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This website publishes administrative rules on their effective dates, as designated by the adopting state agencies, colleges, and universities.

Chapter 1501:47-5 | Division of Wildlife Areas

Rule 1501:47-5-01 | Exceptions.

The rules contained within Chapter 1501:47-5 of the Administrative Code are applicable to all waters owned or controlled by the division of wildlife. However, nothing herein is to be interpreted or construed in such a manner as to prevent or delay authorized personnel of the department of natural resources in the completion of necessary duties or while on patrol or emergency service. The division of parks and watercraft's interest in enforcing these rules pertain to the use of boats and motors on water areas under control of the division of wildlife.

Last updated June 30, 2024 at 7:04 PM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 1546.04, 1547.61
Amplifies: 1546.02, 1546.03, 1546.04, 1547.61
Five Year Review Date: 6/30/2029
Prior Effective Dates: 4/25/1974
Rule 1501:47-5-02 | Anchoring, docking, mooring, beaching watercraft on wildlife areas.

(A) Under authority of section 1531.06 of the Revised Code and after compliance with Chapter 1547. of the Revised Code, the chief of the division of wildlife orders that:

(B) It is unlawful for any person to use a watercraft mooring or tie-up stake on any property administered or controlled by the division of wildlife without first having complied with the provisions of rule 1501:31-9-06 of the Administrative Code ("User fee schedule").

(C) It is unlawful for any person to anchor, dock, moor, beach, or tie up any watercraft or leave any watercraft unattended for a period in excess of eight consecutive hours on the Resthaven wildlife area, Margaretta township, Erie county, Ohio.

(D) Watercraft, except watercraft occupied continuously by persons fishing or hunting rails, gallinules, or waterfowl are not permitted to be anchored, docked, moored, beached, tied up, or left unattended by any person on any land or water area of the division of wildlife for a period of time in excess of four hours unless such watercraft is anchored, docked, moored, beached, or tied up at a division-designated public docking area.

(1) It is unlawful for any person to anchor, dock, moor, beach, tie up or leave unattended for a period in excess of forty-eight hours, more than one watercraft on any lake administered or controlled by the wildlife division except as herein provided.

(2) It is unlawful for any person to dock, moor, tie up, leave unattended, or control more than one watercraft at a wildlife division public docking area.

(3) The provisions of this rule and provisions in rule 1501:31-5-02 of the Administrative Code do not apply to concessionaires properly licensed by the department of natural resources to rent watercraft to the public, or watercraft owned by any division within the department of natural resources, or watercraft owned by any agency of the federal government or any political subdivision.

(4) It is unlawful for any person to anchor, dock, moor, beach, or tie up any watercraft at a division-designated public docking area from December first to March first of the following year except waterfowl hunters having a tie-up permit may use such areas during the waterfowl season.

(5) It is unlawful for any person to anchor, dock, moor, beach, or tie up any watercraft, to any designated division public docking area when such watercraft is not properly registered, numbered, or otherwise marked in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 1547. of the Revised Code.

(E) Public boat docking areas are designated by signs and may be extended by the chief of the division at any time. Such areas are hereby established on the following water areas:

Aquilla lakeGeauga county
Clark lakeClark county
Clouse lakePerry county
Fox lakeAthens county
Grant lakeBrown county
Highlandtown lakeColumbiana county
Knox lakeKnox county
Monroe lakeMonroe county
Oxbow lakeDefiance county
Ross lakeRoss county
Rush run lakePreble county
Shreve lakeWayne county
Spencer lakeMedina county
Spring valley lakeWarren county
Tycoon lakeGallia county
Veto lakeWashington county
Zepernick lakeColumbiana county

(F) It is unlawful for any person to dock, moor, or tie up any watercraft at the division of wildlife dock at the state fish hatchery on South Bass island, Put-In-Bay township, Ottawa county, Ohio unless such person has official business at the state fish hatchery.

(G) It is unlawful for any person to anchor, beach, tie up, or leave any watercraft unattended in the Metzger marsh boat launching channel, for a period in excess of four consecutive hours.

Last updated June 30, 2024 at 7:07 PM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 1546.04, 1547.61
Amplifies: 1546.02, 1546.03, 1546.04, 1547.61
Five Year Review Date: 11/1/2027
Prior Effective Dates: 4/25/1974, 8/16/1984, 9/1/1999, 11/19/2000
Rule 1501:47-5-03 | Use of outboard motors and power boats on wildlife areas.

(A) It is unlawful for any person to operate (start/run) or permit the operation of a powercraft, other than a powercraft propelled by an electric motor, on the following water areas under the management authority of the division of wildlife.

Barnesville reservoir #2Belmont county
Barnesville reservoir #3Belmont county
Barnesville reservoir #4Belmont county
Belmont lakeBelmont county
Big Island wildlife areaMarion county
Circleville canalPickaway county
Cooper hollow wildlife areaJackson county
Darke wildlife areaDarke county
Deer creek lakeStark county
Deer creek wildlife areaPickaway, Madison and Fayette counties
Delaware wildlife areaDelaware, Morrow and Marion countries
Grand river wildlife areaTrumbull county
Hammertown lake wildlife area (Jackson city reservoir)Jackson county
Hebron canalLicking and Fairfield counties
Indian creek wildlife areaBrown county
Ismond pondColumbiana county
Lake VesuviusLawrence county
Miller blue holeSandusky county
New Lexington city reservoirPerry county
Oberlin reservoirLorain county
Oldaker pond wildlife areaHighland county
Orwell pond wildlife areaAshtabula county
Ottoville quarry wildlife areaPutnam county
Pleasant valley wildlife areaRoss county
Ruff pond wildlife areaColumbiana county
Spring valley wildlife areaWarren county
Timbre Ridge lakeLawrence county
Tranquility wildlife areaAdams county
Wallace H. O'Dowd wildlife areaAthens county
Walhonding canalCoshocton county
Waterloo wildlife areaAthens county
Wellington reservoirLorain county
Wolf creek wildlife areaMorgan county
Woodbury wildlife areaCoshocton county

(B) On the following water areas, the presence of any portable or external liquid fuel container or any outboard motor, other than an electric motor, is prohibited. It is not lawful for any person to operate (start/run) or permit the operation of any watercraft propelled by an inboard or outboard motor other than an electric motor:

East Branch reservoirGeauga county
LaDue reservoirGeauga county
Mogadore reservoirPortage county

(C) It is unlawful for any person to operate (start/run) or permit to be operated a powercraft propelled by a motor, or combination of motors, with a horsepower rating in excess of ten horsepower on the waters of the following areas:

Appalachian Hills wildlife area Morgan, Muskingum and Noble counties
Clark lake Clark county
Clouse lake Perry county
Fox lakeAthens county
Grant lakeBrown county
Greenfield lake wildlife areaFairfield county
Highlandtown lake wildlife areaColumbiana county
Kokosing lakeKnox county
Jesse Owens wildlife areaMorgan county
Jockey Hollow wildlife areaHarrison county
Monroe lake Monroe county
Rockmill wildlife areaFairfield county
Rush creek reservoirFairfield and Perry counties
Rush Run lakePreble county
Veto lakeWashington county
Zepernick lake wildlife areaColumbiana county

(D) It is unlawful for any person to operate (start/run) or permit to be operated a powercraft propelled by a motor, or combination of motors, exceeding a horsepower rating of ten horsepower, unless any such powercraft equipped with motors in excess of ten horsepower are operated at idle speed or at a speed that does not create a wake on the following water areas:

Knox lake Knox county
Rupert lakeVinton county

(E) It is unlawful for any person to operate (start/run) or permit to be operated any powercraft on the waters of the following areas, unless the powercraft is operated at idle speed and does not create a wake:

Aldrich pond wildlife areaSandusky county
Aquilla lake wildlife areaGeauga county
Fallsville wildlife areaHighland county
Fulton ponds wildlife areaFulton county
Killdeer Plains wildlife areaWyandot county
La Su An wildlife areaWilliams county
New Lyme lake Ashtabula county
Oxbow lake wildlife areaDefiance county
Resthaven wildlife area Erie county
Ross lake wildlife areaRoss county
St. Joseph river wildlife areaWilliams county
Shreve lake Wayne county
Spencer lake Medina county
Tycoon lake wildlife areaGallia county
Wayne R. Carr lakePaulding county
Wingfoot lakePortage county

(F) It is unlawful for any person to operate (start/run) or permit to be operated an electric motor exceeding four horsepower to propel a vessel on or within any water area under the management authority of the division of wildlife.

(G) It is unlawful for any person to operate (start/run) or permit to be operated a motor, or combination of motors, exceeding a horsepower rating in excess of ten horsepower on any body of water on the American electric power recreation area.

(H) Vessels with higher horsepower motors may be present on these waters provided they comply with paragraphs (A), (B), (C), (D), (F), and (G) of this rule.

(I) It is unlawful for any person to operate (start/run), use, or permit to be operated or used, any watercraft on Barnesville reservoir no. 1.

Last updated June 30, 2024 at 7:08 PM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 1546.04, 1547.61
Amplifies: 1546.02, 1546.03, 1546.04, 1547.61
Five Year Review Date: 11/1/2027
Prior Effective Dates: 10/10/1990, 8/18/1991, 9/1/1999, 5/17/2001, 10/30/2003, 7/9/2022
Rule 1501:47-5-04 | Regulations prescribed for the use of watercraft on Berlin reservoir, situated in the couties of Mahoning, Portage and Stark.

(A) The water of Berlin reservoir is divided into five designated areas:

(1) Area one includes of the waters lying between U.S. route 224 and the dam.

(2) Area two includes the waters lying between U.S. route 224 and the "N.Y.C. railroad" bridge.

(3) Area three includes the waters lying between the "N.Y.C. railroad" bridge and state route 14.

(4) Area four includes the waters lying between state route 14 and state route 225.

(5) Area five includes the remaining waters not described in paragraphs (A)(1), (A)(2), (A)(3), and (A)(4) of this rule that are westward of state route 225.

(B) In area one, it is unlawful to:

(1) Operate permit the operation, or otherwise willfully or negligently allow a watercraft within five hundred feet of the intake tower and crest gate in the dam at Berlin reservoir.

(2) Operate (start/run) or permit to be operated a motor, other than an electric motor, to propel a boat within two thousand feet of the dam at Berlin reservoir.

(3) Engage in water skiing or aquaplaning within two thousand feet of the dam at Berlin reservoir.

(4) Operate or permit the operation of a watercraft within one hundred fifty feet of any undeveloped shoreline in such a manner as to cause a wake of sufficient size or force to cause discomfort, injury or damage to any person, watercraft or property.

(5) Operate a vessel at greater than idle speed or at a speed that creates a wake within three hundred feet of any marina, boat docking facility, boat gasoline dock, launch ramp, recreational boat harbor, or harbor entrance.

(C) In area two, it is unlawful:

For any person to operate or permit the operation of a watercraft within one hundred fifty feet of any undeveloped shoreline in such a manner as to cause a wake of sufficient size and force to cause discomfort, injury or damage to any person, watercraft, or property.

(D) In area three, it is unlawful:

For any person to operate or permit the operation of a watercraft within one hundred fifty feet of any undeveloped shoreline in such a manner as to cause a wake of sufficient size and force to cause discomfort, injury or damage to any person, watercraft, or property.

(E) In area four, it is unlawful:

(1) For any person to operate or permit the operation of a watercraft within one hundred feet of any undeveloped shoreline in such a manner as to cause a wake of sufficient size or force to cause discomfort, injury or damage to any person, watercraft or property.

(2) For any person to operate or permit the operation of a watercraft within the area from state route 14 to a line of buoys located at the area known as Treasure Cove in such a manner as to cause a wake of sufficient size or force to cause discomfort, injury to damage to any person, watercraft or property.

(F) In area five, it is unlawful:

(1) For any person to operate, be in physical control, or manipulate any water-skis, or aquaplane, or for any person to operate a watercraft towing any person using waterskis, aquaplane or similar device at any time.

(2) For any person to operate or permit the operation of a watercraft within one hundred fifty feet of any undeveloped shoreline in such a manner as to cause a wake of sufficient size to cause discomfort, injury or damage to any person, watercraft or property.

(G) It is unlawful for any person to operate or permit the operations of a watercraft within one hundred feet of any bridge in such a manner as to cause a wake of sufficient size and force to cause discomfort, injury, or damage to any person, watercraft or property.

(H) A "wake" as used in this rule is defined as a track left by a watercraft in the water causing waves or swells.

(I) All definitions set forth in rule 1501:31-1-02 of the Administrative Code apply to this rule.

(J) It is unlawful for any person to operate a watercraft at a speed greater than ten miles per hour from sunset to sunrise local time.

Last updated June 30, 2024 at 1:04 AM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 1546.04, 1547.61
Amplifies: 1546.02, 1546.03, 1546.04,1547.61
Five Year Review Date: 6/30/2029
Prior Effective Dates: 1/26/2018