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This website publishes administrative rules on their effective dates, as designated by the adopting state agencies, colleges, and universities.

Chapter 123:1-7 | Classification

Rule 123:1-7-01 | Classification of positions for employees paid by warrant of the director of budget and management.

All positions for employees paid directly by warrant of the director of budget and management will be classified in accordance with section 124.14 of the Revised Code unless specifically exempted by law or otherwise covered by a collective bargaining agreement.

Last updated April 4, 2024 at 12:53 AM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 124.09
Amplifies: 124.14, 124.152
Five Year Review Date: 7/14/2025
Rule 123:1-7-04 | Specifications.

The director will prepare specifications according to division (A) of section 124.14 of the Revised Code. Such specifications will include statements of the essential character of the work of the classification, essential knowledge, abilities, and skills, and the qualifications for persons who are to fill positions so classified. Qualifications will be stated in terms of specific coursework at recognized institutions, experience, training, or in such other terms as to meet the requirements of the classification. Specifications will also include a listing of any parenthetical sub-titles that are established for the classification. Qualifications will not be stated in terms of academic degrees, except where they are required by specific statute or regulation. Certification or registration requirements will be stated for positions controlled by specific statutes or regulations. A copy of each specification will be filed in the office of the secretary of state. Parenthetical sub-titles will be included in the announcement of competitive examinations and will be entered in an employee's civil service record.

An appointing authority may request minimum qualifications for certain positions that differ from the minimum qualifications of classification specifications established by the director. An appointing authority's position-specific minimum qualifications will be rationally related to the performance of the essential functions of the classification and validated based on the results of a thorough job analysis. The appointing authority will also create a valid proficiency instrument to objectively measure whether individuals meet the position-specific minimum qualifications. Job analysis procedures and position-specific minimum qualifications are to be approved by the director, prior to implementation. Approved position-specific minimum qualifications for positions that are exempted from collective bargaining or are not otherwise precluded from review pursuant to division (A) of section 4117.10 of the Revised Code, will also be filed with the state personnel board of review, prior to implementation.

Last updated April 4, 2024 at 12:53 AM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 124.09
Amplifies: 124.14, 124.327
Five Year Review Date: 7/14/2025
Prior Effective Dates: 1/9/1976
Rule 123:1-7-15 | State classifications.

Each classification for any position with the state of Ohio will have a corresponding classification specification that sets forth the class concept and minimum qualifications. The class concept will set forth the mandatory duties that are satisfied at least twenty per cent of the time, unless otherwise stated in the class concept.

The minimum qualifications for any position with the state of Ohio need to be satisfied when an applicant is to be hired and also when an employee moves into a different position, whether it is a result of a demotion, lateral classification change, promotion, or reassignment.

The director may assign managerial and supervisory positions within state agencies, boards, and commissions paid by warrant of the director of budget and management into the appropriate classification in the state exempt classification plan.

For the purpose of classifying positions and making job audit decisions only, wherever the word "supervises" appears in a classification specification for any class title, it means that an employee assigns and reviews work, completes employee performance evaluation forms, recommends or authorizes leave, and recommends or initiates disciplinary action for at least two full-time permanent civil service employees or the equivalent.

If new or revised minimum qualifications are enacted as a result of a change in an applicable state or federal statute, the legislated minimum qualifications will supersede those listed in the classification specification on file with the secretary of state, until such time the classification specification can be revised to agree with the change in statute.

Last updated January 17, 2024 at 8:43 AM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 124.09
Amplifies: 124.14
Five Year Review Date: 1/15/2029
Prior Effective Dates: 1/2/1977, 4/8/1979, 9/28/1981, 1/25/1982, 4/29/1983, 4/1/1984, 1/20/1985, 10/4/1992, 4/4/1993, 1/23/1994, 8/6/1995, 7/20/1997, 12/7/1997, 1/10/1999, 9/12/1999, 6/18/2000, 10/10/2001 (Emer.), 5/5/2002, 11/25/2007, 6/5/2011
Rule 123:1-7-16 | Holding classifications for state exempt positions.

(A) The director of administrative services may assign exempt positions within state agencies, boards, and commissions paid by warrant of the director of budget and management into the appropriate classification in the holding division of the classification plan. Allocations of positions to classifications within this division represent those positions that are currently overclassified.

(B) As the positions allocated to the classifications in this division become vacant, due to promotion, demotion, reassignment, separation, displacement, including layoff, or any other reason, the positions must be deleted, unless subordinate positions within the same holding class series are still encumbered.

(C) In the event of layoff or job abolishment, an employee reassigned into a holding classification has the right to displace in accordance with the provision of sections 124.321 to 124.328 of the Revised Code and Chapter 123:1-41 of the Administrative Code and into the classification series from which he or she was originally reassigned, provided the former classification has an equivalent or lower pay range. An employee who is in a holding classification at the time of layoff or job abolishment, and who cannot displace a position in his or her former classification because that former classification no longer exists, may displace another position that is in a classification deemed by the Department of Administrative Services to have replaced the former classification, provided that the position to be displaced is in a pay range which is equal to or lower than the pay range of the position in the holding classification. An employee who displaces another employee under this section must possess the minimum qualifications and, if applicable, any position specific minimum qualifications for the position to be displaced.

(D) An employee who is in a holding classification at the time of layoff or job abolishment may displace another employee in a holding classification, provided that the employee to be displaced has fewer retention points than the displacing employee, and provided that the employee to be displaced is in a position assigned to a holding classification having the same class number and same classification title as the displacing employee.

(E) In addition, an employee in a position that is not in a holding classification at the time of layoff or job abolishment may displace an employee in a holding classification, provided that the displacing employee meets the minimum qualifications for the position, the position to be displaced is in a pay range equivalent to or lower than the pay range of the displacing employee, the position to be displaced is in the same classification grouping held by the displacing employee prior to the 1989-1990 classification modernization study, and the employee to be displaced has fewer retention points than the displacing employee.

(F) Once all positions of a given classification become vacant, the classification will be deleted from this rule. No new positions or future reclassifications of positions may be allocated to a classification within this division. The classifications assigned to this division of the classification plan appear herein:

0730607Holding Class For Exempt Pay Range Seven
0830608Holding Class For Exempt Pay Range Eight
0930609Holding Class For Exempt Pay Range Nine
1030610Holding Class For Exempt Pay Range Ten
1230612Holding Class For Exempt Pay Range Twelve
1330613Holding Class For Exempt Pay Range Thirteen
1430614Holding Class For Exempt Pay Range Fourteen
1530615Holding Class For Exempt Pay Range Fifteen
1630616Holding Class For Exempt Pay Range Sixteen
1730617Holding Class For Exempt Pay Range Seventeen
1830618Holding Class For Exempt Pay Range Eighteen
1930619Holding Class For Exempt Pay Range Nineteen

Last updated April 4, 2024 at 12:53 AM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 124.09
Amplifies: 124.14
Five Year Review Date: 7/14/2025
Prior Effective Dates: 9/18/1987 (Emer.), 11/13/1988
Rule 123:1-7-22 | Reassignments resulting in placing an employee in step X.

(A) An employee may be placed in step X pursuant to section 124.14 of the Revised Code only as a result of any of the following:

(1) A position audit conducted in accordance with rule 123:1-3-01 of the Administrative Code;

(2) A class plan change;

(3) A classification assigned by the state personnel board of review or an arbitrator's decision; or

(4) At the approval of the director.

(B) An employee who is assigned into a lower classification will be placed in the step within the new pay range that provides the employee with compensation that is equal to his or her current rate or that provides the least amount of increase, but no decrease, in pay. Appointing authorities will consider all applicable pay supplements to ensure that an employee reassigned pursuant to this rule does not receive a decrease in pay. If the employee's base rate of pay exceeds the maximum rate of pay in the new pay range, the employee will be placed in step X.

(C) An employee placed in step X shall not receive an increase in compensation until the maximum rate of pay for the employee's classification exceeds the employee's base rate of pay.

Last updated April 4, 2024 at 12:53 AM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 124.09
Amplifies: 124.14
Five Year Review Date: 7/14/2025
Prior Effective Dates: 11/10/1996, 1/2/2011