the maximum time permitted. Upon petition of the student within this period, the instructor or, if the instructor is unavailable, the chair of the department involved, may for good reason allow a student additional time in which to complete the work. An extension beyond the date grades are due for the semester, or session following that in which the "I" was received requires concurrence of the instructional unit's dean, director, or college secretary. Any decision extending the period shall set forth the time in which the student shall complete the work and a copy of the decision shall be forwarded to the office of the university registrar. This approved extension will appear on the record as an "IX" mark.

(4) As soon as the incomplete work has been made up, the instructor, or in the case of the instructor's absence from the university, the department chair or the director of the school, shall file the proper mark in the office of the university registrar. Until such time as a final mark is recorded the credit for the mark "I" or "IX" shall be counted as hours only, and shall not be considered in determining a student's point-hour ratio under rule 3335-8-26 of the Administrative Code.

(5) In no case shall a student who has received the mark "I" or "IX" be permitted to repeat the course in which such mark was received until such time as the "I" or "IX" has been removed and then only in such cases as fall within rule 3335-8-28 of the Administrative Code.

(H) "K" - credit

This mark shall be used for work credited from other institutions by the director of undergraduate admissions only. "K" credit shall be counted as hours only and shall not be considered in determining a student's point-hour ratio under rule 3335-8-26 of the Administrative Code.

(I) "EN" E, non-attendance

This mark shall be used to indicate that the student was properly registered for the course, but failed to complete the course because of non-attendance. It does not differentiate between the student who never attended or stopped attending at some point during the academic term.

When assigning this mark, an instructor must also provide some indication (e.g. day or week of the academic term) of when the student stopped attending the course.

This mark shall be treated as an "E" for the purpose of calculating a student's point-hour ratio.

(J) "P" - progress

This mark is used to indicate that the student has shown satisfactory progress in a series or sequence of courses where the mark is not recorded until the final semester, or session of the series or sequence is completed. Until such time as a final mark is recorded, the mark of "P" shall be given and the credit shall be counted as hours only, and shall not be considered in determining a student's point-hour ratio under rule 3335-8-26 of the Administrative Code. When a final mark is submitted by the instructor, all previous "P" marks shall assume and be recorded with the value of this final mark.

(K) "PA" - pass, "NP" - non-pass

(1) The grade pass "PA" means the student has satisfied the stated objectives of the course, and the grade non-pass "NP" is the equivalent of the grade "E."

(2) These marks may be used at the option of undergraduate or continuing education students only, subject to the following conditions:

(a) This grading pattern may be chosen for a maximum of twenty credit hours, provided the student has an accumulated point-hour ratio of 2.0 or higher.

(b) An undergraduate student may elect this option for courses that are not required or designated as required electives in the curriculum leading to the degree for which the student is a candidate.

(c) Hours graded pass "PA" count toward the minimal number of hours required for a degree. Pass or non-pass marks ("PA," "NP") are not computed in the point-hour average of the student.

(d) Before close of business of the fourth Friday of a semester or summer term; the second Friday of a seven-week session during a semester or a six- or eight-week session during summer term; or the first Friday of a four-week summer session, a student must have declared intention to take a course on this basis by filing the appropriate form with the dean or director of the student's enrollment unit. A student may not change to or from this option after this same deadline.

(L) "PE" - emergency pass

(1) In the event that exceptional circumstances is declared all courses for that semester normally graded A-E shall be recorded as follows:

(a) Undergraduates graded D+ or D shall be recorded by the registrar as "PE."

(b) Graduate students graded C+, C, C-, D+, or D shall be recorded as "PE."

(c) A grade of E shall be recorded as "NP", and the "EN" mark shall be recorded as "NEN".

(2) "Exceptional circumstances" is defined as widespread circumstances outside the control of students and instructors that may adversely affect academic performance.

(3) Exceptional circumstances are declared by the senate, or by the provost following a recommendation from the council on enrollment and student progress and confirmation by the senate steering committee.

(4) Hours graded "PE" count toward the minimal number of hours required for a degree but are not computed in the point-hour average of the student.

(5) The "PE" grade shall revert to the letter grade reported by the instructor upon student petition to the registrar. Petitions shall be made before the end of the second succeeding semester or summer term, but prior to graduation. Such a reversion is irrevocable.

(6) Policies requiring certain grades for progression in a sequence, admission to a program, or academic standing would be unaffected by this system. Accommodations to allow use of "PE" grades these cases remain at the discretion of the individual program or college.

(7) In any semester in which exceptional circumstances have been declared by senate or provost, the deadline for a student to withdraw from a course without petition as defined in paragraph (E) of rule 3335-8-32 of the Administrative Code shall be extended by three weeks in fifteen-week semesters and a proportional amount in shorter sessions.

(8) Grade forgiveness used for a course taken during a semester in which exceptional circumstances have been declared by senate or provost will not counting toward the three-course limit defined in paragraph (C) of rule 3335-8-27.1 of the Administrative Code.

(M) "R" - registered to audit

(1) This mark indicates that the student has registered to audit the course and has met the conditions established for audit enrollment in the course. No credit hours shall be awarded for this mark (see rules 3335-8-29 and 3335-8-33 of the Administrative Code).

(2) Before close of business of the fourth Friday of a semester or summer term; the second Friday of a seven-week session during a semester or a six- or eight-week session during summer term; or the first Friday of a four-week summer session, a student must have declared intention to take a course for audit or to change from a credit to an audit basis by filing the appropriate form with the dean or director of the student's enrollment unit. A student may not change to or from the audit option this same deadline.

(N) "S" - satisfactory, "U" - unsatisfactory

(1) The mark "S" may be used to record either satisfactory progress in or completion of work, provided that the course has been approved for this mark by the dean of the college offering the course, and in the case of courses carrying graduate credit, by the dean of the graduate school. It shall be used as an alternative to "U" or "I" in all individual studies courses whatever their number. "S" credit shall be counted as hours only, and shall not be considered in determining a student's point-hour ratio under rule 3335-8-26 of the Administrative Code.

(2) The mark "U" shall be used for unsatisfactory work in courses in which a student would be entitled to the mark of "S" if the student's work had been satisfactory. No credit shall be given for work marked "U." This mark shall not be considered in determining a student's point-hour ratio under rule 3335-8-26 of the Administrative Code.

(O) "W" - withdrew

(1) This mark is used for students withdrawing from one or more courses or from the university.

(2) See rule 3335-8-32 of the Administrative Code for procedures and provisions governing withdrawals.

Last updated April 8, 2021 at 1:56 PM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: RC 3335
Amplifies: RC 3335.08
Prior Effective Dates: 6/10/1983, 5/11/1984, 8/29/1987, 3/26/1998
Rule 3335-8-22 | Report of marks.

Upon completion of the course requirements, marks for every student shall be reported to the office of the university registrar in accord with published deadlines.

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 3335
Amplifies: 3335.08
Prior Effective Dates: 3/13/1978
Rule 3335-8-23 | Alteration of marks.

(A) A mark filed in the office of the university registrar is a part of the official records of the university. It is subject to change only when a procedural error has been discovered in evaluation or recording of a grade. Action to change a grade must be initiated before the end of the second succeeding semester or summer term. In no case will a grade be revised in accordance with criteria other than those applied to all students in the class. If the instructor agrees that an error in the mark was made, the mark will be changed upon written authorization of:

(1) The instructor of the course, and

(2) The instructional unit's dean, director, or college secretary.

If a student believes that a procedural error in grading was made, the student should meet with the instructor. If the instructor does not agree that a procedural error was made, the student may meet with the department chair to discuss the grade grievance. The chair shall respond to the student no later than thirty days after the student has requested a review by the chair. Upon receipt of the chair's response, if the issue is not resolved to the satisfaction of the student, the student may within two weeks request in writing by duplicate submission to the dean or director of the instruction unit and the department chair the procedures in paragraph (B) of this rule. Unresolved cases of grade grievance due to grading procedures are subject to paragraph (B) of this rule; unresolved cases of grade grievance due to other causes are not subject to paragraph (B) of this rule.

(B) Unresolved cases of grade grievance due to grading procedures shall be reviewed by a faculty departmental committee appointed by the department chair.

(1) In cases of instructors still affiliated with the university, the review committee shall consult both the student and the instructor and shall determine the validity of the grade grievance due to grading procedures. The review committee shall make its findings known in writing to both the student and the instructor within thirty days of the student's request to the chair.

If the committee finds that a procedural error has occurred and if the instructor declines to accept the findings of the review committee, the committee shall consider the reasons for not authorizing a grade change given by the instructor and may, upon consideration of these reasons, authorize in writing a grade change to be instituted by the department chair.

(2) In cases of instructors no longer affiliated with the university, the findings of the committee shall be reported to both the student and the instructor. If the instructor chooses not to respond, the judgment of the committee shall prevail. If the instructor responds and declines to accept the findings of the committee that a procedural error has occurred, the committee shall consider the reasons for not authorizing a change given by the instructor. In either case, the committee may, upon due consideration, authorize in writing a grade change (if such can be determined) to be instituted by the department chair.

If a department committee can find no academic basis upon which to recommend an appropriate grade for the course, the student shall be given the option of having the course stricken from the student's record and, if so desired, to retake that course without prejudice or penalty.

(C) If charges of grave academic misconduct against an instructor are made and substantiated under rule 3335-5-04 of the Administrative Code, the department chair shall be authorized to appoint a department grade grievance committee to consider grading errors that are alleged to be related to the misconduct. The committee shall consider all evidence and present, in writing, a report to the chair indicating any recommended grade changes. The department chair shall be authorized to institute grade changes in accordance with the recommendations of the committee.

If a department committee can find no academic basis upon which to recommend an appropriate grade for the course, the student shall be given the option of having the course stricken from the student's record and, if so desired, to retake that course without prejudice or penalty.

(D) The graduate school and graduate professional colleges may formulate appropriate modifications of this rule, subject to the approval of the council on academic affairs, and publish this rule in their bulletin or graduate handbook.

Last updated October 16, 2023 at 9:03 AM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 3335
Amplifies: 3335.08
Prior Effective Dates: 7/26/2004
Rule 3335-8-23.1 | Retention or disposal of materials submitted to meet course requirements.

(A) Materials submitted by a student to satisfy course requirements shall either be returned to the student or made available for the student's inspection, after they have been marked or otherwise evaluated, before the end of the semester, summer term, or session in which the work is performed or, in the case of final projects and final examinations, no later than the fourteenth day of instruction of the following semester, summer term, or session.

(B) Materials of this kind which have not been returned to the student shall be retained by the academic unit or the individual instructor until the last day on which a grade change may be initiated as provided for in paragraph (A) of rule 3335-8-23 of the Administrative Code. An exception to this rule may be made in the case of materials that are impracticable to store if the need for such exception is clearly communicated in writing and distributed to the students at the beginning of the course.

Last updated September 29, 2023 at 9:12 AM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 3335
Amplifies: 3335.08
Rule 3335-8-24 | Credit hours.

(A) All courses shall be assigned a number of credit hours in accordance with the procedure outlined in rules 3335-8-02 to 3335-8-04 of the Administrative Code. This may be any number from zero on up; however, in determining the credit hours assigned, the department, school, college and council on academic affairs should use as a guide the following suggested standards:

(1) One credit hour shall be assigned for each three hours per week of the average student's time, including class hours, required to earn the average grade of "C" in this course.

(2) One credit hour shall be assigned for each two consecutive hours of practical or experimental work per week in any department or school.

(3) One credit hour shall be assigned for each three hours of laboratory work per week, when no additional outside work is required. When outside work is required, then the standard in paragraph (A)(1) of this rule shall be applied.

(B) In determining the hours per week required by the course or work, the council on academic affairs may, in appropriate cases, consider the average weekly hours spent during a semester, summer term, or session on the course or work. It should be remembered that the above are guides only and may be deviated from for good cause.

(C) When comparing or combining semester credit hours with quarter credit hours, one semester credit hour shall be the equivalent of one and one-half quarter credit hours.

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 3335
Amplifies: 3335.08
Prior Effective Dates: 7/30/1984, 7/26/2004
Rule 3335-8-25 | Credit points.

(A) Credit points shall be assigned on the following basis:

For each credit hour of "A,"4.0 credit points shall be allowed

For each credit hour of "A-,"3.7 credit points shall be allowed

For each credit hour of "B+,"3.3 credit points shall be allowed

For each credit hour of "B,"3.0 credit points shall be allowed

For each credit hour of "B-,"2.7 credit points shall be allowed

For each credit hour of "C+,"2.3 credit points shall be allowed

For each credit hour of "C,"2.0 credit points shall be allowed

For each credit hour of "C-,"1.7 credit points shall be allowed

For each credit hour of "D+,"1.3 credit points shall be allowed

For each credit hour of "D,"1.0 credit points shall be allowed

For each credit hour of "E,"0.0 credit points shall be allowed

For each credit hour of "EN," 0.0 credit points shall be allowed

(B) All other marks (see rule 3335-8-21 of the Administrative Code) carry no credit points.

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 3335
Amplifies: 3335.08
Prior Effective Dates: 3/13/1978
Rule 3335-8-26 | Point-hour ratio.

(A) The point-hour ratio of a student shall be computed by dividing the sum of the applicable number of credit hours (as defined in paragraph (B) of this rule) in which the marks "A," "A-," "B+," "B," "B-," "C+," "C," "C-," "D+," "D," "E," or "EN" have been given into the sum of the credit points (see rule 3335-8-25 of the Administrative Code) assigned for such hours.

(B) When determining the point-hour ratio of a student:

(1) For a semester, summer term or session, the "applicable number of credit hours" shall be the student's scheduled credit hours in that semester, summer term, or session.

(2) For the student's work in the university, the "applicable number of credit hours" shall be the total number of credit hours undertaken in the university except as modified by paragraph (A)(2) or (B) of rule 3335-8-27.1 of the Administrative Code.

(3) For the student's work in the graduate school, the "applicable number of credit hours" shall be the total number of graduate credit hours undertaken while enrolled in the graduate school. For the student's work in a professional college or school or professional division of a college, the "applicable number of credit hours" shall be the total number of credit hours undertaken while enrolled in the professional college or school or professional division of a college.

(4) For the student's work in the major field of interest, the "applicable number of credit hours" shall be the total number of credit hours undertaken in courses approved for the major program.

(C) No college of medicine point-hour average shall be computed for a student enrolled in the college of medicine in a curriculum leading to the degree, doctor of medicine, when that student has received only the marks of "H," "S," or "U" in the college of medicine.

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 3335
Amplifies: 3335.08
Prior Effective Dates: 7/26/2004
Rule 3335-8-26.1 | Recalculation of cumulative point-hour ratio.

(A) An undergraduate student who re-enrolls in the university after an absence of five or more years may petition the dean or director of their enrollment unit to recalculate the cumulative point-hour ratio of their previous residency. If the petition is approved, all courses taken will remain on the permanent record. Those with marks of "A," "A-," "B+," "B," "B-," "C+," "C," "C-," "EM," "K," "PA," "PE," or "S" will be counted for credit only. No other marks will be counted for credit.

(B) If the petition is approved, the student resumes their academic program with no cumulative point-hour ratio, and thereafter is subject to the conditions of warning, probation, and dismissal that govern all students (see rules 3335-9-24 to 3335-9-28 of the Administrative Code).

(C) Under the provisions of this rule a student, before graduation, must be re-enrolled for a minimum of:

(1) Thirty credit hours and

(2) Two academic semesters or one semester and one summer term.

(D) Unless a student has completed sixty credit hours subsequent to the application of a fresh start, in accordance with rule 3335-9-33 of the Adminisatrative Code, all courses ever taken at the university will be used in the calculation of the cumulative point-hour ratio required for the purposes of graduation with honors.

(E) The graduate school and graduate professional colleges may formulate appropriate modifications of this rule, subject to approval by the council on academic affairs, and shall publish the rule in their bulletin or graduate handbook.

Last updated October 16, 2023 at 9:03 AM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 3335
Amplifies: 3335.08
Prior Effective Dates: 12/5/1981
Rule 3335-8-27 | Failure in a required course.

(A) An undergraduate or professional student who has not been dismissed from the university must repeat in a regularly scheduled class, at the first opportunity, a required course in which a mark of "E" or "EN" has been received, unless an equivalent course is recommended and approved by the authorized representative of the dean or director of the student's enrollment unit.

(B) A graduate student who has not been dismissed from the university must repeat in a regularly scheduled class a required course in which a mark of "E" or "EN" has been received only if this is required by the student's adviser.

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 3335
Amplifies: 3335.08
Rule 3335-8-27.1 | Grade forgiveness rule.

(A) This rule may be applied for a maximum of three courses.

(B) Grade forgiveness used for a course during exceptional circumstances as defined in paragraph (L) of rule 3335-8-21 of the Administrative Code will not count toward the three-course limit.

(C) The graduate school and graduate professional colleges may formulate appropriate modifications of paragraph (A) of this rule, subject to the approval of the council on academic affairs, and publish the rule in their bulletins.

Last updated April 8, 2021 at 1:58 PM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: RC 3335
Amplifies: RC 3335.08
Prior Effective Dates: 6/19/2015
Rule 3335-8-28 | Repetition of courses.

(A) Except as specified by rule 3335-8-27 of the Administrative Code, undergraduate students who have received a mark of "E," "EN," or "NP" in a course at this university may repeat the course for credit at their option.

(B) Undergraduate or professional students, as defined in rule 3335-9-01 of the Administrative Code, who have received a mark of "A," "A-," "B+," "B," "B-," "C+," "C," "C-," "D+," "D," "EM," "K," or "PA" in a course at this university may repeat the course for credit only upon the recommendation of the authorized representative of the dean or director of their enrollment unit.

(C) A graduate student, as defined in rule 3335-9-01 of the Administrative Code, may repeat for credit any course when approval is given by the student's adviser.

(D) A student who has audited a course may subsequently repeat the course for credit only upon receiving permission of the authorized representative of the dean or director of the student's enrollment unit.

(E) The credit hours for a repeated course shall in no case be counted more than once in meeting graduation requirements. When a student repeats a course, both grades appear on the student's record and both are used in computing the point-hour ratio, except as modified by rule 3335-8-27.1 of the Administrative Code.

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 3335
Amplifies: 3335.08
Prior Effective Dates: 3/26/1998, 7/30/2001
Rule 3335-8-29 | Admission to courses as an auditor.

An undergraduate or professional student may audit a course upon the approval of the professor in charge of the course and the dean of the college, or designee, in which the student is registered. (For repetition of courses, see rule 3335-8-28 of the Administrative Code.) A graduate student may audit a course upon the approval of the professor in charge of the course and the student's adviser.

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 3335
Amplifies: 3335.08
Prior Effective Dates: 6/10/1983
Rule 3335-8-30 | Academic standards for dean's list.

(A) Full-time dean's list.

(1) To be recognized with the "dean's list" status, an undergraduate must:

(a) Earn a minimum GPA of 3.5 while successfully completing twelve or more hours of graded coursework in a single term.

(b) Not earn any of the following marks during the term in which a 3.5 GPA is achieved: "E," "EN," "NP," "NEN," "U," "UEN," "I," "IX" or "NG."

(c) Not have any unresolved "I" or missing marks which, when resolved, might disqualify the student from meeting either paragraph (A)(1)(a) or (A)(1)(b) of this rule.

(2) For purposes of this rule, up to and including three (of the minimum twelve) credit hours may be from a course utilizing "S/U" grading, when an "S" mark is earned.

(3) For the purposes of this rule, credit hours in a course graded "PA/NP" may not be considered toward the twelve or more hours of graded coursework required for this recognition.

(4) The granting of grade forgiveness will not result in dean's list being added to a previous term.

(B) Part-time dean's list.

(1) To be recognized with the "part-time dean's list" status, an undergraduate must:

(a) Be enrolled less than full time in three terms, summer term through the following spring semester. The student must not be enrolled full time in any of the three terms.

(b) Earn a minimum overall GPA of 3.5 while successfully completing twelve or more collective hours of graded coursework during the three terms.

(c) Not earn any of the following marks during the three terms in which a 3.5 GPA is achieved: "E," "EN," "NP," "NEN," "U," "UEN," "I," "IX," or "NG."

(d) Not have any unresolved "I" or missing marks which, when resolved, might disqualify the student from meeting either paragraph (B)(1)(b) or (B)(1)(c) of this rule.

(2) For the purposes of this rule, up to and including three (of the minimum twelve) credit hours may be from a course utilizing "S/U" grading, when an "S" mark is earned.

(3) For the purposes of this rule, credit hours in a course graded "PA/NP" may not be considered toward the twelve or more hours of graded coursework required for this recognition.

(4) The granting of grade forgiveness will not result in dean's list being added to a previous term.

Last updated December 19, 2024 at 8:02 AM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 3335
Amplifies: 3335.08
Rule 3335-8-32 | Withdrawal from courses or from the university.

(A) Withdrawal from the university during a semester, summer term, or session, constitutes withdrawal from all courses in which a student is enrolled during that semester, summer term, or session. Upon official notification of the student's withdrawal from the university, the university registrar is authorized to enter the dated notation "withdrew" on the student's official permanent record.

(B) To withdraw from any or all courses, a student must file the appropriate form with the authorized representative of the dean or director of the student's enrollment unit.

(C) Until close of business of the fourth Friday of a semester or summer term; the second Friday of a seven-week session during a semester, or a six- or eight-week session during summer term; or the first Friday of a four-week summer session, a student may withdraw from any or all courses which began in the same semester, summer term, or session and no record for the course(s) will be entered on the student's official permanent record.

(D) After close of business of the fourth Friday of a semester or summer term; the second Friday of a seven-week session during a semester, or a six- or eight-week session during summer term; or the first Friday of a four-week summer session, if a student withdraws from any or all courses which began in the same semester, summer term, or session, the university registrar is authorized to enter the mark "W" on the student's official permanent record for the courses withdrawn.

(E) Until close of business on the following days, student may submit a form in their enrollment unit to drop a course or withdraw from the university:

(1) The tenth Friday, for courses taken during a full-term autumn, spring, or summer semester

(2) The sixth Friday, for courses taken during an eight-week summer session

(3) The fifth Friday, for courses taken during a seven-week session in an autumn or spring semester

(4) The fourth Friday, for courses taken during a six-week summer session

(5) The third Friday, for courses taken during a four-week summer session

After those dates, a student, who because of circumstances beyond their control finds it necessary to withdraw from any or all courses, must file the appropriate petition with the authorized representative of the dean or director of the enrollment unit. Reasons not acceptable include (but are not limited to) the student's performance in the course(s), lack of preparation for the course(s), or dissatisfaction with the subject matter offered in the course(s). If the petition is approved, a copy will be filed with the university registrar who is then authorized to enter the mark "W" on the student's official permanent record and the instructor(s) of the course(s) will be so notified. If the petition is not approved, the student continues to be enrolled in the course(s) and a final mark must be submitted by the instructor(s). Withdrawal from any and all courses shall not be permitted after the last day of regularly scheduled classes except when the student experiences a genuine emergency after the regularly scheduled classes end and prior to sitting for the final examination in a given course or courses.

(F) The deadlines listed in this rule shall be extended as spelled out in paragraph (L)(6) of rule 3335-8-21 of the Administrative Code in any semester in which exceptional circumstances have been declared.

Last updated April 8, 2021 at 1:58 PM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: RC 3335
Amplifies: RC 3335.08
Prior Effective Dates: 6/29/1981, 7/26/2004
Rule 3335-8-33 | Conditions and procedures for disenrollment from a course.

(A) The instructor (or in the case of a graduate teaching associate, the supervising faculty member), the chair of the instructor's department (with the agreement of the instructor), or other appropriate administrative official may disenroll a student from a course if:

(1) After the third instructional day of the semester, summer term, or session, the first Friday of the semester, summer term, or session, or the student's second scheduled class meeting of the course, whichever occurs first, the student fails to attend the scheduled course without giving prior notification to the instructor. Under this paragraph, no student may be disenrolled from a course until after the first course meeting following the student's registration. When the department elects to use this procedure, the instructor, the chair, or other appropriate administrative official shall notify the student's enrollment unit. The enrollment unit will notify the student and take appropriate action to remove the student from the course.

Since not all departments exercise the option to disenroll students in all courses, this rule does not relieve the student of the responsibility for dropping a course the student is not attending.

(2) The student enrolls to audit a course without the instructor's approval, or fails to meet the prerequisites of the course. Disenrollment procedures shall be the same as in paragraph (A)(1) of this rule.

(3) Before the fourth Friday of a semester, or summer term, the second Friday of a session during autumn or spring semesters, the second Friday of a six- or eight-week summer session, or the first Friday of a four-week summer session, and following completion of a placement examination, or another appropriate measure of preparation or ability, the student is judged to be registered in an inappropriate course. The department or school offering the course may then instruct the secretary of the college or school in which the student is enrolled to change the student's registration either to a more elementary or more advanced course.

(B) Disenrollment, under paragraph (A) of this rule, is effective upon action of the instructor, department chair, or other appropriate administrative official.

(C) Credit for all rescheduled courses resulting from action under paragraph (A)(3) of this rule shall count toward the fulfillment of graduation requirements unless the student has previously earned university or college credit in a course having substantially the same subject matter content or the substituted course is one which the department or school, with the approval of the council on academic affairs, has established for students with inadequate preparation for college level courses of that department or school.

(D) If a student who has enrolled to audit a course fails to complete the requirements for audit specified by the instructor and also fails to withdraw from the course, the instructor shall so inform the office of the university registrar when marks are reported for the semester, summer term, or session. That office will then disenroll the student from the course, removing the course from the student's permanent record, and will notify the student and the student's college of the action taken.

(E) After investigation, including consultation with the instructor and the student in question, and utilizing other university resources, as desirable, the chair (or other appropriate administrative official) may disenroll a student from a course if the student presents a clear and present threat of bodily harm or injury to the instructor or fellow students, or, after warning, continues to engage in disruptive conduct, either of which results in impairment of teaching or learning processes:

(1) If, after attempting to resolve the difficulty by informal means, the department chair (or other appropriate administrative official) deems disenrollment necessary, the affected student shall be notified in writing. The notice shall be delivered by hand or sent through ordinary mail to the student at the last address supplied pursuant to rule 3335-9-09 of the Administrative Code. Copies of the disenrollment action shall be sent to the dean of the instructional college, the dean of the student's college, the office of the university registrar, and the office of student affairs.

(2) The student may appeal to the executive vice president and provost or designee for waiver of disenrollment under paragraph (E) of this rule, provided the appeal is filed within ten days of the disenrollment action. The executive vice president and provost shall make final determination on the appeal within seven days.

(3) Disenrollment is effective upon the action of the department chair (or other appropriate administrative official), unless reversed by the executive vice president and provost or designee.

(F) For disenrollment, exclusive of audit, under paragraphs (A) and (E) of this rule, the university registrar shall enter on the student's official permanent record:

(1) No mark, if the disenrollment occurs before close of business of the fourth Friday of a semester or summer term, or the second Friday of a session during autumn or spring semester, or a six- or eight-week summer session; or the first Friday of a four-week course in summer session; or

(2) The mark, "W," if the disenrollment occurs after close of business of the fourth Friday of a semester or summer term; the second Friday of a session during autumn or spring semester, or a six- or eight-week summer session; or the first Friday of a four-week course in session.

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: RC 3335
Amplifies: RC 3335.08
Prior Effective Dates: 8/29/1987
Rule 3335-8-34 | Residence work.

(A) Except for cases meeting the conditions of paragraph (B) of this rule, residence credit will be given only for work taken in residence within the basic organization of the educational units of the university. (See rule 3335-1-05 of the Administrative Code.)

(B) By pre-arrangement with the head of the department or school concerned and with the approval in advance of the appropriate executive committee, an undergraduate student of good standing who has already secured satisfactory credits within a department or school may carry on work in absentia, and secure credit by examination for not to exceed a total of six hours. Credit so secured may be counted as a part of the work of the senior year.

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 3335
Amplifies: 3335.08
Rule 3335-8-35 | University year.

(A) The university year shall include an autumn and spring semester, each of approximately sixteen weeks, and a summer term of approximately thirteen weeks. Semesters, summer term, and sessions are inclusive of instructional days, scheduled reading and exam days, and intra-semester breaks. Autumn and spring semesters may be divided into two sessions of approximately seven weeks each. Summer term may be divided into three continous session of four weeks each, two continuous sessions of six weeks each, or two overlapping sessions of eight weeks each. The university year will begin in the autumn semester.

(B) The academic calendar, including the dates of the beginning and ending of each semester, term, session, finals schedule, and breaks shall be published by the university registrar.

Last updated October 16, 2023 at 9:04 AM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 3335
Amplifies: 3335.08
Rule 3335-8-36 | Vacations.

The dates for all university holidays in which university offices will be closed shall be determined by the council of deans and published in the university bulletins as a part of the official calendar.

Last updated October 16, 2023 at 9:04 AM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 3335
Amplifies: 3335.08
Prior Effective Dates: 7/26/2004
Rule 3335-8-37 | Convocations.

A commencement for the conferring of degrees and certificates shall be held after the autumn and spring semester and the summer term.

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 3335
Amplifies: 3335.08
Prior Effective Dates: 7/26/2004