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This website publishes administrative rules on their effective dates, as designated by the adopting state agencies, colleges, and universities.

Chapter 3301-101 | Jon Peterson Special Needs Scholarship Program

Rule 3301-101-01 | Definitions.

The following terms are defined as they are used in this chapter of the Administrative Code:

(A) "Administrative or judicial mediations or proceedings" includes, but is not limited to, pending written complaints, mediations, or due process hearings with respect to the content of the individualized education program (IEP) that an alternative public provider or registered private provider would implement if a special needs scholarship is awarded to a child whose parent has applied for a scholarship for his or her child; or is implementing if a child was awarded a scholarship and is participating in the special needs scholarship program;

(B) "Alternative public provider" has the same meaning as in section 3310.51 of the Revised Code;

(C) "Special needs scholarship program" has the same meaning as the Jon Peterson special needs scholarship program established in section 3310.52 of the Revised Code;

(D) "Category one" child is a child who has been identified with a disability of speech or language impairment as defined in rule 3301-51-01 of the Administrative Code;

(E) "Category two" child is a child who has been identified as specific learning disabled as that term is defined in rule 3301-51-01 of the Administrative Code, a child who has an intellectual disability as that term is defined in rule 3301-51-01 of the Administrative Code, or a child who has other health impairment-minor as defined in section 3317.02 of the Revised Code;

(F) "Category three" child is a child who has been identified with a hearing impairment or an emotional disturbance as that term is defined in rule 3301-51-01 of the Administrative Code or as severe behavior disabled;

(G) "Category four" child is a child who has been identified with a visual impairment as that term is defined in rule 3301-51-01 of the Administrative Code or as having another health impairment-major, as defined in section 3317.02 of the Revised Code;

(H) "Category five" child is a child who has been identified with an orthopedic impairment or as having multiple disabilities as those terms are defined in rule 3301-51-01 of the Administrative Code;

(I) "Category six" child is a child who has been identified as having autism as that term is defined in rule 3301-51-01 of the Administrative Code, as having traumatic brain injuries as that term is defined in rule 3301-51-01 of the Administrative Code, or as deaf-blindness as that term is defined in rule 3301-51-01 of the Administrative Code;

(J) "Child find" has the same meaning as in rule 3301-51-03 of the Administrative Code;

(K) "Department" means the department of education and workforce;

(L) "IDEA" means the Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act of 2004 at 20 U.S.C. 1400, Public Law 108-446 of the 108th Congress, December 3, 2004;

(M) "Entitled to attend school" has the same meaning as in section 3310.51 of the Revised Code;

(N) "FAPE" means free and appropriate public education under the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Individual with Disabilities Education Act;

(O) " "IEP" means an individualized education program and has the same meaning as in section 3310.51 of the Revised Code;

(P) "Eligible applicant" has the same meaning as in section 3310.51 of the Revised Code ;

(Q) "Modify services" means to provide services identified on the IEP at a different frequency or in a different amount than specified on the IEP, as measured by goals and objectives, or to provide services other than those identified on the IEP, but associated with educating the child. A parent and provider do not have the ability to independently amend or alter the IEP as written by the school district;

(R) "Qualified special education child" has the same meaning as in section 3310.51 of the Revised Code;

(S) "Registered private provider" has the same meaning as in section 3310.51 of the Revised Code;

(T) "Primary Provider," for a child with more than one provider, means the provider responsible for submission and maintenance of the child's scholarship application and the administration of the state assessment to the child;

(U) "Scholarship" has the same meaning as in section 3310.51 of the Revised Code;

(V) "School district of residence" has the same meaning as in section 3310.51 of the Revised Code;

(W) "Special education program" has the same meaning as in section 3310.51 of the Revised Code.

Last updated June 27, 2024 at 10:38 PM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 3301.07, 3310.64
Amplifies: 3310.51, 3310.52, 3310.521, 3310.522, 3310.53, 3310.54, 3310.57, 3310.58, 3310.59, 3310.60, 3310.61, 3310.62, 3310.63
Five Year Review Date: 6/27/2029
Prior Effective Dates: 3/28/2019
Rule 3301-101-02 | Jon Peterson special needs scholarship program established.

(A) The department of education and workforce will pay a scholarship to the parent or other eligible applicant of each qualified special education child upon the submission of a fully completed application pursuant to procedures established by the department's rules in this chapter.

(B) Each scholarship will be used only to pay all or part of the tuition and fees for the child on whose behalf the scholarship is awarded to attend a special education program that provides services under the child's (IEP) in the following manner:

(1) For a special education program which is operated by an alternative public provider or by a registered private provider may be used in lieu of the child's special education program operated by the school district in which the child is entitled to attend school.

(2) Additional services agreed to in writing by the provider and eligible applicant that are not included in the IEP but are associated with educating the child. Upon written agreement with the eligible applicant, the provider may modify the services provided to the child through the development of measurable goals and objectives in addition to the services included in the IEP.

(C) The purpose of the scholarship is to permit the parent or other eligible applicant of a qualified special education child the choice to send the child to a special education program, instead of the one operated by or for the school district in which the child is entitled to attend school, to receive the services prescribed in the child's IEP once the IEP is finalized, and other services agreed to in writing by the provider and eligible applicant that are not included in the IEP but are associated with educating the child. Upon written agreement with the eligible applicant, the provider may modify services provided to the child through the development of measurable goals and objectives in addition to or in lieu of the services included in the IEP.

(D) The following exclusions and provisions apply to the program:

(1) A scholarship will not be awarded to the parent or other eligible applicant for a first-time scholarship while a child's IEP is being developed or while any administrative or judicial mediation or proceedings with respect to the content of the child's initial IEP are pending. Disputes regarding the development of subsequent IEPs do not affect the eligible applicant's and the child's continued eligibility for scholarship payments. A parent or eligible applicant will not lose a scholarship while any administrative or judicial mediation or proceedings with respect to the content of the child's subsequent IEP are pending.

(2) The responsibility for developing the child's IEP lies with the school district in which the child is entitled to attend school, or the child's school district of residence, if different. The school district of residence has the primary responsibility for developing a child's IEP. The school district where the child is entitled to attend school may develop the IEP in accordance with paragraph (C) of 3301-101-05 of the Administrative Code.

(3) The eligible applicant is responsible for ensuring that a child receiving a scholarship has the services necessary to educate the child. Once the child is no longer enrolled in a public school district, the public school district is not obligated to provide the child with a FAPE.

(4) For purposes of Chapter 3323. of the Revised Code and IDEA, a scholarship recipient has only those rights that apply to all other unilaterally parentally placed children, with the exception of the right to have a public school district develop an IEP in accordance with division (B) of section 3310.53 of the Revised Code. To the extent that tuition and fees for the scholarship child exceed the scholarship amount, the eligible applicant is responsible for the payment of all amounts that exceed the scholarship amount in accordance with the terms agreed to between the eligible applicant and the providers.

(5) The eligible applicant is responsible for the allocation of scholarship funds if the eligible applicant has selected multiple providers.

(6) A scholarship under this section will not be used for the following purposes:

(a) For a child to attend a public special education program that operates under a contract, compact, or other bilateral agreement between the school district in which the child is entitled to attend school and another school district or other public provider; or

(b) For a child to attend a community school established under Chapter 3314. of the Revised Code.

(7) Nothing in sections 3310.51 to 3310.64 of the Revised Code or in the rules in this chapter or any other rules adopted by the department prevents a parent or other eligible applicant whose child attends a public special education program under a contract, compact, or other bilateral agreement, or whose child attends a community school, from applying for and accepting a scholarship so that the applicant may withdraw the child from that program or community school and use the scholarship for the child to attend a special education program operated by an alternative public provider or a registered private provider.

Last updated June 27, 2024 at 10:38 PM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 3301.07, 3310.64
Amplifies: 3310.51, 3310.52, 3310.521, 3310.522, 3310.53, 3310.54, 3310.57, 3310.58, 3310.59, 3310.60, 3310.61, 3310.62, 3310.63
Five Year Review Date: 6/27/2029
Prior Effective Dates: 3/28/2019
Rule 3301-101-03 | Eligibility to receive a scholarship.

(A) In accordance with section 3301.51 of the Revised Code, a child will meet the following conditions to be eligible to participate in the scholarship program:

(1) The child will be at least five years of age and less than twenty-two years of age at the beginning of the school year for which the scholarship is sought;

(2) The school district in which the child is entitled to attend school, or the child's school district of residence, if different, has identified the child as a child with a disability under 20 U.S.C. 1401(3) and division (A) of section 3323.01 of the Revised Code;

(3) The school district in which the child is entitled to attend school, or the child's school district of residence, if different, has completed an IEP for the child;

(a) If the child is a first-time applicant, no administrative or judicial proceedings as defined in paragraph (A) of rule 3301-101-01 of the Administrative Code are pending regarding the contents of the IEP;

(b) If the child is seeking a subsequent scholarship, the existence of administrative or judicial proceedings about the subsequent IEP does not affect continued eligibility for a scholarship.

(c) Administrative or judicial proceedings regarding the services provided by the district do not affect the child's eligibility for a scholarship.

(B) A child is not eligible for a scholarship if the department of education and workforce has approved and the applicant has accepted a scholarship for the child under the educational choice scholarship pilot program, the autism scholarship program, or the pilot project scholarship program for the same year in which a scholarship is sought, unless the applicant relinquishes the scholarship awarded under the other program upon acceptance of a scholarship under the Jon Peterson scholarship program.

Last updated June 27, 2024 at 10:39 PM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 3301.07, 3310.64
Amplifies: 3310.51, 3310.52, 3310.521, 3310.522, 3310.53, 3310.54, 3310.57, 3310.58, 3310.59, 3310.60, 3310.61, 3310.62, 3310.63
Five Year Review Date: 6/27/2029
Prior Effective Dates: 3/28/2019
Rule 3301-101-04 | Application for a scholarship.

(A) Scholarships awarded under the Jon Peterson special needs scholarship program will be valid from the date of the department of education and workforce's written notification of approval to the end of the scholarship year, provided all program conditions have been met.

(B) An applicant seeking a scholarship for a student who is not currently receiving a scholarship shall complete and submit an application for the scholarship, along with all information and forms determined by the department to be necessary to determine eligibility and make scholarship award determinations.

(C) A new or renewal applicant seeking a scholarship for the year subsequent to a year in which a scholarship was received may have to complete an application in the manner established by the department and provide the information and documentation that the department determines is necessary for the effective implementation of the program.

(D) In submitting an application for a scholarship, the applicant will attest to the following:

(1) That the information provided on the application is true and correct;

(2) That the applicant has received the profile of the registered private provider's special education program under division (B) of section 3310.521 of the Revised Code and rule 3301-101-09 of the Administrative Code;

(3) That the applicant has received the comparison document under section 3323.052 of the Revised Code;

(4) That the applicant understands that by accepting and receiving the scholarship and the FAPE comparison document, the applicant agrees to comply with the provisions of sections 3310.51 to 3310.64 of the Revised Code and the provisions of the rules in this chapter;

(5) That the applicant understands that acceptance of a scholarship relieves the school district of residence and the school district in which the student is entitled to attend school, if different, of the obligation to provide the child with FAPE;

(6) That the provider and the department will be informed immediately of any change in the student's residential address;

(7) That the applicant agrees to abide by the dispute resolution process described in rule 3301-101-12 of the Administrative Code;

(8) That the scholarship amount will only be applied to the tuition and fees of the enrolling provider and that the applicant understands that the applicant will need to pay tuition and fees that exceed the amount of the scholarship, and other fees and costs as prescribed by the policies of the provider; and

(9) Any other representations prescribed by the department determined to be necessary to ensure the effective implementation of the program and compliance with Chapter 3310. of the Revised Code.

(E) Application for program participation will be made on forms or through electronic means as prescribed by the department. Applicants may designate, in writing, another entity to submit the application on behalf of the applicant. Such designation may be made only to registered providers or alternative public providers.

Last updated July 8, 2024 at 9:00 AM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 3301.07, 3310.64
Amplifies: 3310.51, 3310.52, 3310.521, 3310.522, 3310.53, 3310.54, 3310.57, 3310.58, 3310.59, 3310.60, 3310.61, 3310.62, 3310.63
Five Year Review Date: 6/27/2029
Prior Effective Dates: 2/24/2012, 3/28/2019
Rule 3301-101-06 | Awarding scholarships.

(A) Scholarships will be awarded from fully completed applications received in the following order:

(1) First, to any eligible student enrolled in grades kindergarten through twelve who received a scholarship in the school year immediately prior to the year for which the scholarship is sought and for whom eligibility has not been terminated pursuant to rule 3301-101-08 of the Administrative Code;

(2) Then, to other eligible students.


Initial determinations will be made in the following manner:

(1) If the number of valid applications received is equal to or less than the number of scholarships authorized by section 3310.52 of the Revised Code, scholarships will be awarded to all eligible students. The department of education and workforce may establish procedures for the acceptance of applications and for the awarding of scholarships consistent with the priorities specified in paragraph (A) of this rule.

(2) If the number of valid applications received exceeds the number of scholarships authorized by section 3310.52 of the Revised Code, no additional applications will be accepted. Scholarships will be awarded in the manner set forth in paragraph (B)(3) of this rule.

(3) Scholarships will be awarded in the following manner:

(a) All eligible students who meet the condition described in paragraph (A)(1) of this rule will be awarded scholarships, if possible;

(b) If the number of eligible students who meet the condition described in paragraph (A)(1) of this rule exceed the number of scholarships authorized by section 3310.52 of the Revised Code, priority will be given based on the number of years the student has participated in the program. Regarding students with the same number of years of participation, the department will determine eligibility by lottery, if needed.

(c) If the number of eligible students who meet the condition described in paragraph (A)(2) of this rule is equal to or less than the number of total scholarships authorized by section 3310.52 of the Revised Code minus the number of scholarships awarded to eligible students meeting the condition of paragraph (A)(1) of this rule, all eligible students meeting the condition of paragraph (A)(2) of this rule will be awarded scholarships;

(d) If, after awarding scholarships to eligible students who meet the condition described in paragraph (A)(1) of this rule, the number of eligible students who meet the condition of paragraph (A)(2) of this rule exceeds the number of scholarships authorized by section 3310.52 of the Revised Code minus the number of scholarships awarded to eligible students meeting the condition of paragraph (A)(1) of this rule, the remaining scholarships will be awarded through the use of a lottery system.

(C) Applicants and the provider identified by the applicant will be notified of a scholarship award in writing, or through electronic communication, within thirty days of award determination.

(D) If an eligible student who is awarded a scholarship subsequently declines the scholarship, the applicant will notify the department of the intention to relinquish the scholarship. The department will establish dates by when such notifications will be made.

(E) Any eligible student who has not been awarded a scholarship will be placed on a waiting list maintained by the department according to the order of the lottery. Scholarships will be awarded to eligible students on the waiting list as they are relinquished by other applicants in a manner to be specified by the department, until a deadline as established by the department is reached.

Last updated June 27, 2024 at 10:40 PM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 3301.07, 3310.64
Amplifies: 3310.51, 3310.52, 3310.521, 3310.522, 3310.53, 3310.54, 3310.57, 3310.58, 3310.59, 3310.60, 3310.61, 3310.62, 3310.63
Five Year Review Date: 6/27/2029
Prior Effective Dates: 2/24/2012
Rule 3301-101-07 | Transfer of scholarship.

Scholarships may be transferred to other registered providers or alternative public providers pursuant to this rule. Both the applicant and the provider accepting the transferred student will notify the department of education and workforce and the public school district writing the IEP of the applicant's intent to transfer and the anticipated effective date of transfer. The provider enrolling the applicant may provide such notification to the department and the public school district on the applicant's behalf, if so designated in writing or through electronic communication by the applicant. Scholarships are not transferable to other students.

Last updated June 27, 2024 at 10:41 PM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 3301.07, 3310.64
Amplifies: 3310.51, 3310.52, 3310.521, 3310.522, 3310.53, 3310.54, 3310.57, 3310.58, 3310.59, 3310.60, 3310.61, 3310.62, 3310.63
Five Year Review Date: 6/27/2029
Prior Effective Dates: 2/24/2012
Rule 3301-101-08 | Termination of eligibility.

(A) Eligibility to continue to receive a scholarship in the school year in which it is being received will be terminated if any of the following occur:

(1) The department of education and workforce determines that the application made for the program contained false information that, had such information been correct, would have caused the scholarship recipient to be ineligible for the program; or

(2) The scholarship recipient is withdrawn from, or is expelled from, the entity that is providing the child with an educational program that complies with the minimum standards of the department as prescribed in Chapter 3301-34 or 3301-35 of the Administrative Code, and fails within thirty calendar days to enroll with another entity to provide an educational program to the child that complies with those standards.

(3) If the child is not receiving any of the special education and related services identified on the IEP or approved modifications to the services on the IEP.

(B) Eligibility to receive scholarships in subsequent school years and to submit an application for continuing eligibility pursuant to paragraph (C) of rule 3301-101-04 of the Administrative Code will cease if the scholarship recipient fails to comply with the provisions of rule 3301-101-04 of the Administrative Code as determined by the department.

(C) Eligibility to receive scholarships in subsequent school years will not be terminated because a student failed to take a state test or alternate assessment prescribed for the student's grade level if the department determines that the provider failed to meet its obligation to administer the test.

(D) If the department intends to terminate eligibility for the reasons set forth in paragraphs (A)(1) to (A)(3) and (B) of this rule, it will notify the applicant and the provider in writing of its determination to terminate eligibility. Such notification will include the effective date of the termination.

Last updated June 27, 2024 at 10:42 PM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 3301.07, 3310.64
Amplifies: 3310.51, 3310.52, 3310.521, 3310.522, 3310.53, 3310.54, 3310.57, 3310.58, 3310.59, 3310.60, 3310.61, 3310.62, 3310.63
Five Year Review Date: 6/27/2029
Prior Effective Dates: 3/28/2019
Rule 3301-101-09 | Participation by providers.

(A) Each year, the department of education and workforce will publish a list of registered private providers and alternative public providers who are participating in the scholarship program.

(B) To participate in the program, a private provider will register with the department in accordance with procedures established by the department. No private provider will enroll scholarship students or receive scholarship payments until the private provider has registered with the department. To be eligible for registration, a private provider will be able to demonstrate the following:

(1) That it will not discriminate on the basis of race, color, or national origin, regardless of whether the provider receives federal financial assistance;

(2) That it is in compliance with sections 3319.39, 3319.391, and 3319.392 of the Revised Code regarding background checks as if it were a school district;

(3) That the teaching and nonteaching professionals employed by the provider hold credentials that are appropriate for the qualified special education children enrolled in the special education program that it operates as determined by the department. The teaching and nonteaching professionals directly providing special education and related services to a scholarship recipient will meet the minimum standards of the applicable professional organization for individual or non-school providers. The private provider and employees will hold appropriate credentials from the state board of education or from a national or state board for their specific professions, and these credentials will be applicable to the special education or related services that the provider or employee will be providing. If the private provider contracts with another provider who will be providing special education and related services to children participating in the scholarship program, the contracted provider and any subcontractors or employees of both will also hold appropriate credentials from the Ohio state board of education or credentials from a national or state board for their specific profession;

(a) If any employee referenced in paragraph (B)(3) of this rule holds credentials issued by the Ohio state board of education that are either currently suspended or have been revoked in accordance with Chapter 119. and section 3319.31 of the Revised Code, that individual will not be permitted to provide services to a child receiving a scholarship, regardless of whether the individual holds credentials from a national or state board for his or her specific profession;

(b) If any employee referenced in paragraph (B)(3) of this rule holds appropriate credentials issued by a state other than Ohio, those credentials shall will be recognized as appropriate credentials under paragraph (B)(3) of this rule unless that party holds credentials issued by the Ohio board of education that are either currently suspended or have been revoked in accordance with Chapter 119. and section 3319.31 of the Revised Code;

(c) If a provider uses volunteers to assist in providing special education and related services to a scholarship recipient, those volunteers will be supervised by a person meeting the requirements in paragraph (B)(3) of this rule.

(4) That its educational program complies with program standards prescribed by the department and located on the department's website;

(5) That it meets all applicable health and safety codes;

(6) That it agrees to provide a record of compliance with the IEP and a record of the student's progress to the school district who wrote the IEP, in the form and manner prescribed by the department, and to cooperate with the district during the process of revising IEPs for scholarship students;

(7) That it agrees to retain the documentation and information identified in rule 3301-101-04 of the Administrative Code and any other documentation and information directly related to the student's scholarship application for one year from the submission of the application.

(8) That it agrees to notify the eligible applicant in writing of its reasons for declining to enroll the child receiving a scholarship.

(9) That it is physically located within the boundaries of the state of Ohio, and all children served by the provider will be served within the state of Ohio, unless a registered private provider is otherwise approved by the department to provide services in another state to Ohio residents due to the provider's proximity to the child's school or residence or if an out-of-state provider meets the department's conditions to provide on-line services to Ohio residents.

(10) The private provider demonstrates fiscal soundness. A private provider will demonstrate fiscal soundness by meeting the following conditions:

(a) Providing the department with a written statement confirming that the private provider has adequate liability and property and casualty insurance;

(b) Having no outstanding findings for recovery from the auditor of state; and

(c) Providing the parent with a fee schedule and description of the special education and related services that the private provider will be providing as part of the Jon Peterson scholarship program and making the fee schedule available to the department ;

(C) To participate in the program, an alternative public provider will notify the department in writing of its intent to participate in the Jon Peterson scholarship program. The registration conditions that apply to private providers do not apply to an alternative public provider. An alternative provider may utilize the scholarship program to enroll a child if the child's parent would owe fees for the services provided by the alternative public provider.

(D) A registered private provider, chartered nonpublic school providing a special education program, or alternative public provider will make the following representations to the department in order to participate:

(1) That it will annually communicate its tuition or fee structure including all discounts and other adjustments offered or available;

(2) That it will prepare a profile of its special education program that contains the methods of instruction that will be utilized to provide services to children receiving scholarships and the qualifications of teachers, instructors, and all other employees or subcontractors who will provide services to scholarship children, in the form prescribed by the department;

(3) That it will provide the profile under paragraph (D)(2) of this rule to eligible applicants;

(4) In cases where it is listed on a scholarship as the primary provider, that it, or another entity with qualifying credentials on behalf of the primary provider, will administer tests or alternate assessments to students receiving scholarships and enrolled in grade levels for which tests are regularly administered pursuant to sections 3301.0710 and 3301.0712 of the Revised Code, and that the results of such tests will be reported to the department pursuant to procedures established by the department;

(5) That it will make its facilities and the records pertinent to the effective implementation of the provisions established by the rules in this chapter available at any time during regular business hours for announced or unannounced visits by the department, or by persons under contract with the department to perform compliance reviews;

(6) That it has established sufficient student attendance recordkeeping procedures, including processes for documentation of excused absences;

(7) That it has established reliable systems to ensure confidentiality of student records;

(8) That it will promptly refund to the state any amounts overpaid on behalf of a student due to ineligibility, disenrollment, expulsion, data error, or for any other reason;

(9) That it will disenroll any scholarship student once a determination is made that the student will no longer attend the school. Disenrollment will be recorded as the last date the student attended classes;

(10) That it will allow the department to monitor compliance with the provisions of this rule and of other laws and rules as they apply to chartered nonpublic schools and will provide at the request of the department such information and copies of records as may be necessary to ensure such compliance, including:

(a) Information and records related to school staff and volunteers, including, but not limited to, license or certificate numbers, and background check results;

(b) Information and records related to school policies and procedures including, but not limited to, the parent or student handbook, admissions policies, and withdrawal and transfer policies; and

(c) Information and records related to building, vehicle and operational safety including, but not limited to, fire inspection reports, food service licenses, and vehicle inspection reports.

(E) The department may revoke the registration of a private provider if the department determines that the private provider is in violation of any of the provisions of section 3310.58 of the Revised Code, the rules of this chapter, or program guidelines established by the department. In lieu of revocation, the department may suspend a registered provider from participating in the program until issues of noncompliance have been corrected to the satisfaction of the department.

(F) Any alternative public provider that fails to meet the provisions established by the rules of this chapter may be suspended from participation in the program for a period of time to be determined by the department, or until such time as the alternative public provider provides assurances to the satisfaction of the department that such provisions will be met.

(G) If the department revokes or suspends a private provider's registration, the provider will be entitled to and may request a hearing under Chapter 119. of the Revised Code.

Last updated July 8, 2024 at 8:59 AM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 3301.07, 3310.64
Amplifies: 3310.51, 3310.52, 3310.521, 3310.522, 3310.53, 3310.54, 3310.57, 3310.58, 3310.59, 3310.60, 3310.61, 3310.62, 3310.63
Five Year Review Date: 7/5/2029
Rule 3301-101-10 | Payment of scholarship amounts.

(A) Payment of scholarship amounts will be mailed to the address or made through electronic funds transfer using the information provided by the provider. Eligible applicants that authorize payment be made solely to the provider may revoke their authorization at any time by notifying the department and the provider in writing.

(B) The actual amount of each scholarship will be the lesser of the applicable net fees or tuition charged by the provider, or the maximum amount of the scholarship. The net fees or tuition will be the fees or tuition amount specified by the provider minus all other financial aid, discounts and adjustments received for the student. In cases where discounts are offered for multiple students from the same family, and not all students in the same family are scholarship recipients, the scholarship amount will be the lowest tuition to which the family is entitled.

(C) The scholarship amount will be proportionately reduced in the case of any scholarship recipient who is not enrolled in the scholarship program and/or attending, participating and receiving special education and related services from an alternative public provider or a registered private provider for the entire school year.

(D) In the case where a child transfers during the course of the school year to another registered provider or participating alternative provider with a different tuition, the department will prorate the amounts paid to each provider based on the period of attendance at each provider.

(E) In cases in which an overpayment is made on behalf of a participating student, the department will inform the provider of the amount of the overpayment, and the provider will refund the amount to the department. In the event that payment has been made for services that were not provided to a child by that provider, that portion of the scholarship paid to that provider will be revoked.

(F) In cases in which a student withdraws or is expelled from a provider, or when a student's eligibility to continue to receive a scholarship is terminated pursuant to rule 3301-101-08 of the Administrative Code, payment of the scholarship amount will be prorated based on the number of days the student was enrolled with the provider or the services actually provided. Funded enrollment would end as of the last day of the student's attendance, or the effective date of the student's termination, whichever is earlier.

(G) Invoices for payment for each scholarship will identify each credentialed employee providing the service(s), an itemized list of services provided by the credentialed employee, and the amount of the service.

(H) No scholarship funds will be expended for services the child received prior to the start date of the scholarship, services prior to placement of the child with an alternative public provider or registered provider, and service provided by a person who does not hold a credential described in section 3310.58 of the Revised Code.

Last updated June 27, 2024 at 10:42 PM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 3301.07, 3310.64
Amplifies: 3310.51, 3310.52, 3310.521, 3310.522, 3310.53, 3310.54, 3310.57, 3310.58, 3310.59, 3310.60, 3310.61, 3310.62, 3310.63
Five Year Review Date: 6/27/2029
Prior Effective Dates: 2/24/2012
Rule 3301-101-11 | Entities designated to file applications.

Registered private providers, alternative public providers, and primary providers as defined in rule 3301-101-01 of the Administrative Code may be authorized to file applications on behalf of applicants if so designated in writing by the applicant. In no case will any financial charge be made to the applicant for application assistance.

Last updated June 27, 2024 at 10:43 PM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 3301.07, 3310.64
Amplifies: 3310.51, 3310.52, 3310.521, 3310.522, 3310.53, 3310.54, 3310.57, 3310.58, 3310.59, 3310.60, 3310.61, 3310.62, 3310.63
Five Year Review Date: 6/27/2029
Prior Effective Dates: 3/28/2019
Rule 3301-101-12 | Dispute resolution and due process requests.

(A) Although the district of residence is not obligated to make FAPE available to a child with a disability who resides in the district and is participating in the scholarship program, the parent of a child participating in the scholarship program has the right to file a written complaint or request for a due process hearing as provided by rule 3301-51-05 of the Administrative Code. A complaint or request for a due process hearing may allege that the district of residence violated a provision of IDEA but cannot allege a violation of any provision involving the implementation of the IEP and whether the child has received FAPE.

(B) Any dispute as to whether a student is a child with a disability, under 20 U.S.C. 1401(3) and division (A) of section 3323.01 of the Revised Code and thus satisfies the eligibility criteria set forth in paragraph (A)(2) of rule 3301-101-03 of the Administrative Code, will be resolved through the dispute resolution procedures set forth in IDEA and paragraph (K) of rule 3301-51-05 of the Administrative Code.

(C) An applicant or other aggrieved person has the right to file with the department scholarship office a written complaint alleging that a violation of one of the provisions set forth in sections 3310.51 to 3310.64 of the Revised Code and/or the rules of this chapter. A complaint will be forwarded, in writing, by the aggrieved party to the department. Attached to the complaint will be any documentation supporting the position of the aggrieved party. The department will review the documents and make any further inquiry deemed necessary. The department will be the final authority in the resolution of the complaint.

Last updated June 27, 2024 at 10:43 PM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 3301.07, 3310.64
Amplifies: 3310.51, 3310.52, 3310.521, 3310.522, 3310.53, 3310.54, 3310.57, 3310.58, 3310.59, 3310.60, 3310.61, 3310.62, 3310.63
Five Year Review Date: 6/27/2029
Rule 3301-101-13 | Program administration.

(A) The department will establish procedures for satisfying the provisions of this chapter. Such procedures, which are located on the department's website, will include, but not be limited to, the following:

(1) Addressing incomplete applications;

(2) Conducting the lottery specified in rule 3301-101-06 of the Administrative Code;

(3) Resolving questions of legal guardianship;

(4) Improving program administration and client satisfaction;

(5) Reissuing lost or damaged warrants.

(B) The department will report annually on the operation of the program, including at least the following information:

(1) Number of students utilizing a scholarship;

(2) Resident districts of students;

(3) Number of students returning to a public school district after receiving a scholarship;

(4) Amount of scholarship funds disbursed statewide, by grade, by district, and by disability category, except to the extent that this information would violate the "Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974," 124 Stat. 3192, 20 U.S.C. 1232g (December 13, 2010);

(5) Number of scholarship recipients by provider;

(6) Names and addresses of providers of services;

(7) Amount of state and federal aid received by the resident district for scholarship students;

(8) Information on the number of students receiving scholarships by number of years enrolled in the scholarship program, including grade, district of residence, and disability category.

Last updated June 27, 2024 at 10:44 PM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 3301.07, 3310.64
Amplifies: 3310.51, 3310.52, 3310.521, 3310.522, 3310.53, 3310.54, 3310.57, 3310.58, 3310.59, 3310.60, 3310.61, 3310.62, 3310.63
Five Year Review Date: 6/27/2029
Rule 3301-101-14 | Standards for Jon Peterson special needs scholarship program direct services provided by virtual means.

(A) "Services provided by virtual means" means direct services provided through the use of information and communication technology in real time by an individual holding the appropriate licensure or credential who is located at a site other than the site where the student is located.

(B) Registered private providers as defined in division (G) of section 3310.51 of the Revised Code who are not a chartered nonpublic school and are registered to participate in the Jon Peterson special needs scholarship program as established in Chapter 3310. of the Revised Code may offer services provided by virtual means.

(C) If the registered private provider supplies a student with a device necessary to facilitate the provision of services by virtual means under this paragraph, the provider will ensure the following conditions are met:

(1) The device includes a filtering device or filtering software that prevents access to inappropriate or obscene material online;

(2) The device is appropriate to the student's needs and the services provided by virtual means will facilitate visual, face-to-face contact and interaction between the student and the registered private provider; and

(3) The availability of necessary technical support.

(D) Registered private providers will communicate the following to each student and the parent or guardian of the student prior to commencing services by virtual means:

(1) If the registered private provider supplies the device, instruction in the operation of the device and online access,

(2) Expectations for the student's attendance and participation, including the times and dates when services will be provided by virtual means; and

(3) An explanation of all applicable privacy laws, including the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act, 20 U.S.C.1232g, 34 CFR Part 99 and the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996, Pub. L. 104-191.

(E) Registered private providers may employ or contract with an individual listed in division (C) of section 3310.58 of the Revised Code to provide services by virtual means.

(F) Documentation and billing for services provided by virtual means will comply with program conditions established for the Jon Peterson special needs scholarship program including the following:

(1) All registered private providers will document all services in point of service notes;

(2) All invoice amounts for services delivered by virtual means will be consistent with the fee schedule submitted by the registered private provider as part of their application submitted to the department of education and workforce; and

(3) Registered private providers will submit to the department invoices for services provided by virtual means within sixty days of the date of service.

(G) In cases of noncompliance with the provisions of this rule, the department may call for a corrective action plan for registered private providers in lieu of removal from the Jon Peterson special needs scholarship program.

Last updated December 5, 2024 at 8:32 AM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 3310.64
Amplifies: 3310.51, 3310.52, 3310.521, 3310.522, 3310.53, 3310.54, 3310.55, 3310.56, 3310.57, 3310.58, 3310.59, 3310.60, 3310.61, 3310.62, 3310.63
Five Year Review Date: 12/5/2029