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This website publishes administrative rules on their effective dates, as designated by the adopting state agencies, colleges, and universities.

Chapter 1501:47-3 | State Park Areas

Rule 1501:47-3-01 | Exceptions.

The rules contained within Chapter 1501:47-3 of the Administrative Code are applicable to all water areas under the supervision and control of the Ohio division of parks and watercraft. However, nothing herein is to be interpreted or construed in such a manner as to prevent or delay authorized personnel of the department of natural resources in the completion of necessary duties or while on patrol or emergency service.

Last updated June 30, 2023 at 1:28 AM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 1546.04
Amplifies: 1546.02
Five Year Review Date: 6/30/2028
Rule 1501:47-3-02 | Definition of terms.

Whenever used in any division of parks and watercraft rules, the following terms, unless otherwise expressly defined, mean and include each of the meanings as provided herin.

(A) "Air propelled powercraft" means any powercraft propelled by machinery which produces a current of air for the purpose of locomotion and direction control on water or marsh areas.

(B) "All purpose vehicle" as used in these rules has the same meaning as set forth in section 4519.01 of the Revised Code.

(C) "Closed Zone" means any water area wherein the presence or operation of any recreational vessel is prohibited, and is marked as provided in section 1547.08 of the Revised Code.

(D) "Danger zone" means that water area wherein are located navigational hazards requiring reduced operating speeds.

(E) "Department" means the state of Ohio, department of natural resources.

(F) "Division" means the state of Ohio, department of natural resources, division of parks and watercraft.

(G) "Dock" means that part of any structure over or on the water of the division which may be used for the moorage of one or more vessels.

(H) "Horsepower" means the horsepower rating published by the manufacturer for the power unit involved.

(I) "Ice boat" means any contrivance used or designed to skim over frozen bodies of water and which is driven along by sail, propeller, motor, or jet engine.

(J) "Lock" means the lock walls, chamber, gates and the adjoining areas in the immediate vicinity of any enclosed part of a canal, river, stream or other waterway, equipped with gates so that the level of the water in the chamber can be changed to raise or lower boats from one level to another.

(K) "No motor zone" means any water area wherein the operation of powercraft is unlawful. No motor zone buoys will display text stating "No Motors."

(L) "Operator" means any person who operates or is in actual physical control of a vehicle which includes but is not limited to a snowmobile or all purpose vehicle, motor vehicle, bicycle, recreational vessel or recreational vessel and detachable motor.

(M) "Owner" includes any person, firm, association, partnership or corporation, owning, leasing, operating, or having the exclusive use of a vehicle, watercraft, animal, or any other property under lease or otherwise, or any of the above who claims lawful possession by virtue of legal title or equitable interest therein which entitles him to such possession.

(N) "Person" includes any individual, firm, partnership, corporation, company, association, or body politic, or any combination of individuals, except the United States and the state of Ohio, and includes any agent, trustee, executor, receiver, assignee, or other representative thereof.

(O) "Shore zone" means that water area of a uniform width of three hundred feet lying parallel with and contiguous to the shoreline, except that as it pertains to lake White, Salt Fork lake, lake Loramie, Dillon lake, and Delaware lake, where "shore zone" means that water area of a uniform width of one hundred feet lying parallel and contiguous to the shoreline.

(P) "Ski zone" means any water area whereon towed watersports activities are permitted within the buoys so placed to designate the zone. Ski zone buoys will display text stating "Ski Zone."

(Q) "Special water ski zone" means a ski zone designated for public use and wherein equipment or facilities for trick skiing may be placed or acrobatic skiing by more than one person acting together may be performed.

(R) "Speed zone" means any water area wherein powercraft may be operated at such a speed as is reasonable, having due regard to traffic, surface and any hazardous conditions then existing. Speed zone buoys will display text stating "Speed Zone."

(S) "Unzoned area" means any water area that has not been zoned.

(T) "Water" and "water area" means any and all bodies of water in a liquid or frozen condition which are administered by the division.

Last updated June 30, 2023 at 1:28 AM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 1546.04
Amplifies: 1546.02
Five Year Review Date: 6/30/2028
Prior Effective Dates: 10/10/1990, 1/26/2018
Rule 1501:47-3-03 | Authority of lock personnel.

The lock personnel are charged with the immediate control and management of a navigation lock, and of the area set aside as the lock area, including the lock approach channels. The lock personnel will ensure that all laws, rules, regulations, and signs for the use of the lock and lock area are duly complied with, to which end such lock personnel are authorized to give all necessary orders and directions in accordance therewith, both to employees of the state and to any and every person within the limits of the lock or lock area, whether navigating the lock or not. It is a violation of this rule for any person to cause any movement of any vessel, boat or other floating thing in the lock or lock approaches except by or under the direction of the lock personnel.

Last updated June 30, 2023 at 1:28 AM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 1546.04
Amplifies: 1546.02
Five Year Review Date: 6/30/2028
Rule 1501:47-3-08 | Ten-mile per hour speed limit; exceptions.

It is unlawful for any person to operate or permit the operation of a powercraft within or on any water of the division of parks and watercraft at any time at a speed greater than ten miles per hour, except from sunrise to sunset in the designated speed zones, ski zones, open zones, or unzoned water areas.

Last updated June 30, 2023 at 1:28 AM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 1546.04
Amplifies: 1546.02, 1547.61
Five Year Review Date: 6/30/2028
Prior Effective Dates: 4/25/1974, 10/30/1977, 8/16/1984
Rule 1501:47-3-09 | Speed and ski zone operation.

Any person who operates or permits the operation of a powercraft within or through a designated speed zone, ski zone or unzoned area designated for combined speed boating and water skiing as provided in rule 1501:47-3-08 of the Administrative Code, between the hours of sunrise E.S.T. to sunset E.S.T. is responsible for ensuring that the powercraft does not exceed a speed that is reasonable, having due regard to traffic, surface and any other hazardous conditions then existing within such zones. Except from sunset E.S.T. to sunrise E.S.T. the speed limit for all watercraft is reduced to ten miles per hour within or through said zones.

Last updated June 30, 2023 at 1:28 AM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 1546.04
Amplifies: 1546.02, 1547.61
Five Year Review Date: 6/30/2028
Prior Effective Dates: 10/30/1977
Rule 1501:47-3-10 | Airfoils prohibited.

While being towed by a watercraft, it is unlawful for any person to have any airfoil or balloon device in hand or affixed to the person for the purpose of becoming airborne over the waters of the division of parks and watercraft.

Last updated June 30, 2023 at 1:28 AM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 1546.04
Amplifies: 1546.02, 1547.61
Five Year Review Date: 6/30/2028
Prior Effective Dates: 10/30/1977
Rule 1501:47-3-11 | Air propelled powercraft, hovercraft.

Except as provided in rule 1501:46-13-11 of the Administrative Code, no person shall use or operate any air propelled powercraft or hovercraft on any water area of the division of parks and watercraft except that it shall be lawful to use these craft in the speed or ski zone only on the waters of the division of parks and watercraft named in this paragraph, and also in the waters that directly lead from a launch ramp or dock facility to these speed or ski zones.

Indian lake

Grand Lake St. Marys

Buckeye lake

Mosquito lake

Rocky Fork lake

Lake Milton

Last updated January 9, 2023 at 8:38 AM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 1546.04
Amplifies: 1546.02, 1547.61
Five Year Review Date: 4/19/2027
Prior Effective Dates: 10/30/1977, 8/16/1984, 1/26/2018
Rule 1501:47-3-12 | Horsepower limitations; paddlecraft.

The maximum allowable horsepower rating for any motorized canoe, kayak, or paddleboard on waters managed by the division of parks and watercraft is four horsepower.

Last updated June 30, 2023 at 1:28 AM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 1546.04
Amplifies: 1546.02, 1547.61
Five Year Review Date: 6/30/2028
Prior Effective Dates: 10/30/1977
Rule 1501:47-3-13 | Powercraft prohibited in no motor zone.

No person is permitted to start, engage, or operate any mechanical propulsion device to maneuver a powercraft within or through a "No Motor Zone."

Last updated June 30, 2023 at 1:28 AM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 1546.04
Amplifies: 1546.02, 1547.08, 1547.61
Five Year Review Date: 6/30/2028
Rule 1501:47-3-14 | No wake zones.

No person is permitted to operate or allow the operation of a powercraft at a speed that produces a wake within or through a shore zone or danger zone or through any area marked as a no wake zone at any time.

Last updated June 30, 2023 at 1:28 AM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 1546.04
Amplifies: 1546.02, 1547.08, 1547.61
Five Year Review Date: 6/30/2028
Prior Effective Dates: 4/25/1974, 10/30/1977, 9/3/2018
Rule 1501:47-3-15 | No watercraft permitted.

No person is permitted to launch or operate any watercraft on any water areas located at Tinkers creek state park.

Last updated June 30, 2023 at 1:28 AM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 1546.04
Amplifies: 1546.02, 1547.61
Five Year Review Date: 6/30/2028
Prior Effective Dates: 8/16/1984
Rule 1501:47-3-16 | No powercraft permitted.

The operation of powercraft is not permitted on the following waters of the division of parks and watercraft.

Kiser lake

Green Pine lake (Punderson state park)

Stump lake (Punderson state park)

Last updated June 30, 2023 at 1:28 AM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 1546.04
Amplifies: 1546.02, 1547.61
Five Year Review Date: 6/30/2028
Prior Effective Dates: 10/30/1977
Rule 1501:47-3-17 | Lakes permitting electric motors only.

No powercraft, except motorized watercraft propelled by an electric motor and operated at no-wake speed, are permitted to operate on the waters of the division of parks and watercraft in the following areas:

A.W. Marion state park

Adams lake state park

Barkcamp state park

Blue Rock state park

Findley state park

Jefferson lake state park

Lake Alma state park

Lake Hope state park

Madison lake state park

Middle Harbor at East Harbor state park

Mt. Gilead state park

Nimisila reservoir at Portage lakes state park

Inland lakes and ponds at Maumee Bay state park

Pike lake state park

Punderson state park

Lake Roosevelt at Shawnee state park

Rose lake at Hocking Hills state park

Scioto Trail state park

Stonelick state park

Tar Hollow state park

Van Buren state park

Last updated June 30, 2023 at 1:28 AM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 1546.04
Amplifies: 1546.02, 1547.61
Five Year Review Date: 6/30/2028
Prior Effective Dates: 8/16/1984
Rule 1501:47-3-18 | Lakes permitting no wake operation.

On waters under the management authority of the division of parks and watercraft listed in this rule, no person shall operate or permit the operation of a powercraft at a speed greater than idle speed as defined in section 1546.01 of the Revised Code:

(A) Harrison lake at Harrison lake state park.

(B) Turkey creek lake at Shawnee state park.

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 1546.04
Amplifies: 1546.02, 1546.04, 1547.61
Five Year Review Date: 1/30/2026
Rule 1501:47-3-19 | Lakes permitting ten horsepower.

No person shall operate or permit the operation of a powercraft propelled by a motor or combination of motors with a horsepower rating in excess of ten horsepower through the waters of the division of parks and watercraft in the following state park areas:

Cowan lake state park

Guilford lake state park

Jesse Owens state park

Lake Logan state park

Wolf Run state park

Strouds Run state park

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 1546.04
Amplifies: 1546.02, 1546.12, 1546.15, 1547.61
Five Year Review Date: 1/30/2026
Prior Effective Dates: 4/25/1974, 8/16/1984
Rule 1501:47-3-20 | Lakes permitting more than ten horsepower.

Powercraft propelled by a motor with a horsepower rating in excess of ten horsepower may be operated upon the waters of the division of parks and watercraft in the following park areas.

Buckeye lake state park

Deer creek state park

Delaware state park

Dillon state park

Grand Lake St. Marys state park

Indian lake state park

Lake Loramie state park

Lake White state park

Mosquito state park

Portage lakes state park

Rocky Fork state park

Salt Fork state park

West Branch state park

Alum creek state park

Buck creek state park

Paint creek state park

Caesar creek state park

East fork state park

Lake Milton state park

Last updated May 6, 2024 at 9:45 AM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 1546.04
Amplifies: 1546.02, 1547.61
Five Year Review Date: 4/10/2029
Prior Effective Dates: 10/10/1990, 4/17/2007
Rule 1501:47-3-21 | Sleeping on watercraft prohibited.

No watercraft is permitted to drift, be anchored, docked, moored, tied up, or beached by the operator, owner, or other occupants on waters of the division of parks and watercraft for the purpose of sleeping thereon at night except at locations that have been designated for such purpose by the chief of the division of parks and watercraft.

Last updated June 30, 2023 at 1:28 AM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 1546.04
Amplifies: 1546.02, 1547.61
Five Year Review Date: 6/30/2028
Prior Effective Dates: 10/30/1977, 8/16/1984
Rule 1501:47-3-23 | Ski patterns.

At those areas where water ski zones are designated, the direction of travel for ski boat traffic on that specific lake may be posted. It is unlawful for any person to operate or cause a watercraft to move in a direction in violation of the posted direction of travel except when a person has fallen overboard or when a skier has fallen, and then only for the purpose of retrieving the fallen person.

Last updated June 30, 2023 at 1:28 AM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 1546.04
Amplifies: 1546.02, 1547.61
Five Year Review Date: 6/30/2028
Prior Effective Dates: 10/30/1977
Rule 1501:47-3-32 | Watercraft operation in activity zone.

At Portage lakes state park and Buckeye lake state park, no person is permitted to operate a watercraft in either of the two activity zones for purposes other than the activity that is designated for that period of time. This rule is effective from Memorial day to Labor day between the hours of nine a.m. and eight p.m., and from Labor day to Memorial day between the hours of nine a.m. and sunset.

Last updated June 30, 2023 at 1:28 AM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 1546.04
Amplifies: 1546.04
Five Year Review Date: 6/30/2028
Prior Effective Dates: 8/16/1984
Rule 1501:47-3-33 | Limitations on swimming from watercraft; designation of boat swim areas.

(A) It is unlawful to swim, dive, wade or bathe from any watercraft other than in an area that is designated by the division of parks and watercraft as a public beach, swim, dive or wading area in the waters of the following state parks:

(1) Grand lake St. Marys

(2) Indian lake

(3) Lake Loramie

(4) Buckeye lake

(5) Portage lakes

(6) Guilford lake

(7) Lake White

(B) In or upon any waters within the boundaries of areas administered by the division of parks and watercraft not listed in paragraph (A) of this rule, swimming, bathing, diving, or wading from watercraft is only permitted in areas officially designated by the chief as boat swim areas.

Last updated February 15, 2024 at 2:01 PM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 1546.04
Amplifies: 1546.02, 1546.04, 1547.61
Five Year Review Date: 2/15/2029
Prior Effective Dates: 1/26/2018
Rule 1501:47-3-35 | Intoxicating beverages on waters administered by the division of parks and watercraft.

It is unlawful to overtly and publicly consume or display the presence of any beer or intoxicating liquor on any watercraft on any waters administered by the division of parks and watercraft. For the purposes of this section, beer or intoxicating liquor are defined as in section 4301.01 of the Revised Code.

Last updated June 30, 2023 at 1:28 AM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 1546.04
Amplifies: 1546.02, 1547.61
Five Year Review Date: 6/30/2028
Prior Effective Dates: 10/10/1990
Rule 1501:47-3-37 | Unlimited horsepower at no-wake speed.

It shall be unlawful for any vessel powered by a motor or combination of motors with a horsepower rating of more than ten horsepower to be operated at a speed greater than idle speed or at a speed that creates a wake on the waters of the following areas:

(A) Water areas within the boundaries of Burr Oak state park;

(B) Acton lake at Hueston Woods state park;

(C) Water areas within the boundaries of Jackson lake state park.

(D) Water areas within the boundaries of Forked run state park.

No person shall operate or permit the operation of a vessel in violation of this rule.

Last updated January 9, 2023 at 8:38 AM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 1546.04
Amplifies: 1546.02, 1547.61, 1546.04, 1546.03
Five Year Review Date: 11/12/2025
Prior Effective Dates: 5/7/2009
Rule 1501:47-3-38 | Pymatuning horsepower and boating restrictions.

(A) No person shall operate or permit the operation of any watercraft propelled by a single motor or combination of motors that produces a horsepower rating in excess of twenty horsepower on the waters of Pymatuning lake.

(B) On the waters of Pymatuning lake, no person is permitted to ride or attempt to ride upon one or more water skis, surfboards, towed inflatable devices, or similar devices, or use any watercraft to tow a person thereon.

Last updated June 30, 2023 at 1:28 AM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 1546.04
Amplifies: 1546.04
Five Year Review Date: 6/30/2028
Prior Effective Dates: 5/7/2009