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This website publishes administrative rules on their effective dates, as designated by the adopting state agencies, colleges, and universities.

Chapter 3335-107 | Dental Faculty Practice

Rule 3335-107-01 | Introduction.

The Ohio state university college of dentistry, recognizing that the intramural practice plan of dentistry by full-time members of the faculty of the college of dentistry who are licensed to practice dentistry in the state of Ohio will serve to enhance the teaching, research and patient care missions of the college, hereby grants to each member the privilege of conducting such intramural practice subject to the terms and conditions incorporated into this practice plan. All persons beginning service as full-time faculty members at the Ohio state university on July 1, 1982, and thereafter, shall be subject to this plan as a condition of their employment at the Ohio state university, and all persons who began service as a full-time faculty member prior to July 1, 1982, shall have the opportunity to join this practice plan and, upon joining the plan, compliance with the terms of this plan shall be a condition of their employment at the Ohio state university.

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 3335
Amplifies: 3335.07
Rule 3335-107-02 | Definitions.

For purposes of this chapter:

(A) "Full-time faculty member" shall mean a member of the faculty of the college who is appointed to the college on an appointment requiring one hundred per cent service to the university or a person who holds an appointment to the title of "emeritus faculty" as that term is defined by paragraph (D) of rule 3335-5-19 of the Administrative Code who, at the time of such appointment, was required to provide one hundred per cent service to the university. in order to qualify as a "full-time faculty member," an individual shall be currently licensed to practice dentistry in the state of Ohio.

(B) "Salary" shall mean the individual faculty member's base salary paid by the university.

(C) "Practice income" shall mean total receipts (after deductions for expenses and costs made in accordance with this chapter) from patient care fees generated by a full-time faculty member covered under this plan from the performance of patient care services.

(D) "College" shall mean the Ohio state university college of dentistry.

(E) "Dean" shall mean the dean of the Ohio state university college of dentistry.

(F) "University" shall mean the Ohio state university.

(G) "Dental faculty practice" shall mean the provision of dental services to private practice patients by faculty members employed by the dental practice group at Postle hall, the Ohio state university hospitals and clinics, the Arthur G. James cancer hospital and Richard J. Solove research institute, children's hospital or other sites authorized by the dental practice group.

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 3335
Amplifies: 3335.08
Rule 3335-107-03 | Operational procedures.

(A) Practice time.

Each full-time faculty member will be permitted to practice up to an average of one day per week within the dental faculty practice in accordance with the policies and procedures regarding outside professional services as adopted by the university. No practice by a full-time faculty member outside the dental faculty practice will be permitted. The dean of the college and the dental practice group will agree upon practice time and location.

(B) The college will supply clinical facilities at the location known as the "dental faculty practice," where the full-time faculty member is to conduct the member's intramural patient care practice. Such clinical facilities shall include designated practice space and fixed equipment, including a dental chair, and fixed handpieces associated therewith, laboratory equipment, and operating equipment. The college shall see that the personnel or mechanisms necessary to support the practitioner and to coordinate appointments and billings in accordance with this rule are provided to the full-time faculty member.

The dental practice group shall be responsible for furnishing and paying for specialized materials, instruments, and laboratory fees as determined by the dean.

(C) Appointments, billings and collections.

The college shall be responsible to see that a business office will be maintained as a part of this practice plan. This office shall be responsible to see that billing statements are issued, fees collected, and that appropriate records of all billings and payments are maintained for all full-time faculty participating in this plan. Individuals designated by the dean will keep records of appointments for the daily private practice of the full-time faculty members in the dental faculty practice.

These records are subject to review by the dean or the dean's representatives.

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 3335
Amplifies: 3335.08
Prior Effective Dates: 2/6/1983
Rule 3335-107-04 | Costs associated with production of fees.

The college shall maintain accurate records of the total costs (direct or indirect) incurred in university facilities to support patient care services. It is recognized that the university, the college, the doctor, and the dental practice group appropriately share these costs.

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 3335
Amplifies: 3335.08
Prior Effective Dates: 2/6/1983
Rule 3335-107-05 | Academic program considerations.

(A) Patient care.

Every patient treated within the dental faculty practice shall be assigned (or will select on the advice of a referring dentist or physician) a full-time faculty member as the patient's "personal dentist." The personal dentist will be responsible for the professional care of the patient. The personal dentist shall obtain the necessary consent from each of the personal dentist's patients, such that every patient treated within the dental faculty practice and such patient's records shall be available for student observation and training.

(B) Records.

All records pertaining to patient care, billing, appointments and collections within the dental faculty practice shall be made available for student observation and training, as long as confidentiality is maintained.

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 3335
Amplifies: 3335.08
Rule 3335-107-06 | Dental practice group.

A dental practice group has been established with the approval of the dean. The dental practice group may include one hundred per cent of the full-time faculty members. As a condition of faculty employment, all full-time faculty members who desire to conduct an intramural practice will be required to become and remain employees of the dental practice group. Full-time faculty members, who were employees of the dental practice group existing on January 5, 1998, will remain so or become and remain an employee of any practice group deemed to be a successor of the existing dental practice group. The dean shall make the determination of a successor practice group.

The dental practice group shall contract with the college to render dental services in the dental faculty practice pursuant to this plan and to administer the patient care practice of the full-time faculty members conducted pursuant to the terms of this plan. The revenues collected for the delivery of dental services by the dental practice group pursuant to this plan shall be distributed as follows:

(A) An amount determined under the faculty member's contract with the dental practice group shall be payable to such individual faculty member as compensation, subject to no further university limitations.

(B) A percentage of such revenues, as agreed upon by the authorized fiscal representative of the university and the dean, shall be set aside to compensate the university for the costs (direct and indirect) associated with the dental facilities provided at the university. This percentage amount shall be no less than ten per cent of such revenues.

(C) The remaining revenues, after deducting the amounts paid pursuant to paragraphs (A) and (B) of this rule, shall be retained by the dental practice group to be used as determined by the dental practice group.

Full-time faculty members who have contracted with the dental practice group to render such services shall render all dentistry services at the dental faculty practice pursuant to this plan. The dean shall be entitled to review the dental practice group's decision-making process and governance documents in order to ensure academic quality and productivity within the college.

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 3335
Amplifies: 3335.08
Rule 3335-107-07 | Amendment.

The board of trustees of the university can amend this plan.

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 3335
Amplifies: 3335.08