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This website publishes administrative rules on their effective dates, as designated by the adopting state agencies, colleges, and universities.

Chapter 1501:9-11 | Plugging of Wells

Rule 1501:9-11-01 | Definitions.

As used in Chapter 1501:9-11 of the Administrative Code:

(A) "Big lime" means all geologic formations above the Silurian Rochester Shale and below the Devonian Olentangy Shale.

(B) "Brush and stone bridge" means an obstruction made of timber and stone and placed in a well bore to form an effective base for plugging material.

(C) "Casing" means lengths of steel pipe coupled or connected together to form a continuous conduit in the well bore.

(D) "Cement" means a complex, finely-ground kiln-fired calcium silicate that when mixed with water forms a slurry that will harden in the borehole to form an effective seal between the well bore and casing or tubing, or to effectively seal formations penetrated by the well bore.

(E) "Clay" means, for purposes of paragraph (H) of rule 1501:9-11-07 of the Administrative Code, any material with a particle size of 4.0 microns or less and the sand fraction will be all particles with a grain size exceeding 62.5 microns.

(F) "Drilling Mud" means any mixture of water, bentonite, and/or clay to form a slurry as commonly used in the oil and gas industry.

(G) "Fine grout" means a mix of: Portland type I, II or III cement manufactured to meet ASTM "C150/C150M/C595" standards or API "10 A Specification for Cements and Materials for Well Cementing;" water and sand that meets ASTM "C-33" standards and specifications.

(H) "Fresh water strata" means all unconsolidated rock material or sedimentary rock containing water with less than ten thousand milligrams per liter total of dissolved solids.

(I) "Identification tag" means a brass or steel plate with the initials ODNR and the plug permit number legibly braised, burned, or stamped in the surface that is affixed on top of the casing.

(J) "Long string" means any casing placed in the well bore for the purpose of protecting the producing zones.

(K) "Mechanical bridge plug" means a manufactured device designed to seal the well bore or inside diameter of any diameter of casing that may be used as a base for approved plugging material.

(L) "Mineable coal seam" means any underground coal seam of sufficient thickness that may be economically mined by current mining methods.

(M) "Plugging plan" means a written plan that includes all information set forth in section 1509.13 of the Revised Code in addition to all of the following:

(1) The diameter of each uncased segment of the wellbore;

(2) The length, weight, and outer diameter of each casing string in the well;

(3) The depth to the base and top of the cemented interval of each casing string;

(4) The base and top of any mineable coal seams;

(5) The name, if known, and depth to the base and top of the deepest underground source of drinking water;

(6) The depth to the base and top of each reservoir rock, thief zone, underground mine zone, karst void, or mineable coal seam that will be plugged or isolated;

(7) The proposed depth to the top and base of each plug;

(8) The class of cement to be used to plug the well;

(9) The yield and optimum slurry density for each cement plug; and

(10) If the well will be plugged with an approved clay, the total weight of clay in tons that will be emplaced across each interval plugged.

(N) "Precast concrete plug" means a tapered plug constructed of concrete and precast in various sizes expressly for creating a bridge on a casing seat or ripped casing.

(O) "Prepared clay" has the same meaning as in section 1509.01 of the Revised Code.

(P) "Reservoir rock" means a rock formation that has or had any of the following:

(1) Production of oil or natural gas;

(2) Injection into it;

(3) Hydrogen sulfide; or

(4) A flow of brine.

(Q) "Squeeze" means the pumping of a cement slurry under pressure through perforations to seal the back side of casing.

(R) "Sulfate resistant cement" means a cement-additive blend that resists deterioration in the presence of hydrogen sulfide.

(S) "Thief zone" means a geologic formation encountered into which fluids can be lost.

Last updated June 30, 2024 at 7:30 PM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 1509.03, 1509.15, 1509.23
Amplifies: 1509.01, 1509.02, 1509.021, 1509.022, 1509.03, 1509.04, 1509.05, 1509.06, 1509.061, 1509.062, 1509.07, 1509.072, 1509.074, 1509.08, 1509.09, 1509.11, 1509.12, 1509.13, 1509.14, 1509.15, 1509.16, 1509.17, 1509.18, 1509.181, 1509.19, 1509.20, 1509.22, 1509.23, 1509.24, 1509.25, 1509.28, 1509.32
Five Year Review Date: 8/10/2025
Prior Effective Dates: 1/22/1975, 7/16/1982, 4/15/2004, 8/10/2020
Rule 1501:9-11-02 | Permit to plug or plug back.

(A) Except as provided in rule 1501:9-11-05 of the Administrative Code, a person may plug or plug back a well only pursuant to the three following options:

(1) A valid permit to plug issued under section 1509.13 of the Revised Code or a valid permit to plug back issued under section 1509.06 of the Revised Code;

(2) Division (C) of section 1509.13 of the Revised Code; or

(3) Plugging operations that are otherwise authorized by the chief in writing. The chief may authorize a person in writing to commence plugging or plug back operations without a permit if necessary to protect public health, safety, or the environment, however the person will apply for a permit to plug or plug back within five business days after receiving the chiefs written authorization.

(B) Except as otherwise authorized in paragraph (A)(3) of this rule, a person may commence well plugging operations only if a copy of the permit to plug or the permit to plug back, all terms and conditions of the permit, and the approved plugging plan are maintained at the well site at all times plugging operations are taking place.

(C) With each application for a permit to plug a well, in addition to the information set forth in division (B) of section 1509.13 of the Revised Code, the person needs to include an affidavit attesting that the person will attempt to notify, by certified mail, regarding the persons intention to plug the well and of the issuance date and expiration date of the permit all of the following persons:

(1) The owner of the land upon which the wellhead is located;

(2) Any person that receives gas from the well pursuant to an agreement with the well owner; and

(3) The owner or lessee of any active mine that has excavations and workings as defined in section 1561.01 of the Revised Code within one hundred linear feet of any section of the well.

(D) A person may only file an application for a permit to plug or a permit to plug back a well on a form approved by the chief. In addition to the application information prescribed in division (B) of section 1509.13 of the Revised Code, an application is not complete and will not be reviewed by the chief unless the application contains all of the following: name, title, twenty-four hour phone number, and electronic mail address of the persons emergency coordinator for the plugging operation and the name of the persons authorized representatives on location during plugging operations. If any of the information changes prior to plugging, an update detatiling the changes is to be provided at the time of the twenty-four hour notification that is prescribed pursuant to paragraph (B) of rule 1501:9-11-04 of the Administrative Code.

(E) Plugging plan provisions.

(1) With each application for a permit to plug a well, a person will include a written plugging plan as defined in rule 1501:9-11-01 of the Administrative Code on a form prescribed and provided by the chief.

(2) In addition to the information set forth in paragraph (E)(1) of this rule and if the well was drilled to produce oil and gas or is associated with underground gas storage, the person also shall provide the following information:

(a) The pressure measured on the production casing and tubing;

(b) The pressure measured on the annular spaces outside the production casing; and

(c) Whether the production or annular gas contains hydrogen sulfide.

(3) With each application for a permit to plug back a well submitted under section 1509.06 of the Revised Code, a person will include a written plugging plan on a form prescribed and provided by the chief. The chief may waive some or all of the provisions of this rule.

(4) When no well construction records are available for a well and to assist the division in evaluating and approving a written plugging plan that complies with this rule, a person will do at least one of the following:

(a) Log the well in a manner of the persons choosing that allows the division to evaluate the plugging plan; or

(b) Provide casing data on the well and depth to the base and top of each reservoir rock based on records for off-set wellbores adjusted for surface elevation or other reliable sources of formation depth information. Sources of formation depth information may include core records or published structural contour maps.

(5) If production or annular gas contains hydrogen sulfide, the plan must address hydrogen sulfide control and monitoring.

(F) The division will issue the permit subject to the approved written plugging plan and in compliance with this rule. The division may issue a permit to plug or a permit to plug back a well subject to terms and conditions.

(G) The division will provide electronic notice to all underground mine owners and to the division of mineral resources management by posting applications for a permit to plug a well or to plug back a well that have been filed with the division and permits to plug or plug back that have been issued by the division on the divisions website.

(H) A permit to plug or a permit to plug back issued pursuant to sections 1509.06 and 1509.13 of the Revised Code is not transferable. A permit to plug or a permit to plug back may be reissued as a new permit to a successor person.

Last updated June 30, 2024 at 7:31 PM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 1509.03, 1509.15, 1509.23
Amplifies: 1509.01, 1509.02, 1509.021, 1509.022, 1509.03, 1509.04, 1509.05, 1509.06, 1509.061, 1509.062, 1509.07, 1509.072, 1509.074, 1509.08, 1509.09, 1509.11, 1509.12, 1509.13, 1509.14, 1509.15, 1509.16, 1509.17, 1509.18, 1509.181, 1509.19, 1509.20, 1509.22, 1509.23, 1509.24, 1509.25, 1509.28, 1509.32
Five Year Review Date: 8/10/2025
Prior Effective Dates: 7/16/1982, 8/9/1993, 4/15/2004
Rule 1501:9-11-03 | Objective and methods.

(A) Any proposed plugging plan or plugging activity will be designed to accomplish all of the following: isolate oil, natural gas, hydrogen sulfide, brine, water, or other fluids to the reservoir rock in which it occurs or originates; isolate mineable coal seams; and prevent movement of fluids into or between underground sources of drinking water.

(1) The person will take precautions to maintain well control, and to ensure protection of public health and safety, the environment or natural resources, and underground miner safety from the hazards that may be encountered during plugging operations.

(2) The person may use any method of emplacing cement or plugging materials that are approved by the chief including but not limited to a bullhead squeeze, bullhead, pumping through tubing, casing, or drill pipe and the following apply:. No person shall emplace cement through tubulars that lack mechanical integrity.

(a) No person may emplace cement through tubulars that lack mechanical integrity.

Prior to the use of the bullhead squeeze method, integrity of the casing has been verified by testing witnessed by a division inspector;

(b) If such testing shows that annular isolation between casings is inadequate, the bullhead squeeze method cannot be used for bottom plug emplacement. If the test shows that annular isolation between casings is adequate, the surface casing annular port valve will be open during all bullhead squeezing operations, and, if circulation occurs through the annular port, the well is to be circulated until all recoverable cement is circulated to surface; and

(c) If a cement plug fails, the plug may only be placed using another method approved by the chief.

(3) If casing is cut, the wellbore is to be conditioned to ensure an adequate bond between the plugging material and the wellbore to achieve isolation.

(B) The chief may authorize alternate methods of plugging not specified in Chapter 1501:9-11 of the Administrative Code so long as the plugging method complies with Chapter 1509. of the Revised Code and rules adopted under it. The chief also may direct a person to install casing or a vault and a vent pipe to provide additional safety.

(C) If in production or drilling operations a wellbore becomes obstructed because of lost tools or equipment that cannot be recovered by reasonable attempts, a person will have to submit a written plugging plan that accomplishes the objectives of this rule. The plugging report will include documentation of the exact method of plugging and the equipment lost.

(D) The chief may order the immediate suspension of plugging activities if a person may cause or is causing, may engage in or is engaging in, may maintain or is maintaining a condition or activity that presents an imminent danger to underground miner safety, public health or safety, or results in or is likely to result in damage to the environment or natural resources.

Last updated June 30, 2024 at 7:33 PM

Supplemental Information

Rule 1501:9-11-04 | Notification and supervision.

(A) A person to whom a permit to plug or a permit to plug back a dry or lost hole has been issued may conduct plugging or plugback operations only if the person notifies the applicable division inspector to enable the inspector to be present when operations will commence.

(B) Except as provided in paragraph (A) of this rule, a person may commence plugging only if the person notifies the applicable division inspector a minimum of twenty-four hours prior to commencement of plugging.

(C) If a well is located in a coal bearing township, the person will also notify the appropriate division of mineral resources management deputy mine inspector.

(D) Except as provided in paragraph (E) of this rule, each plugging operation is to be witnessed by a division inspector and supervised by a representative of the person authorized to plug a well.

(E) The chief may grant written permission to a person to commence or continue plugging operations when the applicable inspector is unable to be present in accordance with the provisions in sections 1509.13 and 1509.14 of the Revised Code.

Last updated June 30, 2024 at 7:33 PM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 1509.03, 1509.15, 1509.23
Amplifies: 1509.01, 1509.02, 1509.021, 1509.022, 1509.03, 1509.04, 1509.05, 1509.06, 1509.061, 1509.062, 1509.07, 1509.072, 1509.074, 1509.08, 1509.09, 1509.11, 1509.12, 1509.13, 1509.14, 1509.15, 1509.16, 1509.17, 1509.18, 1509.181, 1509.19, 1509.20, 1509.22, 1509.23, 1509.24, 1509.25, 1509.28, 1509.32
Five Year Review Date: 8/10/2025
Prior Effective Dates: 7/16/1982, 8/10/2020
Rule 1501:9-11-06 | Top-hole considerations.

(A) No person may pull conductor casing or drive pipe from the wellbore during plugging of the well.

(B) A person has to attempt to pull un-cemented surface casing from a well prior to emplacing approved plugging material to protect underground sources of drinking water or a mineable coal seam. Prior to pulling un-cemented surface casing from a well, the person has to bail or circulate the wellbore using fresh water in a manner that removes all free crude oil and brine from inside the wellbore.

(C) When a well does not have drive pipe, conductor casing, or surface casing, the plugging plan set forth in paragraph (E) of rule 1501:9-11-02 of the Administrative Code has to protect all USDWs and provide a means of well control for completion of plugging operations. Any casing installed in the well has to be installed in accordance with the standards established in rule 1501:9-1-08 of the Administrative Code.

Last updated June 30, 2024 at 7:35 PM

Supplemental Information

Rule 1501:9-11-07 | Materials.

(A) Wells to be plugged or plugged back with cement include all of the following:

(1) A well drilled with rotary tools;

(2) A Class II brine injection well regulated under Chapter 1509. of the Revised Code and Chapter 1501:9-3 of the Administrative Code;

(3) An enhanced recovery well regulated under Chapter 1509. of the Revised Code and Chapter 1501:9-5 of the Administrative Code;

(4) A Class III solution mining well regulated under Chapter 1501:9-7 of the Administrative Code;

(5) A well associated with underground storage of natural gas; and

(6) A well drilled to extract natural or artificial brine, or oil field waters.

(B) A person, with the approval of the chief, may plug a cable tool drilled well with either cement or approved prepared clay.

(C) Cement used to plug a well or plug back a well may only be cement manufactured to meet the standards of API "10A Specification for Cements and Materials for Well Cementing" - or ASTM "C150/C150M/C595 Standard Specification for Portland Cement" or is otherwise approved by the chief in writing. The chief may disapprove or suspend use of a cement that is found not to meet the objectives of this rule.

(D) A cement slurry has to attain a minimum compressive strength of five hundred pounds per square inch after twenty-four hours when tested in accordance with API standards established in "R.P. 10 B-2 Recommended Practice for Testing Well Cements." If a pozzolan cement mixture is used, pozzolanic materials cannot exceed fifty per cent by volume of a cement blend.

(E) A cement slurry has to be mixed in a manner that ensures consistent and optimum slurry density. Cement slurry systems are to be mixed to standards contained in commonly accepted oil and gas industry engineering handbooks that are based on tests conducted in accordance with standards found in API Specification 10A as referenced in paragraph (C) of this rule. A person may only propose to use a cement slurry system not found in a commonly accepted oil and gas industry engineering handbook, if the person provides laboratory data that defines optimum properties based upon tests conducted in accordance with API Specification 10A as referenced in paragraph (C) of this rule. The density of a cement slurry may only be based upon a laboratory free fluid separation test demonstrating an average fluid loss of no more than three milliliters per two hundred fifty milliliters of cement tested in accordance with API "RP 10 B-2 Recommended Practice for Testing Well Cement."

(F) The chief may approve the use of a fine grout that is able to attain a minimum compressive strength of five hundred pounds per square inch after twenty-four hours when tested in accordance with API standards established in "R.P. 10 B-2 Recommended Practice for Testing Well Cements" at a test temperature within ten degrees Fahrenheit of the formation equilibrium temperature of the cemented interval.

(G) A person has to ensure that the cement mix water quality and chemistry is compatible for the cement slurry design.

(H) The chief will evaluate sources of prepared clay to determine whether the clay satisfies the standards of this rule. The chief will approve prepared clay sources based upon tests demonstrating that the material has a clay content of not less than forty per cent and sand or greater size content not exceeding thirty per cent. For purposes of the evaluation, clay means the same as in rule 1501:9-11-01 of the Administrative Code. The division will collect a composite sample of material from the clay seam, stockpile, or bagged product that is deemed representative of the source material. The division will seal, label, and deliver the sample to a qualified laboratory for testing. Upon receipt of the analysis, the division will inform the person that owns the clay mining or processing operation whether the sample meets applicable standards and provide a copy of the analysis. In addition to meeting the grain size standards, the person that owns an approved clay mining or processing operation shall process the material and store the material in a dry condition for delivery. The division will maintain an updated list of approved prepared clay sources and post the list on the division's website.

(I) A person may only place materials or substances in a wellbore that have been approved by the chief.

Last updated June 30, 2024 at 7:35 PM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 1509.03, 1509.15, 1509.23
Amplifies: 1509.01, 1509.02, 1509.021, 1509.022, 1509.03, 1509.04, 1509.05, 1509.06, 1509.061, 1509.062, 1509.07, 1509.072, 1509.074, 1509.08, 1509.09, 1509.11, 1509.12, 1509.13, 1509.14, 1509.15, 1509.16, 1509.17, 1509.18, 1509.181, 1509.19, 1509.20, 1509.22, 1509.23, 1509.24, 1509.25, 1509.28, 1509.32
Five Year Review Date: 8/10/2025
Prior Effective Dates: 4/15/2004, 8/10/2020
Rule 1501:9-11-08 | Plugging with cement.

(A) Unless otherwise provided in the terms or conditions of the plugging permit, this rule applies to all of the following wells:

(1) A well drilled with rotary tools;

(2) A Class II brine injection well regulated under Chapter 1509. of the Revised Code and Chapter 1501:9-3 of the Administrative Code;

(3) An enhanced recovery well regulated under Chapter 1509. of the Revised Code and Chapter 1501:9-5 of the Administrative Code;

(4) A Class III solution mining well regulated under Chapter 1501:9-7 of the Administrative Code;

(5) A well associated with underground storage of natural gas; and

(6) A well drilled to extract natural or artificial brine, or oil field waters.

(B) Plug placement intervals for a well listed under paragraph (A) of this rule are as follow:

(1) When placing the bottom plug in a well drilled horizontally, the person needs to place a mechanical bridge plug rated at a pressure greater than the determined reservoir pressure at the time of plugging. The mechanical bridge plug needs to be set above the last perforation and below the last known producing zone with competent cement behind the production casing as determined by a cement evaluation tool if the annular space behind the production casing has a sustained pressure that is below the maximum allowable annular pressure as provided in rule 1501:9-01-08 of the Administrative Code, unless otherwise approved in writing by the chief. Prior to emplacing cement on top of the mechanical bridge plug, the hole has to be loaded and the bridge plug hydrostatically tested at a surface pressure of at least five hundred psi for a period of fifteen minutes with no more than a ten-per cent deviation in pressure. If the hydrostatic test on the mechanical bridge plug fails, the person has to set a new mechanical bridge plug, unless otherwise approved in writing by the chief. After the mechanical bridge plug has been set and passed testing, the appropriate amount of cement for the interval to be plugged, as specified in the approved plugging plan, is to be placed on top of the mechanical bridge plug.

(2) When placing the bottom plug in a vertical or directional wellbore, the person has to place cement from the bottom of the lowest interval tested or produced to a minimum of four hundred feet above the top of the lowest interval tested or produced;

(3) Unless exceptions have been granted by the chief in writing, from a minimum of fifty feet below the base to a minimum of one hundred feet above the top of each reservoir rock to within one hundred fifty feet of the bottom of the surface casing;

(4) From a minimum of two hundred feet below the top of the Big Lime to the top of the Big Lime, when plugging a well east of the updip pinch-out of the Silurian Clinton sandstone;

(5) From a minimum of one hundred fifty feet below to a minimum of one hundred feet above the base of the surface casing;

(6) If the surface casing of a cable tool well has been removed and results in a USDW being unprotected, a cement plug has to be placed from a minimum of fifty feet below the base of the underground source of drinking water to thirty inches below grade level;

(7) Within the permitted area of an underground mine, a mechanical bridge plug is to be placed in the wellbore a minimum of two hundred feet below the mineable coal seam and the wellbore is to be filled with cement from the top of the mechanical bridge plug to within a minimum of thirty inches of the grade level. The person authorized to plug a well and the coal owner will make reasonable efforts to coordinate plugging to minimize any potential adverse effect to the mining operation and/or future re-plugging of the well;

(8) From a minimum of one hundred feet below the grade level to thirty inches below grade level. The hole is to be left open for the chief or chiefs representatives to inspect for at least three business days.

(C) For a Class III solution mining well regulated under Chapter 1509. of the Revised Code and under Chapter 1501:9-7 of the Administrative Code, a person has to place a mechanical bridge plug inside the cemented production casing as close to the base of the casing as possible. Prior to placing cement on top of the mechanical bridge plug, the person will hydrostatically test the mechanical bridge plug at five hundred psi for at least fifteen minutes with no more than a five per cent decline. After a successful test, the person has to place at least two hundred feet of Class A cement on top of the mechanical bridge plug. After the cement reaches a minimum compressive strength of five hundred psi, the person has to fill the production casing to surface with Class A cement.

(D) If a thief zone is anticipated, the person has to develop a plan to ensure proper placement of plugs and obtain approval in writing from the chief.

(E) A person will establish and sustain static conditions at the surface prior to emplacing a cement plug. The chief may grant an exception to the requirement of circulation when plugging wells with hydrogen sulfide if circulation of the well could jeopardize worker and/or public safety.

(F) No person may pump cement into a well if static conditions do not exist. No person may pump cement into a well that is flowing oil, gas, brine, or freshwater to the surface.

(G) If during the plugging operation a thief zone is present, a person may:

(1) Place a mechanical bridge plug in the well above the thief zone to provide a base on which to place a cement plug not less than two hundred feet in length above such a zone.

(2) Pump or place any material, including lost circulation materials, approved by the chief to plug off the thief zone. A person will place a cement plug, not less than two hundred feet in length above or across the thief zone and may mix additional lost circulation materials into the cement slurry, if necessary.

(H) During plugging, the person has to make a good faith effort to recover all casing, other than conductor casing and drive pipe, which is not cemented.

(I) If it is determined by the chief that wellbore conditions render compliance with the approved plugging plan that complies with paragraph (E) of rule 1501:9-11-02 of the Administrative Code impossible or impractical or render any provisions set forth in paragraphs (A) to (G) of this rule impossible or impractical, the person will develop a new plan and obtain written approval from the chief.

Last updated June 30, 2024 at 7:36 PM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 1509.03, 1509.15, 1509.23
Amplifies: 1509.01, 1509.02, 1509.021, 1509.022, 1509.03, 1509.04, 1509.05, 1509.06, 1509.061, 1509.062, 1509.07, 1509.072, 1509.074, 1509.08, 1509.09, 1509.11, 1509.12, 1509.13, 1509.14, 1509.15, 1509.16, 1509.17, 1509.18, 1509.181, 1509.19, 1509.20, 1509.22, 1509.23, 1509.24, 1509.25, 1509.28, 1509.32
Five Year Review Date: 8/10/2025
Prior Effective Dates: 7/16/1982, 9/27/1993, 4/15/2004
Rule 1501:9-11-09 | Plugging with prepared clay.

(A) For all wells drilled with cable tools that are plugged with prepared clay, a clay slurry will be placed in the following intervals in the well bore:

(1) From total depth to a minimum of five hundred feet above the top of the lowest reservoir rock penetrated or perforated.

(2) From a minimum of fifty feet below the base of each succeeding reservoir rock formation to a minimum of two hundred feet above the top of such formation, until the plugging operation has been completed to within a minimum of one hundred feet of the bottom of the surface casing.

(3) From approximately fifty feet below the base of the fresh water strata to a minimum of thirty inches below the grade level.

(4) Within the permitted area of an underground mine, a mechanical bridge plug is to be placed in the wellbore a minimum of two hundred feet below the mineable coal seam, and the wellbore filled with cement from the top of the mechanical bridge plug to within a minimum of thirty inches below the grade level. The person authorized to plug a well and the coal owner will make reasonable efforts to coordinate plugging to minimize any potential adverse effect to the mining operation and/or future re-plugging of the well.

(B) During the plugging operation, the person is to make a good faith effort to recover all casing, other than conductor pipe, which is not cemented. When a string of casing has been withdrawn by either removing the casing above the casing seat, or by parting the casing string, an approved precast concrete plug may be lowered in place either on the casing seat or on the parted casing point to serve as a base for a prepared clay plug. If the surface casing is parted during the pulling operation, and cannot be recovered or removed, the well will be filled from the previous set plug to thirty inches below grade level with prepared clay.

(C) The chief may also direct the person to place brush and stone bridges, and/or mechanical bridges in the well bore or casings, when in the chief's judgment such bridges will be necessary to ensure that the prepared clay placed in the well remains at the point in the well where such prepared clay had been placed.

(D) If it is determined by the inspector that borehole conditions render compliance with the the plugging provisions of this rule impossible or impractical or if it is determined by the inspector that the the provisions established under this rule will not fulfill the requirements set forth under paragraph (A) of rule 1501:9-11-03 of the Administrative Code, the inspector may designate an alternate thickness and method of emplacement of the plugs to ensure compliance with paragraph (A) of rule 1501:9-11-03 of the Administrative Code.

(E) In order to promote enhanced recovery, including but not limited to secondary and tertiary operations, the chief or his authorized representative may direct a person to use special plugging conditions.

Last updated June 30, 2024 at 7:37 PM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 1509.03, 1509.15, 1509.23
Amplifies: 1509.01, 1509.02, 1509.021, 1509.022, 1509.03, 1509.04, 1509.05, 1509.06, 1509.061, 1509.062, 1509.07, 1509.072, 1509.074, 1509.08, 1509.09, 1509.11, 1509.12, 1509.13, 1509.14, 1509.15, 1509.16, 1509.17, 1509.18, 1509.181, 1509.19, 1509.20, 1509.22, 1509.23, 1509.24, 1509.25, 1509.28, 1509.32
Five Year Review Date: 8/10/2025
Prior Effective Dates: 9/27/1993, 8/10/2020
Rule 1501:9-11-10 | Cutting off conductor pipe or surface casing below grade; identification tag.

(A) When the plugging operations have been completed, a person has to cut off the remaining casing in the well to a minimum of thirty inches below the surface of the grade. The chief may grant exceptions to this rule including allowing the person to delay cutoff until all wells on a horizontal well site have been plugged.

(B) No sooner than three business days after emplacing the uppermost plug, a plate with an identification tag has to be tack-welded or attached on the top of the remaining casing. If the landowner signs a waiver, casing may be left in place, not less than thirty inches above grade, with an identification tag.

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 1509.03
Amplifies: 1509.13, 1509.14, 1509.15
Five Year Review Date: 8/10/2025
Prior Effective Dates: 8/9/1993
Rule 1501:9-11-12 | Plugging report.

(A) Any person that plugs a well has to file a plugging report with the division within thirty days on a form prescribed and provided by the chief and signed by the person or the persons authorized representative. The chief may direct a person to submit the report before thirty days. In addition to the information set forth in divisions (A) to (I) of section 1509.14 of the Revised Code for all wells plugged with cement, the owner also has to attach to the plugging report a cementing ticket prepared by the person cementing the well. In addition to the information set forth in divisions (A) to (I) of section 1509.14 of the Revised Code for all wells plugged with prepared clay, a copy of the prepared clay purchase record has to be attached to the plugging report.

(B) The plugging report described in paragraph (A) of this rule has to be signed by the person authorized to plug the well and has to include an affidavit attesting that all information included in the report and the attached tickets are true and accurate.

Last updated June 30, 2024 at 7:38 PM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 1509.03, 1509.15, 1509.23
Amplifies: 1509.01, 1509.02, 1509.021, 1509.022, 1509.03, 1509.04, 1509.05, 1509.06, 1509.061, 1509.062, 1509.07, 1509.072, 1509.074, 1509.08, 1509.09, 1509.11, 1509.12, 1509.13, 1509.14, 1509.15, 1509.16, 1509.17, 1509.18, 1509.181, 1509.19, 1509.20, 1509.22, 1509.23, 1509.24, 1509.25, 1509.28, 1509.32
Five Year Review Date: 8/10/2025
Prior Effective Dates: 4/15/2004, 8/10/2020