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This website publishes administrative rules on their effective dates, as designated by the adopting state agencies, colleges, and universities.

Chapter 1501:47-1 | General Provisions

Rule 1501:47-1-02 | Registration certificate.

The owner of any watercraft required to be registered under the provisions of section 1547.54 of the Revised Code shall, prior to the operation of such watercraft, apply to the chief of the division of parks and watercraft or an authorized agent designated under the provisions of section 1546.03 of the Revised Code for a registration certificate for such watercraft.

Whenever the information contained on a registration certificate no longer accurately describes the owner or the watercraft, the registration certificate is void and the owner shall surrender the existing registration certificate to the chief or an authorized agent of the division, and upon payment of a three dollar writing fee, shall be issued a new registration certificate bearing the original registration number and expiration date with the correct information required by the provisions of this section. Anytime the propulsion of a watercraft is changed in such a way that the registration certificate no longer accurately describes the watercraft shall also be subject to the provisions of section 1501:47-1-06 of the Administrative Code. The owner of a watercraft required to apply for a new registration certificate under the provisions of this section shall not be charged more than one three dollar writing fee for each registration certificate issued.

The registration certificate shall include the following information:

(A) Number assigned to watercraft by the division of parks and watercraft or the United States coast guard.

(B) Expiration date of registration certificate.

(C) Date issued.

(D) Type of vessel (sail only, air boat, auxiliary sail, rowboat, paddlecraft, open motorboat, cabin motorboat, houseboat, inflatable boat, pontoon boat, personal watercraft, other).

(E) Name and address of owner(s).

(F) County of owners residence.

(G) Decal number.

(H) Water principally used.

(I) Make of vessel, year built.

(J) Manufacturer's hull identification number, if the vessel is required to have a hull identification number as prescribed by the regulations adopted by the United States coast guard.

(K) Length of vessel.

(L) Type of use (pleasure, rent, lease, commercial passenger carrying, commercial fishing, charter fishing, dealer or manufacturer demonstration, other commercial operation).

(M) Make of inboard motor(s), and horsepower rating(s).

(N) Hull material (wood, steel, aluminum, plastic, fiberglass, rubber / vinyl / canvas, other).

(O) Fee.

(P) Agent number.

(Q) Title number issued or title status if no number.

(R) Signature of owner(s).

(S) Name of agency.

(T) Date of birth of one owner.

(U) Type of propulsion (propeller, manual, sail, water jet, air thrust, other).

(V) Engine drive type (inboard, outboard, pod drive, sterndrive, or other)

(W) Fuel (gas, diesel, electric, other).

(X) Rights of survivorship (yes, no).

(Y) Driver's license number, or state issued identification card number, or U.S. citizen and immigration service document number, or certified court order number, or military identification number, or valid U.S. or Canadian passport number, or state issued learners permit number, or a unique identification number issued by the division of parks and watercraft.

Last updated July 11, 2022 at 1:33 PM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 1546.04
Amplifies: 1546.03, 1547.54
Five Year Review Date: 7/9/2027
Prior Effective Dates: 3/1/2012
Rule 1501:47-1-03 | Application for mail renewal of registration certificate.

An application for mail renewal of a registration certificate may be made by the owner on forms mailed to and provided by the chief of the division of parks and watercraft. The same Ohio registration number will be issued upon renewal. Such application for mail renewal shall contain all of the information required in rule 1501:47-1-02 of the Administrative Code except paragraph (M) of that rule.

Last updated June 30, 2023 at 1:03 AM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 1546.04
Amplifies: 1546.02, 1547.54
Five Year Review Date: 6/30/2028
Prior Effective Dates: 8/16/1984, 10/10/1990
Rule 1501:47-1-04 | Transferred watercraft.

When a watercraft registered by the chief of the division of parks and watercraft is transferred by the owner to another person, the registration numbers and registration decal assigned to the watercraft are not to be removed and will pass to the possession of the new owner. Any remaining time on the registration will be transferred.

Last updated June 30, 2023 at 1:03 AM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 1546.04
Amplifies: 1546.02, 1547.54
Five Year Review Date: 6/30/2028
Prior Effective Dates: 4/25/1974
Rule 1501:47-1-05 | New ownership of watercraft already registered: exceptions.

The application for a registration certificate of a watercraft already numbered will, for the purpose of the fees set forth in section 1547.54 of the Revised Code, be regarded as an original application for registration, but where the watercraft will continue in use in the state of Ohio the number will be identical with the previously issued number, except where a lienholder acquired title and lawful possession by virtue of his lien (repossession), in which case a new number will be issued.

Last updated June 30, 2023 at 1:03 AM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 1546.04
Amplifies: 1546.02, 1547.53
Five Year Review Date: 6/30/2028
Prior Effective Dates: 8/16/1984, 10/10/1990
Rule 1501:47-1-06 | Change in watercraft propulsion.

When a watercraft registered under the provisions of section 1547.54 of the Revised Code is changed as to type of propulsion, which would be subject to a higher registration fee, the owner of the watercraft shall surrender the existing registration certificate to a duly appointed registration agent of the division of parks and watercraft and upon payment of the additional fee plus a writing fee of three dollars to the agent, will be issued a new registration certificate bearing the original registration number and listing the required data of the new watercraft.

Last updated June 30, 2023 at 1:03 AM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 1546.04
Amplifies: 1546.02, 1547.54
Five Year Review Date: 6/30/2028
Prior Effective Dates: 8/16/1984
Rule 1501:47-1-07 | Watercraft identification.

(A) The numbers issued pursuant to section 1547.53 of the Revised Code will be in accordance with the pattern hereafter prescribed.

(1) All numbers issued by the chief of the division of parks and watercraft will be divided into three parts. The first part consists of symbols identifying the state of Ohio, that is, the letters "OH".

(2) The second part of the boat number issued by the chief of the division of parks and watercraft consists of not more than four Arabic numerals.

(3) The third part of the boat number issued by the chief of the division of parks and watercraft consists of not more than two capital letters in sequence.

(a) The third part of any boat number issued to a livery as described in section 1547.542 of the Revised Code will be the capital letters "LL."

(b) The third part of any boat number issued to a bona fide watercraft dealer or manufacturer operating watercraft in accordance with section 1547.543 of the Revised Code will be the capital letters "ZZ."

(4) The letters and numerals issued by the chief of the division of parks and watercraft comprising the boat number are to be separated by hyphens or equivalent spaces in accordance with the serials numerically and alphabetically, i.e., OH-0000-AA or OH 0000 AA.

(B) Since the letters (I) and (O) and (Q) may be mistaken for Arabic numerals, all terminal letter sequences using capital (I), (O), and (Q) will be omitted from the use in the numbering system. The number assigned to a watercraft by the issuance of a certificate of number by the chief of the division of parks and watercraft shall be placed on each side of the forward half of the watercraft in such position as to provide clear legibility for identification. The number is to be affixed in a manner that allows it to be read from left to right and shall be in block characters of good proportion and not less than three inches in height. The numerals and letters comprising the whole number shall be of a color contrasting to the color of the background and so maintained as to be clearly visible and legible; i.e., dark numerals and letters on light background, or light numerals and letters on dark background.

(C) No other numerals or letters may be displayed upon the forward half of any watercraft registered by this state.

Last updated June 30, 2023 at 1:03 AM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 1546.04
Amplifies: 1546.02, 1547.543, 1547.542, 1547.53
Five Year Review Date: 6/30/2028
Prior Effective Dates: 4/17/2007, 1/26/2018
Rule 1501:47-1-07.1 | Contingent registration.

(A) The chief shall prescribe a form for the application for a contingent registration which may be issued under the following circumstances:

(1) The owner of a vessel that requires a hull identification number under the provisions of section 1547.65 of the Revised Code may apply to the chief for a contingent registration in the event that a hull identification number cannot be issued at the time of application.

A contingent registration issued under this division shall be valid for a period not to exceed thirty days from the date of application. The owner or operator of the vessel must provide dated proof of application upon the request of a peace officer as defined in section 2935.01 of the Revised Code.

(2) The chief, a state natural resources officer as defined in section 1501.24 of the Revised Code, or a designated agent acting under the authority of the chief, may issue a contingent registration for any vessel operating under the provisions of section 1548.03 of the Revised Code.

A contingent registration issued under this division shall be valid for a period not to exceed thirty days from the date of purchase or possession. The owner or operator of the vessel must provide a dealer's dated bill of sale or notarized bill of sale as proof of the term at the time the contingent registration is issued and upon the request of a peace officer as defined in section 2935.01 of the Revised Code.

(3) The chief, a state natural resources officer as defined in section 1501.24 of the Revised Code, or a designated agent acting under the authority of the chief, may issue a contingent registration for any vessel operating under the provisions of division (A)(2) of section 1547.531 of the Revised Code.

A contingent registration issued under this division shall be valid for a period not to exceed sixtydays from the date of transfer. The owner or operator of the vessel must provide a dealer's dated bill of sale as proof of the term at the time the contingent registration is issued and upon the request of a peace officer as defined in section 2935.01 of the Revised Code.

(B) Any vessel marker provided by the division of parks and watercraft as proof of contingent registration shall be displayed in the following manner:

(1) The contingent registration marker shall be affixed to the port side of the bow in a location which does not obscure existing vessel numbers and is clearly visible under normal operating conditions, or;

(2) For a hand powered vessel eligible to be numbered under the provisions of division (H) of section 1547.53 of the Revised Code or a personal watercraft, the contingent registration marker shall be placed in a manner consistent with the requirements described in rule 1501:47-1-21 of the Administrative Code.

(C) The owner of a vessel displaying a contingent registration marker must immediately remove the marker when it is no longer valid or upon the issuance of a registration under the provisions of section 1547.531 of the Revised Code.

(D) No person shall knowingly alter or deface or otherwise falsely display a contingent registration marker. Violation of this division shall be equivalent to a violation of section 1547.54 of the Revised Code.

(E) No person shall operate or permit the operation of a vessel in violation of this rule.

Last updated June 20, 2023 at 10:24 AM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 1546.04
Amplifies: 1546.03, 1547.54
Five Year Review Date: 7/9/2027
Prior Effective Dates: 5/8/2020
Rule 1501:47-1-08.1 | Waiver of watercraft registration certificate fee: eligibility.

(A) Only owners of vessels used solely for recreational purposes are eligible for fee waiver for registration certificate, contingent on proof of eligibility as set forth by paragraph (B) of this rule.

(B) Persons applying for fee waiver for a registration certificate must show proof of ownership of the watercraft pursuant to Chapters 1547. and 1548. of the Revised Code and rules adopted thereunder and, in addition, shall submit as appropriate one of the following as proof of eligibility:

(1) Written verification from the veterans' administration of current one hundred per cent service-related disability.

(2) Written verification from the veterans' administration that the veteran has been or is awarded funds for the purchase of a motor vehicle under the Disabled Veterans' and Servicemens' Automobile Assistance Act of 1970, 84 Stat. 1998, 38 U.S.C. 1901, and amendments thereto.

(3) Written verification from the veterans' administration of prisoner of war status from the U.S. armed services.

(4) A certified copy of the U.S. armed services separation paper showing prisoner of war status.

(5) Written verification from the armed service of a country allied with the United States during world war II that the veteran, as a U.S. citizen at the time of the appointment, enrollment, or enlistment, was made a prisoner of war during world war II.

(6) Written verification from any agency or branch of the U.S. government of receipt of the congressional medal of honor.

(C) Applicants shall verify eligibility for fee waiver each time a watercraft registration certificate is required.

(D) All documents sent to the division of parks and watercraft will be retained and become the property of the division of parks and watercraft.

(E) Application for watercraft registration certificate, proof of ownership, and verification of fee waiver eligibility shall be submitted to:

"Ohio Department of Natural Resources,

Division of Parks and Watercraft,

2045 Morse Road, Building A-1,

Columbus, Ohio 43229"

(F) Annually, by the fifteenth day of January, the director of natural resources will determine the amount of fees that would have been collected in the prior calendar year for each registration certificate issued or renewed pursuant to paragraphs (A), (B), and (C) of this rule and certify the total amount of foregone revenue to the director of budget and management for reimbursement from the general revenue fund to the waterways safety fund created pursuant to section 1547.75 of the Revised Code.

Last updated July 4, 2023 at 9:17 PM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 1546.04
Amplifies: 1547.54
Five Year Review Date: 6/30/2028
Prior Effective Dates: 9/1/1999
Rule 1501:47-1-09 | Boating accidents.

For the purpose of this rule, a "boating accident" means a collision, accident, or other casualty involving any vessel, either moored or in operation, upon any of the waters in this state.

(A) A vessel subject to this rule is considered to be involved in a boating accident whenever the occurrence results in damage by or to the vessel or its equipment; in injury or loss of life to any person; or in the disappearance of any occupant under circumstances indicating the possibility of injury or death. A boating accident includes, but is not limited to, capsizing, collision, foundering, flooding, fire, explosion, or the disappearance of a vessel other than by theft.

(B) A report is required whenever a vessel subject to this rule is involved in a boating accident which results in any one or more of the following:

(1) Loss of life.

(2) Personal injury requiring medical treatment beyond first aid.

(3) Actual physical damage to property, including watercraft, in excess of one thousand dollars.

(4) Physical damage or other incident resulting in the total loss of a vessel.

(5) Whenever death results from a boating accident, a written report shall be submitted to the chief of the division within twenty four hours. For every other reportable boating accident a written report shall be submitted within five days after such accident. All such reports shall be submitted upon forms prescribed by and available from the chief of the division. The operator or operators of each vessel involved shall prepare and submit a written report to the: "Chief of the Division of Parks and Watercraft, 2045 Morse Road, building C, Columbus, Ohio 43229." Every written report shall contain the complete information required by the report form as described by the chief of the division.

(a) Name and address of operator.

(b) Age of operator.

(c) Date of birth of operator.

(d) Operator's experience.

(e) Operator's telephone number.

(f) Owner's telephone number.

(g) Name and address of owner of vessel.

(h) Was it a rented vessel.

(i) Number of persons on board.

(j) Formal instruction in boating safety.

(k) Vessel registration number.

(l) Vessel name.

(m) Vessel make.

(n) Vessel model.

(o) Manufacturer's hull identification number.

(p) Type of vessel.

(q) Hull material.

(r) Engine.

(s) Propulsion.

(t) Construction.

(u) Date of accident.

(v) Time of day.

(w) Name of body of water.

(x) Location.

(y) State.

(z) Nearest city, town.

(aa) County.

(bb) Weather.

(cc) Water conditions.

(dd) Temperature.

(ee) Wind.

(ff) Visibility.

(gg) Operation at time of accident.

(hh) Type of accident.

(ii) The reporting person's opinion of what contributed to the accident.

(jj) Personal flotation devices.

(kk) Property damage estimate.

(ll) Fire extinguishers.

(mm) Description of property damage (if any).

(nn) Name and address of the owner of damaged property.

(oo) Name, address, and contact informatin for any deceased person(s).

(pp) Name, address, and contact information for any injured person(s).

(qq) A description of what happened.

(rr) Name(s) of operator(s) of other involved vessel(s).

(ss) Address(es) of other involved vessel(s).

(tt) Registration number(s) of other involved vessel(s).

(uu) Telephone number(s) of owner(s) of other involved vessel(s).

(vv) Name(s) of other involved vessel(s).

(ww) Name(s) of owner(s) of other involved vessels.

(xx) Address(s) of owner(s) of other involved vessels.

(yy) Names and contact information for any witnesses.

(zz) Signature of person completing report.

(aaa) Address of person completing report.

(bbb) Telephone number of person completing report.

(ccc) Qualification of person completing report.

(ddd) Date report submitted.

(eee) Boating accident report addendum. (if applicable)

(C) The chief of the division shall furnish all boating accident report statistics, information, or forms as shall from time to time be requested by the United States coast guard.

Last updated July 11, 2022 at 1:34 PM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 1546.04
Amplifies: 1547.59
Five Year Review Date: 7/9/2027
Prior Effective Dates: 9/1/1999
Rule 1501:47-1-10 | Interference with or mooring to navigation buoys.

No person shall without lawful authority climb on, swim and hang on, dive off, tie a watercraft to or attempt to tie a watercraft to, injure, sink, disconnect from its anchor, damage, deface or interfere with any buoy or other aid to navigation which is placed, anchored or erected by the United States coast guard, state of Ohio or political subdivision of this state.

Last updated April 10, 2023 at 1:00 PM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 1546.04
Amplifies: 1546.02, 1547.08
Five Year Review Date: 4/10/2028
Prior Effective Dates: 4/25/1974
Rule 1501:47-1-11 | Anchoring requirements, exception.

In accordance with section 1547.26 of the Revised Code, the following vessels are exempt from requirements to carry on anchor and line:

Any vessel less than fourteen feet in length.

Any paddlecraft as defined in section 1546.01 of the Revised Code.

Sailboats and sailboards as defined in section 1546.01 of the Revised Code and less than twenty-one feet in length.

Any vessel in conformity with the description of a racing shell.

For the purposes of this rule, "racing shell" means a narrow rowboat designed specifically for racing that is propelled across the water by its occupants utilizing two or more oars, including rowing shells and sculling shells.

Last updated January 4, 2024 at 9:11 AM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 1546.04
Amplifies: 1546.03, 1547.26
Five Year Review Date: 8/9/2028
Prior Effective Dates: 10/30/1977, 8/16/1984
Rule 1501:47-1-12 | Buoys.

In accordance with section 1547.08 of the Revised Code the following buoys or signs will be used to mark recreational water areas of the state of Ohio.

(A) Buoys marking control zones, hazards and no boat areas shall show all around the horizon. The body of such buoys are to be white in color and with a solid orange cap at the top. On the white background, as an integral part of the buoy or on a suitable decal, the outline of a circular or diamond shaped insignia of the same orange color is to be clearly visible. Black block letters with an indication of the restriction are to be located above, below, or enclosed withing the insignia. The size of the insignia and the letters will be determined by the chief of the division of parks and watercraft commensurate with the size of the buoy.

(B) Control zones will be marked by buoys displaying a circular-shaped insignia of the above mentioned orange color.

(C) Danger areas will be marked by buoys displaying a diamond-shaped insignia of the above mentioned orange color.

(D) Dams, rapids, swimming areas and all other areas in which recreational vessels are prohibited will be marked by buoys displaying a diamond-shaped insignia containing intersecting horizontal and vertical lines of the above mentioned orange color.

(E) In addition to the above mentioned buoys, the chief of the division of parks and watercraft may prescribe signs to mark similar and dissimilar hazards and areas.

Last updated June 30, 2023 at 1:03 AM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 1546.04
Amplifies: 1547.08
Five Year Review Date: 6/30/2028
Rule 1501:47-1-13 | Obstructing a waterway, securing of docked and anchored vessels.

(A) No person shall anchor, moor, tie-up, or raft off to any other vessel, dock, launch ramp, or structure on the waters in this state in such a manner that the vessel blocks, impedes, or restricts other vessels in their normal and reasonable use or navigation.

(B) No person shall leave any vessel anchored, or in any dock space, or tie-up space, on the waters in this state without first properly fastening and securing the vessel in such a manner as to avoid fouling or collision with any other vessel, or from drifting free.

Last updated April 10, 2023 at 1:00 PM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 1546.04
Amplifies: 1546.02, 1547.61
Five Year Review Date: 4/10/2028
Rule 1501:47-1-14 | Mandatory education/boat rental company with multiple locations.

An abbreviated written exam, a signed rental agreement, or a statement attached to the rental agreement as stated in section 1547.052 of the Revised Code are only valid for that specific rental business location and for the specific time period described in the rental agreement.

Last updated April 10, 2023 at 1:00 PM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 1546.04
Amplifies: 1547.05, 1547.052
Five Year Review Date: 4/10/2028
Prior Effective Dates: 1/1/2000
Rule 1501:47-1-15 | Mandatory education/abbreviated examination for boat rental companies.

In accordance with section 1547.052 of the Revised Code, the division of parks and watercraft approved abbreviated examination shall be completed with the following requirements:

(A) The examination shall be administered by and in the presence of the rental business employee issuing the rental agreement;

(B) A person taking the examination shall only have two attempts at achieving a passing score within one calendar day;

(C) No reference material shall be utilized by a person while completing the examination;

(D) Neither the rental business employee, nor any other person shall provide information to another person while attempting to complete the examination in order to attain a passing score.

Last updated April 10, 2023 at 1:00 PM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 1546.04
Amplifies: 1547.052, 1547.05
Five Year Review Date: 4/10/2028
Rule 1501:47-1-16 | Mandatory education/proficiency examination and certificate.

The division of parks and watercraft will provide and issue certificates pursuant to section 1547.05 of the Revised Code for proctored and nonproctored proficiency examinations. Each certificate and examination will comply with the following requirements:

(A) All proficiency examinations will be supplied by the division of parks and watercraft;

(B) All completed proficiency examinations shall be submitted to the division of parks and watercraft. A minimum of seventy percent must be achieved on the examination to obtain a certificate;

(C) In addition to paragraphs (A) and (B) of this rule, persons applying for a proctored proficiency examination certificate must complete the examination under the following requirements:

(1) The examination shall be administered by and in the presence of a division of parks and watercraft employee, a certified Ohio boating education course instructor, or a division of parks and watercraft designee;

(2) No reference material shall be used by a person while completing the examination;

(3) No person, division of parks and watercraft employee, or certified Ohio boating education course instructor shall provide information to another person while attempting to complete the examination in order to attain a passing score.

(4) A person taking the examination shall only have two attempts at achieving a passing score within one calendar day.

Last updated June 30, 2023 at 1:03 AM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 1546.04
Amplifies: 1547.05
Five Year Review Date: 6/30/2028
Rule 1501:47-1-17 | Certificates for boating education requirement.

In accordance with section 1547.05 of the Revised Code, the certificate as evidence of successful completion of the course or examination is valid only if the following information is on the certificate:

(A) Name;

(B) Date of birth;

(C) Completion date of course or examination;

(D) Issuing agency logo; and

(E) National association of state boating law administrators (NASBLA) approved course certificates shall also display the NASBLA logo and the words "course approved by the national association of state boating law administrators."

Last updated June 30, 2023 at 1:03 AM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 1546.04
Amplifies: 1547.05
Five Year Review Date: 6/30/2028
Prior Effective Dates: 1/26/2018
Rule 1501:47-1-18 | Boating education course fees.

(A) Persons participating in the division of parks and watercraft Ohio boating education course may be assessed a fee of five dollars plus facility costs.

(B) Persons participating in division of parks and watercraft sponsored courses and programs approved by the chief of the division of parks and watercraft other than as prescribed in paragraph (A) of this rule, may be assessed a fee no greater than the costs of the educational materials, room rentals, and equipment rental fees incurred by the division of parks and watercraft. Course fees will be determined in accordance with policies established by the chief.

(C) The division of parks and watercraft will deposit all course fees collected into the waterways safety fund established in section 1547.75 of the Revised Code.

Last updated June 30, 2023 at 1:03 AM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 1546.04
Amplifies: 1547.05
Five Year Review Date: 6/30/2028
Prior Effective Dates: 3/1/2012
Rule 1501:47-1-19 | Watercraft registration/boating education course fee refunds.

(A) A refund of a watercraft registration fee set forth in section 1547.54 of the Revised Code will be issued in the event the watercraft owner is able to provide proof that the registration fee had been paid multiple times for the current triennial registration time period. A refund may also be issued in those situations where the chief deems a refund is appropriate provided the request for refund was received by the chief within the first thirty days after the purchase of the watercraft registration.

(B) A refund of a boating skill development course or other educational course as set forth in rule 1501:47-1-18 of the Administrative Code will be issued in the event of an emergency, or in those situations where the chief deems a refund is appropriate.

For the purposes of paragraph (B) of this rule, "emergency" is defined as any situation in which the instructor finds it necessary to cancel the course or the student misses the course due to circumstances beyond their control. "Emergencies" include, but are not limited to:

(1) Death or illness of the student or family member;

(2) Natural disaster or impending natural disaster at the course site or the students' home, and the course cannot be made up or rescheduled;

(3) Termination of necessary services at the course site, and the course cannot be made up or rescheduled; and

(4) Forced evacuation of the course site due to epidemic, contamination, or any other threat to the students' health or well being, and the course cannot be made up or rescheduled.

Last updated June 30, 2023 at 1:03 AM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 1546.04
Amplifies: 1546.02, 1547.05, 1547.54
Five Year Review Date: 6/30/2028
Prior Effective Dates: 1/1/2000, 1/26/2018
Rule 1501:47-1-20 | Muffler noise regulations.

In accordance with division (I)(2) of section 1547.31 of the Revised Code, the following shall be required when conducting a powercraft noise level test:

(A) A sound meter which meets type 1 or type 2 specifications and SAE J 1970 and SAE J 2005 standards shall be used;

(B) A sound level calibrator shall be used to calibrate the sound level meter. The sound level calibrator shall meet all SAE J 1970 and SAE J 2005 standards; and

(C) A sound level test shall be conducted in accordance with all manufacturer specifications pertaining to the specific sound level meter used.

(D) The operator of a powercraft that requests a letter of exemption for the purpose of testing, development, or both shall identify the powercraft concerning which the letter is issued by providing the following information in a letter addressed to the "Chief of the Division of Parks and Watercraft; 2045 Morse Road; Columbus, Ohio 43229."

(1) Hull identification number;

(2) Make;

(3) Model;

(4) Other specific identifying characteristics;

(5) Purpose for operation;

(6) Effective time or date of exemption; and

(7) Date(s) for exemption request.

(E) Requirements for the training of law enforcement officers who conduct powercraft noise level tests shall include the following:

(1) Site selection where noise level is measured;

(2) Calibration requirements; and

(3) Use of specific sound meter devices.

Last updated February 27, 2023 at 11:08 AM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 1546.04
Amplifies: 1547.31
Five Year Review Date: 11/12/2025
Prior Effective Dates: 9/20/2010
Rule 1501:47-1-21 | Display of tag pursuant to sections 1547.53 (H) and 1547.57 (C) of the Revised Code.

(A) The owner of a hand powered canoe, rowboat (including racing shells and rowing sculls), or inflatable watercraft for which a registration certificate is issued under section 1547.54 of the Revised Code and which is exempted from numbering under division (H) of section 1547.53 of the Revised Code shall securely affix the assigned tag to the vessel in a location that is visible under normal operating conditions in one of the following manners:

(1) On the transom, the tag should be affixed in the upper right corner of the transom and placed so that the tag does not interfere with the legibility of the hull identification number;

(2) On a deck on the rear half of the vessel;

(3) On the outside below the port side gunnel; or

(4) On the inside of the vessel on the upper portion of the starboard side gunnel so that it is visible from the port side of the vessel.

(B) The tag shall be securely affixed to the vessel prior to its operation, but shall be removed when it becomes invalid.

(C) No person shall operate or permit to be operated any vessel on the waters in this state in violation of this rule.

Last updated April 10, 2023 at 1:00 PM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 1546.04
Amplifies: 1546.04, 1547.57, 1547.54, 1547.53, 1546.03
Five Year Review Date: 4/10/2028
Prior Effective Dates: 8/18/2002
Rule 1501:47-1-22 | Operation without personal flotation devices prohibited; exceptions.

In accordance with division (A) of section 1547.25 of the Revised Code, the following are exempted from section 1547.25 of the Revised Code:

(A) Racing shells and rowing sculls;

(B) Sailboards; and

(C) Those individual vessels that have been issued a written exemption by the chief of the division of parks and watercraft and would otherwise be exempt by the federal personal flotation device carriage requirements.

Last updated April 10, 2023 at 1:00 PM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 1546.04
Amplifies: 1546.02, 1547.25
Five Year Review Date: 4/10/2028
Rule 1501:47-1-23 | Hull Identification Numbers.

Any vessel that has been issued a hull identification number under the authority of section 1547.65 of the Revised Code must permanently affix and display the hull identification number in accordance with federal law as described in 33 CFR section 181.29.

Last updated April 10, 2023 at 1:00 PM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 1546.04
Amplifies: 1546.03, 1546.04
Five Year Review Date: 4/10/2028
Rule 1501:47-1-27 | Pollution placard.

(A) Any vessel, except a vessel of less than twenty-six feet in length, operating upon the waters of this state shall display pollution placards as described within 33 CFR 155.450. Such placards shall be at least five inches by eight inches, made of durable material fixed in a conspicuous place in each machinery space or at the bilge and ballast pump control station, and state the following:

Discharge of oil prohibited.

The Federal Water Pollution Control Act prohibits the discharge of oil or oily waste into or upon the navigable waters of the United States, or the waters of the contiguous zone, or which may affect the natural resources belonging to, appertaining to, or under the exclusive management authority of the United States, if such discharge causes a film or discoloration of the surface of the water or causes a sludge or emulsion beneath the surface of the water. Violators are subject to substantial civil penalties and/or criminal sanctions including fines and imprisonment.

(B) No person shall operate a vessel or permit a vessel to be operated in violation of this rule.

Last updated April 10, 2023 at 1:00 PM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 1546.04
Amplifies: 1546.03, 1546.04
Five Year Review Date: 4/10/2028
Prior Effective Dates: 8/8/2014
Rule 1501:47-1-28 | Garbage placard.

(A) Any vessel, except a vessel of less than twenty-six feet in length operating upon the waters of this state, must have a garbage placard of at least nine inches wide by four inches high, made of durable material, lettered with letters at least one-eighth inch high as described within 33 CFR 151.59.

(B) The placard must be displayed in a conspicuous place on the vessel at all times and notify the reader of the following:

(1) The discharge of plastic, or garbage, or any other waste mixed with plastic into the water is prohibited.

(2) The discharge of dunnage, lining and packing materials that float into the water is prohibited.

(C) No person shall operate a vessel or permit the operation of a vessel in violation of this rule.

Last updated April 10, 2023 at 1:00 PM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 1546.04
Amplifies: 1546.03, 1546.04
Five Year Review Date: 4/10/2028
Rule 1501:47-1-29 | Copy of rules.

(A) Upon the waters of this state, the operator of each self-propelled vessel twelve meters or more in length shall carry on board and maintain for ready reference a copy of the inland navigation rules as required by 33 CFR 88.05.

(B) No person shall operate a vessel or permit a vessel to be operated in violation of this rule.

Last updated April 10, 2023 at 1:00 PM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 1546.04
Amplifies: 1546.03, 1546.04
Five Year Review Date: 4/10/2028