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This website publishes administrative rules on their effective dates, as designated by the adopting state agencies, colleges, and universities.

Chapter 311-1 | Uniform Regulations

Rule 311-1-01 | General uniform regulations.

(A) The uniform for Ohio county sheriffs and deputy sheriffs, male and female, shall consist only of the articles of clothing and other uniform items prescribed by this chapter of the Administrative Code.

(B) County sheriffs and deputy sheriffs shall be, at the sheriff's discretion, either fully in uniform or in civilian dress.

(1) Civilian clothing shall not be worn with any part of the uniform.

(2) No partial wearing of the uniform is allowed.

(3) County sheriffs and deputy sheriffs shall be fully in uniform during normal duty and during that sheriff's or deputy sheriff's normal working hours. In cases of emergency duty or duties that are incompatible with uniform dress, the sheriff may authorize alternative dress.

(C) The uniform shall be worn only during on-duty hours, while on extra or special duty work, or when otherwise authorized by the sheriff.

(D) All sheriff's employees shall be clean and well-groomed when on duty.

(E) It is recommended that deputies assigned to correctional duty not wear metal accessories or insignia.

(F) All uniform garments and items purchased on or after ninety days from the effective date of this rule shall conform to the requirements and specifications of this chapter. When an item of the uniform has changed in this chapter, all purchases made after the effective date of the change of that item must be in compliance with the requirements and specifications of this chapter. Items purchased prior to the effective date and in compliance with the earlier version need not be changed to comply with the current version.

(G) Whenever possible, county sheriffs shall purchase uniforms that are made in Ohio.

Last updated November 25, 2024 at 4:48 PM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 311.26, 311.28
Amplifies: 311.28
Five Year Review Date: 11/11/2024
Prior Effective Dates: 9/25/2014
Rule 311-1-02 | Prescribed standard uniform: classes and when worn.

(A) The standard uniform prescribed for wear by county sheriffs and their deputies shall consist of the following classes of uniform:

(1) The Class B uniform,

(2) The tactical uniform,

(3) The marine patrol uniform, and

(4) The bicycle patrol uniform.

(B) The Class B uniform shall be the required duty uniform for all sheriffs and sheriffs' deputies; except that

(1) The sheriff may authorize wear of the tactical uniform in situations that may subject garments to high levels of soil and rough wear or that are likely to involve intensive physical activity, such as the transfer or supervision of prisoners in jail or in the field, crime scene activities, weight and measure duty, swat assignments, dog warden, motor officer, litter prevention/environmental deputy, patrol, bomb technicians, emergency management agency duties, equine units, motorcycle units, and canine patrol;

(2) The sheriff may authorize wear of the marine patrol uniform or the bicycle patrol uniform for individuals assigned to such duty;

(3) The uniform of the day for special events shall be the uniform prescribed by the sheriff; and

(4) The uniform in court, where practicable, shall be the uniform prescribed by the sheriff.

(C) Chapters 311-1 and 311-3 of the Administrative Code do not apply to non-law enforcement employees of the sheriffs' offices and those employees' vehicles. The uniforms worn and the cars driven by non-law enforcement employees shall be directed by the sheriff at the sheriff's discretion.

Last updated November 25, 2024 at 4:48 PM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 311.26, 311.28
Amplifies: 311.28
Five Year Review Date: 11/11/2024
Prior Effective Dates: 9/25/2014
Rule 311-1-03 | Class B uniform.

(A) The Class B uniform shall consist, at a minimum, of the following articles of clothing and uniform items:

(1) A Class B uniform shirt

(a) Of the sleeve length prescribed by paragraph (B) of this rule, and

(b) Conforming to the specifications of rules 311-1-03.3 and 311-1-03.4 of the Administrative Code;

(2) Class B uniform trousers conforming to the specifications of rules 311-1-03.1 and 311-1-03.2 of the Administrative Code;

(3) An undershirt as prescribed by rule 311-1-13 of the Administrative Code;

(4) Footwear as prescribed by rule 311-1-12 of the Administrative Code; and

(5) All mandatory uniform items specified in rules 311-1-13 to 311-1-15 of the Administrative Code.

(B) The sleeve-length of the Class B shirt shall be as follows:

(1) During the summer, from May sixteenth to September fifteenth, the short-sleeve shirt is mandatory;

(2) During the winter, from November first to March thirty-first, the long-sleeve shirt is mandatory; and

(3) During the spring, from April first to May fifteenth, and fall, from September sixteenth to October thirty-first, either the long-sleeve or short-sleeve shirt shall be worn as required by the sheriff.

(4) The sheriff has discretion to determine which sleeve-length shall be worn, based on the sheriff's evaluation of weather and duty conditions, and all deputies shall conform to the sheriff's determination.

(5) The sheriff may authorize deputies assigned to inside duty to wear a different sleeve-length than that authorized for deputies assigned to outside duty.

Last updated November 25, 2024 at 4:48 PM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 311.26, 311.28
Amplifies: 311.28
Five Year Review Date: 11/11/2024
Prior Effective Dates: 7/1/1976, 12/15/2001, 9/25/2014
Rule 311-1-03.1 | Class B trousers: fabric specifications.

(A) The Class B trousers shall be made of polyester-wool blend fabric, micropoly, or one hundred per cent polyester fabric. Trousers made of one hundred per cent polyester fabric are not recommended for wear by patrol officers.

(B) Polyester-wool blend trousers shall conform to the following fabric specifications:

(1) Weave: gabardine with washable finish.

(2) Weight: fourteen to fourteen and one-half ounces per linear yard on a sixty-inch width.

(3) Content: a blend of fifty-five per cent dacron polyester and forty-five per cent worsted wool.

(4) Breaking strength: two hundred twenty-five pounds warp, one hundred pounds fill.

(5) Construction: one hundred twenty-two ends per inch, sixty picks per inch.

(6) Color: sage grey.

(C) One hundred per cent polyester trousers shall conform to the following fabric specifications:

(1) Weave: gabardine twill. Knit fabric is not acceptable.

(2) Weight: six ounces per square yard.

(3) Content: one hundred per cent polyester with 2/150/48 two ply warp and filling yarn.

(4) Strength: plus or minus fifty pounds tensile; plus or minus fifteen hundred grams tear.

(5) Construction: sixty-four to sixty-five inches finish width, fifty-three to fifty-six picks per inch, and sixty-six ends per inch.

(6) Color: sage gray heather.

(7) Stretch rating: six to ten warp stretch, ten to fourteen filling stretch.

(8) Wash shrinkage: a rating of plus or minus 4.0 on scale of 5.0 after three washings at one hundred seventy degrees Farenheight.

(9) Pilling: a rating of plus or minus 4.0 on a scale of 5.0 after three washings at one hundred degrees Fahrenheit.

Last updated November 25, 2024 at 4:48 PM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 311.26, 311.28
Amplifies: 311.28
Five Year Review Date: 11/11/2024
Prior Effective Dates: 12/15/2001
Rule 311-1-03.2 | Class B trousers: construction specifications.

(A) Design:

(1) The Class B trousers shall have a plain front with quarter top pockets, two back pockets, and black stripes on the outer side seams.

(2) The Class B trousers shall be made on a uniform pattern in both male and female measurements.

(3) Color: sage grey or equivalent.

(B) Pockets

(1) The front pocket opening shall be a minimum of six and one-half inches wide, and six inches deep measured from the bottom of the opening. The pockets shall be stitched, turned, and restitched. The inside front pocket facing shall be a separate piece of matching self material, finishing no less than one and one-quarter inches wide.

(2) The back pockets shall be minimum of five and one-half inches wide, and six inches deep. The left back pocket shall have a tab to button.

(3) At the option of the sheriff, a utility pocket may be added to the leg of the Class B trousers. If included, the utility pocket shall be a flat pocket, located at mid-thigh, and be between two and three inches wide, and six inches deep, with a slit opening and no flap.

(4) The pockets shall be made with a Reese PW automatic machine or equivalent, and be finished on the outside with an exposed top and bottom cord. Each front pocket shall be bartacked at the bottom of the opening. Each back pocket shall be bartacked at the two corners.

(5) Pocketing: All pocketing shall be made of black. All pocketing shall have a durable press finish.

(C) Side stripes shall be made of one-inch wide black woven material sewn into the outer side seam of each trouser leg, extending from the waistband to the bottom of the leg.

(D) Waistband

(1) The waistband shall be two inches wide with a crush-proof hook for closure. The eye shall be bartacked for stability.

(2) The waistband curtain, attached with a Rocap machine, shall contain Ban-Roll or equivalent material to prevent rollover, and shall have three strands of Snugtex or equivalent material for slip control. The waistband curtain shall be a minimum of three-quarters of an inch wide and extend from hip to hip across the back.

(3) To simplify alterations, the waistband shall have a Browne waistband outlet, allowing at least two inches additional waist measurement.

(4) The waistband shall be set on and shall be stitched below the lower edge through the outer fabric and waistband curtain.

(5) The waistband may contain elastic for the comfort of the wearer.

(E) Crotch: At the discretion of the sheriff, the crotch may be gusseted for the comfort of the wearer.

(F) Inside trim

(1) The right fly and crotch linings shall be black, and made of the same fabric as the waistband curtain. The right fly lining shall be sewn to the left fly below the zipper. The crotch lining shall be serged to each front.

(2) A separate french fly, made of the outer fabric, shall be sewn to the inside right fly.

(G) Belt loops

(1) A minimum of five belt loops shall be attached to male sizes 28, 29, and 30, and all female sizes. A minimum of seven belt loops are required on male sizes over 30.

(2) Each belt loop is to be three-quarters of an inch wide, of double thickness, and stitched on the face side with a two needle machine. The belt loops shall be long enough to accommodate a belt one and five-eighths inches wide.

(3) The rear center belt loop shall be tacked on for easy removal during alterations. All other loops shall be sewn into the bottom of the waistband.

(H) Zipper

(1) The trousers shall close with a brass memory lock zipper. The zipper shall have a brass bottom stop at the base of the zipper chain.

(2) A straight bartack shall be sewn through from the outside of the garment to the inside at the bottom of the fly. The bartack shall be sewn through the zipper tape, the right and left fly and the right fly lining. The right and left fly shall be joined by a bartack located below the bottom zipper stop on the inside of the trouser.

(I) Leg creases: The inside pressed trouser creases, both front and back, shall have a thin silicone bead imbedded within the creases, applied by the Lintrak or Crease-set systems, to ensure permanent creases.

(J) Stitching: The seat seam shall be stitched with a tandem needle seat seaming machine for extra strength.

(K) Labels:

(1) A label giving care instructions shall be sewn inside the waistband.

(2) A permanent size label shall be sewn inside the right hip pocket.

(3) A temporary label shall be attached to the outside of the waistband giving the lot number, size, fiber content and WPL number.

Last updated November 25, 2024 at 4:48 PM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 311.26, 311.28
Amplifies: 311.28
Five Year Review Date: 11/11/2024
Prior Effective Dates: 7/1/1976
Rule 311-1-03.3 | Class B shirt: fabric specifications.

(A) Weave and content: one hundred per cent synthetic, tropical weave in a blend of sixty-five per cent dacron polyester and thirty-five per cent lenzing rayon or one hundred per cent texturized polyester poplin weave fabric. Shirts made of one hundred per cent polyester fabric are not recommended for wear by patrol officers.

(B) The tropical dacron polyester/rayon fabric shall conform to the following fabric specifications.

(1) Weight: 5.85 ounces per square yard.

(2) Tropical weave.

(3) Color: black.

(4) Manufactured by delta mills style no. 9270 or equivalent.

(C) The one hundred per cent polyester shirts shall conform to the following fabric specifications

(1) Content: one hundred per cent texturized polyester.

(2) Color: black.

(3) Manufactures by millikin style no. 7430, Klopman style no. 4013 or equivalent.

(4) Poplin weave.

(5) Weight 5.5 to six ounces per square yard.

Last updated November 25, 2024 at 4:48 PM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 311.26, 311.28
Amplifies: 311.28
Five Year Review Date: 11/11/2024
Prior Effective Dates: 7/1/1976
Rule 311-1-03.4 | Class B shirt: construction specifications.

(A) There shall be a long-sleeve and short-sleeve Class B shirt. The construction specifications of this rule apply to both shirts, except as specifically noted.

(B) Style: The shirt shall be a form fitting, coat style shirt with a plain front. It shall have two pleated breast pockets with scalloped flaps, and shoulder straps. The matching inside yoke and collar band shall be lined with high luster one hundred per cent dacron polyester, poplin weave.

(1) The sleeves of the long-sleeve shirt shall have barrel cuffs.

(2) The short-sleeve shirt shall have hemmed sleeves approximately nine inches long, a full tail, and a convertible collar.

(C) Collars:

(1) Long-sleeve shirt:

(a) The collar points shall be three inches long with sewn-in permanent stays. The collar height at the rear shall be one and one-half inches. The collar shall be top stitched one-quarter inch off the edge.

(b) The collar stand shall be one and five-sixteenths inches at the rear. The band shall be die cut and interlined with dacron (no. 250 in the collar, no. 300 in the band). The collar band shall be high luster one hundred per cent dacron polyester in a poplin weave.

(2) Short-sleeve shirt:

(a) The collar shall be a one-piece convertible collar measuring three inches long at the points.

(b) The collar shall be lined and top stitched one-quarter inch off the edge.

(c) The collar shall have permanent sewn-in stays.

(D) Shirtfront

(1) The left shirtfront shall have a top center one and one-half inches wide, with two rows of stitches seven-eighths inch apart. The stitching on the top center is not to be visible on the turn-back facing.

(2) The top center front shall be interlined with no. 550 Mello-Press or an equivalent lining material. The fronts shall be joined to the yoke so that both raw edges of the yoke are turned under, with the front sandwiched between, and all three stitched down with a one-sixteenth inch raised stitch. Safety stitch joining is unacceptable. The front closure shall be a fifteen inch black nylon zipper, set below the second button and buttonhole.

(3) The shirtfront shall have seven buttons and buttonholes. The top, second, and bottom buttons shall be attached to the right front; the remaining buttons shall be sewn over the buttonholes on the left front.

(a) The spacing between the buttons shall be three and one-half inches, except that on the long-sleeve shirt the spacing between the neck button and the first button shall be three and one-quarter inches.

(b) The short-sleeve shirt shall have a reinforcing strip inside the pocket flaps, yokes, and right shirtfront to provided support for gilt metal buttons.

(E) Shoulder straps

(1) Shoulder straps shall measure two inches at the sleeve heads, tapering to one and five-eighths inches at the ends. The ends shall be pointed, seven-eighths inch. The length of the straps shall be graduated to conform to the size of the shirt. The straps shall be stitched to the shoulders by single-needle machine, with the lines of the stitching forming an "x."

(2) Gilt buttons shall be attached to the shirt yokes to match the buttonholes in the pointed ends of the shoulder straps.

(F) Badge piece: The shirt shall have two small, reinforced, open, horizontal buttonholes, centered vertically on the left pocket flap and one and one-fourth inches apart. The top buttonhole shall be placed below the top of the flap.

(G) Breast pockets

(1) Each pocket shall be six inches deep by five and one-eighths inches wide with mitered corners, box pleats one and one-half inch wide that are stitched to prevent spreading, a one-half inch hem, and buttons that match the buttonholes on the pocket flaps.

(2) The left pocket shall have a pencil compartment one and one-half inches wide, which is stitched down to the bottom on the pocket.

(3) The right pocket shall have black velcro tape one inch long by three-eighths inch wide positioned on both edges of the pocket to secure the outer points of the pocket flap.

(H) Pocket flaps

(1) The pocket flaps shall be of a deep scalloped design measuring five and seven-eighths inches across by two and three-fourths inches deep at the center point of the flap, and two and one-fourth inches deep at the sides of the flap. The flaps shall be secured to the shirtfront approximately one-quarter inch above the pocket.

(2) Both flaps shall be interlined with Mello-Press no. 550 or the equivalent.

(3) The left flap shall have an invisible pencil opening one and one-half inch wide, corresponding precisely with the pencil slot of the pocket.

(4) The left flap shall be sewn shut.

(5) The underside of the right flap shall have black velcro tape approximately three-fourths inch long by one-half inch wide positioned on the outer points of the right pocket flap to secure the flap.

(I) Yokes: The shirt shall have a two-piece yoke. The outside yoke shall have small buttons topstitched under the buttonholes in the shoulder straps.

(J) Sleeves

(1) Long sleeves shall be cut straight and whole, with a sleeve vent five and one-half inches long. The lower facing of the vent shall be approximately one-half inch wide. The cuff shall be three inches wide, with rounded corners. The cuff shall have two buttons with corresponding buttonholes. The sleeve facing of the vent shall have one button and corresponding buttonhole.

(2) Short sleeves shall be cut straight and whole, with a three-fourths inch hem. The length of the sleeve shall be approximately nine to nine and one-fourth inches, measured from the shoulder seam to the hem.

(K) Side vents: At the discretion of the sheriff, vents may be added to either the short-sleeved shirt or the long-sleeved shirt, or both. If added, the fabric of the vents shall be black to blend with the shirt fabric.

(L) Stitching: The shirt shall have single needle stitching throughout. All topstitching shall be placed one-quarter inch off the edge. The sleeve inserting and side close felling shall be safety-stitched.

(M) Buttons:

(1) Long-sleeve shirt:

(a) The buttons shall be first grade nineteen ligne pearlescent black plastic;

(b) The shirt shall have eyelets under and protective pieces inside the shoulders and the cuffs to accommodate removable metal buttons.

(2) The short-sleeve shirt shall have gilt metal, removable buttons.

(N) Military creases: There shall be five sewn-in military creases on all shirts. The shirtfront shall have two creases centered vertically through the pockets and pocket flaps. The shirt back shall have three military creases, evenly spaced in proportion to the size of the shirt as follows:

(1) Creases on shirts with collar sizes fourteen to fifteen and one-half shall be four and three-fourths inches apart, as measured from the center crease;

(2) Creases on shirts with collar sizes sixteen to eighteen, inclusive, shall be five and three-eighths inches apart, as measured from the center crease.

(O) Thread: All sewing threads shall be colorfast, black.

(P) Nameplate piece: The shirt shall have two small, closed, horizontal buttonholes, spaced one and one-fourth inches apart horizontally and centered one inch above the left pocket flap.

(Q) Cutting: Collars, pockets, shoulder straps and flaps shall be die cut to ensure uniformity.

(R) Shoulder sleeve emblem: The shoulder sleeve emblem prescribed by rule 311-1-15 of the Administrative Code shall be sewn on both sleeves, approximately one and one-half inches below the shoulder seam.

(S) Care instructions: Instructions for proper wear and care shall be sewn into the collar of shirt.

(T) The Class B shirt shall be offered in both male and female patterns, in all sizes needed to properly fit all authorized personnel.

Last updated November 25, 2024 at 4:48 PM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 311.26, 311.28
Amplifies: 311.28
Five Year Review Date: 11/11/2024
Rule 311-1-04 | Tactical uniform.

(A) The tactical uniform shall consist, at a minimum, of the following items:

(1) A tactical shirt

(a) Of the sleeve-length authorized for the season pursuant to paragraph (B) of rule 311-1-03 of the Administrative Code, and

(b) Conforming to the specifications of rules 311-1-04.2 and 311-1-04.3 of the Administrative Code;

(2) Tactical trousers conforming to the specifications of rules 311-1-04.1 and 311-1-04.2 of the Administrative Code;

(3) Footwear as prescribed by rule 311-1-12 of the Administrative Code; and

(4) All mandatory uniform items specified in rules 311-1-13 to 311-1-15 of the Administrative Code.

(B) The color of the tactical uniform shall be determined by the sheriff.

Last updated November 25, 2024 at 4:48 PM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 311.26, 311.28
Amplifies: 311.28
Five Year Review Date: 11/11/2024
Prior Effective Dates: 12/15/2001
Rule 311-1-04.1 | Tactical trousers and shirts: fabric specifications.

(A) Weight: 6.3 or 7.25 ounces per square yard.

(B) Finish: Pre-cured permanent press, wrinkle and shrink resistant (nylon rip-stop yarns are desirable but not required).

(C) Tensile strength: one hundred twenty pounds warp, one hundred pounds fill.

(D) Tear strength: eight pounds warp and fill.

(E) Construction: eighty-eight warp by fifty filling yarns per square inch.

(F) Color: At the discretion of the sheriff.

Last updated November 25, 2024 at 4:48 PM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 311.26, 311.28
Amplifies: 311.28
Five Year Review Date: 11/11/2024
Prior Effective Dates: 9/25/2014
Rule 311-1-04.2 | Tactical trousers: construction specifications.

(A) Design:

(1) The tactical trousers shall have a plain front with a button or zipper fly. The trousers may be either

(a) A dress uniform design with permanent front leg creases and four pockets: two quarter top front pockets and two inset back pockets, or

(b) A battle dress uniform design having

(i) Six pockets: two front slash pockets, two rear inset pockets with button-down flaps, and two large, pleated bellow cargo pockets with button-down flaps located one on the outside of each leg; and

(ii) Optional tactical features: adjustment tabs, leg drawstrings, knee and seat patches of self material, stretch or plain waistbands, side adjustment tabs, and permanent front leg creases.

(2) The tactical trousers shall be made on a uniform pattern in both male and female measurements.

(B) All pocket flaps shall contain fusible lining material.

(C) Stitching: All seams shall be sewn with ten to twelve stitches per inch.

(D) Care instructions must be permanently attached to a rear pocket and include all washing and drying instructions.

Last updated November 25, 2024 at 4:48 PM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 311.26, 311.28
Amplifies: 311.28
Five Year Review Date: 11/11/2024
Prior Effective Dates: 12/15/2001
Rule 311-1-04.3 | Tactical shirt: construction specifications.

(A) There shall be a long-sleeve and short-sleeve tactical shirt. The construction specifications of this rule shall apply to both shirts, except as specifically noted.

(B) Style: The tactical shirt shall be a full cut, plain front, coat style shirt with shoulder straps and two bellows breast pockets with mitered flaps;

(1) Long sleeves shall have barrel cuffs,

(2) The short sleeve shirt shall have hemmed sleeves that are approximately nine inches long measured from the center of the shoulder seam.

(C) Collar:

(1) The collar points shall be three inches long with sewn-in permanent collar stays;

(2) The collar height at the rear shall be one and one-half inches;

(3) The collar shall have topstitching one-quarter inch off the edge of the collar;

(4) The collar stand shall be one and five-eighths inches at rear, and the band shall be die cut and interlined.

(D) Shirtfront:

(1) The shirt shall have either a plain front or a one and one-half inch wide placket front;

(2) The shirtfront shall have seven buttons and corresponding button holes;

(3) The shirtfront shall have permanent creases.

(E) Shoulder straps:

(1) The shoulder straps shall measure one and three-fourths to two inches wide at the sleeve head, tapering to one and one-half to one and five-eighths inches at the ends. The ends shall be pointed. The length of the straps shall be graduated to conform to the size of shirt. The straps shall be single-needle stitched to the shoulders, with the lines of the stitching forming an "X";

(2) Buttons shall be attached to the yoke, to correspond to the buttonholes in the pointed ends of the shoulder straps.

(F) Badge piece: The shirt shall have two small, reinforced, open, vertical buttonholes spaced one and one-fourth inches apart, and centered vertically two inches above the left breast pocket flap.

(G) Pockets: The shirt shall have two pockets, measuring five inches wide and six and one-fourth inches long from the bottom of the pocket to top of flap, having one inch mitered corners, buttons, and corresponding buttonholes.

(H) Pocket flaps shall be five and one-fourth inches long and two inches wide, with the lower corners mitered one inch; buttons shall be centered three-fourths inch from bottom of flap.

(I) Yokes: The shirt shall have a two piece yoke, three and one-fourth inches deep measured from the bottom of the shirt collar.

(J) Cuff and vents: The cuff of the long-sleeve shirt shall be two and three-eighths inches wide with one button; the sleeve vent shall be five inches.

(K) Stitching:

(1) The shirt shall have single needle stitching throughout, with all topstitching one-quarter inch off the edge;

(2) The sleeve insert and side close felling shall be safety-stitched.

(3) The thread shall be polyester core wrapped in cotton.

(L) Buttons shall be 19 ligne pearlescent plastic.

(M) A care label shall be permanently sewn into the shirttail.

Last updated November 25, 2024 at 4:48 PM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 311.26, 311.28
Amplifies: 311.28
Five Year Review Date: 11/11/2024
Prior Effective Dates: 12/15/2001
Rule 311-1-05 | Marine patrol uniform.

(A) The sheriff may authorize wear of the marine patrol uniform by appropriately assigned deputies.

(B) The marine patrol uniform shall consist, at a minimum of the following uniform items:

(1) A short-sleeve shirt conforming to the specifications set out in paragraph (C) of this rule and conforming to the standard set forth in the American National Standard for High-Visibility Public Safety Vests promulgated by the American national standard institute and the international safety equipment association,

(2) Class B uniform trousers conforming to the specifications of rules 311-1-03.3 and 311-1-03.4 of the Administrative Code,

(3) A white undershirt as prescribed by rule 311-1-13 of the Administrative Code,

(4) Black footwear selected at the sheriff's discretion, and

(5) All mandatory uniform items specified in rules 311-1-13 to 311-1-15 of the Administrative Code.

(C) Marine patrol shirt specifications

(1) The shirt shall conform to the construction specifications for the short-sleeve bike patrol uniform shirt as prescribed in rule 311-1-06 to 311-1-06.6 of the Administrative Code.

(2) The shirt must conform to the standards set forth in the American National Standard for High-Visibility Public Safety Vests in the version in effect on the date the items are ordered from the manufacturer.

Last updated November 25, 2024 at 4:48 PM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 311.26, 311.28
Amplifies: 311.28
Five Year Review Date: 11/11/2024
Prior Effective Dates: 12/15/2001, 9/25/2014
Rule 311-1-06 | Bike patrol uniform.

(A) The bike patrol uniform shall consist, at a minimum, of the following items of clothing and uniform items:

(1) Uniform shirt:

(a) During the summer, from May sixteenth to September fifteenth, personnel assigned to bike patrol shall wear

(i) A bike patrol knit shirt conforming to the specifications of rule 311-1-06.1 of the Administrative Code, or

(ii) A short-sleeve Class B shirt conforming to the specifications of rules 311-1-03.3 and 311-1-03.4 of the Administrative Code;

(iii) The choice of uniform shirt for summer bike patrol duty is the sheriff's option, Use of the bike patrol knit shirt is recommended when bike patrol is assigned as regular duty. Use of the short-sleeve Class B shirt is recommended when bike patrol is assigned as occasional duty or for short periods of time.

(b) During the winter, from November first to March thirty-first, the uniform shirt for bike patrol shall be a long-sleeve Class B shirt, conforming to the specifications of rules 311-1-03.3 and 311-1-03.4 of the Administrative Code;

(c) During the spring, from April first to May fifteenth, and fall, from September sixteenth to October thirty-first, either the long-sleeve or the short-sleeve shirt shall be worn as required by the sheriff.

(d) The sheriff has discretion to determine which sleeve-length shall be worn, based on the sheriff's evaluation of weather and duty conditions, and all deputies shall conform to the sheriff's determination.

(2) Uniform trousers or shorts;

(a) During the summer, from May sixteenth to September fifteenth, personnel assigned to bike patrol shall wear bike patrol shorts conforming to the specifications of rule 311-1-06.2 of the Administrative Code.

(b) During the winter, from November first to March thirty-first, personnel assigned to bike patrol shall wear

(i) Bike patrol trousers conforming to the specifications of rule 311-1-06.2 of the Administrative Code, or

(ii) Class B trousers conforming to the specifications of rules 311-1-03.1 and 311-1-03.2 of the Administrative Code.

(iii) The choice of uniform trousers for winter bike patrol duty is the sheriff's option. Use of bike patrol trousers is recommended when bike patrol is assigned as regular duty. Use of one hundred per cent polyester Class B trousers is recommended when bike patrol is assigned as occasional duty or for short periods of time;

(c) During the spring, from April first to May fifteenth, and fall, from September sixteenth to October thirty-first, either the shorts or the trousers shall be worn as required by the sheriff.

(d) The sheriff has discretion to determine whether shorts or trousers shall be worn, based on the sheriff's evaluation of weather and duty conditions, and all deputies shall conform to the sheriff's determination.

(3) Padded liner worn under the uniform trousers or shorts;

(4) A bicycle helmet conforming to the specifications of rule 311-1-06.6 of the Administrative Code;

(5) Footwear conforming to the specifications of rule 311-1-06.6 or 311-1-12 of the Administrative Code; or

(6) All mandatory uniform items specified in rules 311-1-13 to 311-1-15 of the Administrative Code.

Last updated November 25, 2024 at 4:48 PM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 311.26, 311.28
Amplifies: 311.28
Five Year Review Date: 11/11/2024
Rule 311-1-06.1 | Bike patrol knit shirt: specifications.

(A) The fabric shall be any fabric selected by the sheriff.

(B) Color: yellow and conforming to the standards set forth in the American National Standard for High-Visibility Public Safety Vests in the version in effect on the date the items are ordered from the manufacturer.

(C) Style: The bike patrol uniform shirt shall be a polo type shirt with a collar.

(D) Badge piece: The shirt shall have a badge, embroidered directly upon the shirt, or pinned on the shirt, and otherwise conforming with paragraph (C) of rule of the Administrative Code.

Last updated November 25, 2024 at 4:48 PM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 311.26, 311.28
Amplifies: 311.28
Five Year Review Date: 11/11/2024
Rule 311-1-06.2 | Bike patrol shorts: specifications.

(A) The bike patrol shorts shall be in the style of cargo shorts.

(B) Color: black.

Last updated November 25, 2024 at 4:48 PM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 311.26, 311.28
Amplifies: 311.28
Five Year Review Date: 11/11/2024
Prior Effective Dates: 12/15/2001
Rule 311-1-06.3 | Bike patrol trousers: specifications.

(A) The bike patrol trousers shall be in the style of cargo trousers.

(B) Color: black.

Last updated November 25, 2024 at 4:48 PM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 311.26, 311.28
Amplifies: 311.28
Five Year Review Date: 11/11/2024
Prior Effective Dates: 12/15/2001
Rule 311-1-06.4 | Bike patrol jacket.

(A) The bike patrol uniform jacket shall be black and yellow, split horizontally, with yellow on the top and black on the bottom of the jacket.

(B) At the discretion of the sheriff, the word "SHERIFF" in capital letters, and of a reflective threading or fabric may be affixed to the back of the jacket.

Last updated November 25, 2024 at 4:48 PM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 311.26, 311.28
Amplifies: 311.28
Five Year Review Date: 11/11/2024
Prior Effective Dates: 12/15/2001
Rule 311-1-06.5 | Bike patrol accessories.

(A) The helmet shall be black with the word "SHERIFF" in reflective lettering on each side. The helmet shall be a type approved by the United States department of transportation.

(B) The sheriff may authorize shoes specifically designed for bicycling.

Last updated November 25, 2024 at 4:48 PM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 311.26, 311.28
Amplifies: 311.28
Five Year Review Date: 11/11/2024
Prior Effective Dates: 12/15/2001
Rule 311-1-07 | Standard hats and helmets.

(A) The standard winter hat shall have an Australian style three-inch flat brim, a crown height of four and one-half inches with a center crease, and gold acorn braid. There shall be slots in the brim for a leather hat strap. The color of the hat shall be Stratton number F42 graphite grey or equivalent. At the option of the county sheriff, the winter hat may be worn all year.

(B) The standard summer hat shall be grey hemp and have a three-inch brim, a crown height of four-and-one half inches with a center crease, and gold acorn braid. There shall be slots in the brim for a leather hat strap. The summer hat may be worn at the option of the sheriff. All deputies must conform to the sheriff's option.

(C) A fur and cloth hat is optional for cold weather (at the discretion of the sheriff). It shall be one of two types:

(1) Canadian style, with a black cloth top, a black fur brim, and earflaps, or

(2) knitted, toboggan or stocking style, black. This style hat shall have the word "SHERIFF" embroidered across the front in Madeira gold 1024 or equal color. The letters of the word "SHERIFF" shall be one inch high and the stitching shall be one-eighth inch wide.

(D) Badge eyelet: Both the standard summer hat and the standard winter hat shall have a badge eyelet centered at the front of the crown. The optional fur and cloth hat shall have a badge eyelet on the front of the peak.

(E) In lieu of a hat, a protective helmet may be worn. The helmet shall be made of plastic or similar material capable of deflecting blows of extreme force, absorbing shock, and protecting the skull.

(F) At the option of the sheriff, ball caps, black in color, with an embroidered star, may be worn for special events or assignments.

Last updated November 25, 2024 at 4:48 PM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 311.26, 311.28
Amplifies: 311.28
Five Year Review Date: 11/11/2024
Prior Effective Dates: 7/1/1976
Rule 311-1-08 | Jacket specifications.

(A) The following styles of jacket are approved for wear with the uniform, and may be assigned at the discretion of the sheriff:

(1) A softshell jacket;

(2) A hip length simple style jacket made with taslon nylon or equivalent material;

(3) A hip-length deluxe style jacket made from Gore-Tex or equivalent moisture barrier material, with set-in or raglan sleeves;

(4) A thigh length parka made from high impact nylon shell fabric.

(5) An Eisenhower- or "Ike-" style jacket with the following design:

(a) Waist length jacket or blouse resembling a suit or a sport coat with a pleated back, adjustable waist band, fly-front buttons, bellows chest pockets, slash side pockets, and shoulder straps.

(b) Features consist of: notched lapels, five metal buttons from collar to belted waist, two flapped and button-through patch pockets at the breast and two identically styled patch pockets below the belted waist. Pockets are either box-pleated or bellows-styled-pleats.

(B) All jackets shall be black.

(C) All jackets shall have a badge tab constructed from the same fabric as the jacket's outer shell and attached on the left breast pocket.

(D) The shoulder emblem prescribed by rule 311-1-15 of the Administrative Code shall be stitched on each sleeve, centered one and one-half inches below the shoulder seam.

(E) At the discretion of the sheriff, the word "SHERIFF" in capital letters, and of a reflective threading or fabric, may be affixed to the back of the jacket.

Last updated November 25, 2024 at 4:48 PM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 311.26, 311.28
Amplifies: 311.28
Five Year Review Date: 11/11/2024
Prior Effective Dates: 12/15/2001
Rule 311-1-08.1 | Jacket specifications.

(A) The sheriff may authorize the wear of a Class A uniform with the long-sleeve Class B uniform shirt

(1) For general duty, as a substitute for the jackets approved in rule 311-1-08 of the Administrative Code, and

(2) For dress occasions on which a dress-type uniform would be appropriate.

(B) The Class A uniform shall conform to the following specifications:

(1) Fabric: sage grey in color

(2) Style: The Class A uniform shall be a four button, single breasted, straight front blouse with peaked lapels. It shall be form-fitting to the waist, with sufficient flare over the hips to avoid wrinkling by the Sam Browne belt. The length shall be approximately one inch above the crotch seam of the trousers. It shall have a center back vent of approximately ten inches, with an underlap of at least three inches to prevent gapping. Shoulder bellows shall be located at both sides of the back from shoulder to waist and be tacked at the top and the bottom.

(3) Sleeve finishing: Blouse sleeves shall be finished without a vent, with a British arm slash. The slash shall be made of black gabardine material otherwise identical to the blouse fabric. It shall be six inches long, two and one-half inches wide at the points and two inches wide at the hollow. It shall be located one and one half inches from the front crease of the elbow and three-fourths of an inch from the wrist edge. Vest-sized buttons, conforming to the requirements of paragraph (B)(8) of this rule, shall be placed in a row one inch from the front of the slash. The buttons shall be spaced in two-inch intervals beginning one inch from the top of the sash.

(4) Shoulder straps: The shoulder straps shall be made from black gabardine otherwise identical to the blouse fabric. Each shoulder strap shall be sewn in the sleeve seam, stitched two inches from the seam, and cross-stitched. Each shoulder strap shall be two and one-fourth inches wide at the sleeve seam and one and three-fourths inches wide at the buttonhole. The strap shall extend at least one inch under the collar and the button shall be located one-fourth inch from the collar.

(5) Pockets: The blouse shall have two outside breast patch pockets, two lower bellow pockets, and at least one inside breast pocket. All pockets shall be lined with black polyester twill.

(a) The breast pockets shall be approximately six and one half inches deep and five and one fourth inches wide. They shall be cut square at the bottom and have a one and one-half inch box pleat in the center. They shall have three-pointed outside flaps of black gabardine otherwise identical to the blouse fabric. The flaps shall be two and one-half inches deep at the points and two and one-eighth inches deep at the sides of the flap.

(b) The lower bellows pockets shall be nine and one-half inches wide at the bottom and eight inches wide at the openings. They shall have square outside flaps two and seven-eighths inches deep, made from the blouse fabric.

(6) Construction: The blouse shall be lined throughout with black poly-T one hundred per cent nylon or an equivalent fabric. Either 112 canvas or fusible material will be used to provide body and fullness to the chest area. The blouse shall have 112 canvas shoulder pads and cloth sweat shields.

(7) Belt hooks: The blouse may be equipped with gilt colored belt hooks to support the Sam Browne belt, if worn. The belt hooks shall be located inside the forward vertical seams, under the arms at the waistline.

(8) Buttons: Outer buttons shall be flat, gilt-plated, and bear a reproduction of the great seal of the state of Ohio. The stitching of each button shall be reinforced with a small button on the inside of the blouse.

(9) Badges, insignia, and other uniform items shall be worn as set forth in rule 311-1-14 of the Administrative Code.

Last updated November 25, 2024 at 4:48 PM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 311.26, 311.28
Amplifies: 311.28
Five Year Review Date: 11/11/2024
Prior Effective Dates: 7/21/1979
Rule 311-1-09 | Raincoat and raingear.

(A) The following styles of raincoat are authorized for wear with the uniform:

(1) A basic style raincoat, with the following features:

(a) Reversible from black to orange, with a badge tab on the black side and special facings to prevent orange "peek through," and

(b) Made from nylon shell, or equivalent fabric, with seams that are factory sealed with thermal tape, a snap-over fly front, and reflective trim around the chest and cuffs.

(2) A dress style raincoat, with the following features:

(a) Reversible from black to orange, with a badge tab on both sides, and

(b) Made from reversible, waterproof fabric, with seams that are factory sealed with thermal tape, a snap-over storm fly, reversible zipper, a two piece dress collar, sleeves with raglan style shoulders, and ten inch go-through slash pockets with welts.

(B) Black rainpants made of waterproof fabric may be worn when weather conditions require.

(C) Other raingear may be worn at the sheriff's discretion.

(D) The raincoat and other raingear must conform to the standard set forth in the American National Standard for High-Visibility Public Safety Vests promulgated by the American national standard institute and the international safety equipment association.

Last updated November 25, 2024 at 4:48 PM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 311.26, 311.28
Amplifies: 311.28
Five Year Review Date: 11/11/2024
Rule 311-1-10 | Sweaters.

(A) The sheriff may authorize wear of a commando sweater or a sweater vest. Wear of the shoulder emblem described in rule 311-1-15 of the Administrative Code on the commando sweater is at the sheriff's option.

(B) The commando sweater shall conform to the following specifications:

(1) The fabric shall be knit from one hundred per cent wool, one hundred per cent Pil-Trol acrylic, or a blend of both,

(2) The color shall be black,

(3) The design shall be a commando-style, V-neck pullover with cloth shoulder and elbow patches, shoulder straps, and a badge tab.

(C) The sweater vest shall be a V-neck style with a badge tab.

Last updated November 25, 2024 at 4:48 PM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 311.26, 311.28
Amplifies: 311.28
Five Year Review Date: 11/11/2024
Prior Effective Dates: 12/15/2001
Rule 311-1-11 | Snowmobile suit.

(A) The sheriff may authorize wear of a one-piece, black snowmobile suit, made from durable nylon or a blend of polyester and cotton.

(B) The snowmobile suit shall have an approved shoulder sleeve emblem, as prescribed in rule 311-1-15 of the Administrative Code, attached to both shoulders, one and one-half inches below shoulder seams.

(C) A badge tab approximately two and one-half inches long and one inch wide, made from the fabric used to make the garment, shall be sewn above the left breast pocket.

(D) At the sheriff's option, a stripe, made of white or silver reflective material approximately one inch wide, may be sewn around both upper arms.

Last updated November 25, 2024 at 4:48 PM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 311.26, 311.28
Amplifies: 311.28
Five Year Review Date: 11/11/2024
Prior Effective Dates: 12/15/2001
Rule 311-1-12 | Footwear specifications.

(A) Shoes shall be plain toe, oxford, Blucher style with laces and have slip-resistant black soles and heels. The shoes shall be made from black shinable leather or manmade leather.

(B) Boots shall be worn at the sheriff's option. Boots shall be black with a plain toe and smooth top, eight to ten inches high, in either a non-lace Wellington style or lace style. The boots shall have a black, non-slip sole and heel. Boots must be worn inside the pant leg.

Last updated November 25, 2024 at 4:48 PM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 311.26, 311.28
Amplifies: 311.28
Five Year Review Date: 11/11/2024
Prior Effective Dates: 7/21/1979
Rule 311-1-13 | Uniform accessories.

(A) General specifications

(1) All leather items shall be black, made in basketweave finish, and kept well-polished.

(2) All nylon items shall be black, made in basketweave finish, and kept clean.

(3) All metal items shall be gilt or brass and kept well-polished.

(B) A tie, dickie, or mock turtleneck at the sheriff's discretion, shall be worn with the long-sleeve Class B shirt.

(1) If a tie is worn, the following specifications shall be used:

(a) The tie shall be made of a fabric blend of seventy-five per cent polyester and twenty-five per cent wool. The color shall be Broome Cravats charcoal grey no. 18 or an equivalent color.

(b) The tie may be a clip-on style.

(c) The bottom of the tie shall be no more than three inches wide.

(d) The tie may be worn in three lengths: short, fourteen and one-half inches, conforming to Broome no. 45055 or equivalent design; regular, eighteen inches, conforming to Broome no. 45015 or equivalent design; and extra long, twenty inches, conforming to Broome no. 45045 or equivalent design.

(2) If a dickie or mock turtleneck is worn, no decoration shall be affixed other than the sheriff's office initials (example: H.C.S.O.).

(C) A tie tack or tie clasp shall be worn with the tie.

(1) The tie tack shall be a five-point star.

(2) The tie clasp shall be a plain gold bar with a five-point star at the bar's end; the clasp shall be five-sixteenths of an inch wide and no more than two inches long.

(D) A gold chain, with or without a gold whistle, may be worn on the uniform shirt or blouse; the chain shall extend from the bottom of the right shoulder strap around the right breast pocket into the pocket; the whistle, if worn, shall be attached to end of the chain inside the pocket.

(E) Black gloves may be worn with the uniform.

(F) A black or grey scarf may be worn when weather conditions require. The scarf shall be tucked inside the outermost uniform garment.

(G) Earmuffs may be worn with the standard uniform hat when weather requires, provided they do not interfere with the wearing of the hat. Black or grey stocking caps may be worn under authorized helmets.

(H) A black belt, made of nylon or leather in basketweave finish, shall be worn with the uniform trousers.

(I) Sam Browne belt and equipment:

(1) A black Sam Browne belt made of leather or nylon in basketweave finish shall be worn with the uniform trousers.

(2) Accessories to the Sam Browne belt shall be black and made of leather or nylon in basketweave finish. Any snaps on accessory items must be black or gilt in color.

(J) A white crew-neck style undershirt shall be worn under all Class B uniform shirts. The sleeves of the undershirt may not extend beyond the sleeve ends of the short-sleeve shirt.

Last updated November 25, 2024 at 4:48 PM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 311.26, 311.28
Amplifies: 311.28
Five Year Review Date: 11/11/2024
Prior Effective Dates: 12/15/2001
Rule 311-1-14 | Rank insignia, badge, and other uniform items.

(A) The rank insignia approved for wear on the uniform are as follows:

(1) Corporal - two yellow gold stripes;

(2) Sergeant - three yellow gold stripes;

(3) Lieutenant - one yellow gold bar;

(4) Captain - two parallel yellow gold bars;

(5) Major - yellow gold leaf;

(6) Colonel - white gold oak leaf;

(7) Chief deputy - yellow gold eagle;

(8) Sheriff - yellow gold star with five points.

(B) Appropriate rank insignia shall be worn on the uniform shirt and on authorized outerwear. For purposes of this rule, the term "outerwear" means any long-sleeve outer garment, with the exception of the raincoat, and at the sheriff's option, the commando sweater. Rank insignia shall be worn as follows:

(1) Corporals and sergeants shall wear their rank insignia on the shoulder straps of any short-sleeve uniform shirt, and on the sleeves of any long-sleeve uniform shirt and authorized outerwear.

(a) On the short-sleeve uniform shirt, the rank insignia shall be gold cloth or metal, positioned one and five-eighths inches from the shoulder seam, centered on the "X" stitched on the shoulder straps, and oriented with the peak of the stripes pointing toward the shoulder seam.

(b) On long-sleeve uniform shirts and authorized outerwear, the rank insignia shall be a chevron patch, positioned halfway between the shoulder seam and the elbow, and oriented with the peak of the stripes pointing toward the shoulder seam.

(2) Lieutenants and higher-ranking officers shall wear their rank insignia on the shoulder straps of both long- and short-sleeve uniform shirts and authorized outerwear.

(a) The rank insignia shall be of gold cloth or metal and positioned one-and-five-eighths inches from the shoulder seam centered on the "X" stitched on the shoulder straps.

(b) The rank insignia shall be oriented as follows:

(i) Bars shall be parallel to the shoulder seam and neckline,

(ii) Leaves shall have the tip of the leaf toward the neckline and the stem of the leaf to the shoulder seam,

(iii) Eagles shall have the head of the eagle toward the neckline the talons toward the shoulder seam;

(iv) Stars shall have the top single point toward the individual's back and the bottom two points pointing toward the individual's front.

(C) A badge shall be worn on the left breast pocket flap of the uniform shirt, on the left upper chest of any authorized outerwear, and on the uniform hat.

(1) The breast badge shall be a five-point star with balled points, measuring two and one-half inches in diameter from point to point.

(a) The word "SHERIFF" or "DEPUTY SHERIFF" and the county name shall frame a full color seal of the state of Ohio in the center of the star, and blue enamel rays shall radiate from each ball point toward the center of the badge. The finish on the badge shall be Blackington Hi-Glo, Karetclad, or equivalent.

(b) The name of the local sheriff or an identifying unit number may be placed in the banner of the breast badge.

(2) The hat badge shall be identical to the breast badge, except that it shall measure one-and-three-quarters inches in diameter from point to point.

(D) Collar brass shall be worn on both collar points of the uniform shirt.

(1) The collar brass shall consist of the word, "SHERIFF" or "DEPUTY," in gold finish, cutout letters one-fourth inch high.

(2) On long-sleeve uniform shirts, the collar brass shall be worn parallel to the neckline of the collar, with the forward end of the brass one-half inch from the front edge of the collar and back end of the brass centered in the width of the collar.

(3) On short-sleeve uniform shirts, the collar brass shall be worn parallel to the ground and positioned in the collar point so that the bottom corners of the brass touch the topstitching on either side of the collar.

(4) Collar brass shall not be worn on outerwear.

(E) A name plate shall be worn immediately above the center of the left breast pocket of the uniform shirt or blouse; the nameplate shall be a gold-filled bar two-and-one-fourth inches in length and three-eighths of an inch wide, with the letters in black enamel.

(F) Service stars: For each five years of service as a sheriff or deputy sheriff, a gold service star may be worn centered one-quarter inch above the right pocket flap on the outermost uniform garment. The star shall measure approximately one-half of an inch from point to point, diagonally.

(G) The sheriff may authorize the wearing of ribbons, awards and medals in a uniform manner, positioned one-quarter inch above the right pocket flap of the outermost uniform garment or one-quarter inch above the service stars, if worn.

(H) The county sheriffs' standard car-marking and uniform commission recommends that sheriffs refrain from authorizing any insignia, emblems, pins, or similar items other than the items detailed in this chapter.

Last updated November 25, 2024 at 4:48 PM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 311.26, 311.28
Amplifies: 311.28
Five Year Review Date: 11/11/2024
Prior Effective Dates: 9/25/2014
Rule 311-1-15 | Shoulder sleeve emblem.

(A) The shoulder sleeve emblem shall be worn on all uniform shirts and long-sleeved outerwear, except the raincoat and, at the option of the sheriff, the commando sweater. The emblem shall be sewn on each sleeve approximately one and one-half inches below the shoulder seam.

(B) The shoulder sleeve emblem shall be a cloth patch conforming to the following specifications:

(1) Design: The logo shall be approved by the commission, consisting of an outline of the state of Ohio, the Ohio flag, and a badge, shall be embroidered in the center of the patch. The words "SHERIFF" and "OHIO" shall frame the coat of arms of the state of Ohio in the center of the badge. One of the following designations, as appropriate, shall be embroidered along the top edge of the patch, arching over the BSSA logo: "SHERIFF, DEPUTY SHERIFF, COMMUNICATIONS, CORRECTIONS, or COURT SECURITY."

(2) Material: The patch shall be made of 7.5 ounce washable twill, in a blend of sixty per cent polyester, thirty-five per cent cotton, and five per cent wool, with buckram added to maintain stiffness and shape. The material shall be black, vat dyed, colorfast, and approved by the international fabricare institute.

(3) Thread: rayon, one hundred fifty denier, two ply continuous filament regenerated cellulose fiber, vat dyed, and approved by the international fabricare institute.

(4) Merrow: three hundred denier, four ply rayon merrowing thread, Madeira gold no. 1024 or equal color, overlock stitched border edge.

(5) Lettering: The letters of the designation along the top edge of the patch shall be nine-sixteenths inch high. The stitching in the letters of the designation "SHERIFF" shall be one-eighth inch wide.

(6) Patch size: The patch shall four and three-fourths inches high measured from the center top to the bottom point, and four and one-fourth inches wide measured across the center.

(7) Stitch count: in excess of three thousand six hundred eighty-eight stitches with .001 inch backing of meltable polyvinyl.

(8) Colors: The background twill shall be black. The colored threads shall be Madeira gold no. 1024, red no. 1181, blue no. 1166, brown no. 1145, light blue no. 1133, yellow no. 1171, and green no. 1051, or equal colors. White threads shall be Madeira rose #800 or equal color.

(9) Manufacturing method: The emblem shall be embroidered on multi-head Barudan or Tajima equipment. Schiffli loom embroidery is not acceptable.

(10) Any supplier wishing to produce shoulder sleeve emblems for the uniform must submit samples to verify compliance with these specifications.

(C) The shoulder sleeve emblem worn on the tactical uniform may be made in subdued colors consistent with the color of the tactical uniform.

(D) At the option of the sheriff, a rocker may be added to the top of the emblem designating a specific assignment, unit, or similar distinction within the sheriff's office.

Last updated November 25, 2024 at 4:48 PM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 311.26, 311.28
Amplifies: 311.28
Five Year Review Date: 11/11/2024