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This website publishes administrative rules on their effective dates, as designated by the adopting state agencies, colleges, and universities.

Chapter 103-5 | Format for Bills, Acts and Joint Resolutions

Rule 103-5-01 | Forms indicating statutory amendment and enactment.

A legislative action to amend or enact a codified or uncodified statutory section is indicated in bills and enrolled acts according to the following principles:

(A) New matter that is to be inserted into an existing codified or uncodified section is indicated by inserting the new matter, underlined, into the section at the appropriate place, in the same form as it is to appear in the resulting law.

(B) Old matter that is to be omitted from an existing codified or uncodified section is indicated by retaining the matter as it appears in the section and striking it through with a horizontal line.

(C) A new codified section that is to be added to the law is indicated by presenting the section, underlined, in the same form as it is to appear in the resulting law.

(D) A new uncodified section that is to be added to the law is indicated by presenting the section, without underlining, in the same form as it is to appear in the resulting law.

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 101.53
Amplifies: 101.53
Five Year Review Date: 6/29/2025
Rule 103-5-02 | Forms indicating proposed constitutional amendments.

A legislative proposal to amend or enact a section of the Ohio Constitution is indicated in a joint resolution the same as an amendment to or an enactment of a codified statutory section in a bill.

A legislative proposal of a schedule, or of an amending, enacting, repeal, effective date, or other special clause, applying to a proposed amendment of the Ohio Constitution is indicated in a joint resolution the same as an enactment of a new uncodified statutory section in a bill.

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 101.53
Amplifies: 101.53
Five Year Review Date: 6/29/2025