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This website publishes administrative rules on their effective dates, as designated by the adopting state agencies, colleges, and universities.

Chapter 1301:3-4 | Historical Boilers

Rule 1301:3-4-01 | Definitions and limitations.

(A) "Open to the public" shall mean any event that is attended by one hundred twenty-five or more people at any time or that takes place within five hundred yards of one hundred twenty-five or more people.

(B) The smallest historical boilers that are subject to sections 4104.32 to 4104.36 of the Revised Code are those in excess of sixteen inches interior diameter of the shell of the boiler.

(C) "Board" shall mean the historical boilers licensing board.

(D) "Veteran" means anyone who is serving or has served under honorable conditions in any component of the armed forces of the United States, including the national guard and reserve.

(E) A historical boiler is being attended when a licensed operator has taken responsibility for the operation of the boiler and is close enought to the boiler to be aware of and respond to any abnormal situation that might arise while the boiler is in operation.

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 4104.34
Amplifies: 4104.34, 4104.35, 4104.36
Five Year Review Date: 11/22/2024
Prior Effective Dates: 5/27/2003 (Emer.), 4/30/2006, 11/30/2006, 11/7/2014
Rule 1301:3-4-02 | Attendance at operation of historical boilers, proper use and maintenance, and logbook.

(A) A historical boiler shall not be left unattended when in operation in places open to the public. For purposes of this chapter, a traction engine may be considered as not being in operation when all of the following conditions exist:

(1) The water level is at least one-third of the water gage glass;

(2) The header or dome valve is in a closed position, if applicable;

(3) The draft doors are closed;

(4) The fire is banked or extinguished; and

(5) The boiler pressure is at least twenty pounds per square inch below the safety valve relieving pressure.

(B) All piping components shall be used in the manner for which they were designed and shall not exceed the manufacturer's marked rating. Below the water line, schedule eighty black pipe shall be used from the boiler to the first valve.

(C) The owner of each historical boiler shall keep and maintain a maintenance logbook, which shall be furnished, upon request, to the inspector. The logbook shall include, but not be limited to, the following information:

(1) Boiler information, including:

(a) The number and location of a boiler serial number, identification number, or other permanent marking on the boiler sufficient to identify the boiler with specificity;

(b) The number and location of a safety valve serial number, identification number, or other permanent marking on the safety valve sufficient to identify the set pressure and capacity of the safety valve;

(c) The heating surface of the boiler shall be as reported in the manufacturer's specifications or shall be calculated by a method acceptable to the inspector;

(2) Inspection dates and findings;

(3) Events and dates attended by the general public where the boiler was operated;

(4) Failures;

(5) Repairs; and

(6) Performed maintenance, including, but not limited to, the replacement of a fusible plug or a safety valve.

(D) No historical boiler and its appurtenances shall be operated at a pressure in excess of the safe working pressure for the boiler as stated on the certificate of operation for that boiler issued pursuant to section 4104.36 of the Revised Code.

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 4104.34
Amplifies: 4104.35, 4104.36
Five Year Review Date: 11/22/2024
Prior Effective Dates: 5/27/2003 (Emer.)
Rule 1301:3-4-03 | Operating criteria - required equipment.

All historical boilers shall be equipped with the following:

(A) A safety valve set to relieve at or below the safe working pressure of the boiler. The safety valve shall be certified by the national board of boiler and pressure vessel inspectors. The safety valve shall be sealed in a manner that does not allow tampering with the valve setting without destroying the seal. The boiler may be equipped with a y-base or an unrestricted tee to accommodate the installation of multiple safety valves, as necessary. During the required operational inspection, it shall be demonstrated to the inspector that the certified safety valve lifts at its certified setting with live steam only. The required pressure relief valve capacity shall not be less than seven pounds per hour per square foot of heating surface of the boiler.

(B) A pressure gage connected to its steam space. The gage shall contain some form of a siphon device, which shall develop and maintain a water seal that shall prevent steam from entering the gage tube. The gage shall be proven accurate each year by being tested with a dead weight tester or an approved calibrated test gage. The results of the test shall be documented in the log book and shall be furnished to the inspector.

(C) A fusible plug manufactured to conform to section I appendix A-19 of the 2004 ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code with "ASME Std." stamped on the filler material. Fusible plugs shall be replaced every three years, and the replacement shall be witnessed by the inspector. Fireside fusible plugs shall protrude a minimum of one inch into the water. Waterside fusible plugs shall not protrude into the fire area more than three quarters of an inch. Fusible plugs shall not be refilled.

(D) A fully operational gage glass fitted with a protective guard. The gage glass shall indicate the minimum safe operating water level and shall be provided with a drain valve or petcock.

(E) Fully operational try-cocks correctly located in reference to the minimum required water level.

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 4104.34
Amplifies: 4104.35, 4104.36
Five Year Review Date: 11/22/2024
Prior Effective Dates: 5/27/2003 (Emer.)
Rule 1301:3-4-04 | Initial certification of historical boilers.

(A) Before the initial certification of a historical boiler, the boiler and its appurtenances shall be subjected to a nondestructive design evaluation at the boiler's maximum allowable working pressure. The maximum allowable working pressure shall be no more than the current safety valve setting, which shall be no more than one hundred eighty pounds per square inch. The hydrostatic test pressure shall be one and one quarter of the safety valve setting, but in no case greater than two hundred twenty-five pounds per square inch, except for railway locomotives for which the safety valves may be set in accordance with the manufacturer's specifications.

(B) Before the initial certification of a historical boiler, all historical boilers and their appurtenances shall be inspected thoroughly, internally and externally, and under operating conditions by inspectors designated by the chief boiler inspector of the boiler section in the division of industrial compliance in the department of commerce. The internal and external inspection under operating conditions shall, at a minimum, include an inspection of all of the following:

(1) Smoke box;

(2) Barrel;

(3) Wrapper sheet;

(4) Water column and water glass;

(5) Firebox;

(6) Stays;

(7) Fusible plug;

(8) Threaded openings;

(9) Inspection openings;

(10) Pressure gage;

(11) External plumbing and piping;

(12) Injectors;

(13) Pipe schedule and valve ratings;

(14) Tubes;

(15) Tube sheets; and

(16) Steam safety valve.

(C) During the initial certification of a historical boiler, the inspector may ultrasonically evaluate a historical boiler or any portion thereof for cause.

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 4104.34
Amplifies: 4104.36
Five Year Review Date: 11/22/2024
Prior Effective Dates: 5/27/2003 (Emer.)
Rule 1301:3-4-05 | Repairs and alterations.

(A) All welded repairs or alterations to any historical boiler subject to inspection in accordance with sections 4104.32 to 4104.37 of the Revised Code shall be made by a person certified as a welder in accordance with Section IX of the 2004 edition of the American society of mechanical engineers (ASME) Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, entitled welding and brazing qualifications, published July 1, 2004, a publication of general availability in the industry.

(B) All welded or riveted repairs or any alteration to any historical boiler subject to inspection in accordance with sections 4104.32 to 4104.37 of the Revised Code shall be made using the materials as shown on the following table:

ApplicationMaterial Specification
Boiler Tubes and Flues, Arch Tubes, Superheated UnitsSA-178 Grade A Tube, SA-192 Tube, SA 210 Tube
Boiler and Firebox PlateSA-285 Grade C Plate, SA 515 Plate, SA 516 Plate, SA-203 Plate, SA-204 Plate
StayboltsSA-675 Bar, SA-36 Bar, ASTM A-31-95 Bar
Staybolt Sleeves and CapsSA-105 Forged Pipe Fittings, SA-675 Bar
Boiler BracesSA-675 Bar, SA-36 Bar
RivetsSA-675 Bar, ASTM A-31-95 Bar
Forged Parts and FittingsSA-105 Forged Pipe Fittings, SA-181 Forged Pipe Fittings
Pressure Retaining Steel CastingsSA-216 Steel Casting, SA-217 Steel Casting
Hollow Cylindrical Pressure Retaining PartsSA-105 Forged Pipe Fittings, SA-675 Bar
Superheater Unit Bolts and NutsSA-193 Bolts, SA-194 Nuts
Pipe FlangesSA-181 Forged Pipe Fittings, SA-105 Forged Pipe Fittings
PipesSA-106 Pipe, SA-53 Seamless Pipe
Bronze Castings and Washout PlugsSB-61 Bronze Cast Fittings, SB-62 Bronze Cast Fittings

(C) All welded or riveted repairs or any alteration to any historical boiler subject to inspection in accordance with sections 4104.32 to 4104.37 of the Revised Code shall be made in conformity with or shall exceed generally accepted engineering standards in place at the time of original construction or current standards.

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 4104.34
Amplifies: 4104.36
Five Year Review Date: 11/22/2024
Prior Effective Dates: 4/30/2006, 11/30/2006
Rule 1301:3-4-06 | License revocation proceedings.

(A) License revocation proceedings hearings held under sections 4104.32 to 4104.37 of the Revised Code shall be conducted in conformity with Chapter 119. of the Revised Code relating to adjudication hearings. In the event of any conflict between the provisions of sections 4104.32 to 4104.37 of the Revised Code and Chapter 119. of the Revised Code, any specific provisions of sections 4104.32 to 4104.37 of the Revised Code shall prevail over general provisions of Chapter 119. of the Revised Code.

(B) Subject to the provisions of sections 4104.32 to 4104.37 of the Revised Code and Chapter 119. of the Revised Code relating to adjudication hearings, the superintendent of industrial compliance may designate any person to appear on behalf of the division of industrial compliance at an administrative hearing held under sections 4104.32 to 4104.37 of the Revised Code.

(C) The board may deny the application for licensing or revoke the license of any person who operates a historical boiler in this state in violation of section 4104.32 of the Revised Code, or any existing or former law of any state substantially equivalent to section 4104.32 of the Revised Code.

(D) The board may deny the application for a certificate of operation or revoke the certificate of operation for any historical boiler in this state that has been operated in violation of sections 4104.32 to 4104.37 of the Revised Code. Where the inspector finds that a historical boiler or a part thereof poses an imminent danger of death or serious physical harm to persons, the inspector may seal the historical boiler and order the boiler operator to immediately cease the historical boiler's operation.

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 4104.34
Amplifies: 4104.35
Five Year Review Date: 11/22/2024
Prior Effective Dates: 4/30/2006, 11/30/2006
Rule 1301:3-4-07 | License application and standards for re-qualifying after revocation.

(A) The standards for re-qualifying for a license after revocation of a license in accordance with the historical boiler provisions of section 4104.35 of the Revised Code shall be the same as those criteria established for initial licensing in section 4104.35 of the Revised Code, except that the historical boiler board may, at the time of an application for re-qualification after revocation, require an applicant for re-qualification to repeat completion of any of the criteria set out in section 4104.35 of the Revised Code, and the board may, in its order of revocation, prescribe a period of time, not to exceed one year, following the date of the final order of revocation during which an applicant for re-qualification would be prohibited from re-qualifying for a license.

(B) For the purposes of licensing in accordance with section 4104.35 of the Revised Code:

(1) Actual operating experience or training in the operation of historical boilers shall be verified by a person licensed as an operator of historical boilers in accordance with section 4104.35 of the Revised Code or Section 2 of the Substitute House Bill 344 in the 124th General Assembly.

(2) Approval by the board of written or oral examinations that test for competence in operating historical boilers may be granted to any person who demonstrates that they have substantial experience in the operation of historical boilers, in the administration of objective, professional tests, and in the establishment of procedures and in the maintenance of records necessary to document the fair administration, scoring, and reporting of objective, professional tests. Any oral examination administered in accordance with this rule shall be administered in the presence of an employee of the bureau of operations and maintenance of the Ohio division of industrial compliance.

(3) An application for licensing in accordance with the provisions of section 4104.35 of the Revised Code shall be made on a form provided by the Ohio division of industrial compliance.

(C) For the purposes of division (G) of section 4104.34 of the Revised Code, historical boiler operator's courses required by division (A)(2) of section 4104.35 of the Revised Code shall be approved by the board.

(D) In accordance with section 5903.03 of the Revised Code, there are no military programs of training, military primary specialties, and lengths of service that are substantially equivalent to or exceed the educational and operating experience requirements set forth in division (B)(1) of section 4104.35 of the Revised Code. A veteran's relevant military experience, education, and training will be considered when determining whether the veteran has met all or part of the requirements for licensure. A veteran should provide all relevant military documentation demonstrating his or her military experience, education, and training to assist the board in its determination.

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 4104.34
Amplifies: 4104.35
Five Year Review Date: 11/22/2024
Prior Effective Dates: 5/27/2003 (Emer.)
Rule 1301:3-4-08 | Standards for conducting and reporting hydrostatic tests.

(A) All historical boilers shall pass a hydrostatic test at one and one-quarter of the boiler's maximum allowable working pressure every three years or more frequently if required by the inspector. The triennial hydrostatic test shall be conducted in the presence of a general inspector. Upon successful completion of the hydrostatic test and all other aspects of the inspection, the inspector shall issue a sticker indicating the approved boiler's maximum allowable working pressure and the year and month the inspection was performed. The sticker shall be prominently displayed on the boiler.

(B) A hydrostatic test of a historical boiler shall be conducted at a pressure one and one-quarter of the maximum allowable working pressure of the boiler. An accurate test gage shall be used when hydrostatically pressure testing a historical boiler. The boiler gage may be calibrated against the test gage. The water temperature during the test shall be between sixty and one hundred twenty degrees Fahrenheit. The required hydrostatic test pressure shall be maintained for the duration of the inspection without distortion or leakage in any of the pressure retaining boundaries or appurtenances of the boiler. A report of the hydrostatic test shall be submitted to the division of industrial compliance within fifteen days of the date of the test. Upon successful completion of a hydrostatic test and submittal of the test form, the division shall issue a sticker indicating the test's successful completion date. The sticker shall then be applied to the boiler's certificate of operation as proof of completion of the required triennial hydrostatic test for a historical boiler.

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 4104.34
Amplifies: 4104.36
Five Year Review Date: 11/22/2024
Prior Effective Dates: 4/30/2006, 11/30/2006, 11/7/2014
Rule 1301:3-4-09 | Standards for the public display and operation of historical boilers in this state by historical boiler operators who reside outside of this state.

The standards for the public display and operation of historical boilers in this state by historical boiler operators who reside outside of this state shall be the same as those for the public display and operation of historical boilers in this state by historical boiler operators who reside in this state, except that the board may accept by order the licensing of operators and the inspection of boilers from any other state or province that has requirements substantially equivalent to Ohio.

Last updated September 8, 2023 at 10:48 AM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 4104.34
Amplifies: 4104.34 (A)(7)
Five Year Review Date: 11/22/2024
Rule 1301:3-4-10 | Triennial inspection fee.

(A) The fee for the inspection of historical boilers conducted pursuant to division (B) of section 4104.36 of the Revised Code shall be one hundred fifty dollars.

(B) Any moneys collected for the inspection of historical boilers conducted pursuant to division (B) of section 4104.36 of the Revised Code shall be paid into the state treasury to the credit of the industrial compliance operating fund created in section 121.084 of the Revised Code.

Last updated September 8, 2023 at 10:49 AM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 4104.34
Amplifies: 4104.34(D), 4104.36
Five Year Review Date: 11/22/2024
Rule 1301:3-4-11 | Procedure for notice of public meetings and rule filing.

(A) The board shall post a schedule of all regularly scheduled meetings on the website of the division of industrial compliance. Any person shall determine the time and place of all regularly scheduled meetings by writing to the historical boilers board at "6606 Tussing Road, Reynoldsburg, Ohio, 43068," or calling the board at (614) 644-2223 between the hours of eight a.m. and five p.m., Monday through Friday. Additionally, any person, upon request, may obtain reasonable advance notification of all meetings at which a specific type of public business is to be discussed.

(B) The board shall post a schedule of all special meetings on the website of the division of industrial compliance. Any person shall determine the time and place of all specially scheduled meetings by writing to or calling the historical boiler board using the contact information listed above.

Any representative of the news media may obtain notice of all special meetings by requesting in writing that such notice be provided. A request for such notification shall be addressed to the historical boilers board at "6606 Tussing Road, Reynoldsburg, Ohio, 43068." The request shall provide the name of the individual media representative to be contacted, the representative's mailing address, and a maximum of two telephone numbers where the representative can be reached. The board shall maintain a list of all representatives of the news media who have requested notice of special meetings pursuant to this rule.

In the event of a special meeting, the board shall notify all media representatives on the list of such meeting by doing one of the following: sending written notice, which must be mailed no later than five calendar days prior to the event of the special meeting, or notifying such representatives by telephone no later than twenty-four hours prior to the special meeting; or informing such representative personally no later than twenty-four hours prior to the special meeting.

(C) In the event of an emergency meeting, the board shall notify all media representatives, who have requested such notification, of such meeting by providing telephone notification immediately following the scheduling of an emergency meeting; or personal notification immediately following the scheduling of the emergency meeting.

(D) Prior to the adoption, amendment, or rescission of any rule, the board shall give public notice thereof, as provided in section 119.03 of the Revised Code and rule 1301-1-01 of the Administrative Code.

(E) The notice required by paragraphs (B) and (C) of this rule shall be deemed complete if a telephone message has been left for the representative at the phone number provided to the board or if the board has made reasonable effort to make contact with the representative by telephone, despite ultimately not being able to reach the representative or leave a message.

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 4104.34
Amplifies: 4104.33, 4104.34
Five Year Review Date: 11/22/2024
Rule 1301:3-4-20 | Grandfathering.

(A) For the purposes of licensing in accordance with Section 2 of Substitute House Bill 344 of the 124th General Assembly:

(1) "Engaged in operating historical boilers in public for at least two years before the effective date of this act" shall mean that during at least two of the five twelve-month periods prior to October 24, 2002, the individual applicant personally operated and attended the operation of one or more historical boilers that would meet the definition of historical boiler in division (B) of section 4104.31 of the Revised Code in a location open to the people as a whole, whether or not such persons are required to pay any admission or other fee.

(2) Approval by the board of written or oral examinations that test for competence in operating historical boilers may be granted to any person who demonstrates that they have substantial experience in the operation of historical boilers, in the administration of objective, professional tests, and in the establishment of procedures and in the maintenance of records necessary to document the fair administration, scoring, and reporting of objective, professional tests. Any oral examination administered in accordance with this rule shall be administered in the presence of an employee of the bureau of operations and maintenance of the Ohio division of industrial compliance.

(B) An application for licensing in accordance with Section 2 of Substitute House Bill 344 of the 124th General Assembly shall be made on a form provided by the Ohio division of industrial compliance.

(C) An applicant seeking to establish qualifications pursuant to paragraph (A) of this rule shall apply within one year of the effective date of this paragraph.

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 4104.34
Amplifies: 4104.32, 4104.35
Five Year Review Date: 11/22/2024
Prior Effective Dates: 4/30/2006