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This website publishes administrative rules on their effective dates, as designated by the adopting state agencies, colleges, and universities.

Chapter 3301-83 | Pupil Transportation

Rule 3301-83-01 | Calculation of pupil transportation operation payments.

(A) Formula for calculation of regular education payment amounts.

(1) Type I (board-owned and operated school buses):

(a) Funding shall be computed and distributed as specified in section 3317.0212 of the Revised Code.

(b) Qualifying ridership shall be defined as the average daily number of qualifying riders who are provided school bus service pursuant to division (A) of section 3317.0212 of the Revised Code.

(2) Type II (contractor-owned and operated school buses):

(a) Funding shall be computed and distributed as specified in section 3317.0212 of the Revised Code.

(b) Qualifying ridership shall be defined as the average daily number of qualifying riders who are provided school bus service pursuant to division (A) of section 3317.0212 of the Revised Code.

(3) Other types of transportation service: In accordance with division (F) of section 3317.0212 of the Revised Code, payment shall be made to each district for transportation service provided for students on other than board-owned or contractor-operated buses. This payment shall apply only to eligible students that use transportation services, as reported on the T-1 and T-2 reports submitted to the Ohio department of education.

(a) Type III (public utility) - An amount per pupil equal to thirty-five per cent of the state average cost as calculated in division (C) of section 3317.0212 of the Revised Code.

(b) Type V (board-owned vehicles other than school buses) - An amount per pupil equal to fifty per cent of the state average cost as calculated in division (C) of section 3317.0212 of the Revised Code.

(c) Type VI (privately-owned vehicles other than school buses) - An amount per pupil equal to fifty per cent of the state average cost as calculated in division (C) of section 3317.0212 of the Revised Code.

(B) Reimbursement for special education transportation.

(1) Reimbursement for special transportation may be approved by the department for children with disabilities attending a special education program approved by the department's office for exceptional children and/or attending a regular class in a public school, and who have transportation appropriately identified as a related service on their individual education plans.

(2) For eligible children with disabilities, the department shall calculate reimbursement as follows:

(a) Base amount equals the actual cost of special transportation up to six dollars per instructional day per child and one-half the actual cost in excess of six dollars per day.

(b) Base shall be adjusted according to the school district's state share index, or the minimum state share index established in section 3317.0212 of the Revised Code, whichever is larger based upon current language in the respective biennium budget that addresses such percentages.

(c) Formula amount for each district shall be limited by the actual reported cost of special education transportation, and shall also be limited to no more than two-hundred per cent of the statewide average cost of transportation per child.

(d) Final amount as determined in paragraph (B)(2)(c) of this rule shall be prorated as necessary to remain within the budgeted allocation for special education transportation.

(3) All vehicles used must be authorized vehicles as defined in rule 3301-83-19 of the Administrative Code. A privately owned vehicle utilized to transport a pupil of the family is not subject to regulation other than that required by state law.

(4) Eligible children with disabilities who ride on regular school buses on regular routes are not eligible for special education transportation reimbursement. They are to be counted and reported on the department's T-1 and T-2 forms as regular education riders; except that if fifty per cent or more of the passengers on a route are children with disabilities, the cost can be prorated and reported to the department for reimbursement.

(5) Reimbursement claims for transportation of children with disabilities shall be reported on the appropriate form as required by the department.

(C) Reporting and annual adjustments

(1) Each school district shall file annual reports of all pupils transported, miles traveled, actual costs, and other necessary information for the purposes of calculation and adjustments in amount due. Pupils transported and miles traveled shall be reported by vehicle as the average daily number of eligible pupils actually transported and miles traveled during the first full week of October that school is in session. Actual cost shall be reported by vehicle on or before the last day of August following the close of the fiscal year.

(2) All adjustments by transportation service type shall be made within the first quarter following the close of the fiscal year.

(D) Vehicles approved for use and operational payment

(1) Board-owned and operated school buses - A vehicle operated by a qualified driver meeting the definition of a school bus successfully passing the annual state highway patrol safety inspection assigned a school bus identification number and painted national school bus chrome with proper black lettering. Vehicle met or exceeded Ohio school bus minimum standards at the time of construction.

(2) Contractor-owned school buses - A vehicle meeting all the requirements of a board-owned school bus and requirement of licensing by the Ohio department of highway safety and bonding as required by law.

(3) Public transit vehicles - Vehicles owned and operated by regional transit authorities, community transit authorities, or privately owned, or taxis, under contract with a board of education and operated on routes designed for the purpose of transporting fare-paying passengers and eligible students simultaneously.

(4) Board-owned vehicles other than school buses - A vehicle, nine-passenger or less, not including driver, with no school bus identification other than school district name.

(5) Privately owned vehicles other than school buses used in compliance with rule 3301-83-19 of the Administrative Code.

(6) Privately owned vehicles may include ambulances and/or taxicabs for the purpose of transporting eligible children with disabilities.

(E) Operational regulations

(1) To receive funding for a pupil being transported, the pupil must meet the following criteria:

(a) Is one whose place of residence is one mile or more from the school of assignment for public school pupils and school of attendance in case of nonpublic and community school pupils when measured in the following manner: "Measurement of distance originates at a point on the traveled portion of the roadway nearest the primary entrance to the place of residence and then along the most direct route traversable excluding interstate routes by motor vehicle to the school bus loading area nearest and opposite the entrance door used by pupils transported"; and

(b) Is transported from an approved pick-up point near the residence, to a school of assignment in the case of public school pupils, and to the school of attendance in the case of nonpublic school pupils and who is returned from the school of assignment or attendance to the designated pick-up point; and

(c) Is enrolled in grades kindergarten through twelve and regularly transported to and from a public school; or

(d) Is enrolled in grades kindergarten through twelve and regularly transported to and from a nonpublic school chartered by the state board of education and eligible for transportation service; or

(e) Is enrolled in grades kindergarten through twelve and regularly transported to and from a community school that assumed responsibility for arranging or providing pupil transportation in accordance with section 3314.091 of the Revised Code.


Miles traveled to transport eligible pupils participating in an open enrollment program may be reported for payment purposes by the resident district from home to the designated border pick-up point and by the educating school district from the border pick-up point to the building of attendance in the educating district. If the educating district or the resident district provides all the open enrollment transportation for a student, the miles may be reported by the district providing the service.

(3) Miles traveled from bus storage location or school building to first student pick-up, all route miles, and return to storage both a.m. and p.m., including kindergarten miles, are approved for payment purposes.

(4) Miles traveled to and from storage locations outside the county or counties of the school district location are not approved miles for payment purposes. Miles traveled from county line to first pick-up and return to county line are approved miles.

(5) Total annual miles for payment purposes shall be calculated by multiplying total daily miles by one hundred eighty days.

(6) Recalculation of pupil transportation operation payment amount due may be approved when:

(a) Local board policy or routing is revised to provide transportation service for additional pupils or increased miles on or before the first of February, and providing such change in policy is to continue in effect for the remainder of the school year; or

(b) A nonpublic school is chartered for operation subsequent to the initial reporting period; or

(c) School district erroneously reports or the department errs in actual calculation of amount due.

(7) School districts contracting with transit authorities for the purpose of transporting eligible pupils to and from school shall require the transit authority director to file with the board of education actual operational costs in excess of, or less than, reimbursement as provided for by paragraph (A)(3) of this rule. Such report shall be filed with the board of education at the close of each fiscal year. Each board of education shall file with the department all transit authority and local board costs on or before the twentieth day of July of each year.

Last updated February 20, 2025 at 11:21 AM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 4511.76, 3301.07
Amplifies: 4511.76
Five Year Review Date: 4/20/2025
Prior Effective Dates: 3/22/1982, 5/1/1992, 10/1/2004, 2/25/2007
Rule 3301-83-04 | Scope and definition.

The rules in this chapter are designed to establish minimum requirements for a safe pupil transportation program, including management, general operation, maintenance of school buses and other transportation vehicles, training of personnel, pupil management, driver qualifications and emergency procedures.

The rules in this chapter shall apply to all student transportation operations pursuant to section 4511.76 of the Revised Code.

As contained in this chapter, "school bus owner" means the board of education of a city, local or exempted village school district, the governing board of an educational service center, county boards of developmental disabilities, and the governing authority of all non-public schools, community schools, private contractors and head start programs.

The rules in this chapter shall not apply to parental transportation that is provided outside the authority of a school or education program, or by any parent for their own children.

Last updated February 20, 2025 at 11:21 AM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 3301.07, 4511.76
Amplifies: 3301.07, 3327.08, .3327.09, and 3327.10; 4511.76
Five Year Review Date: 4/20/2025
Prior Effective Dates: 7/1/1991, 5/23/2008
Rule 3301-83-05 | Administration.

Responsibility for administration of pupil transportation operation and safety rules

(A) The state agencies responsible for pupil transportation may assist in pupil transportation operation and safety by providing:

(1) Leadership;

(2) Management;

(3) Safety programs;

(4) Training programs.

(B) The state agencies responsible for pupil transportation shall assist in pupil transportation operation and safety by providing:

(1) Disbursement of state funding;

(2) Standards for school bus construction;

(3) Rules for pupil transportation operations;

(4) Forms and reports.

(C) All school bus owners may designate a transportation director/supervisor to administer the transportation program and be responsible for the management and supervision of:

(1) Personnel;

(2) Safety;

(3) Training;

(4) Operations;

(5) Maintenance.

(D) The Ohio department of education shall assist city, exempted, village and local school districts by performing official timings to determine whether pupils attending non-public or community schools are eligible for transportation in accordance with section 3327.01 of the Revised Code. In performing the timings, the department shall use the procedures set forth in its "Transportation Services for Chartered Nonpublic and Community School Students Handbook," located on the department's website, including but not limited to:

(1) Eligibility shall be determined by measuring the most direct route, which may include the interstate, by school bus from the public-school building to which the pupils would be assigned if attending the public school designated by the district of residence to the school bus loading area nearest and opposite the entrance door used by pupils transported at the attending non-public or community school;

(2) Timings shall be conducted in a school bus, when both schools are in session, during the regular attendance times that the bus would travel to the school, and the bus should arrive at the building entrance or drop off location at the attending school at a reasonable time, based on the attending school's bell schedule; and

(3) Timings conducted by a department representative are final. A second timing will not be conducted unless it can be demonstrated that the conditions pertaining to the original timing have substantially changed and the department approves it. The department's determination regarding a second timing is final.

Last updated February 20, 2025 at 11:21 AM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 3301.07, 4511.76
Amplifies: 4511.76
Five Year Review Date: 2/20/2025
Rule 3301-83-06 | Personnel qualifications.

(A) The transportation director/supervisor

Qualifications shall include:

(1) A satisfactory driving record as verified through checks made by the employing agency.

(2) A satisfactory work history as verified through professional references.

(3) A satisfactory criminal background report in accordance with divisions (J) and (K) of section 3327.10 of the Revised Code.

(4) Post-high school education or work experience in education, business administration, management or transportation as determined by the school bus owner.

(5) Completion of annual participation in a minimum of four hours of inservice training related to school transportation, in school transportation-related training.

(6) Completion of the classroom portion of the Ohio preservice driver training program at least once every six years pursuant to paragraph (A)(2) of rule 3301-83-10 of the Administrative Code.

Newly assigned administrators shall complete the classroom portion of the Ohio preservice driver training program within one year of their appointment to the position.

(B) The school bus driver

The school bus driver shall have an understanding of the role of pupil transportation in the educational program and meet all the physical, mental and moral requirements established by federal rule, state laws and this chapter of the Administrative Code.

Qualifications shall include:

(1) Be at least twenty-one years of age with a minimum of two years driving experience.

(2) Being physically qualified pursuant to the requirements listed in rule 3301-83-07 of the Administrative Code.

(3) Completion of semi-annual driver record checks through the Ohio department of education for which records shall be maintained by the employer and/or school district for a minimum of six years. School bus drivers with any of the following shall be disqualified from operating a school bus:

(a) More than six points during the past two years;

(b) A conviction of driving while under the influence of alcohol and/or a controlled substance during the past ten years;

(c) Two (or more) serious traffic violations, as defined in division (II) of section 4506.01 of the Revised Code, during the past two years; or

(d) Any railroad crossing violation during the past year as evidenced by a conviction, video, or a report by a railroad official.

(e) Nothing in paragraph (B) of this rule shall limit any district or employer from adopting more stringent qualifications.

(4) Being licensed as a school bus operator.

(5) Holding school bus driver certification by a city or exempted village superintendent, a community school superintendent, a county educational service center, county board of developmental disabilities, head start program administrator, non-public administrator, or contractor.

(6) Completion of pre-service and inservice training as prescribed in rule 3301-83-10 of the Administrative Code.

(7) Physical capability of safely and appropriately lifting and managing preschool and special needs children when necessary.

(8) Ability to cope with stressful situations.

(9) Possessing or upgrading skills through formal and/or in-service training.

(10) A satisfactory criminal background report in accordance with divisions (J) and (K) of section 3327.10 of the Revised Code. A new report shall be required every six years with driver re-certification pursuant to rule 3301-83-10 of the Administrative Code. Records shall be maintained by the employer and/or school district for a minimum of six years.

(11) A negative pre-employment drug test.

(12) Participation in drug and alcohol testing as mandated by the federal motor carrier safety administration (FMCSA) pursuant to 49 C.F.R. 382. Individuals who refuse to participate in testing are disqualified from operating a school bus.

(C) Maintenance personnel

Personnel employed for vehicle maintenance duties shall be qualified to perform quality preventive and regular maintenance programs and shall understand the relationship of vehicle maintenance to a safe pupil transportation program.

Qualifications as determined by the employer shall include:

(1) Work history;

(2) Education and professional development;

(3) Testing;

(4) On-the-job performance evaluations.

(5) Individuals who may be required to operate a school bus with pupils on board shall meet all requirements for a school bus driver as listed in paragraph (B) of this rule.

(D) Bus aides

Qualifications shall include:

(1) Physical capability of safely and appropriately lifting and managing preschool and special needs children when necessary.

(2) Ability to cope with stressful situations as related to preschool and special needs children.

(3) Possessing or upgrading skills through formal and/or inservice training related to transportation of preschool and special needs children.

(4) A satisfactory criminal background report in accordance with divisions (J) and (K) of section 3327.10 of the Revised Code. A new report shall be required every six years and the standard for evaluation of this report shall be as provided for in rule 3301-20-01 of the Administrative Code. Records shall be maintained by the employer and/or school district for a minimum of six years.

(E) On-the-bus instructors

Qualifications shall include:

(1) Meeting the requirements of rule 3301-83-10 of the Administrative Code inclusive, relating to on-the-bus instructor training.

(2) Meeting all the requirements of school bus driver as listed in paragraph (B) of this rule.

(3) Skills necessary to plan and organize instruction.

(4) Ability to communicate effectively.

(5) Capability of coordinating instruction for pre-school and special needs transportation.

(6) Be currently employed in a role that includes school bus driving duties and be listed as an active driver by the department.

(7) Shall pass a driving and pre-trip skills evaluation at least once every six years with a state pre-service instructor.

(8) Shall be sponsored by a school transportation provider or preservice instructor.

(F) Drivers of vehicles other than school buses utilized for pupil transportation.

Qualifications shall include:

(1) Be at least twenty-one years of age with a minimum of two years driving experience.

(2) Shall complete semi-annual driver record checks through the department for which records shall be maintained by the employer and/or school district for a minimum of six years. Drivers with any of the following shall be disqualified from operating a vehicle:

(a) More than six points during the past two years;

(b) A conviction of driving while under the influence of alcohol and/or a controlled substance during the past ten years;

(c) Two (or more) serious traffic violations, as defined in division (II) of section 4506.01 of the Revised Code, during the past two years; or

(d) Any railroad crossing violation during the past year as evidenced by a conviction, video, or a report by a railroad official.

(e) Nothing in this rule shall limit any district or employer from adopting more stringent qualifications.

(3) Holding a valid driver's license.

(4) Proof of financial responsibility or insured by the school transportation provider.

(5) A satisfactory criminal background report in accordance with divisions (J) and (K) of section 3327.10 of the Revised Code. A new report shall be required every six years with driver re-certification pursuant to rule 3301-83-10 of the Administrative Code and the standard for evaluation of this report shall be as provided for in rule 3301-83-23 of the Administrative Code. Records shall be maintained by the employer and/or school district for a minimum of six years.

(6) Must be physically qualified as determined by rule 3301-83-07 of the Administrative Code, except that paragraph (D)(13) of rule 3301-83-07 of the Administrative Code shall not apply to drivers employed by the Ohio school for the deaf and Ohio state school for the blind, who must meet all other requirements outlined in rule 3301-83-07 of the Administrative Code and shall only transport students enrolled at the Ohio school for the deaf and Ohio state school for the blind, interpreters, and authorized passengers as provided within rule 3301-83-17 of the Administrative Code, after pre-trip procedures are conducted for each trip, including confirming communication capability to ensure the driver has the ability to communicate with passengers. The deaf driver's ability to communicate may be satisfied by transporting groups of students and employees that can communicate using both speech and sign language or a group that includes a sighted individual that can communicate using speech and sign language.

(7) Shall complete preservice training requirements as follows:

(a) Shall complete a four- hour minimum Ohio preservice driver curriculum or other course only as approved in advance by the pupil transportation office of the department.

(b) Shall complete a driving performance evaluation and review by a certified on-the-bus-instructor, or by a superintendent's designee.

(c) Submit evidence of training to the department.

(d) Have a certificate of acknowledgement of van driver training as issued by the department.

(e) A current school bus driver certificate shall be considered satisfactory in fulfilling these requirements.

(8) Shall complete a two- hour minimum of annual inservice training as approved by the school district transportation department. Failure to complete the annual inservice training may result in the revocation of an individual's certificate.

(9) Holding an annual driver certification issued by the owner of the vehicle.

Last updated February 20, 2025 at 11:21 AM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 3301.07, 4511.76
Amplifies: 3327.10, 4511.76
Five Year Review Date: 3/26/2025
Prior Effective Dates: 8/1/2007
Rule 3301-83-07 | School transportation driver physical qualifications rule.

(A) A person who meets the physical qualifications set forth in this rule as certified by a proper medical authority may be authorized to operate a school bus, as defined by division (F) of section 4511.01 of the Revised Code or a vehicle other than a school bus as defined in paragraph (C) of rule 3301-83-19 of the Administrative Code, for the purpose of transporting pupils.

(B) Annually, one or more of the following licensed individuals shall be appointed by all school bus owners to conduct the medical examinations in compliance with this rule:

(1) A person licensed under Chapter 4731. of the Revised Code or by another state to practice medicine and surgery, osteopathic medicine and surgery, or chiropractic;

(2) Physician assistant;

(3) Certified nurse practitioner;

(4) Clinical nurse specialist;

(5) Certified nurse-midwife; or

(6) A medical examiner who is listed on the national registry of certified medical examiners established by the federal motor carrier safety administration in accordance with 49.C.F.R. part 390.

(C) Physical examination time schedule

(1) School bus driver medical examinations shall be scheduled after the first day of May and the completed medical examination shall be valid for the upcoming school year. A completed T-8 form must be on file in accordance with procedures established by the department and must be accomplished before drivers will be qualified to operate a school bus or other pupil transportation vehicle described in rule 3301-83-19 of the Administrative Code with passengers on board for the next school year. The medical examination is valid so long as it has been completed by one of the licensed persons identified in paragraph (B) of this rule.

(2) Persons employed as new drivers before January first must meet the physical qualifications as defined in paragraph (E) of this rule prior to operating a school bus or other pupil transportation vehicle described in rule 3301-83-19 of the Administrative Code with passengers on board and be re-examined if re-employed as a school bus driver for the next school year.

(3) Persons employed as new drivers on or after January first must be examined prior to operating a school bus or other pupil transportation vehicle described in rule 3301-83-19 of the Administrative Code with passengers on board and the examination will remain valid throughout the following school year. Re-examination will be required if the driver is to be employed as a school bus driver for the second complete school year.

(D) A person may be certified by the appointed examiner as physically qualified to operate a school bus if the person:

(1) Has no loss of a foot, a leg, a hand, fingers, or an arm. Upon request to the department, a driver applicant missing a foot, leg, fingers, hand, or arm, may request a performance evaluation to be conducted by the Ohio pre-service program instructor(s) to determine the person's ability to control and safely operate a school bus and satisfactorily perform other related duties. Individuals who are granted a missing limb waiver shall be re-evaluated prior to applying for renewal of a T-9 certificate;

(2) Has no impairment of the use of a foot, a leg, a hand, fingers, or an arm, and no other structural defect or limitation which is likely to interfere with a person's ability to control and safely operate a school bus. Upon request made to the department, a driver applicant missing a foot, leg, fingers, hand, or arm, may request a performance evaluation to be conducted by the Ohio pre-service program instructor(s) to determine the applicant's ability to control and safely operate a school bus and satisfactorily perform other related duties. Individuals who are granted a missing limb waiver shall be re-evaluated prior to applying for renewal of a T-9 certificate;

(3) Has no established medical history or clinical diagnosis of diabetes mellitus currently requiring insulin for control. Drivers who are insulin dependent shall be failed on this item, and shall be required to obtain a waiver from the department pursuant to paragraph (F) of this rule;

(4) Annual urinalysis screening for glucose is required. If glucosuria is detected, a statement regarding the potential condition of diabetes mellitus and any required treatment is to be attached;

(5) Has no current clinical diagnosis of myocardial infarction, angina pectoris, coronary insufficiency, thrombosis, or any other cardiovascular disease of a variety known to be accompanied by syncope, dyspnea, collapse, or congestive cardiac failure. A person with a history of cardiovascular surgery or abnormality shall be given a more stringent examination (example: stress testing, holter monitoring, angiography or other examinations) to determine whether or not the surgery or abnormality is likely to impair a person's ability to control, inspect, and safely operate a school bus. If it is determined that the surgery or abnormality is not likely to impair the ability, the examining physician will provide certification to that effect with the examination report;

(6) Has no history of transient ischemic attack (TIA), carotid insufficiency, cerebral vascular accidents (stroke) or other vascular abnormalities which are unstable or uncontrolled and/or likely to interfere with a person's ability to control and safely operate a school bus;

(7) Has no established medical history or clinical diagnosis of respiratory dysfunction likely to interfere with a person's ability to control and safely operate a school bus;

(8) Has blood pressure not higher than 160/90 mmHg. If the blood pressure is greater than 160/90 mmHg, a medical certificate must be attached referencing the hypertension. Said medical certificate must establish the nature of the treatment, that the blood pressure is now controlled at or below 160/90 mmHg, with treatment documented, and that the hypertension and treatment are not likely to interfere with a person's ability to control and safely operate a school bus. If initial blood pressure systolic is 161-180 and/or diastolic is 91-104, a non-renewable temporary certificate may be issued for up to ninety days pending control of blood pressure at or below 160/90 mmHg. In all cases where blood pressure is initially greater than 160/90 mmHg, a six month follow-up certificate must be furnished by the driver's treating physician stating the blood pressure remains at or below 160/90 mmHg and under good control;

(9) Has no established medical history or clinical diagnosis of rheumatic, arthritic, orthopedic, muscular, or neuromuscular disease which is likely to interfere with a person's ability to control and safely operate a school bus;

(10) Has no established medical history or clinical diagnosis of epilepsy or any other seizure disorder and has no other condition which is likely to cause loss of consciousness or any loss of a person's ability to control and safely operate a school bus;

(11) Has no mental, emotional, nervous, organic, or functional disease or psychiatric disorder which is likely to interfere with a person's ability to control and safely operate a school bus;

(12) Has distant visual acuity of at least 20/40 (Snellen) in each eye without corrective lenses or visual acuity separately corrected to 20/40 (Snellen) or better with corrective lenses, distant binocular acuity of at least 20/40 (Snellen) in both eyes with or without corrective lenses, field of vision of at least seventy degrees in the horizontal meridian in each eye, and the ability to recognize the colors of traffic signals and devices showing standard red, green, and amber. Persons may use corrective lenses to attain these standards;

(13) Screening audiometer test does not indicate an average hearing loss in the better ear greater than forty decibels at five hundred Hz, one thousand Hz, and two thousand Hz with or without a hearing aid when the audiometric device is calibrated to "American National Standard" (formerly ASA standard) Z24.5. (Hearing in at least one ear must meet the preceding criteria);

(14) Has no current clinical evidence or clinical record of use of illegal substances and has no current clinical evidence or clinical record of use of legally prescribed medication which is likely to interfere with a person's ability to control and safely operate a school bus;

(15) Has no recent history of alcohol abuse and has no current clinical diagnosis of alcoholism;

(16) Has no neurologic deficit that would impair a person's ability to control and safely operate a school bus;

(17) Does not show clinical evidence of active pulmonary tuberculosis or other communicable diseases; and

(18) Has speech and other communication capabilities to give clear and understandable directions or commands.

(E) Administration

(1) School bus drivers who have experienced a prolonged period of absence due to illness or injury or who have a significant change in their state of health may be required by the school bus owner to be re-examined in accordance with this rule.

(2) Currently employed school bus drivers disqualified by the appointed examining physician shall be notified by the school bus owner within fifteen days following receipt of the examination report. Currently employed school bus drivers desiring to appeal a disqualification shall file the appeal in writing within fifteen days with the school bus owner.

(3) Upon receipt of an appeal, the school bus owner shall arrange for a medical re-examination. The re-examination may be conducted by a public health board or private physician. The re-examining physician shall not be the physician administering the original examination.

(4) All re-examinations shall be based on the school bus driver physical qualifications rule and shall be final.

(5) Physical qualification examination reports shall contain a release authorization to be signed by the examinee for purposes of evaluation by constituted authorities.

(6) Costs for examinations required to the extent of compliance with this rule shall be the responsibility of the school bus owner.

(7) Physical examination reports for persons certified by the examining physicians as meeting this rule shall be retained for a period of six years by the school bus owner. The employing school bus owner shall file the appropriate copy of the examination report with the department within thirty days following the examination.

(F) Insulin dependent waivers

The department may grant waivers to insulin using individuals under the following conditions:

(1) The individual has not had a previously issued insulin waiver revoked or lapsed;

(2) The individual completes an insulin dependent waiver packet and submits the packet to the department's pupil transportation office;

(3) The individual has passed all other requirements of the Ohio school transportation vehicle physical;

(4) The individual possesses a currently valid operator's driver license and has had a driving record for a three-year period immediately preceding the date of application that:

(a) Contains no suspensions or revocations of their licenses for the operation of any motor vehicle, including their personal vehicle, except for suspensions or revocations due to nonpayment of fines;

(b) Contains no involvement in a reportable accident in any vehicle with an associated citation for a moving traffic violation; and

(c) Contains no involvement in more than one serious traffic violation in any vehicle as defined in division (II) of section 4506.01 of the Revised Code.

(5) Medical requirements for application

(a) The individual has provided a licensed endocrinologist with a complete medical history including, but not limited to, the date insulin use began, all hospitalization reports, consultation notes for diagnostic examinations, special studies pertaining to the diabetes, all follow-up reports, and reports of any hypoglycemic insulin reactions within the last three years;

(b) The individual has been examined by a licensed endocrinologist and a complete medical evaluation concerning their medical history and current status has been made, including, at a minimum, the following:

(i) Fasting blood studies (glucose, glycostylated hemoglobin/HB A1c, including lab reference range) and urinalysis performed during the last six months; and

(ii) A detailed report of insulin dosages and types, diet utilized for control, and any significant factors such as smoking, alcohol use, and other medications or drugs taken.

(c) The individual submits a signed statement prepared by the examining endocrinologist whose license status is indicated. The signed statement shall include separate declarations indicating the following medical determinations:

(i) That the endocrinologist is familiar with the applicant's medical history for the past three years either through actual treatment over that time or through consultation with a physician who has treated the applicant during that time;

(ii) That the applicant has been using insulin to control his/her diabetes on the date of the application;

(iii) That the applicant does not have severe hypoglycemia or episodes of altered consciousness requiring the assistance of another person to regain control;

(iv) The applicant does not have hypoglycemia unawareness or the inability to recognize the early symptoms of hypoglycemia such as sweating, anxiety, forceful heartbeat, and light-headedness;

(v) That, within the past three years, the applicant has not had a hypoglycemic reaction at any time that resulted in any change in mental status that would have been, in the endocrinologist's opinion, detrimental to safe driving;

(vi) That the applicant's diabetic condition will not adversely affect his/her ability to operate a school bus or a school van;

(vii) That the applicant has been educated in diabetes and its management, thoroughly informed of and understands the procedures that must be followed to monitor and manage his/her diabetes, and what procedures should be followed if complications arise; and

(viii) That the applicant has the ability and has demonstrated willingness to properly monitor and manage his/her diabetes.

(d) The individual submits a separate statement from an examining ophthalmologist that the applicant has been examined and that the applicant does not have unstable proliferative diabetic retinopathy or unstable advancing disease of blood vessels in the retina and has stable visual acuity of at least 20/40 (Snellen) in each eye separately, with or without corrective lenses.

(6) Requirements of driver to maintain a valid waiver.

Special conditions that shall be met for any waiver issued to an insulin-using diabetic driver to remain valid. Each driver shall comply with the following requirements:

(a) Carry, use, and record, in a log, the readings from a portable self-monitoring blood glucose device (SMBG) that is equipped with a computerized memory. Blood glucose monitoring shall be performed one hour prior to and approximately every four hours while on duty. Paper tapes generated by SMBG's having a printing capability may be used in lieu of a log prepared by the waived driver. Log records of blood glucose values shall be made available to any authorized enforcement official upon request;

(b) Carry, upon their person, and use, as necessary, a source of rapidly absorbable glucose;

(c) Carry insulin and the equipment/materials necessary for administering the medication;

(d) Report, in writing, any citation for a moving violation involving the operation of any vehicle, including personal vehicles, to the employer and the department no later than fifteen days following the issuance of such citation. A photostatic copy of the citation issued shall accompany the written report;

(e) Report, in writing, the judicial or administrative disposition of any citation for a moving violation involving the operation of any vehicle, including personal vehicles, to the employer and the department no later than fifteen days following the notice of disposition;

(f) Report, in writing, any involvement in an accident whatsoever, regardless of whether the driver was cited, while operating any vehicle, including personal vehicles, to the employer and the department no later than fifteen days following the accident, and include in that report, any state, insurance company, and/or motor carrier accident reports;

(g) Report, in writing, any change of residence, address, or telephone number to the department no later than fifteen days after such change;

(h) Report, in writing, any change of employer, including name, address, and telephone number, or type of vehicle operated to the department no later than fifteen days after such change;

(i) Submit any medical information derived from medical assistance or treatment arising from any accident involvement to the department no later than fifteen days following the accident. A copy of the attending medical specialist and laboratory reports shall also meet the reporting requirement;

(j) Submit log records of blood glucose values for a twenty-four hour period immediately prior to any accident involvement to the department no later than fifteen days following the accident;

(k) Submit a signed statement from the licensed endocrinologist who conducted the initial medical evaluation to the department no later than fifteen days before each six-month anniversary of the waiver issuance date, that the driver has been examined and that any diabetic condition is currently stable and under control. This semiannual examination shall be conducted within the six-week period immediately preceding each six-month anniversary of the waiver issuance date. Log records of blood glucose values for the preceding three months shall be made available to the examining endocrinologist at the time of the required examination;

(l) Waived drivers who use a medical specialist, other than the specialist who conducted the initial medical evaluation, shall be re-examined by an endocrinologist, using the criteria and procedures established for the pre-qualification examination, and submit a signed statement from that licensed endocrinologist;

(m) Submit a signed statement from an ophthalmologist to the department no later than fifteen days before each anniversary of the waiver issuance date that the driver has been examined and does not have unstable proliferative diabetic retinopathy, and that the driver continues to have stable visual acuity of at least 20/40 (Snellen) in each eye, corrected or uncorrected. This annual examination shall be conducted within the six-week period immediately preceding the anniversary of the waiver issuance date.

(7) All documentation described in paragraph (F)(5) of this rule shall be mailed to the department's pupil transportation office, 25 South Front street, Columbus, Ohio 43215-4183. Failure to timely submit reports may be cause for waiver revocation.

(8) Any individual driver operating a school bus or other pupil transportation vehicle described in rule 3301-83-19 of the Administrative Code granted a waiver pursuant to this rule shall remain subject to the provisions of section 3327.10 of the Revised Code, including the reporting requirements specified in division (D) of section 3327.10 of the Revised Code.

(9) Applicants for a waiver from the insulin-using diabetes mellitus qualification requirement shall be required to submit applications on plain paper and include all supporting documents and the information as set forth in paragraph (F)(9) of this rule. Each information item shall contain a complete and appropriate answer, or, if an item is not applicable, marked with "none."

(a) Vital statistics

(i) Name of applicant (first name, middle initial, last name);

(ii) Address (street number and name);

(iii) City, state, and zip code;

(iv) Telephone number (including area code);

(v) Sex (male or female);

(vi) Date of birth (month, day, and year);

(vii) Age;

(viii) State driver's license number and a list of all licenses held during the three-year period immediately preceding the date of application to operate a school transportation vehicle;

(ix) Issuing state;

(x) Driver's license expiration date;

(xi) Driver's license classification; and

(xii) Employer's or prospective employer's name, address, and telephone number.

(b) Experience

(i) Number of years and approximate miles driving school buses;

(ii) Approximate number of years and miles driving a CMV other than a school bus; and

(iii) Number of years driving vehicles other than a CMV or school bus.

(c) Experience factor

(i) Unless the department is satisfied otherwise, a driver must have accumulated at least three years experience operating a CMV on a regular basis and that experience must be recent enough to reflect the driver's capabilities; and

(ii) Additionally, to qualify for a waiver, a driver shall have a clean driving record as described in paragraph (F)(4)(a) of this rule for the three years immediately preceding the date of your application.

(d) Applications shall include supporting documents for the requirements set forth in this rule and any other documents deemed necessary by the department.

(10) A waiver issued by the department is valid for three years from the date of issuance unless the waiver is revoked by the department for cause or based on a change in statute or rule.

(11) A waiver issued by the department may be revoked for failure to comply with any requirement included in this rule.

(12) All medical documentation submitted to the department as required by this rule may be reviewed by a panel of physicians appointed by the department. This panel of physicians shall make a recommendation on whether a waiver should be issued based upon medical documentation.

(13) The department shall have final say on all waiver determinations.

Last updated February 20, 2025 at 11:21 AM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 3301.07, 3327.01, 4511.76
Amplifies: 3327.01, 3327.10, 4511.01
Five Year Review Date: 3/26/2025
Prior Effective Dates: 10/11/1985 (Emer.), 1/1/1986, 7/1/1994, 11/13/2001, 8/1/2007
Rule 3301-83-08 | Pupil transportation management policies.

Pupil transportation management policies and procedures shall be developed cooperatively by administrators and transportation personnel. Policies and procedures shall be designed to ensure the safety and welfare of all school bus passengers and shall include the following:

(A) The school bus driver's authority and/or responsibility to maintain control of the pupils.

(B) The pupil's right to "due process" as provided for by the policies and procedures of the educating agency.

(C) Pupil management and safety instruction policies shall include the following:

(1) Pupils shall arrive at the bus stop before the bus is scheduled to arrive.

(2) Pupils must wait in a location clear of traffic and away from the bus stops.

(3) Behavior at the school bus stop must not threaten life, limb or property of any individual.

(4) Pupils must go directly to an available or assigned seat so the bus may safely resume motion.

(5) Pupils must remain seated keeping aisles and exits clear.

(6) Pupils must observe classroom conduct, or the bus conduct established by administrators and transportation personnel, and obey the driver promptly and respectfully.

(7) Pupils must not use profane language.

(8) Pupils must refrain from eating and drinking on the bus except as required for medical reasons or as permitted by the school district for non-routine trips during which the pupils on the bus shall be supervised by a chaperone(s) as described in rule 3301-83-16 of the Administrative Code, a school administrator or school personnel.

(9) Pupils must not use nicotine products on the bus.

(10) Pupils must not have alcohol or drugs in their possession on the bus except for prescription medication required for a student.

(11) Pupils must not throw or pass objects on, from or into the bus.

(12) Pupils may carry on the bus only objects that can be held in their laps. Any objects that cannot be held must comply with the requirements set forth in paragraph (H) of rule 3301-83-20 of the Administrative Code.

(13) Pupils must leave or board the bus at locations to which they have been assigned unless they have parental and administrative authorization to do otherwise.

(14) Pupils must not put head or arms out of the bus windows.

(15) Guidelines will be formulated for the use and storage of equipment and other means of assistance required by preschool and special needs children.

(16) Drivers and bus aides must have access to appropriate information about the child to the degree that such information might affect safe transportation and medical well-being. This information must be readily accessible in the transportation office. All such information is strictly confidential.

(D) Suspension, expulsion or immediate removal from bus

(1) The superintendent or superintendent designees, or principals are authorized to suspend or remove pupils from school bus riding privileges in accordance with section 3327.014 of the Revised Code.

(2) Immediate removal of a pupil from transportation is authorized. A pupil immediately removed from transportation must be given notice as soon as practicable of a hearing which must be held within seventy-two hours of the removal. The notice shall also include the reason for removal. Immediate removal is authorized when the pupil's presence poses a danger to persons or property or a threat to the safe operation of the school bus. Length of time removed from ridership shall be in accordance with policies of the school bus owner.

(3) School bus drivers shall report in writing to the appropriate administrator all rule violations or conduct that justify immediate removal, suspension or expulsion.

(4) Suspension or immediate removal of preschool and special needs children may require a modification of the above procedures and shall be accomplished in accordance with the law.

Last updated February 20, 2025 at 11:21 AM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 3301.07, 3327.01, 4511.76
Amplifies: 3327.01, 4511.76
Five Year Review Date: 3/26/2025
Prior Effective Dates: 10/1/2004
Rule 3301-83-09 | Pupil instruction.

(A) All school districts shall implement a program to provide safety instruction to all regularly transported pupils in grades kindergarten through third within two weeks after the commencement of classes each school year pursuant to section 3327.16 of the Revised Code and in accordance with the guidance provided by the Ohio department of education ( The program shall include but not be limited to:

(1) Safe walking practices to and from the bus stop.

(2) Wearing of light-colored or reflective clothing when going to and from the bus stop in darkness.

(3) How and where to wait safely for the bus including how to avoid personal risks involving strangers.

(4) What to do if the bus is late or does not arrive.

(5) How to enter and leave the bus safely. This instruction shall include the potential hazards regarding the snagging of clothing, backpacks, or other items, as well as items which may be dropped around or under the bus.

(6) Safe riding practices (including instruction on rule 3301-83-08 of the Administrative Code, pupil transportation management policies).

(7) Safely crossing the highway before boarding and after leaving the bus.

(8) Respect for the rights and privileges of others.

(9) The dangers of trespassing in a railroad right-of-way and other dangerous areas.

(B) Pupils enrolled in grades four through twelve and regularly transported shall be properly instructed in safety procedures on and around the school bus.

(C) Passengers participating in nonroutine use of school buses shall receive safety instructions at the beginning of the bus trip. (The return portion of a round trip event is excluded from this requirement.) Instruction shall include identification of safety exits, the requirement to keep aisles clear, the requirement to remain seated while the bus is in motion, and other rules as adopted by local policy.

(D) The procedure in paragraphs (A), (B), and (C) of this rule may require modification for pre-school and special needs children.

Last updated February 20, 2025 at 11:21 AM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 4511.76, 3301.07
Amplifies: 3327.16, 4511.76
Five Year Review Date: 4/20/2025
Prior Effective Dates: 7/25/2013
Rule 3301-83-10 | Personnel training program.

(A) Minimum school bus driver training requirements

The Ohio pre-service school bus driver training program, as instituted by the Ohio department of education shall be successfully completed by each beginning driver. Upon completion of the following requirements and meeting all driver qualifications described in rule 3301-83-06 of the Administrative Code, a school bus driver training certificate from an Ohio pre-service school bus driver training instructor, which shall expire six years from the date of issuance, shall be issued to the driver.

(1) To achieve an acceptable level of competence, a minimum of twelve hours of on-the-bus instruction is required and shall be completed prior to a driver being assigned to operate a school bus with pupils on board. This instruction shall consist of:

(a) Pre-trip inspection, control systems and dashboard instrumentation and mirror adjustment;

(b) Identification of acceptable driving techniques;

(c) Starting the engine;

(d) Position of hands for steering;

(e) Shifting the automatic and/or standard transmissions;

(f) Off road CDL maneuvers;

(g) Starting into traffic and pulling to the curb;

(h) Entering and leaving the freeway;

(i) Stopping for emergencies;

(j) Speed control;

(k) Changing lanes;

(l) Passing;

(m) Intersections - stop and through;

(n) Left and right turns;

(o) Turn-arounds;

(p) Loading and unloading pupils;

(q) Railroad crossings;

(r) Practice driving utilizing a detailed route sheet;

(s) Emergency evacuation procedures;

(t) Miscellaneous items to include at least the following:

(i) Special driving situations;

(ii) Special trips;

(iii) Regular trip restrictions;

(iv) Environmental compliance issues;

(v) Fatigue and wellness;

(vi) Handling equipment and cargo;

(vii) Hours of service requirements.

(u) Student management; and

(v) School bus security.

(2) A minimum of fifteen hours of pre-service classroom instruction prior to operating a school bus with pupils on board. Alternatively, an individual may complete the Ohio department of education on-line pre-service school bus driver training course as authorized under section 3327.101 of the Revised Code. This instruction shall consist of the following:

(a) School bus and commercial driver license requirements;

(b) Public relations;

(c) Pre-driving instructions;

(d) Driving the bus;

(e) Defensive driving;

(f) Pupil management, including bullying behaviors;

(g) Safety and emergency procedures;

(h) Use of first aid and blood borne pathogens equipment;

(i) Transporting the preschool and special needs children, including a practical overview of the characteristics and needs of those individuals;

(j) Fuel conservation and air quality and other environmental issues;

(k) Radio/cellular phone communication;

(l) Motor vehicle laws and Ohio pupil transportation operation and safety rules;

(m) School district policies; and

(n) Drug and alcohol requirements.

(3) The school bus driver will demonstrate familiarity with the topics covered in the pre-service training at the completion of the pre-service training.

(4) Upon meeting all driver qualifications described in rule 3310-83-06 of the Administrative Code, which include an Ohio school bus driver training certificate, and upon obtaining a valid CDL, the driver shall:

(a) Observe a route with an experienced driver with students onboard; and

(b) Drive a route with an experienced driver and students onboard.

(5) Each school bus owner shall provide and require additional training for drivers and bus aides who transport pre-school and special needs students. Such training shall be completed prior to operating a bus with pre-school and special needs children on board and shall include:

(a) Appropriate behavior management, including bullying behaviors;

(b) Physical handling;

(c) Effective communication;

(d) Use and operation of adaptive equipment;

(e) An understanding of related behaviors and/or the particular disabling conditions; and

(f) Administer health care according to their qualifications and the needs of the student.

(6) To be considered valid, all portions of the training required by this rule shall be completed and reported to the department within a twelve-month period. Pre-service and re-certification classes are valid for twelve months from the last day class is completed. Once the requirements have been met and the on-the-bus instructor has signed the application for the Ohio pre-service school bus driver training certification, the school bus owner shall sign and file the T-9 form with the department within thirty days in the method as prescribed by the department.

(7) Supporting documentation of records of completion of the requirements in paragraph (A) of this rule shall be filed with the department in the method prescribed by the department prior to a school bus driver training certificate being issued. Copies of original records shall be maintained by the school bus owner for a minimum of six years.

(8) Upon approval of the department and in the case of unusual circumstances, with the exception of safety and emergency procedures, pupil management and school bus owner policies, the pre-service training requirements set forth in paragraphs (A)(2) and (F)(1) of this rule may be completed within forty-five days of employment. A temporary certificate shall be issued for the operation of a school bus during the training period. A satisfactory state and federal criminal background check must be completed prior to the issuance of the temporary certificate. Temporary certificates shall only be issued to first time drivers seeking certification.

(B) Annual in-service training

The board of education or governing board/administrator shall require all regular and substitute school bus drivers, all drivers of vehicles other than school buses, and bus aides to attend an annual inservice training program. This training may be offered in one session, or multiple sessions as determined by each employer. The employer may also recognize, but is not required to accept training offered by other sources in lieu of their own program. School bus drivers and aides shall participate in a minimum of four hours of training. The training shall be based on a needs assessment that must include one or more of the following:

(1) School bus and commercial driver license requirements;

(2) Public and staff relations;

(3) Equipment and care, including the operation of all adaptive equipment needed to safely transport pre-school and special needs students;

(4) Driving the bus;

(5) Defensive driving;

(6) Highway/railroad grade crossing safety;

(7) Pupil management, including bullying behaviors;

(8) Safety and emergency procedures;

(9) Use of first aid and blood borne pathogens equipment;

(10) Transporting the preschool and special needs children;

(11) Motor vehicle laws and Ohio pupil transportation operation and safety rules;

(12) Signs, signals and pavement markings;

(13) Fuel conservation;

(14) Radio/cellular phone communications;

(15) Detailed route sheets.

(C) Pupil transportation director/supervisor training

Pupil transportation administrators are required to participate in a minimum of four hours of related training annually. School bus owners should encourage and support directors/supervisors of pupil transportation to attend local, regional, state and national workshops and conferences devoted to the management, supervision, organization and technical components of pupil transportation.

(D) School bus mechanic training

Each school bus owner shall provide the opportunity for school bus maintenance personnel to participate in an annual workshop or training seminar, with a minimum of four hours of instruction, in one or more of the following areas:

(1) Preventive maintenance procedures;

(2) Repair procedures for each type of vehicle in the fleet and its special equipment;

(3) Servicing procedures for equipment;

(4) Inspection of the vehicle and its equipment;

(5) Recovery procedures for vehicles involved in an accident or breakdown;

(6) Preparation of maintenance records;

(7) Parts and equipment purchasing and storage; and

(8) Establishment of parts inventory control procedures.

(E) On-the-bus instructors

(1) All school bus owners shall select and have a designated on-the-bus instructor or contract to obtain the services of a certified on-the-bus instructor.

(2) On-the-bus instructor(s) shall be trained and certified by an Ohio pre-service school bus driver training instructor. On-the-bus instructor(s) shall attend annual in-service trainings as scheduled and provided by the Ohio pre-service school bus driver training instructor.

(3) An on-the-bus instructor verification shall be indicated in the department's web-based driver's record (SFPS) and shall remain valid unless revoked by the Ohio pre-service school bus driver training instructor.

(a) The Ohio pre-service school bus driver training instructor shall revoke the on-the-bus status in the event he/she does not attend the annual required in-service training conducted by the Ohio pre-service school bus driver training instructor or does not receive individual evaluation by the Ohio pre-service school bus driver training instructor;

(b) The Ohio pre-service school bus driver training instructor may revoke or suspend the on-the-bus instructor status upon the request of the school bus owner.

(4) When appropriate, the Ohio pre-service school bus driver training instructor or other certified on-the-bus instructor may provide all or part of on-the-bus instruction in lieu of the assigned on-the-bus instructor.

(5) Prior to a school bus driver training certificate being issued, records of time, test scores, names, districts and other required documentation of on-the-bus instruction shall be maintained and filed with the department in the method prescribed by the department. Copies of original records will be maintained by the school bus owner.

(F) Certification renewal for school bus drivers

A school bus driver shall be certified by an on-the-bus instructor and subsequently approved by an Ohio pre-service school bus driver training instructor and issued a new certificate upon successful completion of the requirements every six years. Application for a renewal certificate shall be made no later than thirty days prior to the expiration of the current certificate. The completion of certification requirements may occur anytime in the twelve months prior to application. No school bus driver shall transport pupils without a current certificate.

(1) A minimum of nine hours of the Ohio pre-service school bus driver training classroom instruction shall be completed prior to applying for renewal certification. Alternatively, an individual may complete the Ohio department of education on-line pre-service school bus driver training course as authorized under section 3327.101 of the Revised Code. That instruction shall consist of the following:

(a) Public relations;

(b) Pupil management, including bullying behavior;

(c) Pre-trip inspection;

(d) Driving the bus;

(e) Defensive driving;

(f) Fuel conservation;

(g) Transporting preschool and special needs children;

(h) Safety and emergency procedures;

(i) Radio/cellular phone communications; and

(j) Motor vehicle laws and Ohio pupil transportation operation and safety rules.

(2) The driver will demonstrate their familiarity with the topics covered at the completion of the class.

(3) A driving performance evaluation and review shall be completed prior to applying for certification. The evaluation and review shall consist of the following:

(a) Identification of acceptable driving techniques, including the following:

(i) Position of hands for steering;

(ii) Braking;

(iii) Following distance;

(iv) Speed control; and

(v) Observing traffic conditions ahead.

(b) Intersections - stop and through;

(c) Left and right turns;

(d) Curves;

(e) Changing lanes;

(f) Passing;

(g) Railroad crossings;

(h) Loading and unloading pupils;

(i) Turn-arounds;

(j) Entering and leaving the freeway;

(k) Starting into traffic and pulling to the curb;

(l) Stopping for emergencies;

(m) Pre-trip inspection; and

(n) Mirror adjustment.

(4) The driver shall have four opportunities to successfully demonstrate the driving skills as follows:

(a) A certified on-the-bus instructor designated by the school district or private operator shall administer the first three opportunities.

(b) A fourth opportunity to demonstrate driving skills, if necessary, shall be administered by an Ohio pre-service instructor. The driver must be offered appropriate driving instruction prior to this fourth opportunity.

(5) The certification requirements for classroom instruction, pursuant to paragraphs (F)(1) and (F)(2) of this rule, may be substituted with successful completion of the Ohio pre-service advanced school bus driver training course within twenty-four months prior to the expiration of the current certificate.

(6) The certification requirements for driving skills, pursuant to paragraphs (F)(3) and (F)(4) of this rule, may be substituted with participation in a state and/or regional school bus driver safety road-e-o, and achieving a minimum of eighty percent of the possible points, within twenty-four months prior to the expiration of the current certificate.

(7) All other requirements for school bus drivers as described in paragraph (B) of rule 3301-83-06 of the Administrative Code are required to be met prior to application for a renewal certificate.

(8) Records of completion of the requirements in paragraphs (F)(1) to (F)(7) of this rule shall be maintained and filed with the department in the method prescribed by the department before a certificate of successful completion is issued. Copies of original records will be maintained by the school bus owner for a minimum of six years.

(9) The certificate of any person who cannot provide proof of having operated a school bus during the previous twenty-four months shall be considered invalid. That person must then successfully satisfy the certification requirements described in paragraphs (A)(1) to (A)(6) or (F)(1) to (F)(7) of this rule, as applicable, prior to resuming transportation of pupils.

(G) An Ohio pre-service school bus driver training instructor may suspend or revoke a driver's certification. An owner of a school bus may refer a certified driver to the pre-service school bus driver training instructor for certification review. Drivers who fail the certification process shall have any and all school bus driving certifications revoked by the department.

Last updated February 20, 2025 at 11:21 AM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: ORC 4511.76, 3301.07
Amplifies: ORC 4511.76
Five Year Review Date: 2/20/2025
Prior Effective Dates: 7/25/2013
Rule 3301-83-11 | School bus inspections.

(A) Ohio state highway patrol safety inspection

The school bus owner, operator, lessee, or designee shall be responsible for presenting all school buses for the annual Ohio state highway patrol safety inspection and will be responsible for the pre-inspection, repair and preparation of each school bus.

(B) Daily inspection of the school bus

It is the responsibility of each school bus driver to complete and document a daily pre-trip inspection of the school bus before transporting students. The school bus owner, operator, lessee, or designee may designate another qualified individual to complete and record portions of the stationary inspection in lieu of the school bus driver. Any defects shall be reported in writing to the school bus owner or designee. It is the responsibility of the school bus owner to provide each driver with all inspection forms for reporting purposes, which include the following:

(1) Stationary inspection

(a) Pre-starting inspection:

Raise the hood and visually check the safety latch or hinges, then check oil and water - check belts, hoses and wiring for frayed, cracked and/or deteriorated conditions.

(b) Walk around inspection:

Place the transmission in neutral and set the parking brake. Start the engine and check the following:

(i) Tires: underinflated, flat, evidence of oil on wheels and tires, excessive wear (tread depth) or damaged.

(ii) Wheels: loose or missing nuts, excessive corrosion, cracks or other damage, and sanders if installed, and splash guards.

(iii) Battery compartment (secure and no loose connections).

(iv) Observe the bus for evidence of oil, fuel, or coolant leaks and vandalism.

(v) All school bus windows should be clean.

(vi) All outside mirrors: clean, mounted securely and not cracked or broken.

(vii) Warning systems: headlights (high/low beam), brake lights, backup lights and alarm, clearance and marker lights, all signals and signs, reflectors, turn signals, stop lights and warning flashers clean and working properly.

(viii) Exhaust system: visually check for sagging exhaust pipes, short and leaky tailpipes and defective mufflers.

(ix) Suspension system: visually check for damage.

(x) Visually inspect brake system secure - no damage.

(xi) Visually inspect drive shaft secure - no damage.

(xii) Visually inspect frame of bus - check for cracks.

(xiii) Fuel tank secure - visually inspect for leaks, and fuel cage securement - no damage.

(xiv) Fluid leaks: evidence of puddle(s).

(xv) Exits: check service and emergency doors for ease of operation.

(xvi) Check wheelchair lift operation, (if installed).

(c) Inside safety check:

(i) Check service door steps and handrail.

(ii) Check driver's seat and seat belt adjustments.

(iii) With the engine running check or inspect the following instruments and controls:

(a) Warning lights, if installed:

(i) Oil pressure warning light.

(ii) Service brake warning light.

(iii) Alternator warning light.

(iv) Ampmeter and/or voltmeter.

(v) Water temperature gauge or warning light.

(b) Indicator lights.

(i) Amber warning light.

(ii) Red warning light.

(iii) Red over-ride switch.

(iv) Indicator lights.

(v) Head light high beam.

(vi) Panel lights.

(vii) Left and right turn signal indicators.

(viii) Hazard indicators.

(ix) Strobe indicator light.

(c) Horn.

(d) Mirrors properly adjusted, sunshade mounted and not broken.

(e) Wipers and washer fluid.

(f) Heaters, fans and defrosters (all speeds).

(g) Dome lights.

(h) Brake system for leaks

(i) Storage tanks - 2 psi, one minute.

(ii) Service brake - 3 psi, one minute.

(iii) Low air pressure light and buzzer - 60 psi.

(iv) Emergency brake - 20-40 psi.

(v) Hydraulic - pump three times hold five seconds.

(i) Air pressure guage or hydraulic brake warning lights.

(j) Oil pressure guage.

(k) Check passenger seats, frames, emergency exits, windows, and adaptive equipment required for the transportation of pre-school and special needs students.

(l) Check emergency equipment: fusees (if equipped), fuses, first-aid kit, fire extinguisher and emergency reflectors.

(2) Operation inspection

A planned road pre-check when driving between storage and first pupil pickup enables the driver to evaluate the steering, suspension, clutch, transmission, driveline, engine and brakes. The following items shall be checked and, if found in need of repair, a written report shall be submitted to the school bus owner or designee:

(a) Parking brake: check by slowly engaging the drive train while the parking brake is on. (In air brake systems, the parking brake will remain applied if there is a partial or complete air pressure loss in the service brakes.)

(b) Service brakes: test at low speeds and bring the bus to a complete stop. The bus should stop in a straight line without skidding, swerving or pulling to one side.

(c) Steering: check for any unusual handling characteristics.

(d) Transmission operation: an automatic transmission should not slip and a manual transmission should allow for easy and smooth gear changes throughout the entire shifting range.

(e) Clutch: the clutch should engage easily and smoothly without jerking, slipping excessively or "chattering." A properly adjusted clutch should have some "free play" when the pedal is fully released.

(f) Engine: listen for unusual engine noises.

(g) Suspension: check for any unusual ride or handling characteristics.

(3) Post trip check:

At the conclusion of each route or trip:

(a) The driver shall ensure all passengers have left the bus by visually inspecting each seat position.

(b) The driver shall clean the bus and remove all loose belongings.

Last updated February 20, 2025 at 11:21 AM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 3301.07, 4511.76
Amplifies: 3327.01, 4511.76
Five Year Review Date: 3/26/2025
Prior Effective Dates: 10/5/1998
Rule 3301-83-12 | Safety procedures.

(A) School bus stops

(1) Alternately flashing amber lamps are to be used to warn motorists that the bus is stopping to take on or to discharge passengers.

(2) Alternately flashing red lights and a stop sign are to be used to inform motorists that the bus is stopped on the roadway to take on or discharge passengers.

(3) Before receiving or discharging pupils, the bus shall be driven to the right side of the paved or traveled portion of the roadway and brought to a full stop.

(4) The bus driver shall be the only operator of the service entrance door. The door shall not be opened to load or unload pupils until traffic has cleared the bus or come to a complete stop in all directions.

(5) The bus driver shall not use the service door control to actuate warning lights. The door shall remain in a securely closed position while the bus is in motion.

(B) Railroad grade crossings

(1) General procedures

(a) The driver of any school bus, with or without passengers, shall come to a complete stop, set the parking brake, shift to neutral, turn off the warning lamp master switch if necessary, fully open the service door, and look and listen in both directions along the track or tracks for approaching engines, trains, or train cars.

(b) For improved vision and hearing, a window at the drivers left shall be opened and radios and other noisy equipment (e.g. fans) shall be turned off upon approaching the crossing and remain off until the bus has cleared the crossing.

(c) The school bus driver shall shift the bus into gear, look and listen, close the service door, release the parking brake, and drive across the tracks in an appropriate gear without shifting.

(d) After a train has passed the crossing, the bus driver shall not drive the bus onto any tracks until the driver is certain that no train, hidden by the first train, is approaching on an adjacent track.

(e) Crossing when flashing or audible signals malfunction is only permitted when authorized in accordance with section 4511.62 of the Revised Code.

(2) Weather conditions - during wet, stormy or foggy weather, before placing part of the bus on the tracks, the driver shall determine that the crossing can be made safely.

(3) Behavior of passengers at railroad crossings - when any school bus is stopped for any railroad track, the driver shall direct all passengers to be silent until the crossing is completed. A signal for silence shall be given by the school bus driver approximately three hundred feet from the crossing.

(4) The school bus driver shall follow procedures described in the Ohio pre-service driver training manual (

(C) School bus turn-around

(1) Whenever possible, the bus shall be clearly visible to the other motorists five hundred feet in both directions.

(2) Whenever possible, turn-arounds shall not be scheduled at intersections where the vehicle must cross a lane of traffic to back.

(3) Four-way hazard lights shall be actuated unless prohibited by local ordinance.

(4) The driver shall sound the horn twice before backing or have an audible signal while backing.

(5) The driver shall not back the school bus at pick-up or discharge locations while pupils are outside the vehicle.

(D) Loading and unloading at school facilities

(1) When it is necessary to load or unload pupils off the school grounds, the bus shall be positioned and parked (with parking brake set) so that pupils do not cross the roadway to get to or from the bus.

(2) Student warning lights shall be deactivated when loading and unloading on school grounds or when loading and unloading from a school bus stopped in a school zone curbside on the roadway adjoining the school grounds.

(3) Parking for loading and unloading on school grounds shall be bumper to bumper or diagonal. Either method used shall exclude any necessity for backing the school bus. The rear and/or side emergency exits shall remain accessible at all times.

(4) Pupils in the loading area shall be properly supervised by the building principal or designee.

(5) Except when loading or unloading pre-school or special needs children, the driver shall remain on the bus while pupils are loading and unloading.

(E) General operations:

(1) Headlights shall be actuated during operation of the school bus.

(2) A white, flashing strobe light, individually switched, may be used, when unfavorable atmospheric conditions or time of day limit visibility (e.g. fog, rain, snow, darkness).

(3) Four-way hazard lights shall be activated at railroad crossings and turn-arounds unless prohibited by local ordinance.

(4) The school bus driver shall not leave a vehicle unattended with pupils on board except when loading or unloading pre-school and special needs children or in the event of an emergency. Drivers who must leave the bus for these purposes shall not leave the immediate vicinity of the bus, except for an emergency.

(5) The school bus driver shall not leave the vehicle until the brakes are set, the engine stopped and the ignition key removed, with the exception for buses equipped with wheelchair lifts or diesel engines that require the engine to be running.

(6) At the conclusion of each route or trip, the driver shall ensure all passengers have left the bus by visually inspecting each seat position. Additional procedures for drivers post-trip inspections are detailed in the Ohio pre-service driver training manual.

Last updated February 20, 2025 at 11:21 AM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 3301.07, 4511.76
Amplifies: 3301.07, 4511.62, 4511.76
Five Year Review Date: 4/20/2025
Prior Effective Dates: 10/22/1984, 7/1/1991, 10/5/1998
Rule 3301-83-13 | School bus routes and stops.

(A) Designation of school bus stops

It shall be the responsibility of the superintendent or designee to determine the location of all school bus stops which shall be approved annually by the districts' board of education. Authority to designate or relocate subsequent school bus stops may be delegated by the board of education to the superintendent or designee. Bus stops and a time schedule shall be adopted and put in force by the board not earlier than thirty days prior to and not later than ten days after the beginning of the school term.

(B) School bus stop location

Policies and procedures shall be developed by administrators and transportation personnel to ensure school bus stop locations are designated in safe locations and shall include the following:

(1) Pupils in grades kindergarten through eight may be required to walk up to one-half mile to a designated bus stop.

(2) School bus stop locations shall provide for the maximum safety of pupils giving consideration to distance from residence, traffic volume, physical characteristics, visibility and weather conditions.

(3) School bus stops shall be established on the residence side of all four-lane highways and on the residence side of other roadways posing potential hazards to students as determined by school bus owners.

(4) School bus stops shall be located at a distance from the crest of a hill or curve to allow motorists traveling at the posted speed to stop within the sight distance. If the line of sight is less than five hundred feet in either direction, a request shall be submitted to the appropriate authority to install an approved "school bus stop ahead" sign at least five hundred feet in advance of the school bus stop.

(5) Each pupil shall be assigned and required to use a specific school bus stop except in unusual circumstances as approved by the school bus owner or designee.

(6) Each pupil shall be assigned a designated place of safety on the residence side of the roadway on which the vehicle is scheduled to stop. Driver must account for each pupil at designated place of safety before leaving. Pupils are not to proceed to their residence until the school bus has departed.

(7) The school bus driver shall use the established route and make stops only at points designated by the school vehicle owner or the administrator who is authorized to designate such stops. School districts and community schools offering pupil transportation shall have a documented routing plan in place for all established routes.

(8) The school bus driver shall operate the bus on the time schedule for the established route and shall wait for pupils if ahead of schedule.

(C) School bus stop procedures

All school districts and bus owners shall develop policies and procedures for drivers making school bus stops for purposes of loading or unloading pupils in accordance with section 4511.75 of the Revised Code and with procedures described in the Ohio preservice driver training manual. The following shall be included in those policies and procedures:

(1) Student warning lights shall be activated approximately three-hundred feet prior to a stop whenever practical. A strobe light may be used if available and if conditions warrant.

(2) The bus shall be stopped near the right side of the paved or traveled portion of the roadway.

(3) The bus shall be stopped along the drive way entrance or along the curb when picking up or discharging passengers with special needs which require the use of special equipment.

(4) The parking brake shall be set at all stops whenever pupils are loading or unloading.

Operators of vehicles equipped with an approved brake interlock device are exempt from these requirements to set the parking brake

(5) The transmission shall be placed into the neutral gear for both manual and automatic transmissions.

(6) The driver must use an approved hand signal and eye contact with students outside the bus at any stop where students are in the process of loading and unloading.

(D) Each bus shall have a detailed route sheet on board which shall include the following:

(1) Direction to designated stops;

(2) Time schedule;

(3) Designated stop;

(4) Driver-designated place of safety;

(5) Number of riders at each stop location and residence side; and

(6) List identifying road hazards.

(E) If practical, each route shall have a responsible student designated to assist a substitute bus driver with each route.

Last updated February 20, 2025 at 11:21 AM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 3301.07, 4511.76
Amplifies: 3327.01, 3327.12, 4511.76
Five Year Review Date: 3/26/2025
Prior Effective Dates: 7/1/2012
Rule 3301-83-14 | Records and reports.

Each school transportation vehicle owner or operator shall maintain and make available for inspection the following records for the management and reporting of the pupil transportation program.

(A) Maintenance and repair:

(1) Records to document that reported mechanical deficiencies discovered during inspections were corrected.

(2) A maintenance and repair record for each school transportation vehicle.

(3) Documented proof of pre-trip inspection for each school transportation vehicle must be kept on file for no less than twelve months.

(B) An accounting system for fuel consumption and costs for routine and non-routine use of school buses and annual operating costs by vehicle and by fleet as prescribed by the Ohio department of education form T-2, if applicable.

(C) A pupil accounting system that details assigned:

(1) School bus;

(2) School bus stop;

(3) School of attendance, student name and address, telephone number, date of birth, and grade.

(D) A record of routine and non-routine daily and annual miles driven by vehicle and by fleet.

(E) A reporting of the numbers of regular and substitute school bus drivers, mechanics, supervisors, secretaries, clerks and drivers aides.

(F) Maintain and file a copy of the following documents:

(1) School bus driver training records

(2) Ohio pre-service school bus driver training certificate

(3) Drug and alcohol training certificate

(4) Blood-borne pathogens training certificate

(5) BMV report

(6) Annual inservice training records

(7) Criminal record check

(8) Physical examination report

(9) Local certificate issued pursuant to section 3327.10 of the Revised Code.

The physical examination, criminal record, BMV report, and the drug and alcohol test results are to be kept confidential

(G) Maintain and file "School Vehicle Accident Report" (

File with the department's office of pupil transportation a report (T10 form) of any school bus or van accident that results in a fatality, an injury or vehicle or property damage in excess of one thousand dollars. Reports shall be submitted within fifteen days of the accident or occurrence.

(H) Submit reports as required by the Ohio department of education.

Last updated February 20, 2025 at 11:21 AM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 3301.07, 3327.01, 4511.76
Amplifies: 3327.01, 4511.76
Five Year Review Date: 3/12/2025
Prior Effective Dates: 3/25/2010
Rule 3301-83-15 | Emergency and evacuation procedures.

(A) Emergency procedure -

Each school bus owner shall adopt a policy for handling emergencies on school buses while pupils are being transported. Such a policy shall include, but not necessarily be limited to, procedures for handling any medical emergencies of pupils while they are being transported. Each school bus owner shall provide training to all school bus drivers transporting pupils to ensure that the drivers understand the policy and their responsibilities. No school bus driver shall transport pupils unless the driver has received such training.

These policies shall include procedures for when and how to notify parents if their students were on a transportation vehicle involved in an accident.

This policy shall be developed in cooperation with all those whose services would be required in the event of emergencies. The transportation director/supervisor, school administrators, teachers, drivers, maintenance and service personnel and students shall be provided instruction in the procedures to be followed in the event of:

(1) Accident procedure -

The policy shall describe how to protect the accident scene; evacuate and control students; evaluate the need for medical assistance; notify the responsible law enforcement agency, school officials and emergency services; collect and record data essential to the preparation of required reports; and communicate with parents and/or guardians.

(2) Disability of driver procedure-

The policy shall describe situations in the event of illness, injury, or disability of the vehicle driver.

(3) School vehicle failure procedure -

The policy shall describe procedures for securing the vehicle, disposing of and controlling passengers, notifying school officials, securing alternate equipment, and repairing and recovering the disabled school vehicle.

(4) Inclement weather conditions procedure -

The pre-emergency policy shall provide instruction as to school closings, delayed take-ups and/or early dismissals.

(5) Tornado procedure -

The policy shall provide procedures for drivers and students in the event of tornado sightings and/or warnings.

(6) Policies shall also be developed to address other dangerous and/or threatening situations (weapons, assaults, unauthorized attempted boardings, and impeding the movement of the school vehicle).

(B) Evacuation procedure -

The superintendent or designee shall organize and conduct three emergency exit drills for all students who ride school buses to and from school.

(1) Each of the following emergency procedures shall be conducted at least once annually:

(a) Everyone exists through the front entrance door;

(b) Everyone exists through the rear emergency door; and

(c) Front half exits through the front door and rear half exits through the rear door.

(2) The transportation director/supervisor in cooperation with building principals shall arrange and schedule all drills. The drills shall be supervised by at least one staff person other than the driver assigned to the route.

(3) Drills shall be held on school property when possible and not on the bus route.

(4) The driver shall remain in the bus during evacuation drills. The parking brake must be set, ignition turned off and transmission in gear or park.

(5) Children shall not take lunch boxes, books, etc., when they leave the bus.

(6) Pupils shall assemble at a distance of at least one hundred feet from the bus during an "emergency drill" and remain there until given further directions.

(7) Emergency evacuation drills of preschool and special needs children may require modification of the procedures listed in paragraph (B) of this rule.

Last updated February 20, 2025 at 11:21 AM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 4511.76, 3301.07
Amplifies: 3301.07, 4511.76
Five Year Review Date: 4/20/2025
Prior Effective Dates: 10/22/1984, 7/1/1991, 10/1/2004
Rule 3301-83-16 | Non-routine use of school buses.

"Non-routine student transportation" is defined as transportation of passengers for purposes other than regularly scheduled routes to and from school. School buses may be used for non-routine trips only when such trips will not interfere with routine transportation services. Passengers participating in non-routine use of school vehicles shall receive safety instructions at the beginning of the non-routine trip. The return portion of a round trip event is excluded from this requirement. Instruction shall include identification of safety exits, requirement to keep aisles clear, requirement to remain seated while the bus is in motion, and safe riding practices including instruction on rules as adopted by the vehicle owner's policy.

Any use of school buses other than transporting students to or from a school session or a school function may require the school bus owner to obtain approval of the vehicle and operator as a commercial motor carrier pursuant to federal motor carrier safety administration (, Ohio department of transportation rules and regulations, and, in accordance with section 4511.01 of the Revised Code and rule 3301-83-19 of the Administrative Code.

(A) Permits

School bus owners, superintendents or their designees shall issue a trip permit which shall accompany the driver on any non-routine student transportation trip. The permit shall provide the following information:

(1) Date of trip;

(2) Destination;

(3) Purpose of trip;

(4) Name of school district;

(5) Drivers name;

(6) Bus registration number or vehicle license number;

(7) Total miles of trip;

(8) Designated stops;

(9) Route map and/or written directions for destination;

(10) School bus owners, superintendent or designee signature.

(B) Chaperones

One or more adult chaperones, as approved by the school bus owner, superintendent or designee, may accompany each school bus or van required for any non-routine trip involving school-age passengers. The chaperon's responsibility shall be to assist the school transportation vehicle driver in maintaining passenger control and in enforcing procedures for the safety of all passengers. A certificated person licensed as a school bus driver may serve as a chaperon and driver concurrently.

(C) Out-of-state trips

The board of education of any school district that owns and operates motor vehicles for transporting pupils may permit such vehicles to be used outside of Ohio for any lawful purpose provided the entire distance traveled outside Ohio on any trip does not exceed one-thousand miles. The calculation of mileage of the trip shall be the distance from point of exit from the state to the point of entry to the state.

(D) Driver selection for assignment to non-routine trips should be based upon a policy adopted by the school bus owner which gives consideration to driver knowledge, skill, experience, vehicle familiarity and experience in operating a bus in the area to be traveled.

(E) A pre-trip inspection as detailed in paragraph (B) of rule 3301-83-11 of the Administrative Code shall be completed and documented immediately prior to departure of a school bus on a non-routine trip. Such pre-trip inspection will not be necessary provided the bus received a documented pre-trip inspection during routine service on the same day and by the same driver.

(F) Transportation coordination

(1) Each school bus owner or district may participate in the written county transportation plan that establishes policies regarding the transportation needs of Ohio works first participants seeking or striving to retain employment. A copy of the plan shall be maintained on file.

(2) Based upon the availability of local and/or state resources, school bus owners or districts may enter into contractual agreements with local social service agencies to provide school bus transportation to Ohio works first participants, when there are no other alternative methods of transportation as identified in the county transportation plan.

The social service agency(ies) shall pay for the fully allocated costs associated with the use of the school transportation vehicles.

(a) The agency(ies) shall agree to hold harmless the school bus owner or district from all liability arising from such use.

(b) The school bus owner, district and/or agency(ies) must obtain liability in an amount equal to or greater than the maximum tort damage permitted by law.

(c) The proposed use is consistent with owner or district policies regarding the use of school transportation vehicles.

(d) Mileage under such contract/agreement is not reimbursable by the department of education.

(3) School bus owners or districts may enter into agreement with any recognized organization serving the aged to provide for the use of school transportation vehicles under certain conditions:

(a) The organization must pay for the fully allocated costs associated with the use of the transportation vehicles.

(b) The organization must agree to hold harmless the school bus owner or district from all liability arising from such use.

(c) The school bus owner or district and/or organization must obtain liability in an amount equal to or greater than the maximum tort damage permitted by law.

(d) The proposed use is consistent with owner policies regarding the use of school transportation vehicles.

(e) Mileage under such contract/agreement is not reimbursable by the department of education.

(4) The first priority for the use of school transportation vehicles must be for the purposes outlined in Chapter 3301-83 of the Administrative Code.

(5) Transportation coordination shall not be conducted during those times the school transportation vehicle is in regular use and school children, or persons attending programs offered by community boards of county boards of mental retardation and developmental disabilities, are being transported.

(6) It will be the responsibility of the school bus owner or district to ensure compliance to all laws and regulations applicable to such additional use of the school transportation vehicles.

Last updated February 20, 2025 at 11:21 AM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 3301.07, 4511.76
Amplifies: 3327.16 ; 3327.15 ; 4511.76
Five Year Review Date: 1/18/2025
Prior Effective Dates: 10/1/2004
Rule 3301-83-17 | Authorized and unauthorized passengers.

(A) Authorized passengers:

(1) Pupils enrolled in approved programs who are eligible for transportation services authorized or required by state and federal law and school bus owner policy.

(2) Children attending an approved pre-school program authorized and directed by the board of education or county board of developmental disabilities.

(3) Resident pre-school children and parent(s) or guardian who are participating in school-sponsored special programs that require attendance of both. This includes parent and child participating in a graduation, reality, and dual-role skills (GRADS) or similar type program.

(4) School officials may authorize transportation of a school-age visitor to the home of a regular school bus passenger upon proper parental authorization on a space-available basis which does not displace regular riders.

(5) Resident pre-school children and school age pupils may be transported to pre-school programs and school-age child-care programs (for example, latchkey programs). These extra miles are not reimbursable. School age pupils may be counted for reimbursement only once if eligible for routine transportation (see rule 3301-83-01 of the Administrative Code).

(6) Resident pre-school special needs children are to be transported to school district pre-school special education programs within the district and outside the district if assigned by the school district of residence. If transportation is necessary for pre-school special needs children to receive a free and appropriate education it must be provided at no cost to the parent or guardian.

(7) School districts may enter into contractual agreements to provide transportation service for latchkey programs under the provisions of sections 3313.207, 3313.208, and 3313.209 of the Revised Code; and to provide transportation service for pre-school and child care providers under provisions of division (C) of section 3313.646 of the Revised Code.

(8) Ohio works first participants and the elderly may be transported under the provisions of paragraphs (F)(1) to (F)(5) of rule 3301-83-16 of the Administrative Code and according to policy and procedure of the school bus owner.

(9) School bus owners may establish a volunteer bus rider assistance program pursuant to section 3327.16 of the Revised Code. Qualified adults, including parents, or responsible older pupils may be authorized.

(B) Unauthorized passengers:

(1) Family members of school bus drivers who are not enrolled in any of the approved school programs, unless adults appointed as chaperones on non-routine trips.

(2) School employees, on routine bus routes, unless assigned by proper school officials as part of their duties.

(3) Adults not enrolled in any of the approved programs, unless assigned by proper school officials as bus monitors.

Last updated February 20, 2025 at 11:21 AM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 4511.76, 3301.07
Amplifies: 4511.76
Five Year Review Date: 4/20/2025
Prior Effective Dates: 7/25/2013
Rule 3301-83-18 | Passenger capacity.

(A) Seating shall be provided that will permit each passenger to sit in a position which will provide maximum protection by the barrier and does not exceed the school bus manufacturer's rated capacity if applicable, and shall be adjusted according to each passenger's individual physical size..

(B) No person shall stand while the school bus is in motion, with the exception of bus aides and driver training staff, in the official performance of their duties.

Last updated February 20, 2025 at 11:21 AM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 4511.76, 3301.07
Amplifies: 4511.76
Five Year Review Date: 4/20/2025
Prior Effective Dates: 9/1/1970, 10/5/1998
Rule 3301-83-19 | Authorized vehicles for transportation of pupils to and from school and school-related events.

The following are authorized vehicles for the transportation of pupils to and from school and school-related events:

(A) School buses

All vehicles designed to carry more than nine passengers, not including the driver, and used to transport pupils to or from school or school-related events shall meet or exceed all applicable federal regulations and the Ohio school bus construction standards. Refer to division (F) of section 4511.01 of the Revised Code and rules 4501-5-01 to 4501-5-04 of the Administrative Code.

(B) Public transit vehicles

Public transit vehicles includes vehicles owned and operated by regional transit authorities or community transit authorities, or which are privately owned, under contract with a board of education or county board of developmental disabilities and operated on routes designed for the purpose of transporting fare-paying passengers and eligible pupils simultaneously.

Nonconforming vehicles (i.e. ten to fifteen passenger motor vehicles not meeting the FMCSR's for a school bus) shall not be used for the transportation of pupils by any carrier unless they exceed ten-thousand pounds GVWR or are designed to carry more than sixteen passengers including the driver.

(C) Vehicles other than school buses

Vehicles originally designed and constructed at the factory for nine or fewer passengers, not including the driver, to be used when school bus transportation cannot be reasonably provided, shall not be routinely used for service to and from regularly scheduled school sessions except for preschool children, special needs children, homeless children, foster children, children inaccessible to school buses, students placed in alternative schools or for work programs. This paragraph does not apply to parental transportation of children as set forth in rule 3301-83-04 of the Administrative Code.

Requirements for vehicles identified in this section shall include the following:

(1) The vehicle shall be equipped with safety equipment including a fire extinguisher, first-aid kit, body fluid cleanup kit, fuses, spare fuses, and emergency reflectors.

(2) The vehicle shall have a rooftop sign marked "School Transportation."

(3) The name of the school district, or the name of the contractor, if applicable, shall be clearly marked on the side of the vehicle.

(4) These vehicles shall be inspected by a qualified mechanic not less than two times per year. This inspection shall cover at the minimum all applicable sections of the school bus inspection detailed in paragraph (B) of rule 3301-83-11 of the Administrative Code. In addition, periodic maintenance intervals shall be established and implemented. Documentation and proof of these inspections and service procedures, in addition to all other vehicle records required under rule 3301-83-14 of the Administrative Code, shall be kept on file with the school district transportation department.

(5) It is the responsibility of each vehicle driver to complete and document a daily pre-trip inspection before transporting pupils. The vehicle owner may designate another qualified individual to complete and record portions of the stationary inspection in lieu of the vehicle driver. Pre-trip inspection records shall be kept on file for a minimum of twelve months.

(6) Loading of these vehicles shall be performed in compliance with the passenger, weight, and other associated restrictions as identified by the original equipment manufacturer.

(7) Drivers of these vehicles shall meet all qualifications for school transportation drivers as identified in paragraph (F) of rule 3301-83-06 of the Administrative Code and section 3327.10 of the Revised Code.

(D) Commercial carriers

Commercial carriers include carriers that are licensed and inspected by the appropriate government agencies to transport passengers for hire. Examples would include railroads, airlines, commercial watercraft, or commercial buses. Nonconforming vehicles (i.e. ten to fifteen passenger vehicles not meeting the FMCSR's for school buses) shall not be used for the transportation of pupils by any carrier unless they exceed ten-thousand pounds GVWR or are designed to carry sixteen or more passengers including the driver.

(E) Taxicabs

Taxicabs may be used for transportation of pupils when the use of other modes of transportation as described in this rule are not reasonable as determined by the public school district.

Taxicabs shall be originally designed and constructed at the factory for nine or fewer passengers, not including the driver, and shall, with the exception of the rooftop sign marked "School Transportation," which shall not be required, comply with paragraph (F) of this rule.

The owner or operator of taxicabs shall provide documentation to the school district confirming compliance with this chapter.

The owner or operator of taxicabs shall provide proof of insurance to the school district in the amounts as specified in section 3327.09 of the Revised Code for vehicles used in the transportation of school children.

(F) Vehicles not meeting the definitions listed in paragraphs (A) to (E) of this rule do not conform to state and federal law/rule and shall not be used for transportation of pupils to or from school or or school related events.

Last updated February 20, 2025 at 11:21 AM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 4511.76, 3301.07
Amplifies: 3327.08, 4511.76, 3327.09
Five Year Review Date: 4/20/2025
Prior Effective Dates: 10/5/1998, 2/25/2007
Rule 3301-83-20 | General rules.

(A) The use of alcohol, nicotine products, and non-prescribed drugs is prohibited on the school bus.

(B) Firearms, ammunition, weapons, explosives or other dangerous materials or objects are prohibited on school buses. Animals are also prohibited, with the exception of those identified as service animals as defined by 28 CFR part 35.104 and CFR part 36.104 (October 11, 2016).

(C) All buses shall be kept clean on the inside and on the outside. Front and rear windows, lights and mirrors should be clean and all markings clearly visible.

(D) The following equipment may be installed in a school bus: broom, snow brush, ice scraper, and trash container. All equipment must be properly secured.

(E) All buses shall be equipped with emergency assistance cards which list three telephone numbers to call. The cards shall provide space for describing the location of the school bus and the type of emergency.

(F) The school bus driver shall use the seat belt whenever the school bus is in motion.

(G) Identified route hazards shall be documented and provided to school bus drivers whose routes are affected. School bus drivers should report any such regular pedestrian or vehicular concerns as the following:

(1) Construction sites;

(2) Areas of poor visibility;

(3) Restricted sight distances;

(4) Railroad crossings.

(5) Other route hazards as noted by the school bus driver.

(H) Equipment such as music instruments, athletic uniforms, etc., which cannot be held by passengers in their seats, shall be stored in the rear of the bus. The placement of such items in the rear of the bus shall not displace students. When it is necessary to transport such equipment concurrently with pupils, space shall be provided to comply with this rule without having standees in the bus. Equipment required in the assistance of preschool and special needs children shall be safely and properly secured. A clear aisle to the exit door must be maintained at all times.

(I) Maximum hours. The school bus driver shall operate the bus for not more than ten hours in any one twenty-four- hour period. Operation means on-road driving. Lay-over time does not count as operating time.

(J) Fueling

(1) Buses shall not be fueled while the engine is running.

(2) Smoking shall not be permitted while fueling.

(3) Buses shall not be fueled with pupils on board.

(K) Except in cases of extreme-emergency, cellular telephones, including hands-free and wireless devices, or other portable communication devices shall not be used by the driver while the school bus is in motion or while the driver is supervising the loading or unloading of students.

(L) Medically necessary oxygen for students may be transported provided it is properly secured. The oxygen must be housed in portable units less than fifteen pounds total weight each. Guidelines for transporting oxygen will be developed and administered by the department.

(M) Districts shall adopt engine idling time policies that minimize the amount of time diesel engines shall be left idling. Diesel engine idling in excess of five minutes in school loading zones shall not be permitted unless the operation of a wheelchair lift is required.

Last updated February 20, 2025 at 11:21 AM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 3301.07, 3327.01, 4511.76
Amplifies: 3301.07, 3327.01, 4511.76
Five Year Review Date: 3/26/2025
Prior Effective Dates: 10/22/1984, 10/5/1998
Rule 3301-83-21 | Supplementary provisions for county boards of developmental disabilities.

(A) As used in this rule, the following definitions apply:

(1) "Behavioral support plan" means a written statement for a special needs child that is developed and implemented in accordance with paragraph (E) of rule 3301-51-02 of the Administrative Code.

(2) "Individualized habilitation plan" means a written plan of intervention and action that is developed on the basis of a comprehensive evaluation.

(3) "County board" means a county board of developmental disabilities.

(4) "Department" means Ohio department of education.

(B) The county board shall provide transportation services for children ages three to twenty-one eligible for transportation and enrolled in department-funded programs. The nature and extent of transportation services to be provided to each individual served shall be determined through the individualized education program or behavioral support plan process. The determination shall be reviewed annually.

(1) When it is determined through the individualized education program or behavioral support plan process that transportation other than that provided by the county board is an integral part of the education or habilitation of the individual, the county board shall provide reimbursement for transportation to the parent or guardian. Under these circumstances, written agreement between the county board and the parent or guardian shall be obtained prior to the provision of such transportation services. Documentation of this agreement shall be kept on file.

(2) Reimbursement of transportation costs paid to a parent or guardian may be approved as part of the transportation operating subsidy from the department with prior written agreement between the county board and the parent or guardian.

(C) The county board shall meet or exceed the insurance requirement for transportation vehicles and pupils as identified in Chapter 3327. of the Revised Code.

(D) A school bus driver shall have a current and valid "American Red Cross" first-aid certificate or equivalent first aid training.

(E) All new bus drivers, assistants, and substitutes shall attend, prior to their assignment to a bus with passengers on board, an orientation which includes a review of the vehicle operator's manual and a practical overview of the characteristics and needs of individuals to be transported.

(F) The county board shall adopt a policy and procedures that ensure assistance is provided to individuals while being transported on county board vehicles when the individualized education program or behavioral support plan indicates a need for such assistance.

(G) Individuals shall be picked up and returned to their residences unless other arrangements have been agreed upon by the county board program and the responsible parent or guardian.

(H) All pupil transportation provided for children ages three through twenty-one must comply with all pupil transportation rules as identified in Chapter 3301-83 of the Administrative Code and rule 3301-51-10 of the Administrative Code.

Last updated February 20, 2025 at 11:21 AM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 3301.07; 4511.76
Amplifies: 4511.76
Five Year Review Date: 1/31/2025
Prior Effective Dates: 7/1/1991
Rule 3301-83-22 | Vehicle maintenance.

School buses and other vehicles used to transport school children shall be maintained in safe operating condition through a systematic preventative maintenance program.

All school buses being used for pupil transportation must be presented to the Ohio department of public safety for inspection, and shall not be operated with students on board without a current inspection sticker signifying that they have passed such inspection.

The Ohio state highway patrol shall be notified within forty-eight hours of any school buses involved in motor vehicle accidents.

Last updated February 20, 2025 at 11:21 AM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 4511.76, 3301.07
Amplifies: 4511.76
Five Year Review Date: 4/29/2025
Prior Effective Dates: 10/5/1998
Rule 3301-83-23 | Employment of school bus and van drivers with certain criminal convictions.

(A) Definitions

(1) "Applicant" means one who is under final consideration for appointment or employment as a pupil transportation driver.

(2) "Criminal records check" has the same meaning as in section 109.572 of the Revised Code. For the purposes of this rule, "date of criminal records check" shall mean the date of receipt of the results of a background check requested by a district or employer, which shall be time-stamped by the district on the date of receipt by the district.

(3) "School" means a school district as described in section 3311.01 of the Revised Code, a municipal school district as described in section 3311.71 of the Revised Code, an educational service center, a community school, a county department of developmental disabilities, a chartered non-public school, or a preschool program.

(4) "Employee" means a current employee of a school district or employer as a school transportation driver who is subject to the requirements of a background check pursuant to section 3327.10 of the Revised Code.

(5) "Offense" for the purposes of this rule means an offense as listed in sections of the Revised Code as listed in this rule and includes any municipal ordinance, law of this state, another state, or the United States that is substantially equivalent to one of the offenses referred to in this rule.

(6) "Non-rehabilitative offense" means a criminal offense that would prohibit an employer from hiring or continuing employment of such an individual, and are the following:

(a) Sexually-oriented offenses: section 2907.02 (rape), 2907.03 (sexual battery), 2907.04 (unlawful sexual conduct with a minor), 2907.05 (gross sexual imposition), 2907.06 (sexual imposition), 2907.07 (importuning), 2907.21 (compelling prostitution), 2907.22 (promoting prostitution), 2907.23 (procuring), 2907.25 (prostitution; after positive HIV test), 2907.31 (disseminating matter harmful to juveniles), 2907.32 (pandering obscenity), 2907.321 (pandering obscenity involving a minor), 2907.322 (pandering sexually oriented matter involving a minor), or 2907.323 (illegal use of a minor in nudity-oriented material or performance) of the Revised Code or a violation of former section 2907.12 (felonious sexual penetration) of the Revised Code.

(b) Child-related violent offenses: section 2905.01 (kidnapping), 2905.02 (abduction), 2905.05 (criminal child enticement), or 2919.23 (interference of custody) of the Revised Code that would have been a violation of section 2905.04 (child stealing) of the Revised Code as it existed prior to July 1, 1996, had the violation been committed prior to that date, division (B)(1), (B)(2), (B)(3), or (B)(4) of section 2919.22 (endangering children) of the Revised Code.

(c) Violent offenses: section 2903.01 (aggravated murder), 2903.02 (murder), 2903.03 (voluntary manslaughter), 2903.04 (involuntary manslaughter), 2903.06 (vehicular manslaughter and assault), 2903.08 (vehicular manslaughter and assault), 2903.09 (vehicular manslaughter and assault), or 2909.24 (terrorism) of the Revised Code.

(d) "Other violence-related offenses," which mean a violation of the following sections that occurred either within twenty years prior to the date of the current application for a position as a school transportation driver or, for a current employee, within twenty years prior to the date of the current criminal records check: 2903.11 (felonious assault), 2903.12 (aggravated assault), 2911.01 (aggravated robbery), 2911.02 (robbery), 2911.11 (aggravated burglary), or 2923.161 (improper discharge firearm at or into habitation; school-related offenses) of the Revised Code; 3716.11 (placing harmful objects in food/confection), 2919.12 (unlawful abortion) of the Revised Code.

(e) "Drug offenses," which mean a violation of the following sections that occurred either within ten years prior to the date of the current application for a position as a school transportation driver or, for a current employee, within ten years prior to the date of the current criminal records check: section 2925.02 (corrupting another with drugs), 2925.03 (trafficking in drugs), 2925.04 (illegal manufacture of drugs or cultivation of marihuana), 2925.05 (funding of drug or marihuana trafficking), or 2925.06 (illegal administration or distribution of anabolic steroids) of the Revised Code.

(f) "Non-violent theft offense," which means a violation of section 2911.12 (burglary) of the Revised Code that occurred either within ten years prior to the date of the current application for a position as school transportation driver with the district or, for a current employee, within ten years prior to the date of the current criminal records check.

(g) "Major motor vehicle offenses," which means a violation of section 4511.19 (operating a motor vehicle under the influence) of the Revised Code, that occurred within ten years prior to the date of the current application for a position as a student transportation driver or within ten years prior to current records check for a current employee; and 4511.20 (reckless operation), 4510.11 (driving under suspension), 4510.14 (driving under OVI suspension), or 4511.194 (physical control while under the influence) of the Revised Code, that occurred either within six years prior to the date of the current application for a position as student transportation driver, or for a current employee, within six years prior to the date of the current records check.

(h) "Other offenses," which mean a violation of the following sections that occurred either within five years prior to the date of the current application for a position as school transportation driver, or for a current employee, within five years prior to the date of the current criminal records check: 2903.13 (assault), 2903.16 (failing to provide for a functionally impaired person), 2903.21 (aggravated menacing), 2903.34 (patient use or neglect), 2907.08 (voyeurism), 2907.09 (public indecency), division (A) of section 2919.22 (endangering children), 2919.24 (contributing to unruliness or delinquency of a child), 2919.25 (domestic violence), 2923.12 (carrying concealed weapons), 2923.13 (having weapons while under disability), or 2925.11 (possession of a controlled substance that is not a minor drug possession offense) of the Revised Code.

(i) "Other motor vehicle offenses," which means a violation of section 4511.75 (violation of school bus warning lights), 4511.21 (school zone speed limit) while operating a school vehicle, or 4511.62 (railroad crossing violation) of the Revised Code; that occurred either within one year prior to the date of the current application for a position as student transportation driver, or for a current employee, within one year prior to the date of the current records check.

(B) No provider of school transportation services shall employ an applicant upon learning that he/she has pled guilty to, been found guilty by a jury or court of, or convicted of any violation of a non-rehabilitative offense as listed in paragraph (A)(6) of this rule. In addition, the district shall release an employee from employment upon learning that he/she has pled guilty to, been found guilty by a jury or court of, or convicted of any violation of a non-rehabilitative offense as listed in paragraph (A)(6) of this rule. Likewise, a district shall release from employment an individual if the results of a criminal records check indicate that, pursuant to this rule, the applicant does not qualify for employment.

(C) A provider of school transportation services maintains the discretion whether to employ or retain in employment an individual who has been deemed rehabilitated pursuant to this rule. A provider of school transportation services may employ an applicant or continue to employ an individual that has previously pled guilty to, been found guilty by a jury or court of, or convicted of an offense listed in division (B)(1) of section 3319.39 of the Revised Code, if all of the following conditions for rehabilitation are met:

(1) The offense is not a non-rehabilitative offense as listed in paragraph (A)(6) of this rule;

(2) At the time of the offense, the victim of the offense was not a person under eighteen years of age or enrolled as a student in a school.

(3) The applicant or employee provides written confirmation of his/her efforts at rehabilitation and the results of those efforts. Written confirmation may include a statement by a court, parole officer, probation officer and/or counselor, or another source as approved by the employer that the applicant or employee has been rehabilitated.

(4) A reasonable person would conclude that the applicant's hiring or the retention of the employee would not jeopardize the health, safety, or welfare of the persons served by the employer, based upon information pertinent to the following factors:

(a) The nature and seriousness of the crime;

(b) The extent of the applicant or employee's past criminal activity;

(c) The age of the applicant or employee when the crime was committed;

(d) The amount of time elapsed since the applicant or employee's last criminal activity;

(e) The conduct and work activity of the applicant or employee before and after the criminal activity;

(f) Whether the applicant or employee has completed the terms of his probation or deferred adjudication;

(g) Evidence of rehabilitation;

(h) Whether the applicant fully disclosed the crime to the district and/or employer;

(i) Whether employment could have a negative impact on the local education community;

(j) Whether employment could have a negative impact on the state-wide education community;

(k) If the employer is a private employer, information regarding the individual's criminal background check and any subsequent actions by the contractor must be disclosed to any entity contracting for school transportation services;

(l) Any entity contracting for transportation services is not bound by the determination of a private employer to re-employ an individual in accordance with this section; and

(m) Any other factor the employer considers relevant.

(D) It is the applicant or employee's duty to provide written evidence that the conditions specified in paragraph (C) of this rule are met. If the applicant or employee fails to provide such evidence or if the employer determines that the proof offered by the applicant or employee is inconclusive or does not establish proof of rehabilitation, the applicant shall not be hired or the employee shall be released from employment. Any doubt shall be resolved in favor of protecting the persons served by the school transportation provider.

(E) Except as otherwise specified in this rule, the provisions of this rule are also applicable to records of convictions that have been sealed pursuant to section 2953.32 of the Revised Code or any municipal ordinance or law of this state, another state, or the United States that is substantially equivalent to section 2953.32 of the Revised Code.

(F) A plea of guilty to, a finding of guilt by a jury or court of, or a conviction of an offense listed in division (B)(1) of section 3319.39 of the Revised Code shall not prevent an applicant's hiring or the retention of an employee if the applicant or employee has been granted an unconditional pardon for the offense pursuant to Chapter 2967. of the Revised Code or the conviction or guilty plea has been set aside pursuant to law. For purposes of this rule, "unconditional pardon" includes a conditional pardon with respect to which all conditions have been performed or have transpired.

(G) As a condition of initial or continued employment pursuant to the requirements of this rule, the district may request the applicant or employee to be evaluated by a licensed provider (e.g. physician, psychologist, psychiatrist, independent social worker, professional counselor, chemical dependency counselor, etc.) and/or successfully complete a recognized and/or certified treatment program relevant to the nature of the conviction. (Unless otherwise specified in an employee contract, labor agreement, or other similar agreement, the employee or applicant shall bear all direct and associated costs of the evaluation and treatment program.) Failure on the part of an applicant or employee to comply with the district's request pursuant to this paragraph may be considered by the district as a factor against initial or continued employment.

(H) Prior to rendering a decision on employment, the employer shall provide an opportunity for a meeting to an employee, if requested by the individual, so that he/she may provide evidence of rehabilitation pursuant to the requirements of this rule.

(I) The decision of the employer on whether to employ or continue to employ an individual pursuant to the requirements of this rule cannot be appealed to the Ohio department of education or state board of education.

(J) If a person who is employed by a school or school transportation provider is arrested, summoned, or indicted for an alleged violation of a listed offense, the superintendent of the school or chief executive officer of the transportation provider shall suspend that person from all duties that require the care, custody, or control of a child during the pendency of the criminal action against the person.

(K) This rule is promulgated under the state board and the department's rule-making authority under division (E) of section 3319.39 of the Revised Code.

Last updated April 15, 2024 at 12:00 PM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 4511.76, 3327.10, 3319.391, 3319.39, 3301.07
Amplifies: 3319.39, 4511.76, 3327.10, 3319.391
Five Year Review Date: 4/25/2024
Rule 3301-83-24 | School transportation fees.

(A) Fees for routine school transportation:

(1) No school vehicle owner shall charge for transporting pupils to and from regular day classes when that transportation is provided in accordance with section 3327.01, 3326.20, and 3314.091 of the Revised Code. This applies equally to buses owned by school boards, non-public schools, community schools, STEM schools, and the county boards of developmental disabilities as well as buses operated under contract for one of these agencies.

This rule does not apply to private transporation arranged for or by parents or other groups not related to the educating school board, non-public school, community school, STEM school, or county board of developmental disabilities.

(2) The governing authority of a chartered nonpublic school may charge for transporation of pupils in a manner consistent with section 3327.07 of the Revised Code. Vehicles used by the governing authority of the chartered nonpublic school or its contractor shall comply with rule 3301-83-19 of the Administrative Code. Drivers employed or contracted by the governing authority of the chartered nonpublic school or its contractor shall comply with all requirements for school bus drivers in Chapter 3327. of the Revised Code and Chapter 3301-83 of the Administrative Code.

(B) Fees for non-routine school transportation during the school day:

No school vehicle owner shall charge for transporting pupils to and from educational field-trips during school days. This applies equally to buses owned by school boards, non-public schools, community schools, STEM schools, and county boards of developmental disabilities as well as buses operated under contract for an agency described in paragraph (A) of this rule.

(C) Fees for non-routine school transportation outside of the school day:

No school vehicle owner shall charge a fee that exceeds the actual costs assessed for transportation to and from educational field trips on non-school days.

(D) Requirement to recover cost:

The board of education or county board of developmental disabilities shall recover an amount not to exceed the actual operational costs associated with non-routine use of school buses when that transportation is provided for agencies other than those directly related to the bus owner.

(E) Identification of costs when recovery is required:

Districts may charge both an hourly rate and mileage fee when costs are to be recovered.

The following costs, as reported on the district or community school that provides transportation T-2 reports, shall be used in determination of fees to be charged when a recovery cost is required:

(1) Driver salary and benefits;

(2) Fuel;

(3) Maintenance;

(4) Service;

(5) Supervision;

(6) Insurance.

Last updated February 20, 2025 at 11:21 AM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 4511.76, 3301.07
Amplifies: 3327.14, 4511.76, 3327.15
Five Year Review Date: 4/20/2025
Rule 3301-83-25 | Transportation collaboration grant.

(A) As used in the rule:

(1) "Shared resource management" means school district resources that are collaboratively agreed upon and shared between at least two city, local, or exempted village school districts to reduce transportation costs.

(2) "Routing consolidation" means reducing the number of routes by collaborating with one or more school districts to reduce transportation costs.

(3) "Regional collaboration" means identifying opportunities within a given region that includes at least two city, local, or exempted village school districts working together collaboratively to reduce transportation costs.

(B) A city, local or exempted village school district may apply to the department of education in accordance with paragraph (C) of this rule for a transportation collaboration grant.

(C) Application Process

(1) A city, local or exempted village school district may apply for a transportation collaboration grant by submitting an application to the department by:

(a) A date to be determined by the department of education for fiscal year 2022;

(b) The thirtieth day of September for fiscal year 2023 and for any subsequent fiscal year for which this grant is authorized and funds are appropriated for its administration.

(2) The application shall include all of the following information:

(a) A description of the proposed activity or activities that will lead to a reduction of the district's overall transportation operation costs. Allowable activities include those that lead to:

(i) Shared resource management;

(ii) Routing consolidation;

(iii) Regional collaboration; or

(iv) Other activities that have the potential to reduce transportation operating costs.

(b) A list of all school districts involved as partners in the planned activity or activities. An educational service center may be included as a partner. The application must include the signature of the superintendent and treasurer of the applying city, local, or exempted village school district and any partners indicating that each participating partner agrees to participate in the proposed activities.

(c) The estimated transportation cost reduction that the city, local or exempted village district anticipates through implementation of the activities in the proposal that will be saved by city, local or exempted village school district as a result of this activity.

(d) Evidence to support the estimated reduction in transportation costs.

(D) Each city, local, or exempted village school district awarded a grant under this rule is required to submit a report to the department by the thirtieth day of September following the fiscal year in which the grant was administered. The report must include:

(1) The activities conducted using grant funds; and

(2) Reductions in operating costs resulting from grant activities.

(E) In order for a grant recipient to be eligible for subsequent fiscal year grant awards, the recipient must either:

(1) Demonstrate on the report submitted under paragraph (D) of this rule that the activities conducted using grant funds resulted in transportation operating cost reductions; or

(2) If the activities in the prior grant cycle did not lead to reductions in transportation operating costs, demonstrate that new approaches will lead to reductions in transportation operating costs through the allowable activities under paragraph (C)(2)(a) of this rule.

(F) The grants administered under this rule are available for fiscal years 2022 and 2023. In the event that the general assembly appropriates funds and reauthorizes the administration of this grant in subsequent fiscal years, this rule will apply to subsequent grants.

Last updated February 20, 2025 at 11:21 AM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: ORC 3317.072
Amplifies: ORC 3317.072
Five Year Review Date: 3/31/2027